44 research outputs found

    Spo0A∼P Imposes a Temporal Gate for the Bimodal Expression of Competence in Bacillus subtilis

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    ComK transcriptionally controls competence for the uptake of transforming DNA in Bacillus subtilis. Only 10%–20% of the cells in a clonal population are randomly selected for competence. Because ComK activates its own promoter, cells exceeding a threshold amount of ComK trigger a positive feedback loop, transitioning to the competence ON state. The transition rate increases to a maximum during the approach to stationary phase and then decreases, with most cells remaining OFF. The average basal rate of comK transcription increases transiently, defining a window of opportunity for transitions and accounting for the heterogeneity of competent populations. We show that as the concentration of the response regulator Spo0A∼P increases during the entry to stationary phase it first induces comK promoter activity and then represses it by direct binding. Spo0A∼P activates by antagonizing the repressor, Rok. This amplifies an inherent increase in basal level comK promoter activity that takes place during the approach to stationary phase and is a general feature of core promoters, serving to couple the probability of competence transitions to growth rate. Competence transitions are thus regulated by growth rate and temporally controlled by the complex mechanisms that govern the formation of Spo0A∼P. On the level of individual cells, the fate-determining noise for competence is intrinsic to the comK promoter. This overall mechanism has been stochastically simulated and shown to be plausible. Thus, a deterministic mechanism modulates an inherently stochastic process

    Fluctuations in spo0A Transcription Control Rare Developmental Transitions in Bacillus subtilis

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    Phosphorylated Spo0A is a master regulator of stationary phase development in the model bacterium Bacillus subtilis, controlling the formation of spores, biofilms, and cells competent for transformation. We have monitored the rate of transcription of the spo0A gene during growth in sporulation medium using promoter fusions to firefly luciferase. This rate increases sharply during transient diauxie-like pauses in growth rate and then declines as growth resumes. In contrast, the rate of transcription of an rRNA gene decreases and increases in parallel with the growth rate, as expected for stable RNA synthesis. The growth pause-dependent bursts of spo0A transcription, which reflect the activity of the spo0A vegetative promoter, are largely independent of all known regulators of spo0A transcription. Evidence is offered in support of a “passive regulation” model in which RNA polymerase stops transcribing rRNA genes during growth pauses, thus becoming available for the transcription of spo0A. We show that the bursts are followed by the production of phosphorylated Spo0A, and we propose that they represent initial responses to stress that bring the average cell closer to the thresholds for transition to bimodally expressed developmental responses. Measurement of the numbers of cells expressing a competence marker before and after the bursts supports this hypothesis. In the absence of ppGpp, the increase in spo0A transcription that accompanies the entrance to stationary phase is delayed and sporulation is markedly diminished. In spite of this, our data contradicts the hypothesis that sporulation is initiated when a ppGpp-induced depression of the GTP pool relieves repression by CodY. We suggest that, while the programmed induction of sporulation that occurs in stationary phase is apparently provoked by increased flux through the phosphorelay, bet-hedging stochastic transitions to at least competence are induced by bursts in transcription

    Genome-wide mapping of TnrA-binding sites provides new insights into the TnrA regulon in Bacillus subtilis

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    Under nitrogen limitation conditions, Bacillus subtilis induces a sophisticated network of adaptation responses. More precisely, the B. subtilis TnrA regulator represses or activates directly or indirectly the expression of a hundred genes in response to nitrogen availability. The global TnrA regulon have already been identified among which some directly TnrA-regulated genes have been characterized. However, a genome-wide mapping of invivo TnrA-binding sites was still needed to clearly define the set of genes directly regulated by TnrA. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled with hybridization to DNA tiling arrays (ChIP-on-chip), we now provide invivo evidence that TnrA reproducibly binds to 42 regions on the chromosome. Further analysis with real-time invivo transcriptional profiling, combined with results from previous reports, allowed us to define the TnrA primary regulon. We identified 35 promoter regions fulfilling three criteria necessary to be part of this primary regulon: (i) TnrA binding in ChIP-on-chip experiments and/or in previous invitro studies; (ii) the presence of a TnrA box; (iii) TnrA-dependent expression regulation. In addition, the TnrA primary regulon delimitation allowed us to improve the TnrA box consensus. Finally, our results reveal new interconnections between the nitrogen regulatory network and other cellular processes

