14 research outputs found

    Postępowanie w dużej torbieli śledziony w ciąży – opis przypadku

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    Splenic cysts in pregnancy are an extremely rare disorder and to date only seven such cases have been reported in literature. The consensus for the management of pregnant patients with splenic cysts is therefore yet to be established. A 25-year old nullipara with a large (10 cm in diameter) splenic cyst located in the upper pole and the hilum was qualified for surgery in the second trimester of pregnancy. Open total splenectomy was performed because of the central location and large diameter of the cyst. No complications were reported. The pathology report demonstrated secondary cyst (pseudocyst). The remaining antepartum course was uneventful and the patient spontaneously delivered a healthy baby at 39 weeks of pregnancy. We are of the opinion that splenic cysts should be operated on in the second trimester of pregnancy because of the risk of spontaneous rupture. Total splenectomy is a safe and effective procedure for centrally located large cysts.Torbiele śledziony u ciężarnych są niezwykle rzadko spostrzeganą jednostką chorobową, do chwili obecnej w literaturze opisano zaledwie siedem przypadków. Z tego względu nie opracowano konsensusu postępowania u ciężarnych z torbielami śledziony. Przedstawiono przypadek 25-letniej pierworódki z torbielą średnicy 10 cm, zajmującej górny biegun i wnękę śledziony, którą zakwalifikowano do leczenia operacyjnego w trzecim trymestrze ciąży. Ze względu na centralną lokalizację torbieli wykonano całkowitą, otwartą splenektomię. W przebiegu śród- i pooperacyjnym nie stwierdzono żadnych powikłań. Badanie histopatologiczne ujawniło torbiel wtórną (rzekomą) śledziony. Pozostały przebieg ciąży był niepowikłany i pacjentka urodziła zdrowe dziecko siłami natury w 39 tygodniu ciąży. W naszej opinii duże torbiele śledziony powinny być operowane w drugim trymestrze ciąży ze względu na ryzyko samoistnego pęknięcia. W przypadku centralnej lokalizacji torbieli całkowita splenektomia jest bezpiecznym i skutecznym sposobem postępowania

    Vitamin D insufficiency in healthy pregnant women living in Warsaw

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    Background/Objectives: Ensuring the optimal level of 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25OHD) in serum (concentration above 30 ng/ml) is essential for protecting the health of the mother and the developing fetus. Vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining proper bone structure, preventing infections, reducing the risk of premature birth and gestational diabetes. The aim of the study was to verify whether healthy pregnant residents of Warsaw were deficient in vitamin D. Material and methods: The material consisted of 150 serum samples of 50 healthy women in 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. 72.7% of the sera were from women who reported taking multivitamin supplements containing vitamin D3 (71% out of that group was taking 400 IU daily). The concentration of 25OHD was measured using the vitamin D total assay on Elecsys 2010 automatic analyzer (Roche Diagnostics). Results: The average serum 25OHD concentrations of 50 women in 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy were respectively: 23.1 ng/ml, 24.8 ng/ml, and 25.1 ng/ml, with no statistically significant differences. The optimal levels of 25OHD (30-80 ng/ml) were found in 30.0% of samples, hypovitaminosis (20-30 ng/ml) occurred in 38.7%, deficiency (10-20 ng/ml) in 24.0% and severe deficiency (less than 10 ng/ml) in 7.3% of cases. Mean concentration of 25OHD in winter season (October 1 – March 31) was 23.6 ng/ml and in summer season (April 1 – September 30) was 25.5 ng/ml, with no statistically significant difference. On the basis of the BMI in 1st trimester two subgroups were distinguished from the studied subjects: BMI 25 (14 patients, 42 samples). Mean 25OHD concentration in these groups were 27.3 and 23.5 ng/ml respectively (

    Ocena wartości stężeń neuropeptydu Y, leptyny oraz receptora leptyny u nastolatek chorych na anoreksję

