104 research outputs found

    Hidden Markov models for radio localization in mixed LOS/NLOS conditions

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    Abstract—This paper deals with the problem of radio localization of moving terminals (MTs) for indoor applications with mixed line-of-sight/non-line-of-sight (LOS/NLOS) conditions. To reduce false localizations, a grid-based Bayesian approach is proposed to jointly track the sequence of the positions and the sight conditions of the MT. This method is based on the assumption that both the MT position and the sight condition are Markov chains whose state is hidden in the received signals [hidden Markov model (HMM)]. The observations used for the HMM localization are obtained from the power-delay profile of the received signals. In ultrawideband (UWB) systems, the use of the whole power-delay profile, rather than the total power only, allows to reach higher localization accuracy, as the power-profile is a joint measurement of time of arrival and power. Numerical results show that the proposed HMM method improves the accuracy of localization with respect to conventional ranging methods, especially in mixed LOS/NLOS indoor environments. Index Terms—Bayesian estimation, hidden Markov models (HMM), mobile positioning, source localization, tracking algorithms

    Effetto di diversi interventi tecnologici sulle proprietà antiossidanti di derivati agrumari

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    Recent studies clearly indicate the existence of a highly negative correlation between intake of fruits and vegetable and the development of degenerative diseases. A number of bio-active constituents of these foods, such as the natural antioxidants, may account for these effects. Although many studies have been carried out to elucidate how antioxidants act in protecting health, little is known about the influence of processing and storage on content, activity and bio-availability of these compounds. It is worth considering that most of fruits and vegetables are subjected to processing and storage, prior to consumption. In this paper results on changes of overall antioxidants properties of the aqueous phase of some citrus derivatives upon different processing and storage conditions are shown. Results indicate that, despite a considerable loss of ascorbic acid, the overall antioxidant properties of the products were scarcely affected by the different technological operations adopted. The possible role of phenols compounds in maintaining high values of antioxidant activity is elucidated. Recenti studi indicano l'esistenza di una correlazione inversa tra consumo di frutta ed ortaggi ed insorgenza di patologie degenerative. Questi effetti sono stati atbibuiti alla presenza, in tali alimenti, di una complessa serie di molecole bioattive, tra cui gli antiossidanti naturali. Sebbene esistano numerosi studi sui meccanismi alla base dell'azione protettiva di tali sostanze antiossidanti, ben poco è noto sull'influenza dei processi di trasformazione e conservazione sul contenuto, attività e biodisponibilità di questi composti. Tali aspetti risultano di grande interesse in considerazione del fatto che gran parte della frutta e degli ortaggi subisce un qualche intervento conservativo o di trasformaazione, anche di minima intensità, prima del consumo. In questo lavoro vengono presentati i risultati relativi alIo studio sui cambiamenti delle proprietà antiossidanti della frazione idrosolubile di alcuni derivati agrumari sottoposti a trattamenti di trasformazione e conservazione ad intensità crescente. I risultati sembrano indicare come i diversi interventi tecnologici applicati abbiano una scarsa influenza sulle proprietà antiossidanti originarie di questi prodotti benché, in talune condizioni tecnologiche si sia verificata una drastica riduzione del contenuto di acido ascorbico

    Minimal processing of fruit and vegetables: influence of concentration and activity of some naturally occurring antioxidants in orange derivatives

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    Nutritional factors are widely proved to be critical for human health. Overwhelming, evidence from epidemiological studies showed that diets rich in fruit and vegetables are associated with a reduced risk of degenerative diseases. This is attributed to the fact that these foods may provide an optimal mix of phytochemicals, such as antioxidants and their precursors. However, it is widely recognised that the health promoting capacity of fruit and vegetables strictly depends on their technological history. Processing is expected to affect content, activity and bio-availability of naturally occurring antioxidants. Although some experimental evidence has recently demonstrated that processing may have many effects, not always resulting in a loss of the health promoting capacity of fruit and vegetables, uncertainty still exists about the effective incidence of the various technological steps. This aspect, which is generally neglected or scarcely considered in present nutritional and epidemiological studies, is of great importance, considering that only a small amount of fruit and vegetables are consumed as fresh, whilst most of them need to be processed for safety, quality and economic reasons. Thus, investigation on the effects of processing on the activity of naturally occurring antioxidants is a key factor in order to find out the best technological conditions for preserving the above cited beneficial properties and to achieve a correct interpretation of data on dietary habits and human health. In the present investigation fresh and pasteurised orange juices, chosen by virtue of their high content in naturally occurring antioxidants and their widespread consumption, were considered. The changes in ascorbic acid concentration and in the overall antioxidant properties during juice preparation and storage, the latter carried out under different temperature conditions, were studied

