76 research outputs found

    Beyond heat baths II: Framework for generalized thermodynamic resource theories

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    Thermodynamics, which describes vast systems, has been reconciled with small scales, relevant to single-molecule experiments, in resource theories. Resource theories have been used to model exchanges of energy and information. Recently, particle exchanges were modeled; and an umbrella family of thermodynamic resource theories was proposed to model diverse baths, interactions, and free energies. This paper motivates and details the family's structure and prospective applications. How to model electrochemical, gravitational, magnetic, and other thermodynamic systems is explained. Szilard's engine and Landauer's Principle are generalized, as resourcefulness is shown to be convertible not only between information and gravitational energy, but also among diverse degrees of freedom. Extensive variables are associated with quantum operators that might fail to commute, introducing extra nonclassicality into thermodynamic resource theories. An early version of this paper partially motivated the later development of noncommutative thermalization. This generalization expands the theories' potential for modeling realistic systems with which small-scale statistical mechanics might be tested experimentally.Comment: Minor updates (contributions clarified, material restored from v1, references updated). 18 pages (including 2 figures) + appendice

    Quantum information in the Posner model of quantum cognition

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    Matthew Fisher recently postulated a mechanism by which quantum phenomena could influence cognition: Phosphorus nuclear spins may resist decoherence for long times, especially when in Posner molecules. The spins would serve as biological qubits. We imagine that Fisher postulates correctly. How adroitly could biological systems process quantum information (QI)? We establish a framework for answering. Additionally, we construct applications of biological qubits to quantum error correction, quantum communication, and quantum computation. First, we posit how the QI encoded by the spins transforms as Posner molecules form. The transformation points to a natural computational basis for qubits in Posner molecules. From the basis, we construct a quantum code that detects arbitrary single-qubit errors. Each molecule encodes one qutrit. Shifting from information storage to computation, we define the model of Posner quantum computation. To illustrate the model's quantum-communication ability, we show how it can teleport information incoherently: A state's weights are teleported. Dephasing results from the entangling operation's simulation of a coarse-grained Bell measurement. Whether Posner quantum computation is universal remains an open question. However, the model's operations can efficiently prepare a Posner state usable as a resource in universal measurement-based quantum computation. The state results from deforming the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki (AKLT) state and is a projected entangled-pair state (PEPS). Finally, we show that entanglement can affect molecular-binding rates, boosting a binding probability from 33.6% to 100% in an example. This work opens the door for the QI-theoretic analysis of biological qubits and Posner molecules.Comment: Published versio

    Quantum voting and violation of Arrow's Impossibility Theorem

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    We propose a quantum voting system, in the spirit of quantum games such as the quantum Prisoner's Dilemma. Our scheme enables a constitution to violate a quantum analog of Arrow's Impossibility Theorem. Arrow's Theorem is a claim proved deductively in economics: Every (classical) constitution endowed with three innocuous-seeming properties is a dictatorship. We construct quantum analogs of constitutions, of the properties, and of Arrow's Theorem. A quantum version of majority rule, we show, violates this Quantum Arrow Conjecture. Our voting system allows for tactical-voting strategies reliant on entanglement, interference, and superpositions. This contribution to quantum game theory helps elucidate how quantum phenomena can be harnessed for strategic advantage.Comment: Version accepted by Phys. Rev. A. Added background and references about game theory and about Arrow's Theorem. Added an opportunity for further research. For citation purposes: The second author's family name is "Yunger Halpern" (not "Halpern"

    Parity anomaly and Landau-level lasing in strained photonic honeycomb lattices

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    We describe the formation of highly degenerate, Landau-level-like amplified states in a strained photonic honeycomb lattice in which amplification breaks the sublattice symmetry. As a consequence of the parity anomaly, the zeroth Landau level is localized on a single sublattice and possesses an enhanced or reduced amplification rate. The spectral properties of the higher Landau levels are constrained by a generalized time-reversal symmetry. In the setting of two-dimensional photonic crystal lasers, the anomaly directly affects the mode selection and lasing threshold while in three-dimensional photonic lattices it can be probed via beam dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to journal in May 2012. v2: final version, including supplemental material (5+2 pages, 2+3 figures

    Number of trials required to estimate a free-energy difference, using fluctuation relations