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    Aim: The main aim of the study was to assess concentrations of neuropeptide Y, leptin and leptin receptor in teenagers treated for anorexia nervosa. Materials and methods: The study was conducted between 2007- 2011 in a group of 45 female teenagers with anorexia nervosa and a control group consisting of 59 healthy, regularly menstruating female age peers. Concentrations of leptin, leptin receptor, and neuropeptide Y (NPY) have been determined by using immunoenzymatic tests. Blood samples were obtained in fasting state. The Ethics Committee of the Medical University of Lodz approved of the study. Results: There were statistically significant differences between mean values of BMI (14.6 vs. 19.83), median value of leptin concentration (3.79 vs. 12.09), proportions of LEP/BMI (0.1986 vs. 0.5701) in the study group whe compared to controls. Higher values were found in the study group if compared to the percentage of body mass insufficiency - (23.09 vs. 3.91), neuropeptide Y concentration – (0.33 vs. 0.19), proportions of NPY/BMI – (0.023 vs. 0.0095), concentration of leptin receptor – (30.25 vs. 19.45), proportions of LR/BMI – (2.1048 vs. 0.9744). Conclusions: Low concentrations of leptine correlate to high concentrations of leptin receptor. A positive correlation between low body mass index and leptin receptor concentration and proportions of LR to BMI was found. A negative correlation was found between body mass loss and leptin concentration. The increasing concentration of neuropeptide Y, correlated to body mass defficency with existing high concentrations of leptin, could suggest disturbances of their regulatory axis.Cel pracy. Ocena wartości stężeń neuropeptydu Y, leptyny oraz receptora leptyny u nastolatek chorych na jadłowstręt psychiczny. Materiał i metody. Badanie przeprowadzono w latach 2007 –2011 w grupie nastolatek chorych na jadłowstręt psychiczny. Grupa badana liczyła 45 nastolatek leczonych z powodu anoreksji. Grupę kontrolną liczącą 59 osób stanowiły zdrowe, miesiączkujące regularnie od co najmniej roku dziewczęta, w podobnym wieku. Na przeprowadzenie badań uzyskano zgodę Komisji Bioetycznej Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi. Do wykonania oznaczeń hormonalnych pobierano krew żylną. Stężenia leptyny, Wyniki: W grupie badanej w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną stwierdzono istotnie niższe wartości następujących parametrów: średnie BMI – (14,6 vs.19,83),medianę stężenia leptyny – (3,79 vs. 12,09), wskaźnik LEP/BMI – (0,1986 vs. 0,5701). Wyższe wartości w grupie badanej stwierdzono oceniając: niedobór masy ciała liczony w % – (23,09 vs. 3,91), stężenie neuropeptydu Y – (0,33 vs. 0,19), wskaźnik NPY/BMI – (0,023 vs. 0,0095), stężenie receptora leptyny – (30,25 vs. 19,45), wskaźnik LR/BMI – (2,1048 vs. 0,9744). Wnioski. Niskie wartości stężenia leptyny korelują ze wzrostem stężeń receptora leptyny. Stwierdzono dodatnią korelację niedoboru masy ciała z wartościami stężeń receptora dla leptyny i wskaźnika LR/BMI. Obserwowano znamienną ujemną zależność między ubytkiem masy ciała a stężeniem leptyny. Rosnące wraz niedoborem masy ciała stężenie neuropeptydu Y przy jednoczesnych wysokich stężeniach leptyny mogą sugerować zaburzenia ich osi regulacyjnej

    Zachowania informacyjne Polaków dotyczące zdrowego odżywiania się. Wyniki badania EATWELL

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    Information behaviour of Poles in area of healthy eating. Results of EATWELL surveyThe rate of obesity in Poland increases rapidly, especially fast among children and adolescents. An important and also fully accepted by the society ways of fighting this phenomenon are social marketing and educational interventions. To make these activities effective they have to keep pace with changes in information behavior of target groups. But the importance of raising information competency of consumers is not fully understood by those who design and implement health programs and health Information behavior and literacy rarely are the subject of research. The goal of this study is to find where and how Polish citizens look for diet related information, what barriers they encounter, and whether they behave differently in comparison with citizens of other European countries. Method: A survey administered through computer-assisted on-line web-interviewing to a probabilistic, stratified by age and gender, sample of respondents in Poland (n = 600). Comparison sample – same number of respondents in Belgium, Denmark, Italy and UK. Results: 49% of surveyed Poles do not know where to look for healthy diet related information and have bigger problems with this task then the respondents in other surveyed countries. In comparison with Danish, a probability that a Pole knows where to look for such information decreases twice. Individual and environmental determinants strongly affect information knowledge and behavior. Men, educated, poorer and sicker persons have bigger problems with finding information and are less likely to attempt to look for it. Majority of respondents uses Internet and Google to look for healthy diet information. Only 23% of Polish respondents would turn to their GPs for healthy eating advice

