40 research outputs found

    Local expression of tumor necrosis factor-receptor 1:immunoglobulin G can induce salivary gland dysfunction in a murine model of Sjögren's syndrome

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    Tumor necrosis factor is a pleiotropic cytokine with potent immune regulatory functions. Although tumor necrosis factor inhibitors have demonstrated great utility in treating other autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, there are conflicting results in Sjögren's syndrome. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of a locally expressed tumor necrosis factor inhibitor on the salivary gland function and histopathology in an animal model of Sjögren's syndrome. Using in vivo adeno associated viral gene transfer, we have stably expressed soluble tumor necrosis factor-receptor 1-Fc fusion protein locally in the salivary glands in the Non Obese Diabetic model of Sjögren's syndrome. Pilocarpine stimulated saliva flow was measured to address the salivary gland function and salivary glands were analyzed for focus score and cytokine profiles. Additionally, cytokines and autoantibody levels were measured in plasma. Local expression of tumor necrosis factor-receptor 1:immunoglobulin G fusion protein resulted in decreased saliva flow over time. While no change in lymphocytic infiltrates or autoantibody levels was detected, statistically significant increased levels of tumor growth factor-beta1 and decreased levels of interleukin-5, interleukin-12p70 and interleukin -17 were detected in the salivary glands. In contrast, plasma levels showed significantly decreased levels of tumor growth factor-beta1 and increased levels of interleukin-4, interferon-gamma, interleukin-10 and interleukin-12p70. Our findings suggest that expression of tumor necrosis factor inhibitors in the salivary gland can have a negative effect on salivary gland function and that other cytokines should be explored as points for therapeutic intervention in Sjögren's syndrom

    Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients With Cutibacterium acnes Endocarditis

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    Importance: It is suggested that patients with Cutibacterium acnes endocarditis often present without fever or abnormal inflammatory markers. However, no study has yet confirmed this statement. Objective: To assess the clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with C acnes endocarditis. Design, Setting, and Participants: A case series of 105 patients presenting to 7 hospitals in the Netherlands and France (4 university hospitals and 3 teaching hospitals) with definite endocarditis according to the modified Duke criteria between January 1, 2010, and December 31, 2020, was performed. Clinical characteristics and outcomes were retrieved from medical records. Cases were identified by blood or valve and prosthesis cultures positive for C acnes, retrieved from the medical microbiology databases. Infected pacemaker or internal cardioverter defibrillator lead cases were excluded. Statistical analysis was performed in November 2022. Main Outcomes and Measures: Main outcomes included symptoms at presentation, presence of prosthetic valve endocarditis, laboratory test results at presentation, time to positive results of blood cultures, 30-day and 1-year mortality rates, type of treatment (conservative or surgical), and endocarditis relapse rates. Results: A total of 105 patients (mean [SD] age, 61.1 [13.9] years; 96 men [91.4%]; 93 patients [88.6%] with prosthetic valve endocarditis) were identified and included. Seventy patients (66.7%) did not experience fever prior to hospital admission, nor was it present at hospitalization. The median C-reactive protein level was 3.6 mg/dL (IQR, 1.2-7.5 mg/dL), and the median leukocyte count was 10.0 × 103/µL (IQR, 8.2-12.2 × 103/µL). The median time to positive blood culture results was 7 days (IQR, 6-9 days). Surgery or reoperation was indicated for 88 patients and performed for 80 patients. Not performing the indicated surgical procedure was associated with high mortality rates. Seventeen patients were treated conservatively, in accordance with the European Society of Cardiology guideline; these patients showed relatively high rates of endocarditis recurrence (5 of 17 [29.4%]). Conclusions and Relevance: This case series suggests that C acnes endocarditis was seen predominantly among male patients with prosthetic heart valves. Diagnosing C acnes endocarditis is difficult due to its atypical presentation, with frequent absence of fever and inflammatory markers. The prolonged time to positivity of blood culture results further delays the diagnostic process. Not performing a surgical procedure when indicated seems to be associated with higher mortality rates. For prosthetic valve endocarditis with small vegetations, there should be a low threshold for surgery because this group seems prone to endocarditis recurrence.</p

    Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Improve Salivary Function and Reduce Lymphocytic Infiltrates in Mice with Sjögren's-Like Disease

