19 research outputs found

    A fi sau a nu fi membru în asociațiile profesionale de specialitate - scurtă prezentare a Asociației pentru Știința și Tehnologia Informării (ASIS&T)

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    In the development of the profession, an important factor is the participation in training programs, professional meetings and membership in professional associations. Professional associations are considered a viable partner in setting standards, providing continuing education programs and promoting the role of the profession in society. This text is intended to be a stimulent for all professionals in library and information science, who already have experience in this field, but also for those who are now entering the library world, to join an association in Romania and / or abroad, to represent them and in which to contribute with ideas and initiatives, in order to strengthen our profession

    ¿Citan las mujeres investigadoras más a las otras mujeres que a los hombres?

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    The objective of the research presented in this article is to analyze possible citation biases between scientific articles due to the gender of the authors. Various researchers, such as Maliniak, Powers, and Walter (2013); Beaudry and Larivière (2016); Ghiasi et al. (2018); Huang et al. (2019); Potthoff and Zimmermann (2017); and Thelwall (2020), have highlighted the existing gender gap in university careers, and also in scientific publication, a reflection of what happens in society in general. The starting hypothesis of this research is that due to the discrimination they are subjected to, women could react by citing other female authors more. The methodology used has been 1) conducting a bibliographic search on the subject. The search results that express negative situations for women serve as a preamble to the reasoning that is carried out about possible reactions of women to such situations, and the approach of this research, asking us if consciously or out of sensitivity and affinity, women have some tendency to cite the work of their peers more than those of male colleagues. 2) Articles from two complete issues of four journals have been selected, and citations from men to men, men to women, women to women, and women to men have been counted. The results obtained show a difference in behavior according to gender: women are more balanced 40% cite women, and 60% cite men. In contrast, men show more homophilia, sending only 25% of citations to women and 75% to their peers. It is concluded that the gender gap persists and that a detrimental situation continues for women who, by not receiving the deserved accreditation for their work, are unable to reach the higher levels of academic careers. Keywords: gender gap; men; women; academic career; scientific publication; scholarly publication; journals; cites; citations; habits; male homophilia; accreditation.El objetivo de la investigación presentada en este artículo es analizar posibles sesgos de citación entre artículos científicos debidos al género de los autores.  Diversos investigadores, como Maliniak, Powers y Walter (2013); Beaudry y Larivière (2016); Ghiasi et al. (2018); Huang et al. (2019); Potthoff y Zimmermann (2017); y Thelwall (2020), han puesto de relieve la brecha de género existente en las carreras universitarias, y también en la publicación científica, reflejo de lo que ocurre en la Sociedad en general. La hipótesis de partida de esta investigación es que debido a la discriminación de que son objeto, las mujeres podrían reaccionar citando más a otras autoras. La metodología usada ha sido 1) la realización de una búsqueda bibliográfica sobre el tema. Los resultados de la búsqueda, que expresan situaciones negativas para las mujeres, sirven como preámbulo del razonamiento que se lleva a cabo sobre posibles reacciones de las mujeres ante tales situaciones, y del planteamiento de esta investigación, preguntándonos si de forma consciente o por sensibilidad y afinidad las mujeres tienen alguna tendencia a citar más los trabajos de sus congéneres que los de los colegas masculinos. 2) Se han seleccionado los artículos de dos números completos de cuatro revistas, y se han contabilizado las citas de hombres a hombres, hombres a mujeres, mujeres a mujeres y mujeres a hombres. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una diferencia de comportamiento según el género: las mujeres son más equilibradas: citan un 40% a mujeres y un 60% a hombres. En cambio, los hombres demuestran más homofilia enviando solo un 25% de citas a las mujeres y un 75% a sus congéneres. Se concluye que perdura la brecha de género y que continúa una situación perjudicial para las mujeres que, al no recibir la merecida acreditación por sus trabajos, no consiguen alcanzar los niveles superiores de las carreras académicas. Palabras clave: Brecha de género; Hombres; Mujeres; Carrera académica; Publicación científica; Revistas; Citas; Citaciones; Hábitos; Homofilia masculina; Acreditación

