283 research outputs found

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    An operational map of the Polish Coastal Front 1970

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    The map of the Operational Plan for the Coastal Front, from Poland 1970 forms the basis for this paper. The map portraits the blueprint of the combined operational war plans for the Polish military in the late 1960’s and 70’s. It details the offensive against NATO countries and their forces in Northern Europe. As such, this map is clearly designed as an operational map produced to outline and regulate, not just the actual plan of the offensive, but also to produce a narrative about the Polish army as capable of undertaking such a massive enterprise. We argue, with a point of departure in this particular map, that the regional, operational scale of military maps can be understood as performative maps, outlining not just plans and structuring space, but often also narratives

    Conflicting landscapes – integrating sustainable tourism in nature park developments

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse conflicting landscape associations linked to nature-based tourism in nature parks. Drawing from the literature on nature-based tourism development, social imaginaries and an R&amp;D project in one of the largest former wetlands in Denmark – now a drained nature park, we examine how diversified landscape perceptions and conflicting landscape preferences result from and condition the re-enchantment of nature parks for tourism development. The case study relies on various procedures. First, a combination of local accounts and fieldwork observations of tourism and landscapes. Second, interviews with tourists and local stakeholders on processes of engagement and disengagement with conservation, restoration, and re-wilding processes. Third, collaborative mapping with local stakeholders and citizens and their imaginaries of local nature – identity, preferences, and practice. By combining literature reviews with findings from the case study, we derive different social imaginaries of landscape approaches among tourism entrepreneurs, property owners, farmers, industrial actors, nature conservationists, local citizens, and NGOs. Six conflicting landscape imaginaries are identified that, to varying degrees, may apply to other nature parks. Each approach holds quite different human-nature relations and views on what needs to be sustained locally, and what landscapes need to be developed.We conclude that conflicting but usually unspoken positions and preferences over landscapes (geo-positionalities) may hinder interventions for sustainable transition, and that mapping these landscape positionalities may be useful for deliberation in tourism development initiatives.<br/

    Mikrokonsekvenser af megabyggeri:Et eksplorativt studie af de sociale og økonomiske konsekvenser af anlægget af Femern-forbindelsen for lokalområdet

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    Denne rapports formål er at undersøge de sociale og økonomiske konsekvenser af byggeriet af Femern-forbindelsen for lokalområdet i Lolland og Guldborgsund kommuner. Undersøgelsen bygger især på kvalitative interviews, med fokus på Femern-arbejdernes integration i lokalsamfundet, forandringer i det sociale liv, økonomiske forandringer, negative forandringer, beboernes perspektiver påforbindelsen, turisme, samt hvad man burde fokusere på i fremtiden
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