1,161 research outputs found

    Cryopreservation of Umbilical Cord Tissue for Stem Cell Harvesting

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    Stem cell transplantation has become an important process used to treat patients with bone marrow diseases. When implanted into patients, stem cells from the umbilical cord have been found to successfully proliferate as new neurons and glia, thereby improving the patients? health. Neurons and glia are imperative for the health and normal function of our nervous system. Neurons are electrically active cells that can produce action potentials to transmit signals based on electrochemical impulses. Glia, which comprise a large part of our nervous systems (90% of the brain alone), were once dismissed as mere padding in the nervous system. However, it is now known that they are actually an integral component of the system, serving to facilitate and ensure the proper transmission of signals between neurons. Damage to or loss of neural cells, whether due to physical injury, removal (as in the case of cancer) or diseases such as Motor Neuron Disease (MND) and Parkinson?s disease is severely detrimental to one?s health. Using current tissue engineering technology, stem cells harvested from the matrix of the umbilical cord (known as Wharton?s Jelly), may be differentiated into neurons or glia, effectively replacing those that were lost or damaged. To ensure biocompatibility, umbilical cord matrix cells from direct relatives are used. Therefore, cryopreservation of these cells is imperative to the stem cell treatment to be used in the future. Our goal is to use FIDAP and GAMBIT software solutions and mesh to compare the effectiveness of glycerol, propylene glycol, and DMSO, three commonly used cryopreservatives, in order to determine the cryopreservation agent that will maximize viability of umbilical cord stem cells

    English Learners in Boston Public Schools: Enrollment and Educational Outcomes of Native Speakers of Vietnamese

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    In November 2002, the voters of Massachusetts approved Referendum Question 2. This referendum spelled an end to Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) as the primary program available for children requiring language support in Massachusetts. In its place came a radically different policy called Sheltered English Immersion (SEI). Unlike TBE, which relies on the English learners’ own language to facilitate the learning of academic subjects as they master English, SEI programs rely on the use of simple English in the classroom to impart academic content; teachers use students’ native language only to assist them in completing tasks or to answer a question. This change represented a dramatic shift in the philosophy and practice of teaching English to populations of English Learners. Five years after the start of the implementation of SEI in Massachusetts, there is still scant information about the impact of this change on language education. Models of implementation have varied across the state, with those districts that approach the process most flexibly exhibiting the most substantial gains or the least losses (DeJong, Gort, & Cobb, 2005; Rennie Center, 2007). But there has been no analysis of the outcomes for students under SEI at the state level or in the city of Boston, where the largest number of English Learners in Massachusetts live and attend school. Aside from providing an account of the performance of English Learners in Boston between academic years 2003 and 2006, this study has allowed for a unique look at the performance of groups of students defined by language. This specific report is one of five reports focusing on the enrollment and academic outcomes of the largest groups of native speakers of languages other than English: speakers of Spanish, Chinese dialects, Vietnamese, Haitian Creole, and Cape Verdean Creole. For Chinese, Vietnamese, Haitian, and Cape Verdean students and families, this is one of the first looks at the performance of students from these groups in Boston schools. Usually reported as part of aggregates defined by race (e.g., “Asian” or “Black”), information specific to these ethnic groups is seldom reported separately. Our presentation is limited to the data available data which does not allow us to determine the outcomes of all students from these groups but only of those students within these groups who are designated native speakers of their particular language. It also precludes the presentation of the standardized testing (MCAS) outcomes of students from these groups who attend programs for English Learners

    Adapting Cell-Free Protein Synthesis as a Platform Technology for Education

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    Cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) has emerged as an enabling biotechnology for research and biomanufacturing as it allows for the production of protein without the need for a living cell. Applications of CFPS include the construction of libraries for functional genomics and structural biology, the production of personalized medicine, and the expression of virus-like particles. The absence of a cell wall provides an open platform for direct manipulation of the reaction conditions and biological machinery. This project focuses on adapting the CFPS biotechnology to the classroom, making a hands-on bioengineering approach to learning protein synthesis accessible to students grades K-16 through developing an affordable ‘protein synthesis classroom kit’. To address the barrier of cost to entering the classroom, CFPS reaction was reformulated with the goal to reduce costs while optimizing protein yield. An inexpensive sugar was added to the reaction in varying concentrations for its potential to recycle inorganic phosphate and regenerate ATP. Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), an expensive energy source, was replaced with a lower concentration of 3-phosphoglyceric acid (3-PGA). We determined that adding the sugar within the range of 10-30mM did not have a significant effect on high-performing cell extracts grown in 2xYTPG for the PEP energy system, and had a slight boost to protein yield at a concentration of 10mM for cell extract grown in 2xYTP media. Although the 3-PGA system yielded less protein than the PEP system, the sugar combined with 3-PGA contributed greater percentage gains for cell extract grown in both media when compared to controls. Future work may include whether the sugar and 3-PGA worked in tandem or independently. Understanding gained from these experiments would contribute to optimizing protein yield and reduce the cost barrier for classroom use