    Antibiotic sensitivity reveals that wall teichoic acids mediate DNA binding during competence in Bacillus subtilis

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    Natural genetic transformation in bacteria requires DNA binding at the surface of competent cells. Here, Mirouze et al. show that wall teichoic acids are specifically produced or modified during competence in Bacillus subtilis and promote (directly or indirectly) DNA binding at the cell surface

    Contrasting mechanisms of growth in two model rod-shaped bacteria

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    How cells control their shape and size is a long-standing question in cell biology. Many rod-shaped bacteria elongate their sidewalls by the action of cell wall synthesizing machineries that are associated to actin-like MreB cortical patches. However, little is known about how elongation is regulated to enable varied growth rates and sizes. Here we use total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy and single-particle tracking to visualize MreB isoforms, as a proxy for cell wall synthesis, in Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli cells growing in different media and during nutrient upshift. We find that these two model organisms appear to use orthogonal strategies to adapt to growth regime variations: B. subtilis regulates MreB patch speed, while E. coli may mainly regulate the production capacity of MreB-associated cell wall machineries. We present numerical models that link MreB-mediated sidewall synthesis and cell elongation, and argue that the distinct regulatory mechanism employed might reflect the different cell wall integrity constraints in Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria

    The complex regulation of competence in Staphylococcus aureus under microaerobic conditions

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    International audienceAbstract To perform natural transformation, one of the three main Horizontal Gene Transfer mechanisms, bacteria need to enter a physiological differentiated state called genetic competence. Interestingly, new bacteria displaying such aptitude are often discovered, and one of the latest is the human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus . Here, we show an optimized protocol, based on planktonic cells cultures, leading to a large percentage of the population activating the development of competence and a significant improvement of S. aureus natural transformation efficiencies. Taking advantage of these conditions, we perform transcriptomics analyses to characterize the regulon of each central competence regulator. SigH and ComK1 are both found essential for activating natural transformation genes but also important for activation or repression of peripheral functions. Even though ComK2 is not found important for the control of transformation genes, its regulon shows an important overlap with that of SigH and ComK1. Finally, we propose that microaerobic conditions, sensed by the SrrAB two-component system, are key to activate competence in S. aureus

    MreB-dependent inhibition of cell elongation during the escape from competence in Bacillus subtilis

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    During bacterial exponential growth, the morphogenetic actin-like MreB proteins form membrane-associated assemblies that move processively following trajectories perpendicular to the long axis of the cell. Such MreB structures are thought to scaffold and restrict the movement of peptidoglycan synthesizing machineries, thereby coordinating sidewall elongation. In Bacillus subtilis, this function is performed by the redundant action of three MreB isoforms, namely MreB, Mbl and MreBH. mreB and mbl are highly transcribed from vegetative promoters. We have found that their expression is maximal at the end of exponential phase, and rapidly decreases to a low basal level upon entering stationary phase. However, in cells developing genetic competence, a stationary phase physiological adaptation, expression of mreB was specifically reactivated by the central competence regulator ComK. In competent cells, MreB was found in complex with several competence proteins by in vitro pull-down assays. In addition, it co-localized with the polar clusters formed by the late competence peripheral protein ComGA, in a ComGA-dependent manner. ComGA has been shown to be essential for the inhibition of cell elongation characteristic of cells escaping the competence state. We show here that the pathway controlling this elongation inhibition also involves MreB. Our findings suggest that ComGA sequesters MreB to prevent cell elongation and therefore the escape from competence