1,326 research outputs found
A New Look at the Axial Anomaly in Lattice QED with Wilson Fermions
By carrying out a systematic expansion of Feynman integrals in the lattice
spacing, we show that the axial anomaly in the U(1) lattice gauge theory with
Wilson fermions, as determined in one-loop order from an irrelevant lattice
operator in the Ward identity, must necessarily be identical to that computed
from the dimensionally regulated continuum Feynman integrals for the triangle
diagrams.Comment: 1 figure, LaTeX, 18 page
Binary Cosmic Strings
The properties of cosmic strings have been investigated in detail for their
implications in early-universe cosmology. Although many variations of the basic
structure have been discovered, with implications for both the microscopic and
macroscopic properties of cosmic strings, the cylindrical symmetry of the
short-distance structure of the string is generally unaffected. In this paper
we describe some mechanisms leading to an asymmetric structure of the string
core, giving the defects a quasi-two-dimensional character. We also begin to
investigate the consequences of this internal structure for the microscopic and
macroscopic physics.Comment: 19 pages; uses harvmac (not included
Alternative Mathematical Technique to Determine LS Spectral Terms
We presented an alternative computational method for determining the
permitted LS spectral terms arising from electronic configurations. This
method makes the direct calculation of LS terms possible. Using only basic
algebra, we derived our theory from LS-coupling scheme and Pauli exclusion
principle. As an application, we have performed the most complete set of
calculations to date of the spectral terms arising from electronic
configurations, and the representative results were shown. As another
application on deducing LS-coupling rules, for two equivalent electrons, we
deduced the famous Even Rule; for three equivalent electrons, we derived a new
simple rule.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.
The exact Darwin Lagrangian
Darwin (1920) noted that when radiation can be neglected it should be
possible to eliminate the radiation degrees-of-freedom from the action of
classical electrodynamics and keep the discrete particle degrees-of-freedom
only. Darwin derived his well known Lagrangian by series expansion in
keeping terms up to order . Since radiation is due to acceleration the
assumption of low speed should not be necessary. A Lagrangian is suggested that
neglects radiation without assuming low speed. It cures deficiencies of the
Darwin Lagrangian in the ultra-relativistic regime.Comment: 2.5 pages, no figure
Three flavour Quark matter in chiral colour dielectric model
We investigate the properties of quark matter at finite density and
temperature using the nonlinear chiral extension of Colour Dielectric Model
(CCM). Assuming that the square of the meson fields devlop non- zero vacuum
expectation value, the thermodynamic potential for interacting three flavour
matter has been calculated. It is found that remain zero
in the medium whereas changes in the medium. As a result, and
quark masses decrease monotonically as the temperature and density of the quark
matter is increased.In the present model, the deconfinement density and
temperature is found to be lower compared to lattice results. We also study the
behaviour of pressure and energy density above critical temperature.Comment: Latex file. 5 figures available on request. To appear in Phys. Rev.
Topological Charge and The Spectrum of Exactly Massless Fermions on the Lattice
The square root of the positive definite hermitian operator in Neuberger's proposal of exactly massless quarks on the lattice is
implemented by the recursion formula with Y_0 = \Id, where converges to
quadratically. The spectrum of the lattice Dirac operator for single massless
fermion in two dimensional background U(1) gauge fields is investigated. For
smooth background gauge fields with non-zero topological charge, the exact zero
modes with definite chirality are reproduced to a very high precision on a
finite lattice and the Index Theorem is satisfied exactly. The fermionic
determinants are also computed and they are in good agreement with the
continuum exact solution.Comment: 18 pages (LaTeX), 2 figures (EPS
Theory of Crystalline Electric Field and Kondo Effect in Pr Skutterudites
Possible Kondo effect in Pr skutterudite is studied with attention to
characteristic features of low-lying crystalline electric field (CEF) levels
and the conduction band. A mechanism for the small CEF splitting between a
singlet and a triplet is proposed as combination of the point-charge
interaction and hybridization of 4f with ligand p states. Provided 4f^3
configurations dominate over 4f^1 as intermediate states, p-f hybridization
favors the triplet, while point-charge interaction favors the singlet. For
realistic parameters for hybridization as well as 4f^1 and 4f^3 levels, these
singlet and triplet can form a nearly degenerate pseudo-quartet. It is found
that one of two spin 1/2 objects composing the pseudo-quartet has a
ferromagnetic exchange, while the other has an antiferromagnetic exchange with
conduction electrons. The magnitude of each effective exchange depends strongly
on a parameter characterizing the triplet wave function under the T_h symmetry.
It is argued that differences of this parameter among Pr skutterdudites are
responsible for the apparent diversity of their physical properties. Numerical
renormalization group is used to derive the renormalization flows going toward
singlet, doublet, triplet or quaret according to the CEF splitting and exchange
interactions.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Special Invited Section
(Kondo Effect) of Journal of Physical Society of Japa
A Taxonomy of Causality-Based Biological Properties
We formally characterize a set of causality-based properties of metabolic
networks. This set of properties aims at making precise several notions on the
production of metabolites, which are familiar in the biologists' terminology.
From a theoretical point of view, biochemical reactions are abstractly
represented as causal implications and the produced metabolites as causal
consequences of the implication representing the corresponding reaction. The
fact that a reactant is produced is represented by means of the chain of
reactions that have made it exist. Such representation abstracts away from
quantities, stoichiometric and thermodynamic parameters and constitutes the
basis for the characterization of our properties. Moreover, we propose an
effective method for verifying our properties based on an abstract model of
system dynamics. This consists of a new abstract semantics for the system seen
as a concurrent network and expressed using the Chemical Ground Form calculus.
We illustrate an application of this framework to a portion of a real
metabolic pathway
Efficient CSL Model Checking Using Stratification
For continuous-time Markov chains, the model-checking problem with respect to
continuous-time stochastic logic (CSL) has been introduced and shown to be
decidable by Aziz, Sanwal, Singhal and Brayton in 1996. Their proof can be
turned into an approximation algorithm with worse than exponential complexity.
In 2000, Baier, Haverkort, Hermanns and Katoen presented an efficient
polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the sublogic in which only binary
until is allowed. In this paper, we propose such an efficient polynomial-time
approximation algorithm for full CSL. The key to our method is the notion of
stratified CTMCs with respect to the CSL property to be checked. On a
stratified CTMC, the probability to satisfy a CSL path formula can be
approximated by a transient analysis in polynomial time (using uniformization).
We present a measure-preserving, linear-time and -space transformation of any
CTMC into an equivalent, stratified one. This makes the present work the
centerpiece of a broadly applicable full CSL model checker. Recently, the
decision algorithm by Aziz et al. was shown to work only for stratified CTMCs.
As an additional contribution, our measure-preserving transformation can be
used to ensure the decidability for general CTMCs.Comment: 18 pages, preprint for LMCS. An extended abstract appeared in ICALP
Orbital ferromagnetism and anomalous Hall effect in antiferromagnets on distorted fcc lattice
The Berry phase due to the spin wavefunction gives rise to the orbital
ferromagnetism and anomalous Hall effect in the non-coplanar antiferromagnetic
ordered state on face centered cubic (fcc) lattice once the crystal is
distorted perpendicular to (1,1,1) or (1,1,0)- plane. The relevance to the real
systems -FeMn and NiS is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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