183 research outputs found

    Análisis de la calidad de vida en madres puérperas

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    La calidad de vida en madres puérperas es un tema de reciente interés, con pocos referentes, a pesar de ser una condición vital de las personas y ahora con el nuevo ser que ha llegado. Por tal motivo el objetivo que se planteo fue determinar cuáles son los indicadores de bienestar subjetivo y objetivo que perciben las madres en este periodo llevar a cabo dicha investigación se utilizo la escala de Percepción de la Calidad de Vida -WBI- creada por Cummins (2003). Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que las mujeres en el período postparto inmediato evalúan su vida en general como muy satisfecha. Asimismo, se puede observar que los indicadores de bienestar subjetivo están por encima de los del bienestar objetivo. Esto se debe a que las percepciones de las madres acerca de su salud física, emocional y social influyen en su capacidad para desarrollar los recursos internos. Y que dicha satisfacción con los indicadores de la dimensión subjetiva en forma positiva representa la evaluación del mundo interno que hacen las madres en el período postparto inmediato (Coyle, 2009).Quality of life in puerperal mothers is a very interesting topic but with few researches. For these reason the objective of this text is determinate the main indicators of subjective well-being, using Perception Quality of Life Scale –WBI-created by Cummins (2003). The results show women immediately after birth evaluate life as a “satisfactory”. The indicators of subjective well-being are higher than objective wellbeing. It could be because perceptions of mothers about physical, emotional and social health influence capacity to develop personality compounds. The satisfaction with indicators of subjective dimension in positive way represents internal world evaluation that mothers make immediately after birth (Coyle, 2009).Fil: Nieri, Liliana Paola. Universidad de Palermo. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Departamento de Psicología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Análisis de la calidad de vida en madres puérperas

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    La calidad de vida en madres puérperas es un tema de reciente interés, con pocos referentes, a pesar de ser una condición vital de las personas y ahora con el nuevo ser que ha llegado. Por tal motivo el objetivo que se planteo fue determinar cuáles son los indicadores de bienestar subjetivo y objetivo que perciben las madres en este periodo llevar a cabo dicha investigación se utilizo la escala de Percepción de la Calidad de Vida -WBI- creada por Cummins (2003). Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que las mujeres en el período postparto inmediato evalúan su vida en general como muy satisfecha. Asimismo, se puede observar que los indicadores de bienestar subjetivo están por encima de los del bienestar objetivo. Esto se debe a que las percepciones de las madres acerca de su salud física, emocional y social influyen en su capacidad para desarrollar los recursos internos. Y que dicha satisfacción con los indicadores de la dimensión subjetiva en forma positiva representa la evaluación del mundo interno que hacen las madres en el período postparto inmediato (Coyle, 2009).Quality of life in puerperal mothers is a very interesting topic but with few researches. For these reason the objective of this text is determinate the main indicators of subjective well-being, using Perception Quality of Life Scale –WBI-created by Cummins (2003). The results show women immediately after birth evaluate life as a “satisfactory”. The indicators of subjective well-being are higher than objective wellbeing. It could be because perceptions of mothers about physical, emotional and social health influence capacity to develop personality compounds. The satisfaction with indicators of subjective dimension in positive way represents internal world evaluation that mothers make immediately after birth (Coyle, 2009).Fil: Nieri, Liliana Paola. Universidad de Palermo. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Departamento de Psicología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Intervención paliativa desde la psicología perinatal

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    La psicología perinatal, es un nueva rama que pertenece a la psicología de la primera infancia, la misma abarca el embarazo, parto, puerperio y los primeros meses de vida del niño. Una de las modalidades de trabajo del psicólogo perinatal es acompañar la guardia de neonatología y obstetricia, es decir, que la modalidad de su trabajo es interdisciplinario. Es necesario considerar que el psicólogo perinatal opera bajo la metáfora de “psicólogo de trinchera” –es decir, que opera mientras suceden los hechos–, es por eso que debe tener flexibilidad teórica y práctica, ya que aborda diferentes situaciones. En relación a las investigaciones sobre los cuidados paliativos, se ha hallado poca teoría acerca de la función del psicólogo perinatal y el desarrollo de los mismos. Esto me llevo a plantear cuales son los pasos e intervenciones que debería hacer el psicólogo en estas situaciones. Es decir, que el objetivo de este trabajo es explicar qué son los cuidados paliativos y como se aplican estos conceptos en el campo de la psicología perinatal. Asimismo, se creará una guía para poder ilustrar los pasos realizados en este tipo de intervenciones.Perinatal psychology is a new branch belonging to the psychology of early childhood; it covers pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and early life of the child. One method of perinatal psychologist’s work is to accompany the guard neonatology and obstetrics, namely that the pattern of his work is interdisciplinary. It is necessary to consider the perinatal psychologist operates under the metaphor of “psychologist trenches” –that is, which operates the facts as they happen– that’s why we must have the flexibility theory and practice, addressing different situations. In relation to palliative care research, has found little theory about the role of perinatal psychologist and developing them. This brings me to what steps and interventions that a psychologist should do in these situations. This means that the objective of this paper is to explain what is palliative care, which is the neonatal bereavement and how they apply these concepts in the field of perinatal psychology. Also, the use of a case as an example, to illustrate the steps taken in this type of intervention.Fil: Nieri, Liliana Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Palermo; Argentin

