13 research outputs found

    Влияние уровня стресса на качество внимания футболистов

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    This article presents results of research performed to determine the relationship between perceived stressand its infl uence on the quality of attention. Here are the data obtained from athletes and statistical analysis of these data. In the research, participated 40 of people with a mean age of 15 years who practice football and are offi cially registered in one of the football clubs in Moldova. The results have demonstrated the relationship between perceived stress and attention.В этой статье представлены результаты исследования с целью определения отношения между восприятием уровня стресса и его влияние на качество внимания. Представлены данные, полученные от тестирования спортсменов, и статистический анализ этих данных. В исследовании приняли участие 40 спортсменов со средним возрастом 15 лет, которые практикуют футбол и официально зарегистрированы в одном из футбольных клубов в Республике Молдова. Результаты показали взаимосвязь между восприятием напряжения и вниманием

    Common Man, Society and Religion in the 16th century/Gemeiner Mann, Gesellschaft und Religion im 16. Jahrhundert

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    Der zweisprachige Sammelband vereinigt zum Teil bahnbrechende Ergebnisse einer interdisziplinären Forschungstagung, deren Beiträge sozial-, wirtschafts-, kultur- und kirchengeschichtliche Aspekte der Frühneuzeit im Karpatenbogen aufgreifen. Basierend auf vielfach erstmals ausgewerteten Quellen bearbeiten die Beiträge aktuelle Fragestellungen und Forschungshorizonte zur Interdependenz von sozialen, ökonomischen, kulturellen und religiösen Phänomenen im Karpatenbogen der Frühen Neuzeit, in dem die Osmanen der international dominante politische Faktor wurden. Transformationsprozesse wurden angestoßen durch Bevölkerungs- und Militärbewegungen, ökonomische, politische und religiös-mentale Umwälzungen, die zwischen opportunistischer Anpassung und rebellierendem Widerstand oszillierten und entsprechende politische Maßnahmen und Gegenreaktionen hervorriefen. Dabei wird die bislang geltende Forschungsmeinung zur Toleranzgeschichte Siebenbürgens in Frage gestellt und völlig neu bewertet

    Common Man, Society and Religion in the 16th century/Gemeiner Mann, Gesellschaft und Religion im 16. Jahrhundert

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    Der zweisprachige Sammelband vereinigt zum Teil bahnbrechende Ergebnisse einer interdisziplinären Forschungstagung, deren Beiträge sozial-, wirtschafts-, kultur- und kirchengeschichtliche Aspekte der Frühneuzeit im Karpatenbogen aufgreifen. Basierend auf vielfach erstmals ausgewerteten Quellen bearbeiten die Beiträge aktuelle Fragestellungen und Forschungshorizonte zur Interdependenz von sozialen, ökonomischen, kulturellen und religiösen Phänomenen im Karpatenbogen der Frühen Neuzeit, in dem die Osmanen der international dominante politische Faktor wurden. Transformationsprozesse wurden angestoßen durch Bevölkerungs- und Militärbewegungen, ökonomische, politische und religiös-mentale Umwälzungen, die zwischen opportunistischer Anpassung und rebellierendem Widerstand oszillierten und entsprechende politische Maßnahmen und Gegenreaktionen hervorriefen. Dabei wird die bislang geltende Forschungsmeinung zur Toleranzgeschichte Siebenbürgens in Frage gestellt und völlig neu bewertet

    Increased glycemic variability in type 2 diabetes patients treated with insulin - a real-life clinical practice, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) study

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    Chronic hyperglycemia is an important cause for the development of chronic complications of diabetes, but glycemic variability has emerged in recent years as an independent contributor to diabetes-related complications. Our objective was to evaluate glycemic variability in patients with T2DM treated with insulin compared with other antidiabetic drugs. In this retrospective study, we collected 24-hour continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) recording data from 95 patients with T2DM, of which 27 treated with insulin and 68 with non-insulin treatment. We calculated and compared 16 glucose variability parameters in the insulin-treated and non-insulin treated groups. Insulin treated patients had significantly higher values of parameters describing the amplitude of glucose value fluctuations (standard deviation of glucose values, percentage coefficient of variation [%CV], and mean amplitude of glycemic excursion [MAGE], p <0.05) and time-dependent glucose variability (percentage of time with glycemic values below 70 mg/dl and continuous overall net glycemic action [CONGA] at 2, 4 and 6 hours, p <0.05). In conclusion, insulin therapy in T2DM is correlated with significantly higher glycemic variability

