294 research outputs found

    Europeizacija civilnog društva u Poljskoj

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    The paper presents a preliminary diagnosis of the changes that have affected Polish civil society along the trajectory of Europeanization over the 1990s and early 2000s. First, the continuing structural transformation of the civil society organizations is described and analysed. The phenomena of uneven growth and multifaceted differentiation of the sector are emphasized. Legal and institutional arrangements aimed at the levelling of the formal position which civil society actors occupy in the public sphere of the country vis-à-vis the state and market actors are then discussed. Using the case of the involvement of Polish civil society actors in new institutionalized partnership settings related to the implementation of EU structural funds, the levelling arrangements, introduced under the banner of Europeanized modes of governance, are finally put to an empirical test to probe their effectiveness and adequacy in the post-Communist country.Ovaj rad daje preliminarni pregled promjena koje su utjecale na poljsko civilno društvo tijekom procesa europeizacije u devedesetim godinama dvadesetog stoljeća i početkom dvadeset prvog stoljeća. Prvo se opisuje i analizira trajna strukturalna transformacija organizacija civilnog društva. Naglašavaju se fenomeni neravnomjernog razvoja i raznovrsne diferencijacije tog sektora. Zatim se raspravlja o zakonskim i institucionalnim rješenjima usmjerenim prema izjednačavanju formalnog položaja koji akteri civilnog društva zauzimaju u javnoj sferi zemlje nasuprot državi i tržišnim akterima. Na slučaju uključenosti poljskih aktera civilnoga društva u nova institucionalizirana partnerstva povezana s korištenjem strukturalnih fondova Europske Unije, novi sporazumi o izjednačavanju, uvedeni u skladu s europeiziranim načinima vladavine, podvrgavaju se empirijskom testiranju kako bi se ispitala njihova učinkovitost i primjerenost u postkomunističkoj zemlji

    Intensity and Labour Consumption of Integrated Production in Horticultural Farms

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    AbstractThe paper presents economic efficiency of work in the horticultural production in the selected farms which carry out the integrated production. At the average, one man-hour was paid 0.09 PLNk·man-hour-1. Taking into consideration the use structure in the investigated objects, the intensity of production organization was determined. The production was varied (it was within the intensity range of 213-393 points) and the differences resulted directly from the participation of the grain cultivation area and currant plantation in particular farms. A field work mechanization degree is, inter alia, a factor that influences the labour inputs level. Thus, an annual use of farm tractors was also determined. It was 400hours. The paper covers farms associated in the formalized producer's group

    Prognostic significance of epidermal growth factor receptor in surgically treated squamous cell lung cancer patients.

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    Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is one of signalling pathways activated during premalignant proliferative changes in the airway epithelium. However there is no agreement about prognostic significance of EGFR expression in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Facts mentioned above prompted us to study EGFR expression in the group of 78 surgically treated squamous cell lung cancer (SqCLC) patients. The EGFR expression was visualized in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections, using immunohistochemistry. Three methods of assessment of EGFR expression were applied: percentage of cells with membranous EGFR expression--EGFR labellig index (EGFR LI), percentage of fields with membranous EGFR staining (PS%) and staining intensity (absent, weak or strong) in the whole specimen (SI). Mean EGFR LI and PS% values were 30.4 +/- 3.5% and 51.6 +/- 3.9%, respectively. Patients with higher EGFR expression (EGFR LI, PS%, SI) were significantly younger than those with low EGFR expression. EGFR LI was higher in pT3 tumours than in pT1+pT2 tumours, moreover, EGFR expression (EGFR LI, PS%, SI) was significantly higher in G1+G2 tumours than in G3 tumours. There were significant correlations between parameters used for assessment of EGFR expression. PS% 50. However, patients with tumours with both very low and very high EGFR LI (13% > or = EGFR LI > 80%) showed significantly shorter survival than those with medium EGFR LI (13% < GFR LI < or = 80%). Additionally, pTNM and pN significantly influenced patients' survival. In multivariate analysis, EGFR LI and pTNM were independent prognostic parameters influencing disease-specific survival of patients

