54 research outputs found

    Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of levansucrase (LsdA) from Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus SRT4

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    The endophytic bacterium Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus SRT4 secretes a constitutively expressed levansucrase (LsdA; EC, which converts sucrose to fructo-oligosaccharides and levan. Fully active LsdA was purified to high homogeneity by non-denaturing reversed-phase HPLC and was crystallized at room temperature by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method using ammonium sulfate and ethanol as precipitants. The crystals are extremely sensitive, but native data have been collected to 2.5 A under cryogenic conditions using synchrotron radiation. LsdA crystals belong to the orthorhombic space group P22(1)2(1) or P2(1)2(1)2, with unit-cell parameters a = 53.80, b = 119.39, c = 215.10 A

    Epstein-Barr Virus-Encoded BARF1 Protein is a Decoy Receptor for Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor and Interferes with Macrophage Differentiation and Activation

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), like many other persistent herpes viruses, has acquired numerous mechanisms for subverting or evading immune surveillance. This study investigates the role of secreted EBV-encoded BARF1 protein (sBARF1) in creating an immune evasive microenvironment. Wild-type consensus BARF1 was expressed in the human 293 cell line and purified. This native hexameric sBARF1 had inhibitory capacity on macrophage colony stimulating factor (M-CSF)-stimulated, and not on granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF)-stimulated growth and differentiation of myeloid cells. Antibodies specific to hexameric sBARF1 were able to block this effect. M-CSF was shown to interact with sBARF1 via the protruding N-terminal loops involving Val38 and Ala84. Each BARF1 hexamer was capable of binding three M-CSF dimers. Mutations in the BARF1 loops greatly affected M-CSF interaction, and showed loss of growth inhibition. Analysis of the activation state of the M-CSF receptor c-fms and its downstream kinase pathways showed that sBARF1 prevented M-CSF-induced downstream phosphorylation. Since M-CSF is an important factor in macrophage differentiation, the effect of sBARF1 on the function of monocyte-derived macrophages was evaluated. sBARF1 affected overall survival and morphology and significantly reduced expression of macrophage differentiation surface markers such as CD14, CD11b, CD16, and CD169. Macrophages differentiating in the presence of sBARF1 showed impaired responses to lipopolysaccharide and decreased oxygen radical formation as well as reduced phagocytosis of apoptotic cells. In conclusion, EBV sBARF1 protein is a potent decoy receptor for M-CSF, hampering the function and differentiation of macrophages. These results suggest that sBARF1 contributes to the modulation of immune responses in the microenvironment of EBV-positive carcinoma

    Structure of the Vesicular Stomatitis Virus N0-P Complex

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    Replication of non-segmented negative-strand RNA viruses requires the continuous supply of the nucleoprotein (N) in the form of a complex with the phosphoprotein (P). Here, we present the structural characterization of a soluble, heterodimeric complex between a variant of vesicular stomatitis virus N lacking its 21 N-terminal residues (NΔ21) and a peptide of 60 amino acids (P60) encompassing the molecular recognition element (MoRE) of P that binds RNA-free N (N0). The complex crystallized in a decameric circular form, which was solved at 3.0 Å resolution, reveals how the MoRE folds upon binding to N and competes with RNA binding and N polymerization. Small-angle X-ray scattering experiment and NMR spectroscopy on the soluble complex confirms the binding of the MoRE and indicates that its flanking regions remain flexible in the complex. The structure of this complex also suggests a mechanism for the initiation of viral RNA synthesis


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    GRENOBLE1-BU Sciences (384212103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Selection of Primer–Template Sequences That Bind with Enhanced Affinity to Vaccinia Virus E9 DNA Polymerase

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    International audienceA modified SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment) pr,otocol (referred to as PT SELEX) was used to select primer–template (P/T) sequences that bound to the vaccinia virus polymerase catalytic subunit (E9) with enhanced affinity. A single selected P/T sequence (referred to as E9-R5-12) bound in physiological salt conditions with an apparent equilibrium dissociation constant (KD,app) of 93 ± 7 nM. The dissociation rate constant (koff) and binding half-life (t1/2) for E9-R5-12 were 0.083 ± 0.019 min−1 and 8.6 ± 2.0 min, respectively. The values indicated a several-fold greater binding ability compared to controls, which bound too weakly to be accurately measured under the conditions employed. Loop-back DNA constructs with 3′-recessed termini derived from E9-R5-12 also showed enhanced binding when the hybrid region was 21 nucleotides or more. Although the sequence of E9-R5-12 matched perfectly over a 12-base-pair segment in the coding region of the virus B20 protein, there was no clear indication that this sequence plays any role in vaccinia virus biology, or a clear reason why it promotes stronger binding to E9. In addition to E9, five other polymerases (HIV-1, Moloney murine leukemia virus, and avian myeloblastosis virus reverse transcriptases (RTs), and Taq and Klenow DNA polymerases) have demonstrated strong sequence binding preferences for P/Ts and, in those cases, there was biological or potential evolutionary relevance. For the HIV-1 RT, sequence preferences were used to aid crystallization and study viral inhibitors. The results suggest that several other DNA polymerases may have P/T sequence preferences that could potentially be exploited in various protocols

