670 research outputs found

    Structural and individual costs of residential aged care services in Australia. The Resource Utilisation and Classification Study: Report 3

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    The Australian Health Services Research Institute (AHSRI), University of Wollongong, was commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of Health (the Department) in August 2017 to undertake the ‘Resource Utilisation and Classification Study’ (RUCS). The RUCS is an important national study commissioned by the Department to inform the development of future funding models for residential aged care in Australia. The purpose of the analysis covered in this report is to identify the drivers of care related costs that are fixed for residential aged care facilities. These are costs that relate to the characteristics of facilities rather than the care needs of individual residents. This study was the second of four separate but interrelated and overlapping studies undertaken to inform the design and implementation strategies for future funding reforms in the Australian residential aged care sector

    Structural and individual costs of residential aged care services in Australia. The Resource Utilisation and Classification Study: Report 3

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    The Australian Health Services Research Institute (AHSRI), University of Wollongong, was commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of Health (the Department) in August 2017 to undertake the ‘Resource Utilisation and Classification Study’ (RUCS). The RUCS is an important national study commissioned by the Department to inform the development of future funding models for residential aged care in Australia. The purpose of the analysis covered in this report is to identify the drivers of care related costs that are fixed for residential aged care facilities. These are costs that relate to the characteristics of facilities rather than the care needs of individual residents. This study was the second of four separate but interrelated and overlapping studies undertaken to inform the design and implementation strategies for future funding reforms in the Australian residential aged care sector

    Developing an implementation research logic model : Using a multiple case study design to establish a worked exemplar

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    Background Implementation science frameworks explore, interpret, and evaluate different components of the implementation process. By using a program logic approach, implementation frameworks with different purposes can be combined to detail complex interactions. The Implementation Research Logic Model (IRLM) facilitates the development of causal pathways and mechanisms that enable implementation. Critical elements of the IRLM vary across different study designs, and its applicability to synthesizing findings across settings is also under-explored. The dual purpose of this study is to develop an IRLM from an implementation research study that used case study methodology and to demonstrate the utility of the IRLM to synthesize findings across case sites. Method The method used in the exemplar project and the alignment of the IRLM to case study methodology are described. Cases were purposely selected using replication logic and represent organizations that have embedded exercise in routine care for people with cancer or mental illness. Four data sources were selected: semi-structured interviews with purposely selected staff, organizational document review, observations, and a survey using the Program Sustainability Assessment Tool (PSAT). Framework analysis was used, and an IRLM was produced at each case site. Similar elements within the individual IRLM were identified, extracted, and re-produced to synthesize findings across sites and represent the generalized, cross-case findings. Results The IRLM was embedded within multiple stages of the study, including data collection, analysis, and reporting transparency. Between 33-44 determinants and 36-44 implementation strategies were identified at sites that informed individual IRLMs. An example of generalized findings describing “intervention adaptability” demonstrated similarities in determinant detail and mechanisms of implementation strategies across sites. However, different strategies were applied to address similar determinants. Dependent and bi-directional relationships operated along the causal pathway that influenced implementation outcomes. Conclusions Case study methods help address implementation research priorities, including developing causal pathways and mechanisms. Embedding the IRLM within the case study approach provided structure and added to the transparency and replicability of the study. Identifying the similar elements across sites helped synthesize findings and give a general explanation of the implementation process. Detailing the methods provides an example for replication that can build generalizable knowledge in implementation research

    Implementation of physical activity interventions in a community-based youth mental healthcare service : A case study of context, strategies, and outcomes

