10 research outputs found

    Konserwacja szkieletu słonia leśnego Palaeoloxodon antiquus (80–100 tys. lat) ze zbiorów Muzeum Okręgowego w Koninie – badania i praktyka konserwatorska

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    The article presents the exploratory and conservation-wise problematic aspects of the bones obtained from the skeleton of a forest elephant Palaeoloxodon antiquus (Falconer & Cautley, 1847), that lived during the Eemian Interglacial period 80–100000 years ago. This preserved skeleton, currently in the collection of District Museum in Konin, is particularly valuable due to being one of the largest skeletons in Europe that remained almost complete. The necessity of undertaking conservation processes has been caused by the poor state of its preservation – partly because of degradation of the materials applied during conservation in the 80s of the 20th century and later on, as well as numerous bone tissue damages; there also emerged a possibility of using materials and treatments improving value of the object, aesthetically and exhibition-wise. The publication presents the history of the skeleton and its conservation, the condition, the outline of its bone structure, and the results of instrumental research (ATR-FTIR) of derivative materials composition. Moreover, it shows the assumptions for and course of conservation and restoration works. The performed procedures allowed to stabilize the skeleton, reduce formation of new cracks and cavities, and to restore didactic and exhibition value, enabling the skeleton to be returned to a permanent museum exhibition. The works were twice awarded the 1st prize in the category – conservation and protection of cultural heritage in the prestigious competition Museum Event of the Year “Izabella 2018” and “Izabella 2019” organized by the Wielkopolska Museum Foundation under the patronage of the Marshal of the Wielkopolska Province.W artykule zaprezentowano problematykę badawczo-konserwatorską związaną ze stanem kości należących do szkieletu słonia leśnego Palaeoloxodon antiquus (Falconer& Cautley, 1847), żyjącego w czasie interglacjału eemskiego (80–100 tys. lat temu). Konserwowany szkielet ze zbiorów Muzeum Okręgowego w Koninie jest szczególnie cenny, ponieważ należy do największych i najbardziej kompletnych szkieletów dawnych zwierząt w Europie. Powodem podjęcia działań konserwatorskich był głównie zły stan zachowania obiektu, częściowo degradacja materiałów konserwatorskich użytych w latach osiemdziesiątych i później, a także liczne zniszczenia tkanki kostnej oraz możliwość zastosowania materiałów i zabiegów poprawiających cechy estetyczne i ekspozycyjne szkieletu. W opracowaniu omówiono historię zabytku i jego konserwacji, stan zachowania, zarys budowy kości oraz wyniki badań ATR-FTIR materiałów wtórnych. Przedstawiono ponadto założenia oraz przebieg prac konserwatorsko-restauratorskich. Efektem przeprowadzonych zabiegów jest ustabilizowanie szkieletu, ograniczenie możliwości powstawania nowych spękań i ubytków oraz przywrócenie walorów dydaktycznych i ekspozycyjnych, a w konsekwencji powrót szkieletu na ekspozycję muzealną. Wykonane prace zostały dwukrotnie nagrodzone I nagrodą w kategorii „konserwacja i ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego” w prestiżowym konkursie Wydarzenie Muzealne Roku „Izabella 2018” i „Izabella 2019” organizowanym przez Fundację Muzeów Wielkopolskich pod patronatem Marszałka Województwa Wielkopolskiego

    Ochratoxin A—The Current Knowledge Concerning Hepatotoxicity, Mode of Action and Possible Prevention

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    Ochratoxin A (OTA) is considered as the most toxic of the other ochratoxins synthesized by various fungal species belonging to the Aspergillus and Penicillium families. OTA commonly contaminates food and beverages, resulting in animal and human health issues. The toxicity of OTA is known to cause liver damage and is still being researched. However, current findings do not provide clear insights into the toxin mechanism of action. The current studies focusing on the use of potentially protective compounds against the effects of the toxin are insufficient as they are mainly conducted on animals. Further research is required to fill the existing gaps in both fields (namely the exact OTA molecular mechanism and the prevention of its toxicity in the human liver). This review article is a summary of the so far obtained results of studies focusing on the OTA hepatotoxicity, its mode of action, and the known approaches of liver cells protection, which may be the base for expanding other research in near future

