562 research outputs found
Modular Invariance on the Torus and Abelian Chern-Simons Theory
The implementation of modular invariance on the torus as a phase space at the
quantum level is discussed in a group-theoretical framework. Unlike the
classical case, at the quantum level some restrictions on the parameters of the
theory should be imposed to ensure modular invariance. Two cases must be
considered, depending on the cohomology class of the symplectic form on the
torus. If it is of integer cohomology class , then full modular invariance
is achieved at the quantum level only for those wave functions on the torus
which are periodic if is even, or antiperiodic if is odd. If the
symplectic form is of rational cohomology class , a similar result
holds --the wave functions must be either periodic or antiperiodic on a torus
times larger in both direccions, depending on the parity of .
Application of these results to the Abelian Chern-Simons is discussed.Comment: 24 pages, latex, no figures; title changed; last version published in
On Schr\"odinger superalgebras
We construct, using the supersymplectic framework of Berezin, Kostant and
others, two types of supersymmetric extensions of the Schr\"odinger algebra
(itself a conformal extension of the Galilei algebra). An `-type' extension
exists in any space dimension, and for any pair of integers and . It
yields an superalgebra, which generalizes the N=1 supersymmetry
Gauntlett et al. found for a free spin-\half particle, as well as the N=2
supersymmetry of the fermionic oscillator found by Beckers et al. In two space
dimensions, new, `exotic' or `-type' extensions arise for each pair of
integers and , yielding an superalgebra of
the type discovered recently by Leblanc et al. in non relativistic Chern-Simons
theory. For the magnetic monopole the symmetry reduces to
\o(3)\times\osp(1/1), and for the magnetic vortex it reduces to
\o(2)\times\osp(1/2).Comment: On Schr\"odinger superalgebras, no figurs. Published versio
Plant succession on gopher mounds in Western Cascade meadows: consequences for species diversity and heterogeneity
Pocket gophers have the potential to alter the dynamics of grasslands by creating mounds that bury existing vegetation and locally reset succession. Gopher mounds may provide safe sites for less competitive species, potentially increasing both species diversity and vegetation heterogeneity (spatial variation in species composition). We compared species composition, diversity and heterogeneity among gopher mounds of different ages in three montane meadows in the Cascade Range of Oregon. Cover of graminoids and forbs increased with mound age, as did species richness. Contrary to many studies, we found no evidence that mounds provided safe sites for early successional species, despite their abundance in the soil seed bank, or that diversity peaked on intermediate-aged mounds. However, cover of forbs relative to that of graminoids was greater on mounds than in the adjacent meadow. Variation in species composition was also greater within and among mounds than in adjacent patches of undisturbed vegetation, suggesting that these small-scale disturbances increase heterogeneity within meadows
Kinetics of phase-separation in the critical spherical model and local scale-invariance
The scaling forms of the space- and time-dependent two-time correlation and
response functions are calculated for the kinetic spherical model with a
conserved order-parameter and quenched to its critical point from a completely
disordered initial state. The stochastic Langevin equation can be split into a
noise part and into a deterministic part which has local scale-transformations
with a dynamical exponent z=4 as a dynamical symmetry. An exact reduction
formula allows to express any physical average in terms of averages calculable
from the deterministic part alone. The exact spherical model results are shown
to agree with these predictions of local scale-invariance. The results also
include kinetic growth with mass conservation as described by the
Mullins-Herring equation.Comment: Latex2e with IOP macros, 28 pp, 2 figures, final for
Efimov effect from functional renormalization
We apply a field-theoretic functional renormalization group technique to the
few-body (vacuum) physics of non-relativistic atoms near a Feshbach resonance.