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    Aims Physical activity interventions are recommended for community-based youth mental health services to prevent physical health disparities. Implementation is challenging, and studies focusing on the methods to achieve change are needed. This study aims to identify the context, implementation strategies, and implementation outcomes that illustrate how physical activity interventions were implemented within an early intervention service in Australia. Methods A theoretically informed case study was undertaken. Data from a community-based youth mental health service that delivers an early psychosis programme were collected between July and November 2020. Three data sources were accessed (1) interviews with service managers, mental health clinicians and exercise physiologists; (2) document review of organizational policies and procedures; and (3) survey using the Program Sustainability Assessment Tool. The implementation outcomes investigated were acceptability, fidelity, penetration, and sustainability. Framework analysis was used, and a logic model developed guided by an established template, to interpret findings. Results Forty-three contextual factors and 43 implementation strategies were identified. The data suggests that creating a new clinical team and auditing and feedback are critical for implementation. High levels of acceptability and sustainability were described, while fidelity of implementation was difficult to establish, and penetration was low. Conclusions The relationship between constructs suggests several mechanisms underpinned implementation. These include changing professional beliefs, establishing new organizational norms, augmenting existing work processes, and aligning physical activity with priorities of the mental healthcare system and existing work tasks. This case study provides direction for future health service planning of physical activity interventions in community-based youth mental health service

    A funding model for the residential aged care sector. The Resource Utilisation and Classification Study: Report 5

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    This is one of a series of reports that presents the results of an important national study commissioned by the Department of Health (the Department) to inform the development of a new funding model for residential aged care in Australia. The purpose of this report is to provide an outline of the key design features of the proposed new funding model. Also discussed are the anticipated impacts of the model for both government and the aged care sector, and a recommended approach to implementation

    Modelling the impact of the AN-ACC in Australia.The Resource Utilisation and Classification Study: Report 4

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    A national study to develop a new methodology for determining appropriate funding for places in residential aged care homes, the ‘Resource Utilisation and Classification Study’ (RUCS), was commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of Health (the Department) in August 2017 and undertaken by the Australian Health Services Research Institute (AHSRI) at the University of Wollongong. This report is the fourth in a series, written to present the results of this important national study. Each report deals with a different aspect of the project, as described in Appendix 1. In this report, Report 4, the findings from Study Three of the RUCS are presented. The purpose of the casemix profiling study covered in this report was to develop a national casemix profile of residents in residential aged care facilities in Australia, to identify any differences in resident casemix by facility type (i.e. by location, ownership type and size), and to model and test the likely financial impact of implementing the blended payment model nationally. To do so, a nationally representative sample was used to model patterns of resident need and to investigate the funding implications of a new payment model based on resident casemix

    What Training, Support, and Resourcing Do Health Professionals Need to Support People Using a Closed-Loop System? A Qualitative Interview Study with Health Professionals Involved in the Closed Loop from Onset in Type 1 Diabetes (CLOuD) Trial.

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    Background: We explored health professionals' views about the training, support, and resourcing needed to support people using closed-loop technology in routine clinical care to help inform the development of formal guidance. Methods: Interviews were conducted with health professionals (n = 22) delivering the Closed Loop from Onset in Type 1 Diabetes (CLOuD) trial after they had ≥6 months' experience of supporting participants using a closed-loop system. Data were analyzed descriptively. Results: Interviewees described how, compared with other insulin regimens, teaching and supporting individuals to use a closed-loop system could be initially more time-consuming. However, they also noted that after an initial adjustment period, users had less need for initiating contact with the clinical team compared with people using pumps or multiple daily injections. Interviewees highlighted how a lessened need for ad hoc clinical input could result in new challenges; specifically, they had fewer opportunities to reinforce users' diabetes knowledge and skills and detect potential psychosocial problems. They also observed heightened anxiety among some parents due to the constant availability of data and unrealistic expectations about the system's capabilities. Interviewees noted that all local diabetes teams should be empowered to deliver closed-loop system care, but stressed that health professionals supporting closed-loop users in routine care will need comprehensive technology training and standardized clinical guidance. Conclusion: These findings constitute an important starting point for the development of formal guidance to support the rollout of closed-loop technology. Our recommendations, if actioned, will help limit the potential additional burden of introducing closed-loop systems in routine clinical care and help inform appropriate user education and support.NIHR Wellcome Trust Strategic Award (100574/Z/12/Z

    Implementation Science and Implementation Science Communications: a refreshed description of the journals' scope and expectations.

