1,154 research outputs found

    Testing the Hubble Law with the IRAS 1.2 Jy Redshift Survey

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    We test and reject the claim of Segal et al. (1993) that the correlation of redshifts and flux densities in a complete sample of IRAS galaxies favors a quadratic redshift-distance relation over the linear Hubble law. This is done, in effect, by treating the entire galaxy luminosity function as derived from the 60 micron 1.2 Jy IRAS redshift survey of Fisher et al. (1995) as a distance indicator; equivalently, we compare the flux density distribution of galaxies as a function of redshift with predictions under different redshift-distance cosmologies, under the assumption of a universal luminosity function. This method does not assume a uniform distribution of galaxies in space. We find that this test has rather weak discriminatory power, as argued by Petrosian (1993), and the differences between models are not as stark as one might expect a priori. Even so, we find that the Hubble law is indeed more strongly supported by the analysis than is the quadratic redshift-distance relation. We identify a bias in the the Segal et al. determination of the luminosity function, which could lead one to mistakenly favor the quadratic redshift-distance law. We also present several complementary analyses of the density field of the sample; the galaxy density field is found to be close to homogeneous on large scales if the Hubble law is assumed, while this is not the case with the quadratic redshift-distance relation.Comment: 27 pages Latex (w/figures), ApJ, in press. Uses AAS macros, postscript also available at http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~library/preprints/pop682.ps.g

    Parallel quantized charge pumping

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    Two quantized charge pumps are operated in parallel. The total current generated is shown to be far more accurate than the current produced with just one pump operating at a higher frequency. With the application of a perpendicular magnetic field the accuracy of quantization is shown to be << 20 ppm for a current of 108.9108.9 pA. The scheme for parallel pumping presented in this work has applications in quantum information processing, the generation of single photons in pairs and bunches, neural networking and the development of a quantum standard for electrical current. All these applications will benefit greatly from the increase in output current without the characteristic decrease in accuracy as a result of high-frequency operation

    Possible effect of collective modes in zero magnetic field transport in an electron-hole bilayer

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    We report single layer resistivities of 2-dimensional electron and hole gases in an electron-hole bilayer with a 10nm barrier. In a regime where the interlayer interaction is stronger than the intralayer interaction, we find that an insulating state (dρ/dT<0d\rho/dT < 0) emerges at T1.5KT\sim1.5{\rm K} or lower, when both the layers are simultaneously present. This happens deep in the ""metallic" regime, even in layers with kFl>500k_{F}l>500, thus making conventional mechanisms of localisation due to disorder improbable. We suggest that this insulating state may be due to a charge density wave phase, as has been expected in electron-hole bilayers from the Singwi-Tosi-Land-Sj\"olander approximation based calculations of L. Liu {\it et al} [{\em Phys. Rev. B}, {\bf 53}, 7923 (1996)]. Our results are also in qualitative agreement with recent Path-Integral-Monte-Carlo simulations of a two component plasma in the low temperature regime [ P. Ludwig {\it et al}. {\em Contrib. Plasma Physics} {\bf 47}, No. 4-5, 335 (2007)]Comment: 5 pages + 3 EPS figures (replaced with published version

    Crossover scaling from classical to nonclassical critical behavior

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    We study the crossover between classical and nonclassical critical behaviors. The critical crossover limit is driven by the Ginzburg number G. The corresponding scaling functions are universal with respect to any possible microscopic mechanism which can vary G, such as changing the range or the strength of the interactions. The critical crossover describes the unique flow from the unstable Gaussian to the stable nonclassical fixed point. The scaling functions are related to the continuum renormalization-group functions. We show these features explicitly in the large-N limit of the O(N) phi^4 model. We also show that the effective susceptibility exponent is nonmonotonic in the low-temperature phase of the three-dimensional Ising model.Comment: 5 pages, final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Critical behavior in colloid-polymer mixtures: theory and simulation

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    We extensively investigated the critical behavior of mixtures of colloids and polymers via the two-component Asakura-Oosawa model and its reduction to a one-component colloidal fluid using accurate theoretical and simulation techniques. In particular the theoretical approach, hierarchical reference theory [Adv. Phys. 44, 211 (1995)], incorporates realistically the effects of long-range fluctuations on phase separation giving exponents which differ strongly from their mean-field values, and are in good agreement with those of the three-dimensional Ising model. Computer simulations combined with finite-size scaling analysis confirm the Ising universality and the accuracy of the theory, although some discrepancy in the location of the critical point between one-component and full-mixture description remains. To assess the limit of the pair-interaction description, we compare one-component and two-component results.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Effective average action in statistical physics and quantum field theory

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    An exact renormalization group equation describes the dependence of the free energy on an infrared cutoff for the quantum or thermal fluctuations. It interpolates between the microphysical laws and the complex macroscopic phenomena. We present a simple unified description of critical phenomena for O(N)-symmetric scalar models in two, three or four dimensions, including essential scaling for the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition.Comment: 34 pages,5 figures,LaTe

    Nonmonotonical crossover of the effective susceptibility exponent

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    We have numerically determined the behavior of the magnetic susceptibility upon approach of the critical point in two-dimensional spin systems with an interaction range that was varied over nearly two orders of magnitude. The full crossover from classical to Ising-like critical behavior, spanning several decades in the reduced temperature, could be observed. Our results convincingly show that the effective susceptibility exponent gamma_eff changes nonmonotonically from its classical to its Ising value when approaching the critical point in the ordered phase. In the disordered phase the behavior is monotonic. Furthermore the hypothesis that the crossover function is universal is supported.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX 3.0/3.1, 5 Encapsulated PostScript figures. Uses epsf.sty. Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters. Also available as PostScript and PDF file at http://www.tn.tudelft.nl/tn/erikpubs.htm

    Classical-to-critical crossovers from field theory

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    We extent the previous determinations of nonasymptotic critical behavior of Phys. Rev B32, 7209 (1985) and B35, 3585 (1987) to accurate expressions of the complete classical-to-critical crossover (in the 3-d field theory) in terms of the temperature-like scaling field (i.e., along the critical isochore) for : 1) the correlation length, the susceptibility and the specific heat in the homogeneous phase for the n-vector model (n=1 to 3) and 2) for the spontaneous magnetization (coexistence curve), the susceptibility and the specific heat in the inhomogeneous phase for the Ising model (n=1). The present calculations include the seventh loop order of Murray and Nickel (1991) and closely account for the up-to-date estimates of universal asymptotic critical quantities (exponents and amplitude combinations) provided by Guida and Zinn-Justin [J. Phys. A31, 8103 (1998)].Comment: 4 figs, 4 program documents in appendix, some corrections adde

    Flow Equations for U_k and Z_k

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    By considering the gradient expansion for the wilsonian effective action S_k of a single component scalar field theory truncated to the first two terms, the potential U_k and the kinetic term Z_k, I show that the recent claim that different expansion of the fluctuation determinant give rise to different renormalization group equations for Z_k is incorrect. The correct procedure to derive this equation is presented and the set of coupled differential equations for U_k and Z_k is definitely established.Comment: 5 page