704 research outputs found

    About “Justitia” (Righteousness) and “Aequitas” (Equity). The contribution of Lactantius († 325) in the specifying of the content of the two constituent elements of the “Jus”

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    By a brief analysis of the text of Lactantius’s work, entitled „Justitia,” one can say that for Lactantius, „Justitia” (Justice) and „Aequitas” (Equity) were primarily two moral virtues, with theological-philosophical and juridical implications and consequences, hence the moral obligation that any legislator – wherever and whoever he may be – ought to take them into account in the application of Justice.W krótkiej analizie tekstu pracy Laktancjusza zatytułowanego „Justitia” – terminy „Justitia” (sprawiedliwość) i „Aequitas” (słuszności) były przede wszystkim dwiema cnotami moralnymi, o teologiczno-filozoficznych i prawnych konsekwencjach i konsekwencjach, stąd też moralny obowiązek, aby każdy prawodawca – gdziekolwiek i kimkolwiek by nie był – wziął je pod uwagę przy stosowaniu wymiaru sprawiedliwości

    "Rights", "Freedoms" and "Principles" Set Out in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU

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    In European Community law, the first provisions on human rights and freedoms were stipulated in the text of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, published in Rome, in 1950. However, until 2000, when the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU was published, not only did the number of these human rights and freedoms increase, but also the amount of the principles laid down by the law of the European Union. A decisive role in this regard was played by the European Council, which, during its meeting in Cologne, on 3-4 June 1999, expressed the desire to write a draft Constitution for the EU, which would provide for the fundamental rights and freedoms of the EU citizens. This was materialized by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, published in Nice in 2000, and then by the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, published in Lisbon in 2007. The latter embodied in its text the rights, freedoms and principles provided by the former, hence its constitutional value for the EU Member States

    The European Juridical Thinking, Concerning the Human Rights, Expressed along the Centuries

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    The man was ideologically and juridically conceived as a  servant of the city and his rights and liberties were also included in the sphere of a thinking of a preeminently ideological, of a partyminded nature, with negative consequences also within the human relationships, at the basis of which the very reason of these rights and liberties lacked, namely the „communion”, the only carrier of the effects of interior freedom, namely of conscience, of faith and religion. Human rights are usually classified as civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights or as individual and collective rights. They also talk about „the international juridical status of the individual”, which „comprises the ensemble of rights that the individual should have in order to maximize his abilities both at a personal and collective level.”. Among the fundamental human rights and liberties, „religious liberties” take a special place

    The Rights of the Persons who Lost their Autonomy and their Social Protection

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    To this day, the rights of people who lost their autonomy (the old people over 75, thepersons with disabilities and the mentally retarded), have not yet been the object of a special legislation, both at an international and at a national level, hence the lacunary aspects in the field of their rights` legal protection. Thus, with a view to ensuring a dignified existence to old people, the world`s States should also ensure – by means of special laws – their right to medical, sanitary, social protection etc. and not merely provide special social protection measures for them. These social rights, that should allow any individual to live a life characterized by “self-determination and the forbidding of exclusions”, are placed - in the rights` hierarchy - at the level of human fundamental rights, because they have in view the observance of human liberties, equality and dignity, irrespective of human living conditions, irrespective of the economic and social conditions, irrespective of age and of the citizens`state of health

    Rules of national and international law prohibiting all forms of discrimination based on religion or religious belief

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    Przez wieki ludzkość była świadkiem zjawiska nietolerancji i dyskryminacji zbudowanej na religii lub poglądach religijnych. Z tego powodu prawodawcy stanowili prawa, które miały eliminować te zjawiska. Ochrona prawna przez przedmiotowymi zjawiskami jest obecnie jednym z najważniejszych fundamentów jednego z najważniejszych praw człowieka – prawa do wolności religijnej. Prawo to swoje ostateczne źródło ma w godności człowieka.Nieznajomość tego fundamentalnego prawa prowadzi także do pogwałcenia niektórych zasad prawa międzynarodowego, a szczególnie: zasady tolerancji i równości wszystkich ludzi. W niniejszym artykule przeanalizowano zarówno instrumenty prawa międzynarodowego, prawną moc „jus cogens”, i krajowe ustawodawstwo Rumunii w celu pokazania, jak okazywanie nietolerancji i dyskryminacji w sprawach religijnych może być zakazane i zwalczane na poziomie międzynarodowym i krajowym.Over the centuries, mankind has seen many manifestations of intolerance and discrimination based on religion or religious belief, and, for this reason, the legislator of those times had to provide legal rules expressly prohibiting and eliminating them, while setting out concrete measures of legal protection against those who violated actually one of the main fundamental human rights, i.e. the right to freedom of religion or religious belief, and, ipso facto, the right to respect for human dignity.The ignorance of this fundamental human right also led to the flagrant violation of one of the main principles of international law, namely the principle of tolerance and equality of all human beings. Therefore, in our study, we examined both the text of international instruments, with the legal force of “jus cogens,” and the national legislation, in order to reveal how the manifestations of the discrimination based on religion or religious beliefs were banned and removed from the human society, at national and international level

    General Principles of European Union Legislation Regarding the Juridical Protection of the Human Rights

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    The basic principles stated and applied by the European Convention of 1950 and by the common constitutional traditions of the member states are considered general principles of the Law of the European Union regarding human rights. That is why we cannot talk about the juridical protection of human rights without being well-acquainted both with the text of the European Convention on human rights signed in Rome in the year 1950 and with the text of the Constitutions of the member States, which is – or should have been – in accordance with the framework of the common constitutional traditions. These general principles and norms should not only be known, but also included in the texts of the Constitutions of the States of the European Union, through which they should also assure and grant the juridical protection of the human fundamental rights and liberties, that have not always been respected in the spirit of the principle stated by the European Convention and by the constitutional Traditions of the states of the European Union

    The right to freedom of religion

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    The brief analysis of the text of the main International and European juridical instruments, i.e. the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the two International Covenants adopted in 1996, the European Convention on Human Rights, the Charter of Nice (2000) and the two fundamental Treaties of EU revealed that the right to freedom of Religion is a “jus cogens” of the present-day, initially founded both on “jus divinum” and “jus naturale.”The brief analysis of the text of the main International and European juridical instruments, i.e. the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the two International Covenants adopted in 1996, the European Convention on Human Rights, the Charter of Nice (2000) and the two fundamental Treaties of EU revealed that the right to freedom of Religion is a “jus cogens” of the present-day, initially founded both on “jus divinum” and “jus naturale.

    Control algorythm of a smart grid device for optimal radial feeder load reconfiguration

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    Abstract Secondary distribution network, generally speaking, performs as well as the performance of its LV feeders. The main problem a feeder is experiencing is the load unbalancing due to the stochastic nature of its individual single-phase loads: bigger losses in certain phase accompanied with bed voltage regulation and voltage unbalance. The aim of this paper is to address the issue of automatic balancing as progressing from the end of the feeder towards the front using smart device based on three-ways switch selector and artificial intelligence algorithm to minimize the neutral current