838 research outputs found

    The Pictor Technique: Exploring Collaborative Working in Nursing

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    Pictor is a graphical visual technique with its origins in personal construct psychology and phenomenology. It was developed to explore experiences of collaborative working in health and social care contexts, but may be used in any setting where people with different backgrounds or perspectives need to interact around a specific task or goal. In this case study, we outline the principles behind the method and describe how it is used to collect data, and how such data may be analysed. We present a case example from a recent study of collaborative working among nurses and other professionals in relation to the care of people with cancer and long-term conditions. We conclude by reflecting on the strengths and weaknesses of the technique

    Colaizzi’s descriptive phenomenological method

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    Supporting people with active and advanced disease: a rapid review of the evidence

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    1.1 Background: the NCSI AAD group The National Cancer Survivorship Initiative (NCSI, 2010) was set up in response to the NHS Cancer Reform Strategy (Department of Health, 2007) as a collaboration between Macmillan Cancer Support, the Department of Health and NHS Improvement, with the goal to achieve a better understanding of the experiences of cancer survivors and to advocate for the provision of services to support them. Within this broad remit, it was recognised that there was a particular group of patients whose needs were commonly neglected; people who were experiencing the ongoing effects of cancer beyond first-line treatment but who were not at end of life. The Active and Advanced Disease (AAD) working group was created to consider issues of relevance to such people. 1.2 Aims of this review This project set out to meet the following aim: To review the literature on selected cancers in order to identify implications for the development of services to support patients experiencing difficulties associated with active and advanced disease

    "It's not just about the patient, it's the families too.": End of life care in the home environment

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    Introduction: Most people when asked say they would prefer to die at home. However, ‘Death in Usual Place of Residence’ (DiUPR) does not give any real insight into the quality and experiences of care received. Additionally, DiUPR involves other family members resident in the home environment and their needs, preferences and experiences also need consideration. Aim(s) and Method(s): The aim of this work was to explore the experiences of patients and informal caregivers receiving at-home care from a specialist palliative care service. We undertook individual interviews with 11 patients and 10 significant others. We used the Pictor technique, a novel interview tool used to sensitively explore networks of support and experiences of palliative care. Interviews were analysed thematically. Results: Caring for a loved one at home was acknowledged as draining, but participants were effusive about the excellent at-home professional support they received from the specialist service. The care provided evidently recognised the needs of both patients and their families. Effective co-ordination of care, including liaison with other services was especially appreciated. Conclusion(s): With increasing trends towards DiUPR, it is vital that there are sufficient well-resourced palliative care services available in the community to support both patients and their families at the end of life. Pictor is a useful means to obtain detailed insight into individual experiences of end of life care. Care co-ordination emerged as key concern for patients receiving End of Life Care and their families

    The Practice of Dyadic Interviewing: Strengths, Limitations and Key Decisions

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    Dyadic interviews, in which two participants are interviewed together, are becoming more popular in qualitative research, but are much less discussed in the methodological literature than individual and group forms. In this article, we consider the nature and value of dyadic interviews, recognizing them as active, relational encounters, shaped by what all parties bring to them, and infused with issues of power. Drawing on our research on altruistic motivation which involved 47 dyadic interviews conducted with 94 individuals and post-interview feedback from participants, we demonstrate the strengths and point out some of the potential pitfalls associated with the dyadic format, focusing on the practical and ethical issues in defining and recruiting dyads and the practice of conducting such interviews. We provide recommendations for researchers interested in using this method, and suggest research priorities for the further development of dyadic interviewing.Dyadische Interviews, bei denen zwei Teilnehmer*innen gemeinsam befragt werden, erfreuen sich in der qualitativen Forschung zunehmender Beliebtheit, werden aber in der methodologischen Literatur weit weniger diskutiert als Einzel- und Gruppenformen. In diesem Artikel befassen wir uns mit dem Wesen und dem Wert dyadischer Interviews, wobei wir sie als aktive, relationale Begegnungen betrachten, die von dem geprĂ€gt sind, was alle Beteiligten einbringen, und die mit Fragen der Macht verbunden sind. Auf der Grundlage unserer Forschungsarbeit zu altruistischer Motivation, die 47 dyadische Interviews mit 94 Personen und deren Feedback nach den Interviews umfasste, zeigen wir die StĂ€rken des dyadischen Formats auf und weisen auf einige der potenziellen Fallstricke hin, die mit ihm verbunden sind, wobei wir uns auf praktische und ethische Fragen der Definition und Rekrutierung von Dyaden sowie auf die Praxis der DurchfĂŒhrung solcher Interviews konzentrieren. Wir geben Empfehlungen fĂŒr Forscher*innen, die an der Anwendung dieser Methode interessiert sind und schlagen ForschungsprioritĂ€ten fĂŒr deren weitere Entwicklung vor

    Are work-integrated learning (WIL) students better equipped psychologically for work post-graduation than their non-work-integrated learning peers? Some initial findings from a UK university

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    Work-integrated learning (WIL) provides an opportunity to develop the skills, knowledge, competence, and experience, which increase employability and lead to more satisfying careers. Research indicates that WIL results in improved academic- and occupationally-related outcomes. However, there is a paucity of quantitative research examining the psychological impact of WIL. The study aimed to determine whether students who pursue WIL in the UK, differ significantly in terms of self-concept, self-efficacy, hope, study skills, motivation, and procrastination than students who have not participated in WIL. The methodology used a cross-sectional analysis of a large sample (n=716) of undergraduate students at the University of Huddersfield, UK. Results showed significant differences predominantly centred upon measures which pertain to students’ confidence in setting and attaining goals. The increased hope and confidence in goal attainment suggest that gaining work experience perhaps enhances the ability to set and achieve goals once in the work force. (Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 2013, 14(2), 117-125) Keywords: Employability; Psychological factors; Work-integrated learning; Placement; Confidence; Self estee

    Exploring the role of the Tissue Viability Nurse

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    Aim: To explore the role and identify key responsibilities of the Tissue Viability Nurse (TVN) in the UK. Methods: Mixed methodology using questionnaires distributed via SurveyMonkey and semi-structured interviews. Results: 261 respondents completed the online questionnaire and seven participated in semi-structured interviews. Of the 261 respondents to the questionnaire, 63.7% were employed as TVNs. Almost all respondents claimed to have access to a tissue viability service and the mean TVN team size was 4.7. Some 81.9% of respondents stated they had a team vision, with 75.9% stating that their service had set criteria for referrals. Analysis showed a statistical significance (χ2 (1)=16.6; p<0.001) between TVNs’ and non-TVNs’ knowledge of the referral criteria, with the latter being more aware. There was a variety of other titles used for the role, with interviewees affirming this was poorly understood by patients. Discussion: The results of this study identified that there is no national job title for the TVN role. Data identified that patients do not fully understand the title ‘Tissue Viability Nurse’. The TVN role is complex and not just about the management of a wound. However, what is also clear from the analysis of the data is that there are no clear criteria, or educational level, for the role. Data also suggest that review of current service provision, including partnership working with the multidisciplinary team and industry, is required to develop national competencies, guidance and quality assurance measures