    Information behaviour of Poles in area of healthy eating : results of EATWELL survey

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    The rate of obesity in Poland increases rapidly, especially fast among children and adolescents. An important and also fully accepted by the society ways of fighting this phenomenon are social marketing and educational interventions. To make these activities effective they have to keep pace with changes in information behavior of target groups. But the importance of raising information competency of consumers is not fully understood by those who design and implement health programs and health Information behavior and literacy rarely are the subject of research. The goal of this study is to find where and how Polish citizens look for diet related information, what barriers they encounter, and whether they behave differently in comparison with citizens of other European countries. Method: A survey administered through computer-assisted on-line web-interviewing to a probabilistic, stratified by age and gender, sample of respondents in Poland (n = 600). Comparison sample – same number of respondents in Belgium, Denmark, Italy and UK. Results: 49% of surveyed Poles do not know where to look for healthy diet related information and have bigger problems with this task then the respondents in other surveyed countries. In comparison with Danish, a probability that a Pole knows where to look for such information decreases twice. Individual and environmental determinants strongly affect information knowledge and behavior. Men, educated, poorer and sicker persons have bigger problems with finding information and are less likely to attempt to look for it. Majority of respondents uses Internet and Google to look for healthy diet information. Only 23% of Polish respondents would turn to their GPs for healthy eating advice

    Mechanisms of type I interferon action and its role in infections and diseases transmission in mammals

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    Interferons (IFNs) are pivotal regulators of immunological processes. This paper describes mainly type I interferons -α and -β and their recently recounted signaling pathways, especially connected with ISGs - interferon stimulated genes, having a crucial role in regulating IFN recruitment. Moreover, the paper shows the data on the role of interferons -α and -β in infections - not only commonly known viral infections, but also bacterial, fungal and parasitic

    Stress granules (SG) and processing bodies (PB) in viral infections

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    During reaction to stress caused by viral infection, RNA granules are formed in order to protect mRNA. Stress granules (SG) and processing bodies (PB) provide cell homeostasis and mRNA stability. They are formed, for example, during polio virus and MRV (mammalian orthoreovirus) infections. Some viruses, such as influenza virus and HTLV-1 (Human T-lymphotropic virus 1), block the formation of granules. In addition, there are viruses like West Nile Virus, Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) or human Herpes viruses, which influence the functioning of the granules

    Conglutinin - an Important Element of Natural Immunity in Ruminants (a Review)

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    Conglutinin represents a collectin appearing only in some mammals, including cattle. It plays an important role in resistance of hosts against microbes and parasites. It exhibits affinity toward saccharides present on the surface of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites and it mobilizes the mechanisms leading to their inactivation. It manifests also the unique ability of agglutinating complement- and antibody-coated erythrocytes. Moreover, it shows the ability to activate immune system cells, including the process of phagocytosis. In this review also the factors that determine the amount and activity of conglutinin in mammalian serum were presented, including environmental conditions and infectious agents, such as various types of bacteria and viruses. The broad scope of conglutinin is genetically controlled and, therefore, this collectin may constitute a useful and crucial factor in cattle husbandry

    Apoptosis of peripheral blood leucocytes in rabbits infected with different strains of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus

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    The pathogenicity of RHDV (rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus) is mainly associated with its affinity to blood vessels, with causing disseminated intravascular coagulations (DIC), and with the stimulation of the host immune system. Moreover, there are implications suggesting that apoptosis may be a pivotal process in understanding the basis of viral haemorrhagic disease in rabbits - a serious infectious disease causing mortality to wild and domestic rabbits. The aim of this study is to evaluate, by means of flow cytometry, the dynamics of apoptosis in peripheral blood granulocytes and lymphocytes in rabbits experimentally infected with seven different strains of RHDV and so-called antigenic variants of RHDV denominated as RHDVa, i.e.: Hungarian 24V/89, 1447V/96, 72V/2003; Austrian 01-04, 237/04, V-412 and French 05-01. The results showed that all of the RHDV and RHDVa strains cause an increase in the number of apoptotic cells throughout the infection, which might indicate the need for further analysis of the importance of this process