    Badania konserwatorskie ruin gotyckiego zamku kazimierzowskiego (2. poł. XIV w.) w Kole (Gozdów)

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    The purpose of this article is to present the conservation research carried out as part of the revitalization project of the ruins of the castle in Koło. Basis of the recognition of the monument’s construction technique, identification and determination of the properties of historical and contemporary materials, assessment of the state of preservation and analysis of destructive factors developed a program of conservation works. Research was carried out considering the findings of architectural research. Laboratory tests of the collected material were carried out by a wide team of employees using specialized research techniques. Their results are presented in this article and include petrographic, chemical and thermogravimetric analyses of mortars, rocks and bricks, their capillary and mechanical properties, salinity analysis and microbiological analyses of materials. The undeniable value of the conducted research is a detailed diagnosis of historical building materials, which is a significant contribution to the knowledge of old construction techniques.W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań konserwatorskich zrealizowanych w ramach projektu rewitalizacji ruin zamku w Kole. Obejmowały one rozpoznanie techniki wykonania zabytku, identyfikację i określenie właściwości materiałów historycznych i współczesnych, ocenę stanu zachowania, analizę czynników niszczących, które wraz z wynikami badań architektonicznych stanowiły podstawę opracowania programu prac konserwatorskich obiektu. Analizę zgromadzonego materiału realizował szeroki zespół z wykorzystaniem specjalistycznych technik badawczych. Wyniki przedstawione w artykule obejmują petrografię, analizę chemiczną, termograwimetrię oraz właściwości kapilarne i mechaniczne zapraw, skał i cegieł, stopień zasolenia oraz analizy mikrobiologiczne materiałów. Niepodważalną wartością przeprowadzonych badań, stanowiącą znaczący wkład w zasób wiedzy, jest szczegółowe rozpoznanie historycznych materiałów oraz zastosowanych technik budowlanych

    <i>Bacillus anthracis</i> infections – new possibilities of treatment

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    Introduction and objective Bacillus anthracis is one of biological agents which may be used in bioterrorism attacks. The aim of this study a review of the new treatment possibilities of anthrax, with particular emphasis on the treatment of pulmonary anthrax. Abbreviated description of the state of knowledge Pulmonary anthrax, as the most dangerous clinical form of the disease, is also extremely difficult to treat. Recently, considerable progress in finding new drugs and suitable therapy for anthrax has been achieved, for example, new antibiotics worth to mentioning, levofloxacin, daptomycin, gatifloxacin and dalbavancin. However, alternative therapeutic options should also be considered, among them the antimicrobial peptides, characterized by lack of inducible mechanisms of pathogen resistance. Very promising research considers bacteriophages lytic enzymes against selected bacteria species, including antibiotic-resistant strains. Results Interesting results were obtained using monoclonal antibodies: raxibacumab, cAb29 or cocktails of antibodies. The application of CpG oligodeoxynucleotides to boost the immune response elicited by Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed and CMG2 protein complexes, also produced satisfying therapy results. Furthermore, the IFN-α and IFN-β, PA-dominant negative mutant, human inter-alpha inhibitor proteins and LF inhibitors in combination with ciprofloxacin, also showed very promising results. Conclusions Recently, progress has been achieved in inhalation anthrax treatment. The most promising new possibilities include: new antibiotics, peptides and bacteriophages enzymes, monoclonal antibodies, antigen PA mutants, and inter alpha inhibitors applications. In the case of the possibility of bioterrorist attacks, the examination of inhalation anthrax treatment should be intensively continued

    Effect of isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate (IMPF) poisoning on selected immunological parameters of angiogenesis

