3 research outputs found

    Quand les interprètes font les journalistes: une analyse linguistique

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    Against the background of current literature on media interpreting and journalism, this paper presents an analysis of a corpus obtained from the Italian state TV programme Unomattina in 2001. The corpus was built with the aim of comparing two roles: journalists as in-the-field professionals reporting the latest news on the Iraq war from abroad (Journalists-as-Journalists: JJ); interpreters watching CNN and Al Jazeera from a booth in the studio, and giving journalistic updates from these to the Italian audience (Interpretersas- Journalists: IJ). If we assume that audiences judge the journalists and interpreters by the same standards, differences between JJ and IJ could be seen as failings on the part of IJ to be as effectively telegenic as their JJ counterparts. Combining notions from Conversation Analysis, Sociolinguistics, and Media Studies this paper sets out to characterise interpreters’ linguistic behaviour when they play this hybrid role of interpreter/journalist. Are there linguistic differences between JJ and IJ? And are there additional skills interpreters need to develop in order to be more telegenic and better meet the needs of TV programmers and audiences

    Qualitative and quantitative analysis of doctor-patient interactions during andrological consultations

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    Although a trustworthy connection between doctor and patient is crucial in clinical practice, it could be hindered by different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Moreover, an effective doctor-patient interaction could be even more challenging in andrological fields, in which psychological and social components are predominant

    Nuovi modelli di consultazione e di interazione medico-paziente in andrologia

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    L’interazione tra medico e paziente è una relazione istituzionale che necessita di una comunicazione efficace per creare un rapporto di fiducia solido in grado di influire sull’aspetto decisionale e sul successo terapeutico. Tuttavia, ciò non è così facile, soprattutto in alcuni ambiti clinici delicati, come quello andrologico, e/o in presenza di background socio-culturali diversi. È pertanto fondamentale focalizzarsi su un approccio patient-centred personalizzato in base al contesto clinico.The interaction between doctor and patient is an institutional relationship that requires effective communication to create a solid relationship of trust able to influence decision-making and therapeutic success. However, this is not so easy, especially in some delicate clinical contexts, such as andrology, and/or in the presence of different socio-cultural backgrounds. It is therefore essential to focus on a patient-centred approach customised according to the clinical context