15 research outputs found

    Hybrid identities? The self-positioning of young transmigrants

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    In dem Beitrag geht es um das Aufwachsen im Kontext transnationaler Migration als Herausforderung an die Identitätskonstruktion von Jugendlichen. Grundlage ist der Begriff \u27hybride Identitäten\u27, der im Umfeld der Cultural Studies theoretisch begründet wurde und der in der deutschen Erziehungswissenschaft in der Regel verwendet wird, um die kreativen und produktiven Aspekte der Identitätskonstruktionen in Migrationskontexten herauszustellen. Ausgehend von Überlegungen Stuart Halls fassen die Verfasserinnen \u27hybride Identität\u27 als einen spezifischen diskursiven Modus der Selbstverortung in (dominanten) national-kulturellen Repräsentationssystemen. Sie analysieren Auszüge aus Interviews mit zwei jugendlichen Transmigrantinnen, deren Erfahrungen jeweils charakteristisch für zwei unterschiedliche \u27Migrationstypen\u27 (\u27Gastarbeitermigration\u27; \u27Neue Migration\u27) sind. Dabei wird deutlich, dass sowohl Parallelen als auch Differenzen in den Selbstverortungen der jungen Frauen, die sich mit unterschiedlichen Kategorien dominanter Zuschreibungen auseinandersetzen, auf der Grundlage des Konzepts \u27hybrider Identitäten\u27 erfasst werden können. (DIPF/Orig.)In this article the authors deal with the question how growing-up in the context of transnational migration challenges the identity construction of young people. They focus their discussion on the concept of \u27hybrid identities\u27, which was devised as part of the theoretical projects of \u27Cultural Studies\u27. Within German educational science this concept is usually employed in order to stress the creative and productive aspects of identity construction in the context of migration. Based on theoretical reflections by Stuart Hall, the authors define \u27hybrid identity\u27 as a specific mode of identity discourse and the according positioning of the self within (dominant) national-cultural systems of representation. They analyze extracts from interviews with two young female transmigrants, whose experiences are characteristic for two different \u27types of migration\u27 (\u27guest-worker migration\u27; \u27new migration\u27). The authors thereby show that the concept of \u27hybrid identities\u27 is suitable to capture both parallels and differences of self-positioning processes of the young women, who have to tackle different categories of dominant identity ascriptions. (DIPF/Orig.

    Die Ordnung des Diskurses in der Flüchtlingskonstruktion: eine postkoloniale Re-Lektüre

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    "Ziel dieses Beitrages ist eine postkoloniale Dekonstruktion der essentialisierenden Kategorie 'Flüchtling'. Die Analyse geht davon aus, dass der 'Flüchtling' ein politisch-rechtliches und soziales Konstrukt ist, das bestimmte Funktionen für die national kodierte Selbstdeutung der Mehrheitsgesellschaft hat. Die Positionen in der Dreiecksstruktur Täter-Opfer-Retter werden in den dominanten diskursiven Formationen in einer Weise zugeordnet, die eine kollektive weiße europäische Identität konstruiert: Die Abwehr der 'falschen Flüchtlinge' (Täter) stabilisiert das imaginierte Zentrum durch Ausgrenzung der Nicht-Dazugehörigen; als 'Retter' der 'echten Flüchtlinge' (Opfer) wird das Bild von 'Europa' als Hort der Menschenrechte und der politischen wie moralischen Überlegenheit aufrecht erhalten, was allerdings die Ausblendung (post-)kolonialer Täterschaft und Verantwortlichkeit voraussetzt. Anhand der biographischen Narration eines 'Flüchtlingsjungen' werden Einblicke in (diskursive) Strategien der Selbstpositionierung im Rahmen dieses narrativen Machtraums gegeben. Den Abschluss bildet das Plädoyer für eine 'Entmoralisierung' des Flüchtlingsdiskurses in wissenschaftlichen und pädagogischen Kontexten." (Autorenreferat)"This contribution endeavors to deconstruct the essentializing category 'refugee' from a postcolonial perspective. The starting point of the discourse analysis is the assumption that the 'refugee' is a political-legal and social construct, which has specific functions for the nationally coded self-definition of the social majority: The positions in the triangular structure aggressor-victim-rescuer are applied in such a manner within the dominant discursive formation as to construct a collective White European identity: Repulsing the 'false refugees' (aggressors) serves to stabilize the imagined centre by exclusion of those who do not belong; in the role of 'rescuer' of the 'true refugees' (victims) 'Europe' maintains its self-image as a stronghold of human rights and its position of political and moral superiority, a strategy which requires, however, collective amnesia with respect to (post-)colonial aggression and responsibilities. The biographic narration of a 'refugee boy' allows us to provide a glimpse into (discursive) strategies of self-positioning within this framework of narrative power. In the conclusion the authors plead for a 'demoralization' of the refugee discourse in scientific and educational contexts." (author's abstract

