63 research outputs found

    On transversally elliptic operators and the quantization of manifolds with ff-structure

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    An ff-structure on a manifold MM is an endomorphism field \phi\in\Gamma(M,\End(TM)) such that ϕ3+ϕ=0\phi^3+\phi=0. Any ff-structure ϕ\phi determines an almost CR structure E_{1,0}\subset T_\C M given by the +i+i-eigenbundle of ϕ\phi. Using a compatible metric gg and connection \nabla on MM, we construct an odd first-order differential operator DD, acting on sections of §=ΛE0,1\S=\Lambda E_{0,1}^*, whose principal symbol is of the type considered in arXiv:0810.0338. In the special case of a CR-integrable almost §\S-structure, we show that when \nabla is the generalized Tanaka-Webster connection of Lotta and Pastore, the operator DD is given by D = \sqrt{2}(\dbbar+\dbbar^*), where \dbbar is the tangential Cauchy-Riemann operator. We then describe two "quantizations" of manifolds with ff-structure that reduce to familiar methods in symplectic geometry in the case that ϕ\phi is a compatible almost complex structure, and to the contact quantization defined in \cite{F4} when ϕ\phi comes from a contact metric structure. The first is an index-theoretic approach involving the operator DD; for certain group actions DD will be transversally elliptic, and using the results in arXiv:0810.0338, we can give a Riemann-Roch type formula for its index. The second approach uses an analogue of the polarized sections of a prequantum line bundle, with a CR structure playing the role of a complex polarization.Comment: 31 page

    Scattering theory for lattice operators in dimension d3d\geq 3

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    This paper analyzes the scattering theory for periodic tight-binding Hamiltonians perturbed by a finite range impurity. The classical energy gradient flow is used to construct a conjugate (or dilation) operator to the unperturbed Hamiltonian. For dimension d3d\geq 3 the wave operator is given by an explicit formula in terms of this dilation operator, the free resolvent and the perturbation. From this formula the scattering and time delay operators can be read off. Using the index theorem approach, a Levinson theorem is proved which also holds in presence of embedded eigenvalues and threshold singularities.Comment: Minor errors and misprints corrected; new result on absense of embedded eigenvalues for potential scattering; to appear in RM

    Special biconformal changes of K\"ahler surface metrics

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    The term "special biconformal change" refers, basically, to the situation where a given nontrivial real-holomorphic vector field on a complex manifold is a gradient relative to two K\"ahler metrics, and, simultaneously, an eigenvector of one of the metrics treated, with the aid of the other, as an endomorphism of the tangent bundle. A special biconformal change is called nontrivial if the two metrics are not each other's constant multiples. For instance, according to a 1995 result of LeBrun, a nontrivial special biconformal change exists for the conformally-Einstein K\"ahler metric on the two-point blow-up of the complex projective plane, recently discovered by Chen, LeBrun and Weber; the real-holomorphic vector field involved is the gradient of its scalar curvature. The present paper establishes the existence of nontrivial special biconformal changes for some canonical metrics on Del Pezzo surfaces, viz. K\"ahler-Einstein metrics (when a nontrivial holomorphic vector field exists), non-Einstein K\"ahler-Ricci solitons, and K\"ahler metrics admitting nonconstant Killing potentials with geodesic gradients.Comment: 16 page

    Overtwisted energy-minimizing curl eigenfields

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    We consider energy-minimizing divergence-free eigenfields of the curl operator in dimension three from the perspective of contact topology. We give a negative answer to a question of Etnyre and the first author by constructing curl eigenfields which minimize L2L^2 energy on their co-adjoint orbit, yet are orthogonal to an overtwisted contact structure. We conjecture that KK-contact structures on S1S^1-bundles always define tight minimizers, and prove a partial result in this direction.Comment: published versio

    Nonrelativistic hydrogen type stability problems on nonparabolic 3-manifolds

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    We extend classical Euclidean stability theorems corresponding to the nonrelativistic Hamiltonians of ions with one electron to the setting of non parabolic Riemannian 3-manifolds.Comment: 20 pages; to appear in Annales Henri Poincar