    Zaburzenia metabolizmu homocysteiny w stanie przedrzucawkowym

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    Summary Preeclampsia is one of the main causes of maternal and fetal mortality. We lack a reliable test that would identify the „at risk” group of pregnant women, thus allowing us to implement a specific prevention, management and treatment program. Recently, a number of theories regarding the pathophysiology of preeclampsia has been published. The role of vascular pathology as a result of an increase in homocysteine level is often mentioned. The aim of this paper is to review the current literature related to the pathology of preeclampsia and to evaluate the usefulness of assessment of homocysteine level and homocysteine metabolism disorders as a potential predictor of preeclamsia. Hiperhomocysteinemia is a known risk factor of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. Different sources report a similar correlation between an increase in homocysteine level and the incidence of preeclampsia. As far as the topic of homocysteine in pregnancy is concerned, numerous questions and problems remain unanswered and unsolved. Although there exists a relationship between an increased values of homocysteine and the incidence of preeclampsia, there is not enough information about what group of patients should be included in the screening test to increase the rate of diagnosis and prevention of the most dangerous sequele.Streszczenie Stan przedrzucawkowy jest jedną z głównych przyczyn zgonów matek oraz umieralności okołoporodowej noworodków. Brakuje wiarygodnego testu pozwalającego zidentyfikować grupę ryzyka wśród ciężarnych celem wdrożenia adekwatnego postępowania, zapobiegania i leczenia. Na przestrzeni ostatnich lat pojawiło się w literaturze szereg teorii co do patomechanizmów doprowadzających do wystąpienia rzucawki. Podnosi się istotną rolę patologii naczyń łożyska, której przyczyną jest wzrost poziomu homocysteiny. Celem pracy jest przegląd literatury patologii stanu przedrzucawkowego pod katem oceny przydatności badania poziomu homocysteiny oraz zaburzeń jego metabolizmu jako potencjalnego predyktora wystąpienia stanu przedrzucawkowego. Hiperhomocysteinemia jest znanym czynnikiem ryzyka chorób układu krwionośnego i nadciśnienia. Liczne źródła podają podobną korelację między narastającym poziomem homocysteiny a występowaniem stanu przedrzucawkowego. Zagadnienie homocysteiny w ciąży nastręcza wiele pytań. Nie ma wiążących rekomendacji co do zasad postępowania. Wiele aspektów tego zagadnienia nadal pozostaje nie rozwiązanych. Chociaż wykazano związek między podwyższonymi wartościami homocysteiny a występowaniem stanu przedrzucawkowego to nie wiadomo jakimi badaniami objąć jaką grupę pacjentek aby istotnie wpłynąć na zwiększoną wykrywalność i zapobieganie występowania tych najpoważniejszych powikłań

    Zastosowanie programu ART w pracy z dziećmi i młodzieżą agresywną

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    Aggressive behavior by children and adolescents continues to be a serious and increasing problem in our schools, on the streets, and in our communities Aggression Replacement Training (ART) is a multimodal psychoeducational intervention designed to alter the behavior of chronically aggressive adolescents and young children

    Information technology tools in corporate knowledge management

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    Motivation: Knowledge management is currently one of the most important factors determining the company’s market position. It depends not only on the skilful use of resources, but also on obtaining a synergistic effect. To manage knowledge, managers must possess not only the appropriate resources of knowledge, but also must have determined management structure with the assistance of the IT (information technology) tools.Aim: The purpose of the article was to present how the modern enterprise knowledge management process is supported by information technology. For this purpose, was summarized selected indicators characterizing the use of ICT in various types of enterprises in the country. It assumed that it is important not only the equipment the companies with information technology tools, but also the degree of use of these tools.Results: Usage of ICT in Poland reaches ratios much lower than the average for the European Union. Large differences in the use of information technology occurs in individual groups of companies. Larger companies have reached a much higher degree of saturation of IT tools than smaller objects. For example, the number of Polish enterprises with computers was 94.7%, in the case of large companies it is 99.8%. Even greater discrepancy relates to access to the Internet. You may also notice differences in each province. Introduction of modern technologies related to computer science and computers (eg. cloud computing, big data, social media, e-commerce etc) enables effective knowledge management in companies. The indicators show that the management team appreciates the importance of knowledge and consistently invests for its development

    DNA Ploidy, Bromodeoxyuridine labelling index, S-phase fraction and AgNOR counts in brain tumours

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    DNA ploidy and the proliferative potential in 88 brain tumours were investigated using the bromodeoxyuridine labelling index (BrdUrd LI), S-phase fraction (SPF) and an argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions (AgNOR) technique. The study included 65 highly malignant (AIII–AIV), and 23 low-grade (AI–AII) gliomas. One fragment of the tumour was fixed in Carnoy's solution for AgNOR test, while the other fragments were used for flow cytometric determination of the labelling index, SPF and DNA ploidy. For the BrdUrdLl, tumour samples from each patient were incubated in vitro for one hour at 37°C with BrdUrd using a high pressure oxygen method. After fixation and staining, the percentages of BrdUrd-labelied cells (BrdUrdLI) and unlabelled S-phase cells (SPF) were evaluated. The tumours showed variability in the BrdUrdLI values, SPF and AgNOR counts/cell nucleus. However, grade dependent differences in the proliferating rate were only found to exist on the basis of BrdUrdLI and AgNOR counts. The same percentage of DNA aneuploidy (56 %) was found in high-grade as well as in low-grade gliomas. A linear – regression analysis showed a significant correlation between the results of three applied methods: BrdUrdLl, SPF and AgNOR counts

    Assessment of three-level selective perinatal care based on the analysis of early perinatal death rates and cesarean sections in Poland in 2008