    Intervención paliativa desde la psicología perinatal

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    La psicología perinatal, es un nueva rama que pertenece a la psicología de la primera infancia, la misma abarca el embarazo, parto, puerperio y los primeros meses de vida del niño. Una de las modalidades de trabajo del psicólogo perinatal es acompañar la guardia de neonatología y obstetricia, es decir, que la modalidad de su trabajo es interdisciplinario. Es necesario considerar que el psicólogo perinatal opera bajo la metáfora de “psicólogo de trinchera” –es decir, que opera mientras suceden los hechos–, es por eso que debe tener flexibilidad teórica y práctica, ya que aborda diferentes situaciones. En relación a las investigaciones sobre los cuidados paliativos, se ha hallado poca teoría acerca de la función del psicólogo perinatal y el desarrollo de los mismos. Esto me llevo a plantear cuales son los pasos e intervenciones que debería hacer el psicólogo en estas situaciones. Es decir, que el objetivo de este trabajo es explicar qué son los cuidados paliativos y como se aplican estos conceptos en el campo de la psicología perinatal. Asimismo, se creará una guía para poder ilustrar los pasos realizados en este tipo de intervenciones.Perinatal psychology is a new branch belonging to the psychology of early childhood; it covers pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and early life of the child. One method of perinatal psychologist’s work is to accompany the guard neonatology and obstetrics, namely that the pattern of his work is interdisciplinary. It is necessary to consider the perinatal psychologist operates under the metaphor of “psychologist trenches” –that is, which operates the facts as they happen– that’s why we must have the flexibility theory and practice, addressing different situations. In relation to palliative care research, has found little theory about the role of perinatal psychologist and developing them. This brings me to what steps and interventions that a psychologist should do in these situations. This means that the objective of this paper is to explain what is palliative care, which is the neonatal bereavement and how they apply these concepts in the field of perinatal psychology. Also, the use of a case as an example, to illustrate the steps taken in this type of intervention.Fil: Nieri, Liliana Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Palermo; Argentin

    Metas de aprendizaje y rasgos de personalidad como predictores del bienestar en cadetes de una institución policial

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate whether academic motivation and personality traits predict the welfare of police cadets, while analyzing differences in well-being according to sex and age. The sample consisted of 411 cadets with an average age of 24.08 years (SD = 3.18) belonging to a state police institution. The instruments used were BFI (Big Five Inventory), EMA – M (Learning Goal Scale), MHC– SF (Mental Health Continuum - Short Form) and a sociodemographic questionnaire. The results obtained showed that the greatest positive predictors of well-being were extraversion (t = 3.412; ß = .157; p < .01); pleasantness (t = 2,901; ß =.144; p < .01); responsibility (t = 3.851; ß = 195; p < .01) and goals in relation to learning and mastery of knowledge (t = 2.446; ß = .103; p <.05). Similarly, it was found that the only negative predictor was the personality trait neuroticism (t = -3.555; ß = -.184; p < .01). Likewise, it was found that there are statistically significant differences in the social well-being (t(410 ) =  1.816, p < .05) between men and women. Finally, it was found that the psychological well-being varied according to age (F(2,411),  p < .05) where the older age group presented higher levels of psychological well-being. In terms of total well-being (F(2,411), p < .05), it was found that the greater the age, the greater the total well-being. In view of the results obtained, it can be affirmed that both the personality and the motivation for learning are variables that predict the total well-being of the students. Likewise, it is recorded that levels of well-being vary according to gender and age.La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo investigar si la motivación académica y los rasgos de personalidad predicen el bienestar de los cadetes de policía, a la vez que se analizaron diferencias en el bienestar según sexo y edad. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 411 cadetes con una media de edad de 24.08 años (DT = 3.18) pertenecientes a una institución policial estatal. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: el BFI (Big Five Inventory), EMA – M (Escala de Metas de Aprendizaje), MHC-SF (Mental Health Continuum – Short Form) y un cuestionario sociodemográfico. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron comprobar que los mayores predictores positivos del bienestar fueron extraversión (t = 3.412; ß = .157; p < .01); agradabilidad (t = 2.901; ß = .144; p < .01); responsabilidad (t = 3.851; ß = .195; p < .001) y metas en relación con el aprendizaje y el dominio de los conocimientos (t = 2.446; ß = .103; p < .05). De igual manera se halló que el único predictor negativo fue el rasgo de personalidad neuroticismo (t = -3.555; ß = -.184; p < .01). Asimismo, se encontró que existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la dimensión bienestar social (t(410) = 1.816; p <.05) entre hombres y mujeres. Finalmente, se halló que la dimensión bienestar psicológico variaba según edad (F(2,411); p < .05), donde el grupo de mayor edad presenta mayores niveles de bienestar psicológico. En cuanto al bienestar total (F (2,411); p < .05), se encontró que, a mayor edad, mayor es el bienestar total. En vista de los resultados obtenidos, puede afirmarse que tanto la personalidad como la motivación por el aprendizaje son variables que predicen el bienestar total de los estudiantes. Asimismo, se deja constancia que los niveles de bienestar varían en función del género y la edad

