2,022 research outputs found

    How can both the intervention and its evaluation fulfill health promotion principles? an example from a professional development program

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    The emergence over the past 20 years of health promotion discourse poses a specific challenge to public health professionals, who must come to terms with new roles and new intervention strategies. Professional development is, among other things, a lever for action to be emphasized in order to meet these challenges. To respond to the specific training needs of public health professionals, a team from the Direction de santĂ© publique de MontrĂ©al (Montreal Public Health Department) in Quebec, Canada, established in 2009 the Health Promotion Laboratory, an innovative professional development project. An evaluative component, which supports the project’s implementation by providing feedback, is also integrated into the project. This article seeks to demonstrate that it is possible to integrate the basic principles of health promotion into a professional development program and its evaluation. To this end, it presents an analytical reading of both the intervention and its evaluation component in light of the cardinal principles in this field. Initiatives such as the Health Promotion Laboratory and its evaluation are essential to consolidate the foundations of professional development and its assessment by concretely integrating health promotion discourse into these practices

    Defining, illustrating and reflecting on logic analysis with an example from a professional development program

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    Program designers and evaluators should make a point of testing the validity of a program's intervention theory before investing either in implementation or in any type of evaluation. In this context, logic analysis can be a particularly useful option, since it can be used to test the plausibility of a program's intervention theory using scientific knowledge. Professional development in public health is one field among several that would truly benefit from logic analysis, as it appears to be generally lacking in theorization and evaluation. This article presents the application of this analysis method to an innovative public health professional development program, the Health Promotion Laboratory. More specifically, this paper aims to (1) define the logic analysis approach and differentiate it from similar evaluative methods; (2) illustrate the application of this method by a concrete example (logic analysis of a professional development program); and (3) reflect on the requirements of each phase of logic analysis, as well as on the advantages and disadvantages of such an evaluation method. Using logic analysis to evaluate the Health Promotion Laboratory showed that, generally speaking, the program's intervention theory appeared to have been well designed. By testing and critically discussing logic analysis, this article also contributes to further improving and clarifying the method

    Collaborative learning processes in the context of a public health professional development program : a case study

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    The health promotion laboratory (HPL – Canada) is a public health professional development program building on a collaborative learning approach in order to support long-term practice change in local health services teams. This study aims to analyse the collaborative learning processes of two teams involved in the program during the first year of implementation. Based on a multiple case study design involving observations, interviews, and documentary sources, the study: (1) describes the learning process by which each team built a common understanding of the problem at hand and developed an intervention to address it; (2) identifies factors that facilitated or hindered these processes; and (3) proposes a cross-case explanation of the collaborative learning process in the HPL. The results demonstrate that the two teams learned by expanding their repertoire of actions, albeit experiencing different processes. Results point to the central role of shared mental models and key influencing factors, such as commitment and participation (team cohesion), team climate (psychological safety), and leadership style. Unlike previous studies on team learning that concentrated on existing teams in organisations, the current research studied purposely created teams working at transforming their practices and showed that they can successfully learn if specific conditions are achieved

    Changes in plasma membrane fluidity of Bryonia dioica internodes during thigmomorphogenesis

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    AbstractFluidity changes in plasma membrane (PM) lipid extracts or native membranes isolated from Bryonia dioica internodes after a mechanical stimulation were monitored by steady-state fluorescence polarization with 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene as a probe. The signal was shown to rapidly induce an increase in the bulk lipid fluidity. This event was closely related to a relative enrichment in some phospholipid species (PC, PG and PS) as well as a significant increase in the unsaturation index of total fatty acyl chains. Free sterols and protein content did not appear to be involved into this process. After 48 h, lipids from rubbed internodes became less fluid than PM lipids from control internodes

    Conception et Ă©tude du potentiel d’un dispositif musĂ©o-techno-didactique pour le raisonnement en sciences humaines d’élĂšves quĂ©bĂ©cois de 5e annĂ©e du primaire

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    Nous traitons de la conception et de l’étude du potentiel d’un dispositif musĂ©o-techno-didactique, parties prenantes d’une recherche-dĂ©veloppement rĂ©alisĂ©e en collaboration avec le MusĂ©e McCord et des enseignants d’écoles primaires montrĂ©alaises. Le dispositif mis Ă  l’essai tire profit de l’exposition MontrĂ©al — Points de vue, des ressources numĂ©riques de l’institution et d’une rĂ©cente application pour technologie mobile. A la suite d’entretiens semi-dirigĂ©s rĂ©alisĂ©s auprĂšs de dyades d’élĂšves de quatre classes de 5e annĂ©e, nous Ă©tudions le potentiel de ce dispositif sous l’angle du raisonnement verbal en sciences humaines. Si une bonne comprĂ©hension de l’interdĂ©pendance de l’organisation sociale et du territoire se manifeste dans des segments explicatifs, les rĂ©sultats obtenus doivent ĂȘtre replacĂ©s dans le contexte d’une implication des enseignants allant bien au-delĂ  du temps scolaire habituellement consenti Ă  ce domaine disciplinaire

    EnquĂȘte sur la valeur des activitĂ©s offertes par École en rĂ©seau (EER) en 2020-2021 : Rapport de recherche

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    L'École en rĂ©seau (ÉER) oeuvre au QuĂ©bec et offre depuis plusieurs annĂ©es des activitĂ©s en rĂ©seau destinĂ©es aux classes pour enrichir l'environnement d’apprentissage ainsi que des activitĂ©s de dĂ©veloppement professionnel. Afin de mieux cerner les besoins des classes et des enseignants ainsi que les retombĂ©es des activitĂ©s proposĂ©es, une enquĂȘte par questionnaire a Ă©tĂ© conduite au printemps 2021 afin de dresser le bilan des activitĂ©s de l’annĂ©e scolaire 2020-2021 (activitĂ©s de classes et activitĂ©s de dĂ©veloppement professionnel) et de documenter les retombĂ©es associĂ©es Ă  cette participation. Une attention particuliĂšre a Ă©tĂ© accordĂ©e aux petites Ă©coles, qui sont une part importante de la mission d’ÉÉR1. Ce sondage s’adressait aux enseignants du prĂ©scolaire, du primaire et du secondaire ou aux stagiaires s’étant inscrits Ă  au moins une activitĂ© de l’ÉER en 2020-2021. Les objectifs du sondage Ă©taient de : 1. Établir le portrait de l’utilisation des activitĂ©s rĂ©alisĂ©es en 2020-2021; 2. Mesurer la perception des enseignants quant Ă  l’offre de l’ÉER et Ă©valuer les retombĂ©es associĂ©es Ă  l’expĂ©rience vĂ©cue; 3. Faciliter la bonification future des activitĂ©s de l’ÉER pour 2021-2022 afin de rĂ©pondre davantage aux besoins des enseignants
