45,819 research outputs found

    Classical simulation of commuting quantum computations implies collapse of the polynomial hierarchy

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    We consider quantum computations comprising only commuting gates, known as IQP computations, and provide compelling evidence that the task of sampling their output probability distributions is unlikely to be achievable by any efficient classical means. More specifically we introduce the class post-IQP of languages decided with bounded error by uniform families of IQP circuits with post-selection, and prove first that post-IQP equals the classical class PP. Using this result we show that if the output distributions of uniform IQP circuit families could be classically efficiently sampled, even up to 41% multiplicative error in the probabilities, then the infinite tower of classical complexity classes known as the polynomial hierarchy, would collapse to its third level. We mention some further results on the classical simulation properties of IQP circuit families, in particular showing that if the output distribution results from measurements on only O(log n) lines then it may in fact be classically efficiently sampled.Comment: 13 page

    Global Quantum Discord in Multipartite Systems

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    We propose a global measure for quantum correlations in multipartite systems, which is obtained by suitably recasting the quantum discord in terms of relative entropy and local von Neumann measurements. The measure is symmetric with respect to subsystem exchange and is shown to be non-negative for an arbitrary state. As an illustration, we consider tripartite correlations in the Werner-GHZ state and multipartite correlations at quantum criticality. In particular, in contrast with the pairwise quantum discord, we show that the global quantum discord is able to characterize the infinite-order quantum phase transition in the Ashkin-Teller spin chain.Comment: v3: 7 pages, 6 figures. Published versio

    Transition from Icosahedral to Decahedral Structure in a Coexisting Solid-Liquid Nickel Cluster

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    We have used molecular dynamics simulations to construct a microcanonical caloric curve for a 1415-atom Ni icosahedron. Prior to melting the Ni cluster exhibits static solid-liquid phase coexistence. Initially a partial icosahedral structure coexists with a non-wetting melt. However at energies very close to the melting point the icosahedral structure is replaced by a truncated decahedral structure which is almost fully wet by the melt. This structure remains until the cluster fully melts. The transition appears to be driven by a preference for the melt to wet the decahedral structure.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum computation via translation-invariant operations on a chain of qubits

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    A scheme of universal quantum computation on a chain of qubits is described that does not require local control. All the required operations, an Ising-type interaction and spatially uniform simultaneous one-qubit gates, are translation-invariant.Comment: Comment after Eq. (2) inserted, journal versio

    Why Nature has made a choice of one time and three space coordinates?

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    We propose a possible answer to one of the most exciting open questions in physics and cosmology, that is the question why we seem to experience four- dimensional space-time with three ordinary and one time dimensions. We have known for more than 70 years that (elementary) particles have spin degrees of freedom, we also know that besides spin they also have charge degrees of freedom, both degrees of freedom in addition to the position and momentum degrees of freedom. We may call these ''internal degrees of freedom '' the ''internal space'' and we can think of all the different particles, like quarks and leptons, as being different internal states of the same particle. The question then naturally arises: Is the choice of the Minkowski metric and the four-dimensional space-time influenced by the ''internal space''? Making assumptions (such as particles being in first approximation massless) about the equations of motion, we argue for restrictions on the number of space and time dimensions. (Actually the Standard model predicts and experiments confirm that elementary particles are massless until interactions switch on masses.) Accepting our explanation of the space-time signature and the number of dimensions would be a point supporting (further) the importance of the ''internal space''.Comment: 13 pages, LaTe

    Information erasure without an energy cost

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    Landauer argued that the process of erasing the information stored in a memory device incurs an energy cost in the form of a minimum amount of mechanical work. We find, however, that this energy cost can be reduced to zero by paying a cost in angular momentum or any other conserved quantity. Erasing the memory of Maxwell's demon in this way implies that work can be extracted from a single thermal reservoir at a cost of angular momentum and an increase in total entropy. The implications of this for the second law of thermodynamics are assessed.Comment: 8 pages with 1 figure. Final published versio

    Entanglement versus mixedness for coupled qubits under a phase damping channel

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    Quantification of entanglement against mixing is given for a system of coupled qubits under a phase damping channel. A family of pure initial joint states is defined, ranging from pure separable states to maximally entangled state. An ordering of entanglement measures is given for well defined initial state amount of entanglement.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Replaced with final published versio

    Finite-size effects in Anderson localization of one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We investigate the disorder-induced localization transition in Bose-Einstein condensates for the Anderson and Aubry-Andre models in the non-interacting limit using exact diagonalization. We show that, in addition to the standard superfluid fraction, other tools such as the entanglement and fidelity can provide clear signatures of the transition. Interestingly, the fidelity exhibits good sensitivity even for small lattices. Effects of the system size on these quantities are analyzed in detail, including the determination of a finite-size-scaling law for the critical disorder strength in the case of the Anderson model.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure
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