    Strategien des Umgangs mit sprachlicher Vielfalt - Analyse bildungspolitischer und konzeptioneller Ansätze

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    This contribution to "language in education" policy suggests two analytic dimensions for the discussion of different strategic approaches and perspectives in education policy. The first dimension is based on Pierre Bourdieu\u27s theory of the "language market", according to which the evaluation of language competencies reflects the social power relations while reproducing them at the same time. Educational concepts must therefore be scrutinized for their potential effects on the hierarchies in the language market. The second dimension deals with the often implicit concepts of multilingualism that inform certain approaches to "language in education". Three main perspectives are identified, which can roughly be characterized as follows: multilingualism as a problem - but an inevitable transition stage towards monolingual communication in the dominant language; multilingualism as qualification and objective of educational programmes; multilingualism as starting- point and resource for learning processes. (DIPF/Orig.

    Andreas Langenohl / Ralph Poole / Manfred Weinberg (Hrsg.): Transkulturalität. Klassische Texte. Reihe: Basis-Scripte. Reader Kulturwissenschaften. Bielefeld: transcript 2015 (328 S.) [Rezension]

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    Rezension von: Andreas Langenohl / Ralph Poole / Manfred Weinberg (Hrsg.): Transkulturalität. Klassische Texte. Reihe: Basis-Scripte. Reader Kulturwissenschaften. Bielefeld: transcript 2015 (328 S.; ISBN 978-3-8376-1709-2; 24,99 EUR)

    Benzodiazepine use during hospitalization: automated identification of potential medication errors and systematic assessment of preventable adverse events

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    OBJECTIVE Benzodiazepines and "Z-drug" GABA-receptor modulators (BDZ) are among the most frequently used drugs in hospitals. Adverse drug events (ADE) associated with BDZ can be the result of preventable medication errors (ME) related to dosing, drug interactions and comorbidities. The present study evaluated inpatient use of BDZ and related ME and ADE. METHODS We conducted an observational study within a pharmacoepidemiological database derived from the clinical information system of a tertiary care hospital. We developed algorithms that identified dosing errors and interacting comedication for all administered BDZ. Associated ADE and risk factors were validated in medical records. RESULTS Among 53,081 patients contributing 495,813 patient-days BDZ were administered to 25,626 patients (48.3%) on 115,150 patient-days (23.2%). We identified 3,372 patient-days (2.9%) with comedication that inhibits BDZ metabolism, and 1,197 (1.0%) with lorazepam administration in severe renal impairment. After validation we classified 134, 56, 12, and 3 cases involving lorazepam, zolpidem, midazolam and triazolam, respectively, as clinically relevant ME. Among those there were 23 cases with associated adverse drug events, including severe CNS-depression, falls with subsequent injuries and severe dyspnea. Causality for BDZ was formally assessed as 'possible' or 'probable' in 20 of those cases. Four cases with ME and associated severe ADE required administration of the BDZ antagonist flumazenil. CONCLUSIONS BDZ use was remarkably high in the studied setting, frequently involved potential ME related to dosing, co-medication and comorbidities, and rarely cases with associated ADE. We propose the implementation of automated ME screening and validation for the prevention of BDZ-related ADE