    Circulating MicroRNAs in Cutaneous Melanoma Diagnosis and Prognosis

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    Cutaneous melanoma represents a challenge for pharmacologists and clinicians due to their high degree of genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity. The identification of new non-invasive and informative biomarkers would therefore represent a substantial step to adequately treat melanoma patients. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small non-coding RNAs that play an important role as negative regulators of gene expression. Several studies have demonstrated their correlation with disease status in different types of cancer including melanoma. Extracellular miRNAs are released from both tumor cells and/or normal cells. MiRNAs do not circulate freely in biological fluids but they are incorporated into extracellular vesicles or form complexes with lipids and proteins. Circulating miRNAs may represent potential biomarkers of cutaneous melanoma diagnosis and patient prognosis. Longitudinal monitoring of cell-free miRNAs in biological fluids of melanoma patients could help clinicians to predict disease progression before the tumor becomes resistant to a given drug. However, to confirm their clinical utility it will be necessary to validate the best available technique for their detection and quantification and to test selected miRNAs in prospective clinical trials

    Cholinesterase-like organocatalysis by imidazole and imidazole-bearing molecules

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    Organocatalysis, which is mostly explored for its new potential industrial applications, also represents a chemical event involved in endogenous processes. In the present study, we provide the first evidence that imidazole and imidazole derivatives have cholinesterase-like properties since they can accelerate the hydrolysis of acetylthiocholine and propionylthiocholine in a concentration-dependent manner. The natural imidazole-containing molecules as L-histidine and histamine show a catalytic activity, comparable to that of imidazole itself, whereas synthetic molecules, as cimetidine and clonidine, were less active. In the experimental conditions used, the reaction progress curves were sigmoidal and the rational of such unexpected behavior as well as the mechanism of catalysis is discussed. Although indirectly, findings of the present study suggests that imidazolic compounds may interfere with the homeostasis of the cholinergic system in vivo

    Luteolin Prevents Cardiometabolic Alterations and Vascular Dysfunction in Mice With HFD-Induced Obesity

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    Purpose: Luteolin exerts beneficial effects against obesity-associated comorbidities, although its influence on vascular dysfunction remains undetermined. We examined the effects of luteolin on endothelial dysfunction in a mouse model of diet-induced obesity. Methods: Standard diet (SD) or high-fat diet (HFD)-fed mice were treated daily with luteolin intragastrically. After 8 weeks, body and epididymal fat weight, as well as blood cholesterol, glucose, and triglycerides were evaluated. Endothelium-dependent relaxations of resistance mesenteric vessels was assessed by a concentration-response curve to acetylcholine, repeated upon Nw-nitro-L-arginine methylester (L-NAME) or ascorbic acid infusion to investigate the influence of nitric oxide (NO) availability and reactive oxygen species (ROS) on endothelial function, respectively. Intravascular ROS production and TNF levels were measured by dihydroethidium dye and ELISA, respectively. Endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) and superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), as well as microRNA-214-3p expression were examined by Western blot and RT-PCR assays, respectively. Results: HFD animals displayed elevated body weight, epididymal fat weight and metabolic indexes. Endothelium-dependent relaxation was resistant to L-NAME and enhanced by ascorbic acid, which restored also the inhibitory effect of L-NAME, suggesting a ROS-dependent reduction of NO availability in HFD vessels. Moreover, media-lumen ratio, intravascular superoxide anion and TNF levels were increased, while vascular eNOS, SOD1, and microRNA-214-3p expression were decreased. In HFD mice, luteolin counteracted the increase in body and epididymal fat weight, and metabolic alterations. Luteolin restored vascular endothelial NO availability, normalized the media-lumen ratio, decreased ROS and TNF levels, and normalized eNOS, SOD1 and microRNA-214-3p expression. Conclusion: Luteolin prevents systemic metabolic alterations and vascular dysfunction associated with obesity, likely through antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms