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    The difference Delta F between free energies has applications in biology, chemistry, and pharmacology. The value of Delta F can be estimated from experiments or simulations, via fluctuation theorems developed in statistical mechanics. Calculating the error in a Delta F estimate is difficult. Worse, atypical trials dominate estimates. How many trials one should perform was estimated roughly in [Jarzynski, Phys. Rev. E 73, 046105 (2006)]. We enhance the approximation with information-theoretic strategies: We quantify "dominance" with a tolerance parameter chosen by the experimenter or simulator. We bound the number of trials one should expect to perform, using the order-infinity Renyi entropy. The bound can be estimated if one implements the "good practice" of bidirectionality, known to improve estimates of Delta F. Estimating Delta F from this number of trials leads to an error that we bound approximately. Numerical experiments on a weakly interacting dilute classical gas support our analytical calculations.Comment: 7 pages (5 figures). Published version. Added fail-safety analysis, discussion of quantum and classical settings, and comparisons with previous work

    Fundamental limitations on photoisomerization from thermodynamic resource theories

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    Small, out-of-equilibrium, and quantum systems defy simple thermodynamic expressions. Such systems are exemplified by molecular switches, which exchange heat with a bath. These molecules can photoisomerize, or change conformation, or switch, upon absorbing light. The photoisomerization probability depends on kinetic details that couple the molecule's energetics to its dissipation. Therefore, a simple, general, thermodynamic-style bound on the photoisomerization probability seems out of reach. We derive such a bound using a resource theory. The resource-theory framework is a set of mathematical tools, developed in quantum information theory, used to generalize thermodynamics to small and quantum settings. From this toolkit has been derived a generalization of the second law, the thermomajorization preorder. We use thermomajorization to upper-bound the photoisomerization probability. Then, we compare the bound with an equilibrium prediction and with a Lindbladian model. We identify a realistic parameter regime in which the Lindbladian evolution saturates the thermomajorization bound. We also quantify the energy coherence in the electronic degree of freedom, and we argue that this coherence cannot promote photoisomerization. This work illustrates how quantum-information-theoretic thermodynamics can elucidate complex quantum processes in nature, experiments, and synthetics.Comment: 8.5 pages. Published versio

    The quasiprobability behind the out-of-time-ordered correlator

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    Two topics, evolving rapidly in separate fields, were combined recently: The out-of-time-ordered correlator (OTOC) signals quantum-information scrambling in many-body systems. The Kirkwood-Dirac (KD) quasiprobability represents operators in quantum optics. The OTOC has been shown to equal a moment of a summed quasiprobability. That quasiprobability, we argue, is an extension of the KD distribution. We explore the quasiprobability's structure from experimental, numerical, and theoretical perspectives. First, we simplify and analyze the weak-measurement and interference protocols for measuring the OTOC and its quasiprobability. We decrease, exponentially in system size, the number of trials required to infer the OTOC from weak measurements. We also construct a circuit for implementing the weak-measurement scheme. Next, we calculate the quasiprobability (after coarse-graining) numerically and analytically: We simulate a transverse-field Ising model first. Then, we calculate the quasiprobability averaged over random circuits, which model chaotic dynamics. The quasiprobability, we find, distinguishes chaotic from integrable regimes. We observe nonclassical behaviors: The quasiprobability typically has negative components. It becomes nonreal in some regimes. The onset of scrambling breaks a symmetry that bifurcates the quasiprobability, as in classical-chaos pitchforks. Finally, we present mathematical properties. The quasiprobability obeys a Bayes-type theorem, for example, that exponentially decreases the memory required to calculate weak values, in certain cases. A time-ordered correlator analogous to the OTOC, insensitive to quantum-information scrambling, depends on a quasiprobability closer to a classical probability. This work not only illuminates the OTOC's underpinnings, but also generalizes quasiprobability theory and motivates immediate-future weak-measurement challenges.Comment: Close to published versio

    Entropic uncertainty relations for quantum information scrambling

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    How violently do two quantum operators disagree? Different fields of physics feature different measures of incompatibility: (i) In quantum information theory, entropic uncertainty relations constrain measurement outcomes. (ii) In condensed matter and high-energy physics, the out-of-time-ordered correlator (OTOC) signals scrambling, the spread of information through many-body entanglement. We unite these measures, proving entropic uncertainty relations for scrambling. The entropies are of distributions over weak and strong measurements' possible outcomes. The weak measurements ensure that the OTOC quasiprobability (a nonclassical generalization of a probability, which coarse-grains to the OTOC) governs terms in the uncertainty bound. The quasiprobability causes scrambling to strengthen the bound in numerical simulations of a spin chain. This strengthening shows that entropic uncertainty relations can reflect the type of operator disagreement behind scrambling. Generalizing beyond scrambling, we prove entropic uncertainty relations satisfied by commonly performed weak-measurement experiments. We unveil a physical significance of weak values (conditioned expectation values): as governing terms in entropic uncertainty bounds.Comment: Close to published version, but has more-pedagogical formatting. 13 pages, including 4 figure
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