    Transforming growth factor-beta promotes rhinovirus replication in bronchial epithelial cells by suppressing the innate immune response

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    Rhinovirus (RV) infection is a major cause of asthma exacerbations which may be due to a deficient innate immune response in the bronchial epithelium. We hypothesized that the pleiotropic cytokine, TGF-?, influences interferon (IFN) production by primary bronchial epithelial cells (PBECs) following RV infection. Exogenous TGF-?(2) increased RV replication and decreased IFN protein secretion in response to RV or double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). Conversely, neutralizing TGF-? antibodies decreased RV replication and increased IFN expression in response to RV or dsRNA. Endogenous TGF-?(2) levels were higher in conditioned media of PBECs from asthmatic donors and the suppressive effect of anti-TGF-? on RV replication was significantly greater in these cells. Basal SMAD-2 activation was reduced when asthmatic PBECs were treated with anti-TGF-? and this was accompanied by suppression of SOCS-1 and SOCS-3 expression. Our results suggest that endogenous TGF-? contributes to a suppressed IFN response to RV infection possibly via SOCS-1 and SOCS-3

    English Learners in Boston Public Schools: Enrollment, Engagement and Academic Outcomes of Native Speakers of Cape Verdean Creole, Chinese Dialects, Haitian Creole, Spanish, and Vietnamese

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    This study focuses on the academic experience of English Learners (ELs) in Boston’s public schools in the year before and in the three years following the implementation of Referendum Question 2. In 2002, this referendum spelled an end to Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) as the primary program available for children requiring language support in Massachusetts public schools, replacing it with Sheltered English Immersion (SEI). Specifically, this report focuses on the enrollment and academic outcomes of the five largest groups of native speakers of languages other than English in the Boston Public Schools: speakers of Spanish, Chinese dialects, Vietnamese, Haitian Creole, and Cape Verdean Creole and explores the different effects of the implementation of Question 2 on each of the groups. It does so by analyzing data on identification, program participation, engagement and achievement for each group and comparing the outcomes for students in programs for ELs with native speakers of these languages enrolled in General Education programs. In this report we list the findings for each group separately and conclude with discussion which compares the outcomes for the groups. For Chinese, Vietnamese, Haitian, and Cape Verdean students and families, this is one of the first looks at the performance of students from these groups in Boston schools. Usually reported as part of aggregates defined by race (e.g., “Asian” or “Black”), information specific to these ethnic groups is seldom reported separately. We present here a limited view, since the available data do not allow us to ascertain the outcomes of all students from these groups but only of those students within these groups who are designated native speakers of their particular language

    Fiscalización tributaria y su incidencia en la determinación del IGV en una clínica de servicios médicos de Trujillo, año 2019

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo general establecer la incidencia de la Fiscalización tributaria en la determinación del IGV de una clínica de servicios médicos de Trujillo, año 2019. La muestra está conformada por la información contable y tributaria de una clínica de servicios médicos de Trujillo, año 2019. El enfoque será de tipo cualitativo; así mismo tendrá un diseño de investigación no experimental. Las técnicas de recolección de datos fueron el análisis documental y la entrevista. Es el caso de esta clínica de servicios médicos tras llevar consigo un proceso de fiscalización, de la cual se concluyó que la fiscalización tributaria incidió de manera directa en la determinación del IGV, debido a que la Administración Tributaria detectó inconsistencias al no declarar todos los ingresos gravados con IGV, lo cual significó la aplicación de multas y sanciones, para dicho pago la clínica se acogió a un fraccionamiento. A partir de la fecha la clínica toma conciencia en determinar correctamente su IGV a pagar al final de cada periodo, teniendo en cuenta lo estipulado en las normas y leyes tributarias. Esta investigación tuvo fácil acceso a la información requerida para el desarrollo del estudio por lo cual no se presentaron limitaciones

    Mejora en la disposición de planta de la empresa Ingeniería, Fabricación y Montaje S.A.C.

