611 research outputs found

    The spatial-temporal dimension of the alliances NATO & CSTO

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    Despite being structural entities which have relatively recently emerged, the alliances have caught global attention and interest, in a relatively short time, this giving a very well confined place in the approaches of the great political-military strategists, at all levels. The history and evolution of the North-Atlantic Alliance are closely connected to the security environment as well as to the geopolitical and geostrategic reality, specific to a particular moment. The emergence of an alliance has led to the formation of a counter alliance, meaning to bring a balance, even a fragile one on the surface


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    Within a complex and dynamic context, the leadership proves to be a crucial variable for the organizational success. The leaders’ credibility and involvement are important as inside many organizations the knowledge sharing is perceived as a threat, as an exposure of the employee to the threats of those around him! Confidence is a major attribute in what concerns the quality of connections among leader and his co-workers. For the people to open the mind and soul it’s important to perceive that those who lead them are correct, are devoted to some ideas that they debate and share within organization and the knowledge of these practices could lead to qualitative leap in what regards the leading and getting the organizational performances.knowledge based leadership, leadership practices, organizational performances, competitive advantage

    Reflecţii asupra cercetării inconștientului spiritual în pastoraţie

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    The unconscious is one of the concepts of high interest, both for science and theology. The interest shown for the study of the unconscious is found in works conducted by specialists in philosophy, psychology, psychoanalysis and neuroscience. At the same time, in theology it is found predominantly in patristic writings but without an explicit mention of the name of the unconscious, which the science uses. The increased interest in this concept is justified by the complexity of this little-known dimension of man. Also, as the unconscious dimension is of both psychological and spiritual nature, the development of the study of the unconscious in theology is a necessity. This paper sheds light on the most relevant considerations regarding the study of the spiritual unconscious in the pastoral work. In this sense, the paper deals with the most relevant perspectives on the metaphysics of the mind because the unconscious is often associated with the mind and the psyche, as well as some aspects specific to the unconscious in philosophy and psychology. Also, the most relevant aspects of the spiritual unconscious and its dimensions, the “theophilic” unconscious and the “misotheistic” unconscious, were analysed, in order to identify the most important opportunities regarding the study of the spiritual unconscious in the pastoral work

    Connections between Some Concepts of Polynomial Trichotomy for Noninvertible Evolution Operators in Banach Spaces

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    The present paper treats three concepts of nonuniform polynomial trichotomies for noninvertible evolution operators acting on Banach spaces. The connections between these concepts are established through numerous examples and counterexamples for systems defined on the Banach space of square-summable sequences

    Analysis of Common Mode Currents and Harmonic Pollution at Supplying Induction Motors from Static Converters with Variable Modulation Frequency

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    The problems of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) in three-phase systems are less studied than single-phase or direct current, due to the smaller ratio of emissions relative to the rated power of such systems. This paper is focused on the problem of emissions in three-phase variable frequency drive systems in the low-frequency EMC range, specifically on the common mode current through the connected ground wire between the static converter and power grid. The common mode current is determined to be variable depending on switching frequency. For a deeper understanding Fast Fourier Transform was used to decompose the signal. Main parameter to understand the magnitude of common mode current was the RMS of the current. The decomposition showed a significant DC component which cannot be picked up by the used RF probe, thus presenting a noise offset necessary to be considered when calculating the total effective value of common mode current. The analysis was made on the time-domain representation and the frequency behavior of the converter. The paper suggests that the standard measurement in the low-frequency range and the picked-up signal are investigated enough, as there is a disparity in the impact of emissions in the low-frequency range compared to what off-the-shelf devices have to offer, which are standard compliant, but still present considerable emissions

    About Analysis of Emissions from a Switched Mode Power Supply

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    The paper is dedicated to the analysis in the frequency domain of the currents (in common mode and differential mode) which generate conducted emissions in the supplying cable of the equipment containing a switch mode power supply (SMPS). The performed simulation considers the standard CISPR 16-1-2 which refers to specifications, methods, and test apparatus for the measurements of disturbances and immunity to conducted emissions. One proposes solutions to limit and control the conducted emissions generated by the SMPS within the supplying cable that result into noise currents and high frequency currents within the range 150 kHz – 30 MHz that might interfere with other electric equipment. Various ways to limit the mentioned emissions are simulated and analyzed. The influence of the duty-cycle over the frequency spectrum from the conducted emissions range is considered and the worst case is determined. The conclusion is that the optimum filtering solution involves the use of an EMI filter, the results being compared to the CISPR 22 standard

    Public private partnership - a way of overcoming the budget process investment restrictions in european transport infrastructure

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    One of the ways to overcome, to some extent, the budgetary restrictions on the state's financial resources for investment in transport infrastructure is a public-private partnership. Thus, we considered it useful to express our own opinions as well as reiterating the presentation of world and European experiences by experts in the field of benefits and risks of public-private partnership, and the study which useful lessons can be drawn. We are not just for copying or taking of these experiences, due to the concrete conditions of each country, but certain aspects can be adapted creatively. Consequences of non-critical acquisition strategies developed by others in other circumstances can sometimes have unforeseen negative impacts. International comparisons are useful when account is taken with caution due to both their parts, namely comparisons over time and space comparisons. Some items may be useful but that some countries have common objectives with other countries, especially those related to European integration, and that certain processes may be concurrent in two different countries