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    Non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice develop Sjögren's-like disease (SS-like) with loss of saliva flow and increased lymphocytic infiltrates in salivary glands (SGs). There are recent reports using multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) as a therapeutic strategy for autoimmune diseases due to their anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory capabilities. This paper proposed a combined immuno- and cell-based therapy consisting of: A) an injection of complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) to eradicate autoreactive T lymphocytes, and B) transplantations of MSCs to reselect lymphocytes. The objective of this was to test the effectiveness of CD45(-)/TER119(-) cells (MSCs) in re-establishing salivary function and in reducing the number of lymphocytic infiltrates (foci) in SGs. The second objective was to study if the mechanisms underlying a decrease in inflammation (focus score) was due to CFA, MSCs, or CFA+MSCs combined.Donor MSCs were isolated from bones of male transgenic eGFP mice. Eight week-old female NOD mice received one of the following treatments: insulin, CFA, MSC, or CFA+MSC (combined therapy). Mice were followed for 14 weeks post-therapy. CD45(-)/TER119(-) cells demonstrated characteristics of MSCs as they were positive for Sca-1, CD106, CD105, CD73, CD29, CD44, negative for CD45, TER119, CD11b, had high number of CFU-F, and differentiated into osteocytes, chondrocytes and adipocytes. Both MSC and MSC+CFA groups prevented loss of saliva flow and reduced lymphocytic infiltrations in SGs. Moreover, the influx of T and B cells decreased in all foci in MSC and MSC+CFA groups, while the frequency of Foxp3(+) (T(reg)) cell was increased. MSC-therapy alone reduced inflammation (TNF-α, TGF-β), but the combination of MSC+CFA reduced inflammation and increased the regenerative potential of SGs (FGF-2, EGF).The combined use of MSC+CFA was effective in both preventing saliva secretion loss and reducing lymphocytic influx in salivary glands

    Location of Immunization and Interferon-γ Are Central to Induction of Salivary Gland Dysfunction in Ro60 Peptide Immunized Model of Sjögren's Syndrome

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    INTRODUCTION: Anti-Ro antibodies can be found in the serum of the majority of patients with Sjögren's syndrome (SS). Immunization with a 60-kDa Ro peptide has been shown to induce SS-like symptoms in mice. The aim of this study was to investigate factors involved in salivary gland (SG) dysfunction after immunization and to test whether the induction of SS could be improved. METHODS: Ro60 peptide immunization was tested in Balb/c mice, multiple antigenic peptide (MAP)-Ro60 and Pertussis toxin (PTX) were tested in SJL/J mice. In addition, two injection sites were compared in these two strains: the abdominal area and the tailbase. Each group of mice was tested for a loss of SG function, SG lymphocytic infiltration, anti-Ro and anti-La antibody formation, and cytokine production in cultured cells or homogenized SG extracts. RESULTS: Ro60 peptide immunization in the abdominal area of female Balb/c mice led to impaired SG function, which corresponded with increased Th1 cytokines (IFN-γ and IL-12) systemically and locally in the SG. Moreover, changing the immunization conditions to MAP-Ro60 in the abdominal area, and to lesser extend in the tailbase, also led to impaired SG function in SJL/J mice. As was seen in the Balb/c mice, increased IFN-γ in the SG draining lymph nodes accompanied the SG dysfunction. However, no correlation was observed with anti-MAP-Ro60 antibody titers, and there was no additional effect on disease onset or severity. CONCLUSIONS: Effective induction of salivary gland dysfunction after Ro60 peptide immunization depended on the site of injection. Disease induction was not affected by changing the immunization conditions. However, of interest is that the mechanism of action of Ro60 peptide immunization appears to involve an increase in Th1 cytokines, resulting in the induction of SG dysfunction

    Effect of Soluble ICAM-1 on a Sjögren's Syndrome-like Phenotype in NOD Mice Is Disease Stage Dependent

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    Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) is involved in migration and co-stimulation of T and B cells. Membrane bound ICAM-1 is over expressed in the salivary glands (SG) of Sjögren's syndrome (SS) patients and has therefore been proposed as a potential therapeutic target. To test the utility of ICAM-1 as a therapeutic target, we used local gene therapy in Non Obese Diabetic (NOD) mice to express soluble (s)ICAM-1 to compete with membrane bound ICAM-1 for binding with its receptor. Therapy was given prior to and just after the influx of immune cells into the SG.A recombinant serotype 2 adeno associated virus (rAAV2) encoding ICAM-1/Fc was constructed and its efficacy tested in the female NOD mice after retrograde instillation in SG at eight (early treatment) and ten (late treatment) weeks of age. SG inflammation was evaluated by focus score and immunohistochemical quantification of infiltrating cell types. Serum and SG tissue were analyzed for immunoglobulins (Ig).Early treatment with ICAM-1/Fc resulted in decreased average number of inflammatory foci without changes in T and B cell composition. In contrast, late treated mice did not show any change in focus scores, but immunohistochemical staining showed an increase in the overall number of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Moreover, early treated mice showed decreased IgM within the SGs, whereas late treated mice had increased IgM levels, and on average higher IgG and IgA.Blocking the ICAM-1/LFA-1 interaction with sICAM-1/Fc may result in worsening of a SS like phenotype when infiltrates have already formed within the SG. As a treatment for human SS, caution should be taken targeting the ICAM-1 axis since most patients are diagnosed when inflammation is clearly present within the SG

    Local gene therapy and the identification of therapeutics targets in Sjögren's syndrome