    TLR-4 and VEGF polymorphisms in chronic periaortitis

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    Chronic periaortitis (CP) is a rare disease that is characterised by fibro-inflammatory tissue surrounding the abdominal aorta and has both non-aneurysmal (idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis [IRF]) and aneurysmal forms (inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysm [IAAA]). We investigated whether toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) polymorphisms were associated with susceptibility to, and the clinical features of CP

    A análise de sensibilidade do POC em edificações naturalmente ventiladas / POC sensitivity analysis in naturally ventilated buildings

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    O desempenho térmico de edificações com condicionamento passivo, isto é, que não consomem energia para modificar as condições ambientais internas de uma edificação, emprega variáveis ambientais de conforto térmico, que podem ser estimadas por meio de simulações de desempenho de edificações. A metodologia do conforto adaptativo proposta pela norma ASHRAE 55, considera a temperatura como fator primordial para a determinação da aceitabilidade de conforto térmico do usuário para um determinado clima e edifício, permitindo assim que os projetistas verifiquem se um projeto é capaz de proporcionar conforto térmico durante as diferentes estações do ano. Diante do exposto, para uma edificação previamente modelada na qual as características dos sistemas construtivos poderiam variar, propôs-se a simulação de desempenho térmico utilizando a ventilação natural e partindo-se de arquivos climáticos previamente desenvolvidos para a cidade de Viçosa-MG. A partir disso, propôs-se uma análise comparativa entre os métodos de seleção do ano climático representativo para condições de conforto térmico, para verificar o mais confiável para o clima brasileiro. Utilizou-se o Energyplus para modelar e simular as características dos sistemas construtivos e dos sistemas de condicionamento natural propostos. Foram comparados arquivos climáticos desenvolvidos a partir de uma mesma base de dados, usando alguns dos métodos que o autor citado utilizou: os dois principais métodos utilizados no Brasil, o TRY e o TMY brasileiro; um método utilizado nos EUA, o TMY3; o método mais utilizado na Europa, o TRY europeu;  o método multianual 3 anos, em que foi identificado um ano de referência com os valores mais baixos de temperatura e radiação, um outro ano com os valores mais altos de temperaturas e radiação, e um ano com valores médios para os mesmos parâmetros; e, por fim, o multianual 10 anos, no qual foram analisados os dados para cada um dos 10 anos de dados climáticos coletados para a cidade de Viçosa-MG. Assim como como foi indicado em estudos anteriores, em que o TMY3 foi o formato sintético mais apropriado para edifícios condicionados, este estudo confirma seu uso para edifícios naturalmente ventilados, pois mostra como o TMY3 descreve melhor a série temporal com um único formato

    G/R 241 polymorphism of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) is associated with Fuchs uveitis

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    To investigate potential associations of the ICAM-1 gene polymorphisms and Fuchs uveitis in a cohort of Italian patients

    Hereditary spastic paraplegia and axonal motor neuropathy caused by a novel SPG3A de novo mutation

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    Abstract Mutations in the SPG3A gene (atlastin protein) cause approximately 10% of autosomal-dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia. Most patients with an SPG3A mutation present with a pure phenotype and early-onset disease, although complicated forms with peripheral neuropathy are also reported. We report a new heterozygous S398F mutation in exon 12 of the SPG3A gene causing a very early-onset spastic paraplegia in association with motor axonal neuropathy in a 4-year-old girl resembling diplegic cerebral palsy
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