    miRNA Modulation and Antitumor Activity by the Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Polyphenol Oleacein in Human Melanoma Cells

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    Extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) polyphenols contribute to Mediterranean diet health- promoting properties. One of the most abundant secoiridoid present in EVOO, Oleacein (OA), demonstrated anticancer activity against several tumors. Nevertheless, its role against melanoma has not still investigated. This study aimed at determining in vitro the antimelanoma activity of OA and the relative mechanism of action. OA induced cell growth inhibition in 501Mel melanoma cells with an IC50 in the low micromolar range of concentrations. Moreover, an OA concentration approximating the IC50 induced G1/S phase arrest, DNA fragmentation, and downregulation of genes encoding antiapoptotic (BCL2 and MCL1) and proproliferative (c-KIT, K-RAS, PIK3R3, mTOR) proteins, while increased transcription levels of the proapoptotic protein BAX. Concordantly, OA increased the levels of miR-193a-3p (targeting MCL1, c-KIT and K-RAS), miR-193a-5p (targeting PIK3R3 and mTOR), miR-34a-5p (targeting BCL2 and c-KIT) and miR-16-5p (miR-16-5p targeting BCL2, K-RAS and mTOR), while decreased miR-214-3p (targeting BAX). These modulatory effects might contribute to the inhibition of 501Mel melanoma cell growth observed after treatment with an olive leaves-derived formulation rich in OA, with potential application against in situ cutaneous melanoma. Altogether, these results demonstrate the ability of OA to contrast the proliferation of cutaneous melanoma cells through the transcriptional modulation of relevant genes and microRNAs, confirming the anticancer potential of EVOO and suggesting OA as a chemopreventive agent for cancer disease therapy

    Intake of Natural Compounds and Circulating microRNA Expression Levels: Their Relationship Investigated in Healthy Subjects With Different Dietary Habits

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    Diet has a strong influence on many physiological processes, which in turn have important implications on a variety of pathological conditions. In this respect, microRNAs (miRNAs), a class of small non-coding RNAs playing a relevant epigenetic role in controlling gene expression, may represent mediators between the dietary intake and the healthy status. Despite great advances in the field of nutri-epigenomics, it remains unclear how miRNA expression is modulated by the diet and, specifically, the intake of specific nutrients. We investigated the whole circulating miRNome by small RNA-sequencing performed on plasma samples of 120 healthy volunteers with different dietary habits (vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores). Dietary intakes of specific nutrients were estimated for each subject from the information reported in the food-frequency questionnaire previously validated in the EPIC study. We focused hereby on the intake of 23 natural compounds (NCs) of the classes of lipids, micro-elements, and vitamins. We identified 78 significant correlations (rho > 0.300, p-value < 0.05) among the estimated daily intake of 13 NCs and the expression levels of 58 plasma miRNAs. Overall, vitamin D, sodium, and vitamin E correlated with the largest number of miRNAs. All the identified correlations were consistent among the three dietary groups and 22 of them were confirmed as significant (p-value < 0.05) by age-, gender-, and body-mass index-adjusted Generalized Linear regression Model analysis. miR-23a-3p expression levels were related with different NCs including a significant positive correlation with sodium (rho = 0.377) and significant negative correlations with lipid-related NCs and vitamin E. Conversely, the estimated intake of vitamin D was negatively correlated with the expression of the highest number of circulating miRNAs, particularly miR-1277-5p (rho = −0.393) and miR-144-3p (rho = −0.393). Functional analysis of the targets of sodium intake-correlated miRNAs highlighted terms related to cardiac development. A similar approach on targets of those miRNAs correlated with vitamin D intake showed an enrichment in genes involved in hormone metabolisms, while the response to chronic inflammation was among the top enriched processes involving targets of miRNAs negatively related with vitamin E intake. Our findings show that nutrients through the habitual diet influence circulating miRNA profiles and highlight that this aspect must be considered in the nutri-epigenomic research