606 research outputs found

    Coherent electronic transfer in quantum dot systems using adiabatic passage

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    We describe a scheme for using an all-electrical, rapid, adiabatic population transfer between two spatially separated dots in a triple-quantum dot system. The electron spends no time in the middle dot and does not change its energy during the transfer process. Although a coherent population transfer method, this scheme may well prove useful in incoherent electronic computation (for example quantum-dot cellular automata) where it may provide a coherent advantage to an otherwise incoherent device. It can also be thought of as a limiting case of type II quantum computing, where sufficient coherence exists for a single gate operation, but not for the preservation of superpositions after the operation. We extend our analysis to the case of many intervening dots and address the issue of transporting quantum information through a multi-dot system.Comment: Replaced with (approximately) the published versio

    Precision characterisation of two-qubit Hamiltonians via entanglement mapping

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    We show that the general Heisenberg Hamiltonian with non-uniform couplings can be characterised by mapping the entanglement it generates as a function of time. Identification of the Hamiltonian in this way is possible as the coefficients of each operator control the oscillation frequencies of the entanglement function. The number of measurements required to achieve a given precision in the Hamiltonian parameters is determined and an efficient measurement strategy designed. We derive the relationship between the number of measurements, the resulting precision and the ultimate discrete error probability generated by a systematic mis-characterisation, when implementing two-qubit gates for quantum computing.Comment: 6 Pages, 3 figure

    Multisite functional connectivity MRI classification of autism: ABIDE results

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    Background:: Systematic differences in functional connectivity MRI metrics have been consistently observed in autism, with predominantly decreased cortico-cortical connectivity. Previous attempts at single subject classification in high-functioning autism using whole brain point-to-point functional connectivity have yielded about 80% accurate classification of autism vs. control subjects across a wide age range. We attempted to replicate the method and results using the Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange (ABIDE) including resting state fMRI data obtained from 964 subjects and 16 separate international sites. Methods:: For each of 964 subjects, we obtained pairwise functional connectivity measurements from a lattice of 7266 regions of interest covering the gray matter (26.4 million “connections”) after preprocessing that included motion and slice timing correction, coregistration to an anatomic image, normalization to standard space, and voxelwise removal by regression of motion parameters, soft tissue, CSF, and white matter signals. Connections were grouped into multiple bins, and a leave-one-out classifier was evaluated on connections comprising each set of bins. Age, age-squared, gender, handedness, and site were included as covariates for the classifier. Results:: Classification accuracy significantly outperformed chance but was much lower for multisite prediction than for previous single site results. As high as 60% accuracy was obtained for whole brain classification, with the best accuracy from connections involving regions of the default mode network, parahippocampaland fusiform gyri, insula, Wernicke Area, and intraparietal sulcus. The classifier score was related to symptom severity, social function, daily living skills, and verbal IQ. Classification accuracy was significantly higher for sites with longer BOLD imaging times. Conclusions:: Multisite functional connectivity classification of autism outperformed chance using a simple leave-one-out classifier, but exhibited poorer accuracy than for single site results. Attempts to use multisite classifiers will likely require improved classification algorithms, longer BOLD imaging times, and standardized acquisition parameters for possible future clinical utility

    Scanning Quantum Decoherence Microscopy

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    The use of qubits as sensitive magnetometers has been studied theoretically and recent demonstrated experimentally. In this paper we propose a generalisation of this concept, where a scanning two-state quantum system is used to probe the subtle effects of decoherence (as well as its surrounding electromagnetic environment). Mapping both the Hamiltonian and decoherence properties of a qubit simultaneously, provides a unique image of the magnetic (or electric) field properties at the nanoscale. The resulting images are sensitive to the temporal as well as spatial variation in the fields created by the sample. As an example we theoretically study two applications of this technology; one from condensed matter physics, the other biophysics. The individual components required to realise the simplest version of this device (characterisation and measurement of qubits, nanoscale positioning) have already been demonstrated experimentally.Comment: 11 pages, 5 low quality (but arXiv friendly) image

    Binocular rivalry in autistic and socially anxious adults

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    BackgroundSocial anxiousness is a pervasive symptom in both social anxiety disorder and autism spectrum conditions. Binocular rivalry, which occurs when different images are presented to each eye, has been used to explore how visual and cognitive processing differs across various clinical diagnoses. Previous studies have separately explored whether individuals with autism or anxiety experience binocular rivalry in ways that are different from neurotypical individuals.MethodsWe applied rivalry paradigms that are similar to those used in previous studies of autism and general anxiety to individuals experiencing symptoms of social anxiousness at clinical or subclinical levels. We also incorporated rivalrous stimuli featuring neutral and emotional facial valances to explore potential overlap of social processing components in social anxiety and autism.ResultsWe hypothesized that higher levels of social anxiousness would increase binocular rivalry switch rates and that higher levels of autistic traits would decrease switch rates. However, stimulus condition did not affect switch rates in either diagnostic group, and switch rate was not significantly predictive of dimensional measures of either autism or social anxiety.DiscussionThis may suggest a common mechanism for atypical visual cognition styles previously associated with social anxiety and autism. Alternatively, differences in switch rates may only emerge at higher trait levels than reported by the participants in our studies. Furthermore, these findings may be influenced by sex differences in our unique sample

    Identifying a Two-State Hamiltonian in the Presence of Decoherence

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    Mapping the system evolution of a two-state system allows the determination of the effective system Hamiltonian directly. We show how this can be achieved even if the system is decohering appreciably over the observation time. A method to include various decoherence models is given and the limits of this technique are explored. This technique is applicable both to the problem of calibrating a control Hamiltonian for quantum computing applications and for precision experiments in two-state quantum systems. For simple models of decoherence, this method can be applied even when the decoherence time is comparable to the oscillation period of the system.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Minor corrections, published versio

    Identifying an Experimental Two-State Hamiltonian to Arbitrary Accuracy

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    Precision control of a quantum system requires accurate determination of the effective system Hamiltonian. We develop a method for estimating the Hamiltonian parameters for some unknown two-state system and providing uncertainty bounds on these parameters. This method requires only one measurement basis and the ability to initialise the system in some arbitrary state which is not an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian in question. The scaling of the uncertainty is studied for large numbers of measurements and found to be proportional to one on the square-root of the number of measurements.Comment: Minor corrections, Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    A long postreproductive life span is a shared trait among genetically distinct killer whale populations.

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    The extended female postreproductive life span found in humans and some toothed whales remains an evolutionary puzzle. Theory predicts demographic patterns resulting in increased female relatedness with age (kinship dynamics) can select for a prolonged postreproductive life span due to the combined costs of intergenerational reproductive conflict and benefits of late-life helping. Here, we test this prediction using >40 years of longitudinal demographic data from the sympatric yet genetically distinct killer whale ecotypes: resident and Bigg's killer whales. The female relatedness with age is predicted to increase in both ecotypes, but with a less steep increase in Bigg's due to their different social structure. Here, we show that there is a significant postreproductive life span in both ecotypes with >30% of adult female years being lived as postreproductive, supporting the general prediction that an increase in local relatedness with age predisposes the evolution of a postreproductive life span. Differences in the magnitude of kinship dynamics however did not influence the timing or duration of the postreproductive life span with females in both ecotypes terminating reproduction before their mid-40s followed by an expected postreproductive period of about 20 years. Our results highlight the important role of kinship dynamics in the evolution of a long postreproductive life span in long-lived mammals, while further implying that the timing of menopause may be a robust trait that is persistent despite substantial variation in demographic patterns among populations
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