    Expansion of the Invasive Plant Species <i>Reynoutria japonica</i> Houtt in the Upper Bistrița Mountain River Basin with a Calculus on the Productive Potential of a Mountain Meadow

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    Many invasive plant species use interactions with their anthropic environment as a propagation factor and benefit from climate changes, which have become accentuated in the last decade. The way such species interact with climate changes, as well as their high specific ecological plasticity, gives them a consistent advantage over native plant species. This work aims to demonstrate through a simple calculation the quantification of the productive potential of a wet meadow on which populations of an invasive plant species grew. The loss of productive potential induced by Reynoutria japonica Houtt on a mountain meadow in Ciocănești village, Romania, was the main objective. In the case of the productive potential of the meadows, a method for the general calculation of such losses was shown. The degree of anthropization of the studied area was also evaluated, correlating the degree of anthropization with the invasive species’ potential for spreading and affecting the mountain area

    Are There Any Land Use Dynamics in the Upper Bistrița Basin, Eastern Carpathians, Romania, in the Period 1990–2021?

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    This paper aims to assess land use and land use change (LULC). For this purpose, supervised mapping on satellite imagery, using the European Space Agency (ESA) SNAP programme from LANDSAT databases, publicly accessible through the European Copernicus portal, was used. At the same time, an analysis of the degree of landscape fragmentation in the study area was carried out, which revealed that, because of the particular fragmentation of small polygons, the best results were obtained via analysis/supervised mapping on satellite images. This method, once validated in the field, reflects the most accurate land use pattern in the analysed area, with wide applications in studies of agriculture, biodiversity, geography, etc. Between 2000 and 2010, significant changes were registered. Artificial surfaces decreased by approximately 400 ha, showing a negative trend in the last period of the interval. Coniferous forests reached their maximum threshold in 2000 (with 114,400 ha) in conjunction with the “Grassland” class, which exceeded 16,700 ha. In 2010, a drastic decrease in “Grassland” was recorded, reaching half of the values of 1990 and 2000, now having only 15,684 ha. Land cover changes were significant when comparing the period before 1989 with 2021. This fact was due to socio-economic changes in society, in large part caused by changes in professions and the way of life of the population

    Expansion of the Invasive Plant Species Reynoutria japonica Houtt in the Upper Bistri&#539;a Mountain River Basin with a Calculus on the Productive Potential of a Mountain Meadow

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    Many invasive plant species use interactions with their anthropic environment as a propagation factor and benefit from climate changes, which have become accentuated in the last decade. The way such species interact with climate changes, as well as their high specific ecological plasticity, gives them a consistent advantage over native plant species. This work aims to demonstrate through a simple calculation the quantification of the productive potential of a wet meadow on which populations of an invasive plant species grew. The loss of productive potential induced by Reynoutria japonica Houtt on a mountain meadow in Cioc&#259;ne&#537;ti village, Romania, was the main objective. In the case of the productive potential of the meadows, a method for the general calculation of such losses was shown. The degree of anthropization of the studied area was also evaluated, correlating the degree of anthropization with the invasive species&rsquo; potential for spreading and affecting the mountain area

    Assessment of Specific Tumoral Markers, Inflammatory Status, and Vitamin D Metabolism before and after the First Chemotherapy Cycle in Patients with Lung Cancer

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    Background: We aimed to investigate the changes of inflammatory status reflected by serum levels of chitotriosidase (CHT) and neopterin, and how specific tumor markers such as neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCCA), as well as vitamin D metabolism assessed by vitamin D receptor (VDR) and 25-hydroxy vitamin D3 (25OHD3), were modified after the first cycle of chemotherapy in patients with lung cancer. Methods: We performed this first pilot study on twenty patients diagnosed with lung cancer by investigating the serum concentrations of CHT, neopterin, NSE, SCCA, VDR and 25OHD3 before and after the first cycle of chemotherapy. Results: The post-treatment values of NSE were significantly lower compared to the pre-treatment levels (14.37 vs. 17.10 ng/mL, p = 0.031). We noticed a similar trend in neopterin levels, but the difference was only marginally significant (1.44 vs. 1.17 ng/mL, p = 0.069). On the contrary, the variations of circulating SCCA, CHT, neopterin, VDR and 25OHD3, before and after treatment, did not reach statistical significance. Conclusion: Only circulating NSE was treatment responsive to the first chemotherapy cycle in patients with lung cancer, while inflammatory markers and vitamin D status were not significantly modified