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    Introduction. The most important advantage of isotonic training is that there is no need for the human body to perform adjusting processes during execution: hence the accuracy of movement is less perturbed. Recent studies have shown balance and stability improvements after isokinetic training performed either by dynamometer or aquatic programs. Purposes. Our primary goal was to determine what the difference is between concentric isotonic and aquatic isokinetic training programs and how much these types of trainings affect the neuromuscular control of the lower limbs. Improving the subjects’ fitness level and their motivation to exercise regularly was the secondary goal of this study. Methods. Ten young, healthy and untrained female adults participated in this study. The subjects were divided into two groups: aquatic (n=5) and fitness (n=5). Before and after training the subjects’ lower limb neuromuscular control was assessed by the Shark Skill test (SST). The aquatic group (AG) trained in a 1.5 meter deep swimming pool, while the fitness group (FG) trained at a gym, using weights. The subjects of both groups trained for six weeks, three times per week. Results. The final SST proved bilateral amelioration of the neuromuscular control for AG, while FG improved unilaterally. The dominant limb improved more than the non-dominant one. The length of the lower limb negatively influenced the initial SST scores, especially at the FG. The tallest subjects of the AG developed the most their neuromuscular control. Conclusions. Post-experimental neuromuscular control improved in both groups. We did not find evidence that a group improved more than the other. The length of the lower limb negatively influences the neuromuscular control, but it can be developed due to regular training sessions of the lower extremity. The subjects’ fitness level and motivation for regular training increased. Compararea antrenamentului izotonic cu antrenamentul izokinetic acvatic: îmbunătățirea controlului neuromuscular al membrelor inferioare la femei sănătoase și neantrenate. Introducere. Principalul avantaj impus de antrenamentul izotonic se manifestă prin absența capacității de adaptare a organismului pe parcursul exersării, facilitând o execuție mai precisă, lipsită de factori perturbători. Studii recente dovedesc ameliorarea echilibrului, în consecință și a stabilității, în urma antrenamentelor izokinetice fie pe dispozitiv, fie în mediul acvatic. Obiective. Depistarea diferenței dintre efectele antrenamentului izokinetic acvatic și antrenamentului izotonic concentric asupra controlului neuromuscular al membrelor inferioare a reprezentat obiectivul primordial. Secundar, am urmărit creșterea nivelului de fitness al subiecților și dezvolarea motivației acestora de a efectua exercițiu fizic. Metode. Zece subiecți tineri, sănătoși, neantrenați și de sex feminin au participat la acest experiment. Aceștia au fost evaluați prin testul Shark (SST) și împărțiți în două grupe experimentale: lotul bazin (n=5) și lotul fitness (n=5). Lotul bazin (AG) s-a antrenat la o adâncime a apei de 1.5 metri, iar lotul fitness (FG) a efectuat exerciții într-o sală de fitness cu ajutorul aparatelor. Ambele grupe s-au antrenat cu o frecvență de trei ședințe pe săptămână, pe durata a șase săptămâni. Rezultate. Conform SST, AG a demonstrat îmbunătățiri bilaterale ale controlului neuromuscular, iar FG a evoluat doar unilateral. S-au observat ameliorări din perspectiva membrului dominant. Lungimea membrelor inferioare a influențat negativ scorul inițial al SST, vizibil în special la FG. Controlul neuromuscular al subiecților cu membre inferioare mai lungi din AG s-a dezvoltat în cea mai mare măsură. Concluzii. Controlul neuromuscular post-experimental a fost îmbunătățit în cazul ambelor loturi. Diferența dintre efectele celor două tipuri de antrenament este nesemnificativă. Lungimea membrelor inferioare influențează negativ controlul neuromuscular, însă acesta se poate îmbunătăți prin efectuarea regulată a unor exerciții fizice analitice adresate trenului inferior al corpului. S-a atins obiectivul creșterii nivelului de fitness și obținerea aspirației de a efectua exercițiu fizic în mod regulat. Cuvinte cheie: izotonic, izokinetic, control neuromuscular, membre inferioar

    The Potential of Introducing Heat Pumps (HP) and Thermal Energy Storage for the Crucea Commune, Constanta, Romania Systems in Order to Enable the Decarbonization in Romania

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    This case study aims to analyse the market potential of heat pumps and thermal energy storage in Romania at the level of a small commune, Crucea from Constanța. It was carried out on the basis of interviews with the main decision-makers of the commune. During the study, documents regarding the thermal energy and electricity consumption of the main public buildings in Crucea have been analysed and field visits have also taken place. Documents such as the existing energy certificates of the buildings and their RLVs were also studied. It presents the structure of the thermal energy consumption of public buildings and analyses the data on the consumption and costs of thermal energy in order to reduce electricity consumption and the carbon footprint. The study proposes technical solutions based on integrated systems with heat pumps and thermal energy storage, customized for each public building analysed