    Solution Structure of the C-terminal Domain of A20, the Missing Brick for the Characterization of the Interface between Vaccinia Virus DNA Polymerase and its Processivity Factor

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    International audiencePoxviruses are enveloped viruses with a linear, double-stranded DNA genome. Viral DNA synthesis is achieved by a functional DNA polymerase holoenzyme composed of three essential proteins. For vaccinia virus (VACV) these are E9, the catalytic subunit, a family B DNA polymerase, and the heterodimeric processivity factor formed by D4 and A20. The A20 protein links D4 to the catalytic subunit. High-resolution structures have been obtained for the VACV D4 protein in complex with an N-terminal fragment of A20 as well as for E9. In addition, biochemical studies provided evidence that a poxvirus-specific insertion (insert 3) in E9 interacts with the C-terminal residues of A20. Here, we provide solution structures of two different VACV A20 C-terminal constructs containing residues 304-426, fused at their C-terminus to either a BAP (Biotin Acceptor Peptide)-tag or a short peptide containing the helix of E9 insert 3. Together with results from titration studies, these structures shed light on the molecular interface between the catalytic subunit and the processivity factor component A20. The interface comprises hydrophobic residues conserved within the Chordopoxvirinae subfamily. Finally, we constructed a HADDOCK model of the VACV A20304-426-E9 complex, which is in excellent accordance with previous experimental data

    Analysis of SEC-SAXS data via EFA deconvolution and Scatter

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    International audienceBioSAXS is a popular technique used in molecular and structural biology to determine the solution structure, particle size and shape, surface-to-volume ratio and conformational changes of macromolecules and macromolecular complexes. A high quality SAXS dataset for structural modeling must be from monodisperse, homogeneous samples and this is often only reached by a combination of inline chromatography and immediate SAXS measurement. Most commonly, size-exclusion chromatography is used to separate samples and exclude contaminants and aggregations from the particle of interest allowing SAXS measurements to be made from a well-resolved chromatographic peak of a single protein species. Still, in some cases, even inline purification is not a guarantee of monodisperse samples, either because multiple components are too close to each other in size or changes in shape induced through binding alter perceived elution time. In these cases, it may be possible to deconvolute the SAXS data of a mixture to obtain the idealized SAXS curves of individual components. Here, we show how this is achieved and the practical analysis of SEC-SAXS data is performed on ideal and difficult samples. Specifically, we show the SEC-SAXS analysis of the vaccinia E9 DNA polymerase exonuclease minus mutant

    Structural and functional characterization of the single-chain Fv fragment from a unique HCV E1E2-specific monoclonal antibody.

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    International audienceThe nucleotide sequence of the unique neutralizing monoclonal antibody D32.10 raised against a conserved conformational epitope shared between E1 and E2 on the serum-derived hepatitis C virus (HCV) envelope was determined. Subsequently, the recombinant single-chain Fv fragment (scFv) was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli, and its molecular characterization was assessed using multi-angle laser light scattering. The scFv mimicked the antibody in binding to the native serum-derived HCV particles from patients, as well as to envelope E1E2 complexes and E1, E2 glycoproteins carrying the viral epitope. The scFv D32.10 competed with the parental IgG for binding to antigen, and therefore could be a promising candidate for therapeutics and diagnostics

    Structure of the C-Terminal Domain of Lettuce Necrotic Yellows Virus Phosphoprotein

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    International audienceLettuce necrotic yellows virus (LNYV) is a prototype of the plant-adapted cytorhabdoviruses. Through a meta-prediction of disorder, we localized a folded C-terminal domain in the amino acid sequence of its phosphoprotein. This domain consists of an autonomous folding unit that is monomeric in solution. Its structure, solved by X-ray crystallography, reveals a lollipop-shaped structure comprising five helices. The structure is different from that of the corresponding domains of other Rhabdoviridae, Filoviridae, and Paramyxovirinae; only the overall topology of the polypeptide chain seems to be conserved, suggesting that this domain evolved under weak selective pressure and varied in size by the acquisition or loss of functional modules

    Virus humains anciens, récents et zoonotiques : une histoire sans fin ?

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    International audienceFor the past three years, the nature and evolution of human viruses have been taught in University Grenoble-Alpes without relying on the systematic list of all virus families. A «historical» approach allows to define three main categories of viruses following if they have co-evolved with humans for a very long time (ancient human viruses), if they began to infect humans in the Neolithic or later (recent human viruses) or if they are still animal viruses that are transmitted to humans sporadically (zoonotic viruses). We present below the principles and some examples of this pedagogic separation which has not the pretention to replace the classical taxonomic classification based on morphological and sequence similarity (ICTV classification) or on the form and replication mode of the viral genome (Baltimore classification). It helps grouping of viruses with similar effects even if their evolution is different. We show where human viruses come from and how they can cause human diseases. This approach was tested with Biology students, and then extended to Medicine and Pharmacy students to ensure that teaching was based on the same concepts in the three Faculties. In the end, all the students were very receptive and interested in this approach. Of course, different teaching methods can work, but this way of presenting things is also more fun for teachers and promotes cooperation between speakers