6 research outputs found

    Deriving 3d point clouds from terrestrial photographs comparison of different sensors and software

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    Terrestrial photogrammetry nowadays offers a reasonably cheap, intuitive and effective approach to 3D-modelling. However, the important choice, which sensor and which software to use is not straight forward and needs consideration as the choice will have effects on the resulting 3D point cloud and its derivatives. <br><br> We compare five different sensors as well as four different state-of-the-art software packages for a single application, the modelling of a vegetated rock face. The five sensors represent different resolutions, sensor sizes and price segments of the cameras. The software packages used are: (1) Agisoft PhotoScan Pro (1.16), (2) Pix4D (2.0.89), (3) a combination of Visual SFM (V0.5.22) and SURE (, and (4) MicMac (1.0). We took photos of a vegetated rock face from identical positions with all sensors. Then we compared the results of the different software packages regarding the ease of the workflow, visual appeal, similarity and quality of the point cloud. <br><br> While PhotoScan and Pix4D offer the user-friendliest workflows, they are also “black-box” programmes giving only little insight into their processing. Unsatisfying results may only be changed by modifying settings within a module. The combined workflow of Visual SFM, SURE and CloudCompare is just as simple but requires more user interaction. MicMac turned out to be the most challenging software as it is less user-friendly. However, MicMac offers the most possibilities to influence the processing workflow. The resulting point-clouds of PhotoScan and MicMac are the most appealing

    Using automated vegetation cover estimation from close-range photogrammetric point clouds to compare vegetation location properties in mountain terrain

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    In this paper we present a low-cost approach to mapping vegetation cover by means of high-resolution close-range terrestrial photogrammetry. A total of 249 clusters of nine 1 m2 plots each, arranged in a 3 × 3 grid, were set up on 18 summits in Mediterranean mountain regions and in the Alps to capture images for photogrammetric processing and in-situ vegetation cover estimates. This was done with a hand-held pole-mounted digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera. Low-growing vegetation was automatically segmented using high-resolution point clouds. For classifying vegetation we used a two-step semi-supervised Random Forest approach. First, we applied an expert-based rule set using the Excess Green index (ExG) to predefine non-vegetation and vegetation points. Second, we applied a Random Forest classifier to further enhance the classification of vegetation points using selected topographic parameters (elevation, slope, aspect, roughness, potential solar irradiation) and additional vegetation indices (Excess Green Minus Excess Red (ExGR) and the vegetation index VEG). For ground cover estimation the photogrammetric point clouds were meshed using Screened Poisson Reconstruction. The relative influence of the topographic parameters on the vegetation cover was determined with linear mixed-effects models (LMMs). Analysis of the LMMs revealed a high impact of elevation, aspect, solar irradiation, and standard deviation of slope. The presented approach goes beyond vegetation cover values based on conventional orthoimages and in-situ vegetation cover estimates from field surveys in that it is able to differentiate complete 3D surface areas, including overhangs, and can distinguish between vegetation-covered and other surfaces in an automated manner. The results of the Random Forest classification confirmed it as suitable for vegetation classification, but the relative feature importance values indicate that the classifier did not leverage the potential of the included topographic parameters. In contrast, our application of LMMs utilized the topographic parameters and was able to reveal dependencies in the two biomes, such as elevation and aspect, which were able to explain between 87% and 92.5% of variance


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    Highly accurate 3D micro topographic mapping in mountain research demands for light equipment and low cost solutions. Recent developments in structure from motion and dense matching techniques provide promising tools for such applications. In the following, the feasibility of terrestrial photogrammetry for mapping topographic location properties of sparsely vegetated areas in selected European mountain regions is investigated. Changes in species composition at alpine vegetation locations are indicators of climate change consequences, such as the pronounced rise of average temperatures in mountains compared to the global average. Better understanding of climate change effects on plants demand for investigations on a micro-topographic scale. We use professional and consumer grade digital single-lens reflex cameras mapping 288 plots each 3 x 3 m on 18 summits in the Alps and Mediterranean Mountains within the GLORIA (GLobal Observation Research Initiative in Alpine environments) network. Image matching tests result in accuracies that are in the order of millimetres in the XY-plane and below 0.5 mm in Z-direction at the second image pyramid level. Reconstructing vegetation proves to be a challenge due to its fine and small structured architecture and its permanent movement by wind during image acquisition, which is omnipresent on mountain summits. The produced 3D point clouds are gridded to 6 mm resolution from which topographic parameters such as slope, aspect and roughness are derived. At a later project stage these parameters will be statistically linked to botanical reference data in order to conclude on relations between specific location properties and species compositions