    Tight Beltrami fields with symmetry

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    Let MM be a compact orientable Seifered fibered 3-manifold without a boundary, and α\alpha an S1S^1-invariant contact form on MM. In a suitable adapted Riemannian metric to α\alpha, we provide a bound for the volume Vol(M)\text{Vol}(M) and the curvature, which implies the universal tightness of the contact structure ξ=kerα\xi=\ker\alpha.Comment: 26 page

    Bifurcation of critical points for continuous families of C^2 functionals of Fredholm type

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    Given a continuous family of C^2 functionals of Fredholm type, we show that the non-vanishing of the spectral flow for the family of Hessians along a known (trivial) branch of critical points not only entails bifurcation of nontrivial critical points but also allows to estimate the number of bifurcation points along the branch. We use this result for several parameter bifurcation, estimating the number of connected components of the complement of the set of bifurcation points and apply our results to bifurcation of periodic orbits of Hamiltonian systems. By means of a comparison principle for the spectral flow, we obtain lower bounds for the number of bifurcation points of periodic orbits on a given interval in terms of the coefficients of the linearization

    Once more on the Witten index of 3d supersymmetric YM-CS theory

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    The problem of counting the vacuum states in the supersymmetric 3d Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theory is reconsidered. We resolve the controversy between its original calculation by Witten at large volumes and the calculation based on the evaluation of the effective Lagrangian in the small volume limit. We show that the latter calculation suffers from uncertainties associated with the singularities in the moduli space of classical vacua where the Born-Oppenheimer approximation breaks down. We also show that these singularities can be accurately treated in the Hamiltonian Born-Oppenheimer method, where one has to match carefully the effective wave functions on the Abelian valley and the wave functions of reduced non-Abelian QM theory near the singularities. This gives the same result as original Witten's calculation.Comment: 27 page

    Klein-Gordon Solutions on Non-Globally Hyperbolic Standard Static Spacetimes

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    We construct a class of solutions to the Cauchy problem of the Klein-Gordon equation on any standard static spacetime. Specifically, we have constructed solutions to the Cauchy problem based on any self-adjoint extension (satisfying a technical condition: "acceptability") of (some variant of) the Laplace-Beltrami operator defined on test functions in an L2L^2-space of the static hypersurface. The proof of the existence of this construction completes and extends work originally done by Wald. Further results include the uniqueness of these solutions, their support properties, the construction of the space of solutions and the energy and symplectic form on this space, an analysis of certain symmetries on the space of solutions and of various examples of this method, including the construction of a non-bounded below acceptable self-adjoint extension generating the dynamics

    Spherical nucleic acids as an infectious disease vaccine platform

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    Despite recent efforts demonstrating that organization and presentation of vaccine components are just as important as composition in dictating vaccine efficacy, antiviral vaccines have long focused solely on the identification of the immunological target. Herein, we describe a study aimed at exploring how vaccine component presentation in the context of spherical nucleic acids (SNAs) can be used to elicit and maximize an antiviral response. Using COVID-19 as a topical example of an infectious disease with an urgent need for rapid vaccine development, we designed an antiviral SNA vaccine, encapsulating the receptor-binding domain (RBD) subunit into a liposome and decorating the core with a dense shell of CpG motif toll-like receptor 9 agonist oligonucleotides. This vaccine induces memory B cell formation in human cells, and in vivo administration into mice generates robust binding and neutralizing antibody titers. Moreover, the SNA vaccine outperforms multiple simple mixtures incorporating clinically employed adjuvants. Through modular changes to SNA structure, we uncover key relationships and proteomic insights between adjuvant and antigen ratios, concepts potentially translatable across vaccine platforms and disease models. Importantly, when humanized ACE2 transgenic mice were challenged in vivo against a lethal live virus, only mice that received the SNA vaccine had a 100% survival rate and lungs that were clear of virus by plaque analysis. This work underscores the potential for SNAs to be implemented as an easily adaptable and generalizable platform to fight infectious disease and demonstrates the importance of structure and presentation in the design of next-generation antiviral vaccines