41 research outputs found

    AI is a viable alternative to high throughput screening: a 318-target study

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    : High throughput screening (HTS) is routinely used to identify bioactive small molecules. This requires physical compounds, which limits coverage of accessible chemical space. Computational approaches combined with vast on-demand chemical libraries can access far greater chemical space, provided that the predictive accuracy is sufficient to identify useful molecules. Through the largest and most diverse virtual HTS campaign reported to date, comprising 318 individual projects, we demonstrate that our AtomNet® convolutional neural network successfully finds novel hits across every major therapeutic area and protein class. We address historical limitations of computational screening by demonstrating success for target proteins without known binders, high-quality X-ray crystal structures, or manual cherry-picking of compounds. We show that the molecules selected by the AtomNet® model are novel drug-like scaffolds rather than minor modifications to known bioactive compounds. Our empirical results suggest that computational methods can substantially replace HTS as the first step of small-molecule drug discovery

    Evaluating Force Field Performance in Thermodynamic Calculations of Cyclodextrin Host–Guest Binding: Water Models, Partial Charges, and Host Force Field Parameters

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    Computational prediction of noncovalent binding free energies with methods based on molecular mechanical force fields has become increasingly routine in drug discovery projects, where they promise to speed the discovery of small molecule ligands to bind targeted proteins with high affinity. Because the reliability of free energy methods still has significant room for improvement, new force fields, or modifications of existing ones, are regularly introduced with the aim of improving the accuracy of molecular simulations. However, comparatively little work has been done to systematically assess how well force fields perform, particularly in relation to the calculation of binding affinities. Hardware advances have made these calculations feasible, but comprehensive force field assessments for protein–ligand sized systems still remain costly. Here, we turn to cyclodextrin host–guest systems, which feature many hallmarks of protein–ligand binding interactions but are generally much more tractable due to their small size. We present absolute binding free energy and enthalpy calculations, using the attach-pull-release (APR) approach, on a set of 43 cyclodextrin-guest pairs for which experimental ITC data are available. The test set comprises both α- and β-cyclodextrin hosts binding a series of small organic guests, each with one of three functional groups: ammonium, alcohol, or carboxylate. Four water models are considered (TIP3P, TIP4Pew, SPC/E, and OPC), along with two partial charge assignment procedures (RESP and AM1-BCC) and two cyclodextrin host force fields. The results suggest a complex set of considerations when choosing a force field for biomolecular simulations. For example, some force field combinations clearly outperform others at the binding enthalpy calculations but not for the binding free energy. Additionally, a force field combination which we expected to be the worst performer gave the most accurate binding free energies – but the least accurate binding enthalpies. The results have implications for the development of improved force fields, and we propose this test set, and potential future elaborations of it, as a powerful validation suite to evaluate new force fields and help guide future force field development

    Bind3P: Optimization of a Water Model with Host-Guest Binding Data

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    We report a water model, Bind3P (Version 0.1), which was obtained by using sensitivity analysis to readjust the Lennard-Jones parameters of the TIP3P model against experimental binding free energies for six host-guest systems, along with pure liquid properties. Tests of Bind3P against >100 experimental binding free energies and enthalpies for host-guest systems distinct from the training set show a consistent drop in the mean signed error, relative to matched calculations with TIP3P. Importantly, Bind3P also yields some improvement in the hydration free energies of small organic molecules, and preserves the accuracy of bulk water properties, such as density and the heat of vaporization. The same approach can be applied to more sophisticated water models that can better represent pure water properties. These results lend further support to concept of integrating host-guest binding data into force field parameterization

    Attach-Pull-Release Calculations of Ligand Binding and Conformational Changes on the First BRD4 Bromodomain

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    Bromodomains, protein domains involved in epigenetic regulation, are able to bind small molecules with high affinity. In the present study, we report free energy calculations for the binding of seven ligands to the first BRD4 bromodomain, using the attach-pull-release (APR) method to compute the reversible work of removing the ligands from the binding site and then allowing the protein to relax conformationally. We test three different water models, TIP3P, TIP4PEw, and SPC/E, as well as the GAFF and GAFF2 parameter sets for the ligands. Our simulations show that the apo crystal structure of BRD4 is only metastable, with a structural transition happening in the absence of the ligand typically after 20 ns of simulation. We compute the free energy change for this transition with a separate APR calculation on the free protein and include its contribution to the ligand binding free energies, which generally causes an underestimation of the affinities. By testing different water models and ligand parameters, we are also able to assess their influence in our results and determine which one produces the best agreement with the experimental data. Both free energies associated with the conformational change and ligand binding are affected by the choice of water model, with the two sets of ligand parameters affecting their binding free energies to a lesser degree. Across all six combinations of water model and ligand potential function, the Pearson correlation coefficients between calculated and experimental binding free energies range from 0.55 to 0.83, and the root-mean-square errors range from 1.4–3.2 kcal/mol. The current protocol also yields encouraging preliminary results when used to assess the relative stability of ligand poses generated by docking or other methods, as illustrated for two different ligands. Our method takes advantage of the high performance provided by graphics processing units and can readily be applied to other ligands as well as other protein systems

    Optimized Mapping of Gas-Phase Quantum Calculations to General Force Field Lennard-Jones Parameters Based on Liquid-State Data

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    We utilize a previously described Minimal Basis Iterative Stockholder (MBIS) method to carry out an atoms-in-molecules partitioning of electron densities. Information from these atomic densities is then mapped to Lennard-Jones parameters using a set of mapping parameters much smaller than the typical number of atom types in a force field. This approach is advantageous in two ways: it eliminates atom types by allowing each atom to have unique Lennard-Jones parameters, and it greatly reduces the number of parameters to be optimized. We show that this approach yields results comparable to those obtained with the typed GAFF force field, even when trained on a relatively small amount of experimental data