12 research outputs found


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    A field experiment was carried out at SCDA Pitești, on an Albic Luvisol with a 25.0-25.2% clay content, with soy crop, Raluca TD variety. Seeds were treated with Bradyrhizobiumjaponicum, the density was 45-50 germinable grains/m2, and the distance between rows 50 cm. Fertilizers were applied during the vegetation cycle as follows: Dual 1 liter/ha, DĆ©cor 0,5 liters/ha, and Pulsar 1 liter/ha. The experimental design included 12 variants with the following chemical fertilizers doses: N0P0, N40P40, and N80P80. Agrocalcium (a product obtained by lime fine grinding, with a minimum 90% calcium carbonate content) and Doloflor (100% BIO fertilizer based on bitter spar with a minimum 50% calcium and magnesium oxide content) were used as chalking. Doloflor application as powder and granules in a 2.5 t/ha dose without N and P fertilization modified the soil reaction and pH registered values of 5.3-5.5, in the moderately acid reaction domain. Doloflor powder and granules in 2.5 t/ha dose together with N40P40 and N80P80 fertilizers doses determined very high mobile phosphorus content values (95-97 mg/kg). Mobile potassium contents in the analyzed variants are low ((100-125 mg/kg). Grain yield ranged from 1,483 to 2,053 kg/ha. The lowest yield resulted in the unfertilized and unlimed control. The highest values of grain yield were obtained when applying liming doses together with complex fertilizers

    DediŔčina izjemnih osebnosti kot potencial za razvoj kulturnega turizma v Romuniji

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    This article investigates how domestic tourists perceive the possibilities of boosting cultural heritage tourism in Romania, through the capitalization of national genius personalities. The methodology is based on the survey method. The research identified 22 geniuses, largely represented in national culture, and acknowledged and demanded by the market. The vast majority have been converted into tourist attractions, however those of international visibility are missing or are underrepresented in Romanian heritage tourism. An increased focus on geniuses would be highly valued by tourists and could reinforce the value of cultural heritage, consequently, boosting tourism resources. This would lead to multiple and sustainable benefits for destinationsā€™ development, but certain infrastructure and management gaps would need to be filled.Avtorji v članku proučujejo mnenja domačih turistov o možnostih spodbujanja razvoja kulturnega turizma v Romuniji na podlagi izjemnih osebnosti iz romunske kulturne zgodovine. Uporabljena metodologija temelji na anketi, v kateri so vpraÅ”ani izpostavili 22 romunskih kulturnih osebnosti, prepoznanih na trgu. Večina je bila preobražena v turistične zanimivosti, pri čemer pa v romunskem dediŔčinskem turizmu manjkajo mednarodno prepoznavne osebnosti ali so te slabo zastopane. Večji poudarek na tovrstnih osebnostih bi turisti zelo dobro sprejeli, hkrati bi se s tem povečala vrednost kulturne dediŔčine, kar bi posledično spodbudilo razvoj novih turističnih virov. Navedeno bi imelo različne trajnostne koristi za razvoj destinacij, treba pa bi bilo zapolniti nekatere vrzeli v infrastrukturi in upravljanju

    Sustainable Tourism Destinations: Cultural Sites Generated by Romanian People of Genius as a Potential Resource for Cultural Tourism

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    The progress of humankind brought forth the world nationsā€™ assets. People of genius from different parts of the world, who showed interest in various areas of knowledge, increased over the centuries the cultural heritage of the people they came from. Thus, cultural tourism can put forward those works of science and art, architecture, sculpture and painting, literature and history, which became part of the world heritage through their unique features and role. Part of these works emerged from Romanian men of genius cluster. Public attitude towards cultural awareness is essential, both for the prestige of those working in this sector and for the whole system of values of Romanian cultural heritage. The aim of this article is to identify those places generated by the Romanian people of genius life activity as well as their areas of interest as potential resources for cultural tourism. The research is grounded on secondary data such as biographic method of inquiry. The results show that cultural sites generated by Romanian people of geniusā€™s life and works represent a wide range of resources that can be integrated into a cultural tourism package for those interested in this type of journeys. Local authorities can get fully involved in rehabilitation, maintenance and protection of all these national assets as distinctive national elements that can support for an attractive tourism market

    Hyers-Ulam Stability of Euler’s Equation in the Calculus of Variations

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    In this paper we study Hyers-Ulam stability of Euler’s equation in the calculus of variations in two special cases: when F=F(x,y′) and when F=F(y,y′). For the first case we use the direct method and for the second case we use the Laplace transform. In the first Theorem and in the first Example the corresponding estimations for Jyx−Jy0x are given. We mention that it is the first time that the problem of Ulam-stability of extremals for functionals represented in integral form is studied

    Hyersā€“Ulamā€“Rassias Stability of Hermiteā€™s Differential Equation

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    In this paper, we studied the Hyersā€“Ulamā€“Rassias stability of Hermiteā€™s differential equation, using Pachpatteā€™s inequality. We compared our results with those obtained by Blaga et al. Our estimation for zxāˆ’yx, where z is an approximate solution and y is an exact solution of Hermiteā€™s equation, was better than that obtained by the authors previously mentioned, in some parts of the domain, especially in a neighborhood of the origin

    On a Functional Integral Equation

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    In this paper, we establish some results for a Volterraā€“Hammerstein integral equation with modified arguments: existence and uniqueness, integral inequalities, monotony and Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stability. We emphasize that many problems from the domain of symmetry are modeled by differential and integral equations and those are approached in the stability point of view. In the literature, Fredholm, Volterra and Hammerstein integrals equations with symmetric kernels are studied. Our results can be applied as particular cases to these equations

    Hyers–Ulam–Rassias Stability of Hermite’s Differential Equation

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    In this paper, we studied the Hyers–Ulam–Rassias stability of Hermite’s differential equation, using Pachpatte’s inequality. We compared our results with those obtained by Blaga et al. Our estimation for zx−yx, where z is an approximate solution and y is an exact solution of Hermite’s equation, was better than that obtained by the authors previously mentioned, in some parts of the domain, especially in a neighborhood of the origin

    Continuous-wave ultraviolet generation at 320 nm by intracavity frequency doubling of red-emitting Praseodymium lasers

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    We describe a new approach for the generation of coherent ultraviolet radiation. Continuous-wave ultraviolet light at 320 nm has been obtained by intracavity frequency doubling of red-emitting Praseodymium lasers. Lasing at the 640-nm fundamental wavelength in Pr:LiYF4 and Pr:BaY2F8 was realized by employing an optically pumped semiconductor laser at 480 nm as pump source. Using LiB3O5 as nonlinear medium, similar to 19 mW of ultraviolet radiation with similar to 9% optical efficiency with respect to absorbed power was reached for both laser crystals; the visible-to-ultraviolet conversion efficiency was 26% and 35% for Pr:LiYF4 and Pr:BaY2F8, respectively. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America