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    This editorial provides a comprehensive consolidated overview of the scope and expectations of Implementation Science and Implementation Science Communications. We remain most interested in rigorous empirical studies of the implementation of evidence-based healthcare practices (including interventions, technologies, and policies) and the de-implementation of practices that are demonstrated to be of low or no benefit. Implementation strategies (e.g., continuing professional education, organizational changes, and financial incentives to enhance the uptake of evidence-based practices) are of central interest to the journals. We see the field as large and complex, with a wide literature that is published in many venues. We urge people for whom it is new to spend some time reading the existing literature, and learning the scope of the work that has already been done, and published, in our journals and in an increasing number of other journals in the field

    An evidence-base for the implementation of hospital-based palliative care programs in routine cancer practice:A systematic review

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    Background: Despite global support, there remain gaps in the integration of early palliative care into cancer care. The methods of implementation whereby evidence of benefits of palliative care is translated into practice deserve attention. Aim: To identify implementation frameworks utilised in integrated palliative care in hospital-based oncology services and to describe the associated enablers and barriers to service integration. Design: Systematic review with a narrative synthesis including qualitative, mixed methods, pre-post and quasi experimental designs following the guidance by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (PROSPERO registration CRD42021252092). Data sources: Six databases searched in 2021: EMBASE, EMCARE, APA PsycINFO, CINAHL, Cochrane Library and Ovid MEDLINE searched in 2023. Included were qualitative or quantitative studies, in English language, involving adults >18 years, and implementing hospital-based palliative care into cancer care. Critical appraisal tools were used to assess the quality and rigour. Results: Seven of the 16 studies explicitly cited the use of frameworks including those based on RE-AIM, Medical Research Council evaluation of complex interventions and WHO constructs of health service evaluation. Enablers included an existing supportive culture, clear introduction to the programme across services, adequate funding, human resources and identification of advocates. Barriers included a lack of communication with the patients, caregivers, physicians and palliative care team about programme goals, stigma around the term ‘palliative’, a lack of robust training, or awareness of guidelines and undefined staff roles. Conclusions: Implementation science frameworks provide a method to underpin programme development and evaluation as palliative care is integrated within the oncology setting.Farwa Rizvi, Helen Elizabeth Wilding, Nicole M Rankin, Roslyn Le Gautier, Lorna Gurren, Vijaya Sundararajan, Kylee Bellingham, Joyce Chua, Gregory B Crawford, Anna K Nowak, Brian Le, Geoff Mitchell, Sue-Anne McLachlan, Tanara Vieira Sousa, Robyn Hudson, Maarten IJzerman, Anna Collins, and Jennifer Phili

    Low-dose TNF augments fracture healing in normal and osteoporotic bone by up-regulating the innate immune response

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    The mechanism by which trauma initiates healing remains unclear. Precise understanding of these events may define interventions for accelerating healing that could be translated to the clinical arena. We previously reported that addition of low-dose recombinant human TNF (rhTNF) at the fracture site augmented fracture repair in a murine tibial fracture model. Here, we show that local rhTNF treatment is only effective when administered within 24h of injury, when neutrophils are the major inflammatory cell infiltrate. Systemic administration of anti-TNF impaired fracture healing. Addition of rhTNF enhanced neutrophil recruitment and promoted recruitment of monocytes through CCL2 production. Conversely, depletion of neutrophils or inhibition of the chemokine receptor CCR2 resulted in significantly impaired fracture healing. Fragility, or osteoporotic, fractures represent a major medical problem as they are associated with permanent disability and premature death. Using a murine model of fragility fractures, we found that local rhTNF treatment improved fracture healing during the early phase of repair. If translated clinically, this promotion of fracture healing would reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with delayed patient mobilization