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    introduction and objective. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and cholinergic receptors play an important role in the immune system, including lymphocyte-induced angiogenesis. However, their exact role is not fully understood. The presented work tests the influence of isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate (IMPF), an irreversible inhibitor of AChE, on selected immune parameters associated with angiogenesis in mice. The levels of VEGF, bFGF, TNF-α, and IFN-γ production were measured, together with the ability of lymphoid spleen cells to induce local GvH reaction after a single dose of IMPF. materials and method. Experiments were performed in male BALB/c mice. Acetylcholinesterase activity in erythrocytes was determined by the Ellman`s procedure. Levels of cytokines were measured in serum using standard commercial ELISA kits. Influence of IMPF intoxication upon angiogenesis was examined by the LIA test, according to the Sidky and Auerbach procedure. results. The results showed a 6- and 8-fold increase in VEGF at days 1 and 7 of the experiment, respectively, as well as a decrease (at days 14 and 21 after administration), followed by a significant increase (day 1) in bFGF levels. A statistically significant decrease in the concentration of IFN-γ was observed throughout all experiments. The maximum decrease in the level of TNF-α was found at days 1 and 7 after administration of IMPF. Additionally, a significant decrease was found in the ability to form new blood vessels following IMPF administration. conclusions. This study revealed that IMPF has a significant effect on the regulation of lymphocyte-induced angiogenesis, which is related with the modulation of angiogenic and pro-inflammatory cytokines secretion. The observed differences suggest a possible derangement of certain elements of the neuronal and/or non-neuronal cholinergic system

    Review of methods used for identification of biothreat agents in environmental protection and human health aspects

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    Modern threats of bioterrorism force the need to develop methods for rapid and accurate dentification of dangerous biological agents. Currently, there are many types of methods used in this field of studies that are based on immunological or genetic techniques, or constitute a combination of both methods (immuno-genetic). There are also methods that have been developed on the basis of physical and chemical properties of the analytes. Each group of these analytical assays can be further divided into conventional methods (e.g. simple antigen-antibody reactions, classical PCR, eal-time PCR), and modern technologies (e.g. microarray technology, aptamers, phosphors, etc.). Nanodiagnostics constitute another group of methods that utilize the objects at a nanoscale (below 100 nm). There are also integrated and automated diagnostic systems, which combine different ethods and allow simultaneous sampling, extraction of genetic material and detection and identification of the analyte using genetic, as well as immunological techniques

    The Effect of Anti-Inflammatory and Antimicrobial Herbal Remedy PADMA 28 on Immunological Angiogenesis and Granulocytes Activity in Mice

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    PADMA 28 is a herbal multicompound remedy that originates from traditional Tibetan medicine and possesses anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, angioprotecting, and wound healing properties. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of this remedy on immunological angiogenesis and granulocytes metabolic activity in Balb/c mice. Mice were fed daily, for seven days, with 5.8 mg of PADMA (calculated from recommended human daily dose) or 0.085 mg (dose in the range of active doses of other herbal extracts studied by us previously). Results. Highly significant increase of newly formed blood vessels number in ex vivo cutaneous lymphocyte-induced angiogenesis test (LIA) after grafting of Balb/c splenocytes from both dosage groups to F1 hybrids (Balb/c × C3H); increase of blood lymphocytes and granulocytes number only in mice fed with lower dose of remedy; and significant suppression of metabolic activity (chemiluminescence test) of blood granulocytes in mice fed with higher dose of PADMA. Conclusion. PADMA 28 behaves as a good stimulator of physiological angiogenesis, but for this purpose it should be used in substantially lower doses than recommended by producers for avoiding the deterioration of granulocyte function

    Diversity of influenza-like illness etiology in Polish Armed Forces in influenza epidemic season

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    The aim of this study was to conduct an epidemiological and laboratory surveillance of Influenza-Like Illnesses (ILI) in Polish Armed Forces, civilian military personnel and their families in 2011/2012 epidemic season, under the United States Department of Defense-Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System (DoD-GEIS). ILI incidence data were analyzed in relation to age, gender, patient category as well as pathogen patterns. Multiple viral, bacterial and viral-bacterial co-infections were identified. Nose and throat swabs of active duty soldiers in the homeland country and in the NATO peacekeeping forces KFOR (Kosovo Force), as well as members of their families were tested for the presence of viral and bacterial pathogens. From October 2011 to May 2012, 416 specimens from ILI symptoms patients were collected and analyzed for the presence of viral and bacterial pathogens. Among viruses, coronavirus was the most commonly detected. In the case of bacterial infections, the most common pathogen was Staphylococcus aureus