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    La presente investigación busca encontrar una mejora que maximice el rendimiento del proceso de producción mediante una adecuada reubicación de las áreas de trabajo y equipos, y de esa manera facilitar el desempeño eficiente e incrementar así la productividad de la empresa. Esta propuesta de mejora se desarrollará en seis capítulos que proponen un análisis de la organización, estableciendo alternativas de solución que ayuden a remediar la problemática encontrada referida a la inadecuada disposición de planta. En el capítulo I, se hace una descripción actual de la empresa, con una breve reseña histórica de la misma y también referente a los productos que ofrecen. Adicionalmente como parte importante de la investigación, se dan a conocer los objetivos, las justificaciones técnicas, económicas y sociales, la hipótesis del trabajo y el marco referencial que sirvió como apoyo para la investigación. En el capítulo II, se desarrolla un análisis de las fuerzas competitivas y fuerzas externas, también una descripción del proceso del producto principal que la empresa ofrece, en este caso el secador. Adicionalmente se muestran los principales indicadores de gestión. En el capítulo III, se realiza un diagnóstico general de la empresa, para ello se utilizó una matriz de selección de problemas, la cual fue desarrollada con el Gerente General, luego se seleccionó el problema principal que se encontró en el área de producción y es la inadecuada disposición de planta, y así haciendo uso del método de Ishikawa, se determinaron las causas raíz del problema encontrado, las cuales se jerarquizan por medio del Diagrama de Pareto. En el capítulo IV, se proponen alternativas de solución a los problemas que se determinaron en el capítulo anterior, donde se seleccionaron las mejores soluciones por medio de un ranking de factores. En el capítulo V, se describen detalladamente los procedimientos a cada solución seleccionada en el capítulo anterior y se emplean muchas de las herramientas de ingeniería relacionadas al tema. Se presenta el presupuesto general requerido para la xii ejecución de la solución. Además, se detallan en un cronograma por medio de un Diagrama de Gantt las tareas a realizarse paso a paso con el fin de cumplir con la totalidad de la implementación de las mejoras. En el capítulo VI, se determinaron los posibles escenarios de las mejoras planeadas; y se realiza una evaluación económica financiera de la solución. Además, se presentan los impactos sociales y ambientales que conllevan las mejoras de la empresa.The present research seeks to find an improvement that optimizes the production process through a proper relocation of work areas and equipment, and thus facilitate efficient performance and increase the productivity of the company. In Chapter I, a current description of the company is made, with a brief historical review of it and also referring to the products they offer. In addition, as an important part of the research, the objectives, the technical, economic and social justifications, the work hypothesis and the reference framework that served as support for the research are presented. In Chapter II, an analysis of the competitive forces and external forces is developed, as well as a description of the main product process the company offers, in this case the dryer. In addition, the main management indicators are shown. In Chapter III, a general diagnosis of the company was made. A matrix of problem selection was used, which was developed with the general manager. From there, the main problem that was found in the area of production and Is the inadequate plant layout, and thus using the Ishikawa method, the root causes of the problem were determined, which are hierarchized by means of the Pareto Diagram. Chapter IV proposes alternatives to solve the problems identified in the previous chapter, where the best solutions were selected through a factor ranking. In Chapter V, the procedures for each solution selected in the previous chapter are described in detail, and most of the engineering tools related to the topic are used. The general budget required for the execution of the solution is presented. In addition, a schedule is detailed in a Gantt Diagram the tasks to be performed step by step in order to comply with the entire implementation of the improvements. Chapter VI identified potential scenarios for planned improvements and a financial economic evaluation of the solution is made. In addition, the social and environmental impacts that bring about the improvements of the company are presented

    ASPIRE: Activity Safety Planning and Infection Risk Estimator for COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted multiple researchers to investigate this domain since 2020. One aspect being explored in this topic is the available tools in assisting the public in estimating virus risks. Due to the limited availability of the tools, Jimenez and Peng created the Aerosol Transmission Estimator, which is a peer-reviewed risk estimator that garnered positive reception. The tool is encoded in Google sheets. However, people may find it difficult to use due to the terminologies and information presented in that sheet. To solve this, MyCOVIDRisk, a user-friendly website was built for this estimator, but it is only configured for the United States setting. Accordingly, this study created a website called ASPIRE using Jimenez and Peng’s estimator to evaluate the risk and MyCOVIDRisk as reference for the interface design. ASPIRE is configured for the Philippine setting. The usability of ASPIRE was evaluated through surveys and interviews using the System Usability Scale (SUS) and content analysis. The SUS used for measuring usability yielded a grade of A—above average. The overall feedback of the respondents was mostly positive. Issues and suggestions raised by the respondents were addressed. Further research is needed to improve ASPIRE, determine its usability to medical professionals, learn its accessibility and inclusivity to users, and identify its impact on the Philippine community. Overall, this study shows how a COVID-19 risk estimation website was developed and improved based on user evaluation, which can be used as a reference in creating e-health tools

    Dynamic assembly of primers on nucleic acid templates

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    A strategy is presented that uses dynamic equlibria to assemble in situ composite DNA polymerase primers, having lengths of 14 or 16 nt, from DNA fragments that are 6 or 8 nt in length. In this implementation, the fragments are transiently joined under conditions of dynamic equilibrium by an imine linker, which has a dissociation constant of ∼1 μM. If a polymerase is able to extend the composite, but not the fragments, it is possible to prime the synthesis of a target DNA molecule under conditions where two useful specificities are combined: (i) single nucleotide discrimination that is characteristic of short oligonucleotide duplexes (four to six nucleobase pairs in length), which effectively excludes single mismatches, and (ii) an overall specificity of priming that is characteristic of long (14 to 16mers) oligonucleotides, potentially unique within a genome. We report here the screening of a series of polymerases that combine an ability not to accept short primer fragments with an ability to accept the long composite primer held together by an unnatural imine linkage. Several polymerases were found that achieve this combination, permitting the implementation of the dynamic combinatorial chemical strategy