    Digitizarea documentelor de patrimoniu / Digitizing heritage documents

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    The invention of the world wide web and the emergence of new information and communication technologies have succeeded in remodeling the society and the cultural institutions within it. As a result, cultural institutions have included digitization activity as one of the main objectives, for two reasons: the desire to preserve original documents and to provide improved access to them in the online environment. This paper aims to give an overview of the entire digitization process. Cultural heritage is the identity of a nation throughout history. In the "Recommendation on the protection of mobile cultural goods", adopted on 28 November 1978 by UNESCO, the notion of "movable cultural goods" includes "all movable property which is the expression or testimony of human creation or of nature evolution and which have an interest or interest archeological, historical, artistic, scientific or technical". According to the Romanian legislation, the national cultural heritage is defined in a broad sense, namely: "the ensemble of goods identified as such, irrespective of the ownership regime, which is a testimony and an expression of the values, beliefs, knowledge and traditions Continuing evolution." It also includes all the emanations resulting from the interaction of human and natural factors over time

    Tendinţe la nivel mondial în privinţa revistelor ştiinţifice

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    Global trends in the field of scientific journals. A brief global state-of-the-art on the publication of scientific journals is presented, updated thanks to the author's participation in the 8th International Conference of Scientific Journals held at the University of La Costa, in Barranquilla, Colombia, organized by the Spanish journal El Profesional de la Información and the think tank in Library and Information Science Grupo ThinkEPI, in May 2018. The topics covered are: transition from the paper version to the electronic version, open access, quality indicators (citations and altmetrics) and the need to do marketing due to the great competition between journals

    Conferința LIBER 2018. Recenzia conferinţei

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    The article aims to present an overview of the topics analyzed during the 47th edition of Liber Conference, held in Lille, France, 4-6 july 2018

    Metadatele în context cultural

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    The creation of so diverse and in continuous growth resources in the online environment has led to finding a solution that would identify and provide details about those resources so the internet doesn't turn into an information chaos. Creating metadata has proven to be the effective answer to this necessity. Already included into the LIS scientific literature and library practices, worldwide, the metadata comes from the field of computer science and refers to data description through data

    Tipuri de identificatori în sectorul informațional

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    Identifying entities has been one of the concerns of libraries since ancient times. As the volume of data has increased considerably and the online environment has turned into a huge information world, identifiers have become key elements in the correct and clear location of digital objects and their interconnection. We note, thus, that libraries are becoming increasingly interested in the use of interrelated data (Linked Data), aimed at creating links for navigation between data sets from diferent sources. Identifying institutions and resource creators has become a necessity, and setting standards in this regard has been quickly embraced by the GLAMA sector (art galleries, libraries, archives, museums, academic institutions ). Thus, the most used identifiers are briefly presented at an international level, in the information sector (ISIL, ISNI, ISBN, ISSN, DOI, Handle), to highlight their role in improving access to data and streamlining their interconnection in a standardized and persistent way

    Bibliotecarul în era noilor tehnologii informaționale / The librarian in the age of new information technologies

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    The emergence and development of new information and communication technologies have led to major changes in the organization of the knowledge universe. As the new data storage media has diversified, the librarian, information specialist, has had to adapt to the current context. This paper aims to highlight the librarian's abilities and role in the digital age, in defining and satisfying the needs of information users

    ¿Por qué una revista tiene que promocionar los artículos? // Why a journal has to promote its articles?

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    The reasons why the authors do not promote their works are showed and advice is offered in order to make scientific journals more visible in the online environment

    Tendinţe la nivel mondial în privinţa revistelor ştiinţifice

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    Global trends in the field of scientific journals. A brief global state-of-the-art on the publication of scientific journals is presented, updated thanks to the author's participation in the 8th International Conference of Scientific Journals held at the University of La Costa, in Barranquilla, Colombia, organized by the Spanish journal El Profesional de la Información and the think tank in Library and Information Science Grupo ThinkEPI, in May 2018. The topics covered are: transition from the paper version to the electronic version, open access, quality indicators (citations and altmetrics) and the need to do marketing due to the great competition between journals