Three systems are considered: one-component bosons with U(1) symmetry,
two-component fermions with U(1)\times SU(2) symmetry and three-component
fermions with U(1) \times SU(3) symmetry. We focus on the scale invariant
unitarity limit for infinite scattering length. The exact solution for the
two-body sector is consistent with the unitary fixed point behavior for all
considered systems. Nevertheless, the numerical three-body solution in the
s-wave sector develops a limit cycle scaling in case of U(1) bosons and SU(3)
fermions. The Efimov parameter for the one-component bosons and the
three-component fermions is found to be approximately s=1.006, consistent with
the result of Efimov.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, minor changes, published versio
Deeper discussion of Schr\"odinger invariant and Logarithmic sectors of higher-curvature gravity
The aim of this paper is to explore D-dimensional theories of pure gravity
whose space of solutions contains certain class of AdS-waves, including in
particular Schrodinger invariant spacetimes. This amounts to consider higher
order theories, and the natural case to start with is to analyze generic
square-curvature corrections to Einstein-Hilbert action. In this case, the
Schrodinger invariant sector in the space of solutions arises for a special
relation between the coupling constants appearing in the action. On the other
hand, besides the Schrodinger invariant configurations, logarithmic branches
similar to those of the so-called Log-gravity are also shown to emerge for
another special choice of the coupling constants. These Log solutions can be
interpreted as the superposition of the massless mode of General Relativity and
two scalar modes that saturate the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound (BF) of the AdS
space on which they propagate. These solutions are higher-dimensional analogues
of those appearing in three-dimensional massive gravities with relaxed AdS_3
asymptotic. Other sectors of the space of solutions of higher-curvature
theories correspond to oscillatory configurations, which happen to be below the
BF bound. Also, there is a fully degenerated sector, for which any wave profile
is admitted. We comment on the relation between this degeneracy and the
non-renormalization of the dynamical exponent of the Schrodinger spaces. Our
analysis also includes more general gravitational actions with non-polynomial
corrections consisting of arbitrary functions of the square-curvature
invariants. The same sectors of solutions are shown to exist for this more
general family of theories. We finally consider the Chern-Simons modified
gravity in four dimensions, for which we derive both the Schrodinger invariant
as well as the logarithmic sectors.Comment: This paper is dedicated to the memory of Laurent Houar
Representations of the discrete inhomogeneous Lorentz group and Dirac wave equation on the lattice
We propose the fundamental and two dimensional representation of the Lorentz
groups on a (3+1)-dimensional hypercubic lattice, from which representations of
higher dimensions can be constructed. For the unitary representation of the
discrete translation group we use the kernel of the Fourier transform. From the
Dirac representation of the Lorentz group (including reflections) we derive in
a natural way the wave equation on the lattice for spin 1/2 particles. Finally
the induced representation of the discrete inhomogeneous Lorentz group is
constructed by standard methods and its connection with the continuous case is
discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 20 pages, 1 eps figure, uses iopconf.sty (late submission
Two-time autocorrelation function in phase-ordering kinetics from local scale-invariance
The time-dependent scaling of the two-time autocorrelation function of spin
systems without disorder undergoing phase-ordering kinetics is considered. Its
form is shown to be determined by an extension of dynamical scaling to a local
scale-invariance which turns out to be a new version of conformal invariance.
The predicted autocorrelator is in agreement with Monte-Carlo data on the
autocorrelation function of the 2D kinetic Ising model with Glauber dynamics
quenched to a temperature below criticality.Comment: Latex2e, 7 pages with 2 figures, with epl macro, final from, to
appear in EP
On the new approach to variable separation in the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation with two space dimensions
We suggest an effective approach to separation of variables in the
Schr\"odinger equation with two space variables. Using it we classify
inequivalent potentials such that the corresponding Schr\" odinger
equations admit separation of variables. Besides that, we carry out separation
of variables in the Schr\" odinger equation with the anisotropic harmonic
oscillator potential and obtain a complete list of
coordinate systems providing its separability. Most of these coordinate systems
depend essentially on the form of the potential and do not provide separation
of variables in the free Schr\" odinger equation ().Comment: 21 pages, latex, to appear in the "Journal of Mathematical Physics"
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