66 research outputs found

    Bus når det passer dig. Bil når det passer dig: Delebilen – konkurrent eller pengemaskine for den kollektive trafik...?

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    Erfaringer fra en række europæiske lande peger på, at delebil-ordninger er til gavn for den kollektive trafik på forskellig vis. Muligheden for gennem en delebil-ordning at vælge et alternativ til selv at købe en bil bidrager til på den ene side til at fastholde passagerer i den kollektive trafik. 25-30 % af nye medlemmer af danske delebil-ordninger ville inden for en overskuelig tidshorisont alternativt ville have købt egen bil. På den anden side giver koblingen af kollektiv trafik og delebiler mulighed for at profilere nye produkter og dermed vinde også vinde nye passagerer til gavn for den kollektive trafiks indtjening

    Citylogistikselskab - erfaringer og muligheder

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    Tidligere undersøgelser har peget på, at godstransporten i danske byer kan gøres mere effektiv gennem en større koncentration og konsolidering af gods til byen. Der er således et potentiale for at reducere kørselsarbejdet i byen, såfremt transporterne omlægges til effektive transporter, dvs. transporter, der er geografisk koncentrerede, har store forsendelsesstørrelser og har høj kapacitetsudnyttelse. En af mulighederne for at effektivisere transporterne er at etablere city-logistikselskaber, dvs. selskaber, der kan tilbyde effektive transporter til transportkøbere. På denne baggrund har Vejdirektoratet og Aalborg Kommune med støtte fra Trafikministeriets Trafikpulje gennemført en analyse for nærmere at belyse mulighederne for etablering af et citylogistikselskab. Analysen er gennemført af COWI i samarbejde med NTU. Der er indhentet oplysninger om ca. 130 udenlandske projekter, som viser konkrete eksempler på, at det kan lade sig gøre at drive et citylogistikselskab på kommercielle markedsvilkår, og at der kan opnås miljøforbedringer i byen. På baggrund af den indsamlede viden er der opstillet koncepter for et citylogistikselskab, som er er vurderet ud fra en dialog med kommune, transportører og erhvervsliv i Aalborg samt med brancheorganisationer. I dette paper gennemgås videnindsamlingen og udviklingen af koncepterne

    Analysis of cod otolith microchemistry by continuous line transects using LA-ICP-MS

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    Fish otoliths, also called ear stones or statoliths, are calcified structures functioning as movement and equilibrium indicators in the inner ear of fish (Fig. 1). From hatching to death these structures grow incrementally, with new material accreted daily (Pannella 1971) in successive layers of protein (1–8%, Degens et al. 1969) and calcium carbonate. The accretion rate of otoliths varies with fish growth, and in temperate species it is usually lowest during the winter season (Hüssy et al. 2010). This results in concentric growth resembling the ringed structure in trees (Fig. 1D), enabling the use of dendrochronological techniques to approximate the age and growth history of fish. During growth, certain elements are incorporated into the otolith structure, some associated with proteins and some with the calcium carbonate component (Thomas et al. 2017), supplying a valuable record of different aspects in fish life history and serving as a potential environmental record. Previous studies show that trace element and isotopic compositions of otoliths can be used as a proxy for reconstructing water chemistry, temperature and salinity (Patterson et al. 1993; Thorrold & Shuttleworth 2000). Other studies demonstrate that elemental histories can be used to investigate fish spawning and migration patterns (e.g. Sturrock et al. 2012), and more recent studies use elements such as Zn, Cu and Mg as indicators of seasonality (Hüssy et al. 2016; Limburg et al. 2018). Combining this knowledge of elemental variation with the micro-beam capabilities of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LAICPMS) turns otolith microchemistry into a powerful tool for studying important parameters fundamental for establishing modern, sustainable fisheries management policies (e.g. stock identification, migration, pollution indicators, spawning habitats, duration of larval and juvenile stages, and magnitude and timing of spawning). We present an analytical method developed by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) in collaboration with the National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark (DTU Aqua), for element abundance analysis in otoliths. Analyses of otoliths from Baltic Cod (Gadus morhua; Fig. 1) are used as an example for its application

    Does size really matter? A multisite study assessing the latent structure of the proposed ICD-11 and DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for PTSD

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    Background: Researchers and clinicians within the field of trauma have to choose between different diagnostic descriptions of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the DSM-5 and the proposed ICD-11. Several studies support different competing models of the PTSD structure according to both diagnostic systems; however, findings show that the choice of diagnostic systems can affect the estimated prevalence rates. Objectives: The present study aimed to investigate the potential impact of using a large (i.e. the DSM-5) compared to a small (i.e. the ICD-11) diagnostic description of PTSD. In other words, does the size of PTSD really matter? Methods: The aim was investigated by examining differences in diagnostic rates between the two diagnostic systems and independently examining the model fit of the competing DSM-5 and ICD-11 models of PTSD across three trauma samples: university students (N = 4213), chronic pain patients (N = 573), and military personnel (N = 118). Results: Diagnostic rates of PTSD were significantly lower according to the proposed ICD-11 criteria in the university sample, but no significant differences were found for chronic pain patients and military personnel. The proposed ICD-11 three-factor model provided the best fit of the tested ICD-11 models across all samples, whereas the DSM-5 seven-factor Hybrid model provided the best fit in the university and pain samples, and the DSM-5 six-factor Anhedonia model provided the best fit in the military sample of the tested DSM-5 models. Conclusions: The advantages and disadvantages of using a broad or narrow set of symptoms for PTSD can be debated, however, this study demonstrated that choice of diagnostic system may influence the estimated PTSD rates both qualitatively and quantitatively. In the current described diagnostic criteria only the ICD-11 model can reflect the configuration of symptoms satisfactorily. Thus, size does matter when assessing PTSD
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