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    Ongeveer 0,5 tot 1 procent van de bevolking heeft het syndroom van Sjögren (SjS). Deze aandoening leidt tot een ernstige mate van droge ogen en mond en is niet goed te behandelen. Met behulp van gentherapie onderzocht Nienke Roescher het effect van drie immuun-modulerende eiwitten op de speekselklierwerking en op ontstekingen. Ze deed dit bij muizen met een SjS-achtige ziekte. Twee van de drie eiwitten verminderden de ontsteking, maar verbeterden de speekselvloed niet. Het eiwit CD40 had onverwacht weinig effect. Een nieuw beschreven eiwit (het cytokine APRIL) bleek bij patiënten met SjS in een lagere hoeveelheid aanwezig dan bij gezonde mensen. Deze bevinding geeft een interessant aanknopingspunt voor nieuwe therapieën

    Prolonged use of intravenous administration sets on central line associated bloodstream infection, nursing workload and material use: A before-after study

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    OBJECTIVES: One of the interventions to reduce risk of central line associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) is routine replacement of the intravenous administration sets. Guidelines advises a time interval that ranges between four and seven days. However many hospitals replace intravenous administration sets every four days to prevent CLABSI. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: In this single centre retrospective study we analysed whether the extension of the time interval from four to seven days for routine replacement of intravenous administration sets had impact on the incidence of CLABSI and colonization of the central venous catheter. Secondary outcomes were the effects on nursing workload, material use and costs. RESULTS: In total, 1,409 patients with 1,679 central lines were included. During the pre-intervention period 2.8 CLABSI cases per 1,000 catheter days were found in comparison with 1.3 CLABSI cases per 1,000 catheter days during the post-intervention period. The rate difference between the groups was 1.52 CLABSI cases per 1,000 catheter days (95% CI: -0.50 to +4.13, p = 0.138). The intervention resulted in a saving of 345 intravenous single use plastic administration sets and 260 hours nursing time, and reduced cost with an estimate of at least 17.250 Euros. CONCLUSION: Extension of the time interval from four to seven days for routine replacement of intravenous administration sets did not negatively affect the incidence of CLABSI. IMPLICATIONS FOR CLINICAL PRACTICE: Additional benefits of the prolonged time interval were saving of nursing time by avoiding unnecessary routine procedures, the reducing of waste because of reducing the use of disposable materials and healthcare costs

    The expression of APRIL in Sjogren's syndrome: aberrant expression of APRIL in the salivary gland

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    Objective. A proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL) and B-cell activating factor (BAFF) are B-cell-related mediators and may play a role in the pathogenesis in SS. In this descriptive study we assessed the expression of APRIL and BAFF in the minor salivary gland and serum from SS patients. Methods. Paraffin-embedded minor salivary gland sections from SS patients, non-SS controls and healthy volunteers were analysed by immunohistochemistry. Digital image quantification was performed to evaluate the expression of BAFF, APRIL and transmembrane activator and CAML interactor. Furthermore, serum was analysed for soluble BAFF and APRIL levels by ELISA. All the data were also analysed for subjects with decreased and normal stimulated salivary flow independent of the classification. Results. APRIL expression was lower in minor salivary gland biopsies from SS patients compared with healthy volunteers and to a lesser extent non-SS controls, whereas BAFF expression was similar in all groups. Soluble APRIL levels in serum were increased in SS patients and in subjects with decreased salivary flow independent of the classification. Conclusion. APRIL salivary gland tissue levels are decreased, suggesting that targeting this cytokine locally in the salivary glands would not benefit SS patients. Moreover, the discrepancy between local and systemic levels is striking and future research should assess this in more detai

    Local administration of soluble CD40:Fc to the salivary glands of non-obese diabetic mice does not ameliorate autoimmune inflammation.

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    CD40-CD154 (CD40 ligand) interaction in the co-stimulatory pathway is involved in many (auto)immune processes and both molecules are upregulated in salivary glands of Sjögren's syndrome (SS) patients. Interference within the CD40 pathway has ameliorated (auto)inflammation in a number of disease models. To test the potential role of the CD40 pathway in loss of gland function and inflammation in SS, an inhibitor of CD40-CD154 interaction was overexpressed in the salivary glands (SGs) of a spontaneous murine model of SS; the Non-Obese Diabetic (NOD) mouse.At different disease stages an adeno associated viral vector encoding CD40 coupled to a human Fc domain (CD40:Fc) was injected locally into the SGs of NOD mice. Delivery was confirmed by PCR. The overall effect on local inflammation was determined by assessment of the focus score (FS), quantification of infiltrating cell types, immunoglobulin levels, and microarray analysis. The effect on SG function was determined by measuring stimulated salivary flow.CD40:Fc was stably expressed in the SG of NOD mice, and the protein was secreted into the blood stream. Microarray analysis revealed that expression of CD40:Fc affected the expression of many genes involved in regulation of the immune response. However, FS, infiltrating cell types, immunoglobulin levels, and salivary gland output were similar for treated and control mice.Although endogenous CD40 is expressed in SG inflammatory foci in the SG of NOD mice, the expression of soluble CD40:Fc did not lead to reduced overall inflammation and/or improved salivary gland function. These data indicate possible redundancy of the CD40 pathway in the SG and suggests that targeting CD40 alone may not be sufficient to alter the disease phenotype