47 research outputs found
Effect of species neutral genetic diversity on protein divergence parameters.
<p>Each dot is for one species pair. Blue: vertebrates; green: invertebrates. a: non-adaptive rate; b: non-synonymous/synonymous ratio; c: adaptive rate; d: proportion of adaptive non-synonymous substitutions. X-axis: focal species synonymous heterozygosity.</p
Effect of the underlying DFE model on estimators of α.
<p>Each dot is for a species pair. X-axis: estimated α under the Gamma model. Y-axis: estimated α under the Neutral (black), GammaExpo (blue) and ScaledBeta models (red). Dotted red line: (y = x) line. Closed circles indicate species pairs for which the considered model obtained the highest AIC.</p
Effect of gene GC-content and expression level on estimates of α.
<p>Only the 26 species for which at least seven individuals have been sampled are considered here.</p
Distributions of α and ω<sub>a</sub> split by taxa.
<p>Ma: mammals; Sa: sauropsids; Ar: arthropods; Mo: molluscs; Ec: echinoderms; Ot: others</p
Supplementary figures, Scornavacca & Galtie
Dataset Nabholz Glémin Galtier 2008
This is the dataset used in :
Nabholz B, Glémin S, Galtier N. 2008. Strong variations of mitochondrial
mutation rate across mammals--the longevity hypothesis. Mol. Biol. Evol
0 or NA indicates missing data.
Life-history traits are from AnAge database
De Magalhães JP, Costa J. 2009. A database of vertebrate longevity
records and their relation to other life-history traits. J. Evol. Biol.
mass : body mass in gram
longevity : maximum longevity in Years
metabolism : Basal metabolic rate in W
maturity_F : Female sexual maturity in day
maturity_M : Male sexual maturity in day
gestation : Gestation in day
Rate : Substitution rate (subst/site/MA) estimated with Cytochrome b
third codon position
Table_S1 - Datasets
Datasets used in the main statistical analyses of the study. Details of column headings : gene : Ensembl accession number (human); Species; labs : Species+Chromosome; chrMark : X or Autosomes; chr : Chromosome number; dN : Number of nonsynonymous substitutions; dS: Number of synonymous substitutions , dNdS : ratio of dN/dS; RPKM : Expression level in Reads Per Kilobase per Million sequenced Reads; Tau : Expression specificity, GC3 : GC content of the third codon positio
Cetartiodactyla phylogenetic tree obtained from PhyloBayes (CAT GTR Gamma 4 model). Branch lengths are given in number of substitutions per nucleotide site