675 research outputs found

    Little Ice Age glacial systems and related natural instability processes in the Orco Valley (North-Western Italy)

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    Glaciated and recently (post-Little Ice Age) deglaciated areas are very dynamic environments, undergoing continuous changes, in particular as a consequence of climatic fluctuations and cryosphere changes. The intense geomorphic activity that takes place here conditions natural hazard, sediment transport and tourist fruition. A geo-morphological mapping with applicative purposes has to take into account the peculiarities and the dynamism of these specific areas. We here propose a methodological approach based on the interpretation of a multitemporal set of aerial photos (from 1983 to 2012), in a GIS environment, with application to the sectors modeled by Little Ice Age glaciers in the upper Orco Valley (NW Italy). The result is a geo-morphological map focused on the elements that are most relevant for application purposes, complemented by a map of the spatio-temporal distribution of the natural instability processes identified in the study area for the reference period, aimed to highlight the recent dynamism of the geomorphological elements in the map

    From Thinking to Raging: Reflexes of Indo-European *men- Polysemy in Homer

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    This paper aims at investigating the semantic value of the verb \u3bc\u3b1\u3af\u3bd\u3bf\u3bc\u3b1\u3b9 \u201cto rage, to be furious\u201d in Homeric Greek, in order to clarify the striking semantic relationship between the common \u2018irrational\u2019 meaning of the verb and the original \u2018rational\u2019 meaning of the Indo European root *men \u201cto think\u201d, to which the verb traces back. The corresponding words for \u3bc\u3b1\u3af\u3bd\u3bf\u3bc\u3b1\u3b9 in other Indo European languages (e.g. OInd. m\ue1nyat\u113 ; Av. mainyeite ; OIr. (do)moiniur ; OCS m\u44anjo ; Lit. miniu ) can be translated as \u201cto think\u201d, thus showing an opposite meaning. From a textual analysis of all the occurrences of \u3bc\u3b1\u3af\u3bd\u3bf\u3bc\u3b1\u3b9 in the Iliad and the Odyssey, the study aims at finding semantic traces of the original meaning \u201cto think\u201d belonging to the Indo European root *men --, in order to account for the apparently impossible semantic relationship between the verb and the original root. Textual data show a significant polysemy of \u3bc\u3b1\u3af\u3bd\u3bf\u3bc\u3b1\u3b9, which refers to particular psychosomatic dynamics and which can be explained by taking into account t he Homeric \u2018body mind\u2019 association and the role of the heart as the crucial organ which supervises all the vital functions, including the psychic and the cognitive ones

    Volume 9. Article 5. Studies on the marine resources of southern New England. V. Parasites and diseases of the ocean pout, Macrozoarces americanus.

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    Finite-element simulation of residual stress induced by split-sleeve cold-expansion process of holes

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    A three-dimensional finite-element simulation was conducted for a split-sleeve cold-expansion process in order to determine the residual stress field around an expanded hole. The commercial FEA software DEFORM-3D\u2122, a Lagrangian implicit code designed for metal forming processes, was used to model the cold-expansion process of a fastener hole. The results show a through-thickness residual stress field in good agreement with the analytical solution developed by Guo. Moreover, the simulation has highlighted the effect of the split sleeve and the plate thickness on the residual stress field. \ua9 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Multimodal therapy in the management of MOH. a 3-year experience

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    The relationship between migraine and psychopathology has been clinically discussed in various studies. Medication-overuse headache (MOH) has been often found comorbid with emotional disturbances and disordered personality traits [1,2]

    Indagine sperimentale sui segnali sonori all’interno dei rotabili per la diagnosi dello stato dell’armamento ferroviario

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    The maintenance of track provides an relatively frequent operations. A good maintenance-planning allows to reduce the interference between rail traffic and maintenance operations. It is necessary so to use a monitoring system of track conditions. In this paper is showed an indirect monitoring system that correlates track conditions and typical spectrum of in-cab noise. The first results of experimental survey are reported

    Detection of disbonds in multilayer structures by laser-based ultrasonic technique

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    Adhesively bonded multi-layer structures are frequently used, mostly in the aerospace industry, for their structural efficiency. Nondestructive evaluation of bond integrity in these types of structures, both after manufacturing and for periodic inspection during service, is extremely important. A laser-based ultrasonic technique has been evaluated for non-contact detection of disbonds in aluminum multi-layer structures. Two configurations have been used to detect disbonded areas: pitch-catch with unidirectional guided wave scan and through-transmission with bidirectional scan. Guided wave scanning was done with a laser line source and air-coupled transducer sensing at 500 kHz, 1 ;MHz, and 2 MHz. Signals showed attenuation of the main frequency component and frequency shift on disbonded areas, whereas, a regular and standard waveform is seen outside disbonds. In through-transmission the longitudinal wave at normal incidence was monitored with a 1 MHz probe. One sample showed, besides the introduced inserts, other disbonded areas. After the ultrasonic measurements the sample was cut to visually check adhesive and interfaces. The guided wave pitch-catch scan allowed fast inspection and quick indication of disbonded zones, while the through-transmission C-Scan provided better definition of defects but was slower and required access from both sides of the test part
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