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    Abstract Aim: The aim of the following work was to assess three-level selective perinatal care in Polish voivodeships in 2008 on the basis of the following parameters: birth rates as well as perinatal death rates, divided into three classes of neonatal weights, in hospitals on each of the three levels. The goal of selective perinatal care is, among other things, to diagnose threats to the mother and/or fetus and direct women with high-risk pregnancies to higher level obstetrics and neonatology clinics and units. The structure of a regional three-level perinatal care, as well as the rules and procedures governing the process of redirecting patients to different levels of perinatal care have been defined in great detail. Material and methods: Perinatal death rates analysis has been carried out on the basis of data received from Voivodeship Public Health Centers in sixteen voivodeships in Poland in 2008. The main document constituted MZ-29 form section X, modified by the authors and subdivided into levels of perinatal care. All data contained in the form have been verified: the numbers concerning birth and death rates as well as perinatal deaths and birth weight subgroups from given voivodeship hospitals. Statistic analysis was limited to the presentation of result tables and graphs within voivodeships. Results: Birth rates and perinatal death rates revealed that in the course of ten years the level of perinatal care, introduced gradually in Poland between the years 1997-1999, resulted in its improvement. Perinatal death rates decreased in the course of ten years from 9.5% in 1999 to 6.45% in 2008, i.e. by 0.3% annually. On the first level, the rate of neonates with very low birth weight, 500-999g, decreased by 5.5% and was 21.1% in 2008 and 36.6% in 1999, whereas on the third level, the birth rate in the same group (500-999g) increased by 12.7% and was 47.7% in 2008 and 35.5% in 1999. There is a growing and alarming tendency to perform cesarean sections. The increase amounted up to 1.2% annually (18.2% in 19999 and 30.5% in 2008), with vast differences among hospitals and voivodeships. In 2008 there were 28.4% of cesarean sections in level one-hospitals, 29.3% in level two-hospitals and 40.6% in level three-hospitals. Conclusions: The results of an overall decrease in perinatal deaths rate and an increase in birth rates in the group of neonates with very low birth weight on the third level are not satisfactory. Reintroduction of the program and strategy from the years 1995 and 1997 will enable us to improve the situation. Particularly this should be the case on the basic level perinatal care. In the context of three-level selective strategy

    Acute appendicitis - One of the causes of peritonitis in newborn - A case report with literature review

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    INTRODUCTION. Acute appendicitis is the most common reason for abdominal surgery in children however in newborn and infants it’s casuistics. It is also the most common surgical emergency in pregnancy. Right lower abdominal pain, abdominal stiffness, and periabdominal pain radiating to the right lower abdomen are the best signs to diagnose acute appendicitis in adults. Absence Or attenuation of intestinal murmurs, positive sternal muscle signs, positive blunt signs, and positive Rovsing's Sign are the most reliable signs for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in children. PURPOSE. The aim of the study is to show diagnostic difficulties of acute appendicitis in newborns and infants. It is one of the main differential diagnoses of unclear abdominal conditions. The smaller the child, the less characteristic the symptoms. A CASE REPORT. The study analyzes a male newborn born in the 37th week of pregnancy by caesarean section. Prenatal and family history of siblings' illnesses. In whom, on the 11th day of life, symptoms of food intolerance were found, green deposits were noticed in the stomach probe, and the presence of blood in the stool. Intraoperatively, gangrenous perforated appendix with diffuse peritonitis was found.Acute appendicitis is rarely considered in newborns and infants as the etiological factor of acute peritonitis. However, the presented patient with a genetic defect.CONCLUSION. Acute appendicitis is a common phenomenon in childhood, but this diagnosis is rarely considered in the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen in the neonatal period, is more common in premature babies. The clinical picture of neonatal acute appendicitis is unspecific and may lead to delayed diagnosis and misdiagnosis of necrotizing enterocolitis, which is a much more common condition in the neonatal period. We would like to present the diagnostic difficulties, course of treatment, and complications associated with neonatal appendicitis

    The most common dermatological manifestations of inflammatory bowel diseases

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases are increasingly common problem in clinical practice. This condition is caused by both the growing morbidity and more accurate and widely available diagnostic methods, affecting the rising recognition.&nbsp; It is worth remembering, that clinical presentation of inflammatory bowel disease is not limited to gastrointestinal tract.&nbsp; Dermatological symptoms are an important part in the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel diseases, because they can occur as the first manifestation of the beginning of the disease process, as well as be a prognostic factor for the occurrence of exacerbations of the disease. This is an invaluable source of information on the patient's clinical condition, affecting the effectiveness of his treatment in the early stages of the disease, and allowing more efficient control of its course.&nbsp; This has an enormous impact on the prognosis and comfort of patients' lives. In the following article, available medical studies on extraintestinal skin manifestations, clinical presentation and treatment options have been reviewed