98 research outputs found

    Granulocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells increased in early phases of primary HIV infection depending on TRAIL plasma level

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    Background It has been demonstrated that Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cells (MDSC) are expanded in HIV-1 infected individuals and correlated with disease progression. The phase of HIV infection during which MDSC expansion occurs, and the mechanisms that regulate this expansion remain to be established. In this study we evaluated the frequency of MDSC in patients during primary HIV infection, and factors involved in MDSC control. Methods Patients with primary (PHI) and chronic (CHI) HIV infection were enrolled. PHI staging was performed according to Fiebig classification, and circulating MDSC frequency and function were evaluated by flow cytometry. Cytokine levels were evaluated by Luminex technology. Results We found that granulocytic MDSC (Gr-MDSC) frequency was higher in PHI compared to healthy donors, but lower than CHI. Interestingly, Gr-MDSC expansion was observed in the early phases of HIV infection (Fiebig II/III), but it was not associated to HIV viral load and CD4 T cell count. Interestingly, in PHI Gr-MDSC frequency was inversely correlated with plasmatic level of TRAIL, while a direct correlation was observed in CHI. Further, lower level of GMCSF was observed in PHI compared with CHI. In vitro experiments demonstrated that, differently from CHI, recombinant TRAIL induced apoptosis of Gr-MDSC from PHI, can effect that can be abrogated by GM-CSF. Conclusion We found that Gr-MDSC are expanded early during primary HIV infection and may be regulated by TRAIL and GM-CSF levels. These findings shed light on the fine mechanisms regulating the immune system during HIV infection, and open new perspectives for immune-based strategies

    Regulation of the Immune System Development by Glucocorticoids and Sex Hormones

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    Through the release of hormones, the neuro-endocrine system regulates the immune system function promoting adaptation of the organism to the external environment and to intrinsic physiological changes. Glucocorticoids (GCs) and sex hormones not only regulate immune responses, but also control the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) differentiation and subsequent maturation of immune cell subsets. During the development of an organism, this regulation has long-term consequences. Indeed, the effects of GC exposure during the perinatal period become evident in the adulthood. Analogously, in the context of HSC transplantation (HSCT), the immune system development starts de novo from the donor HSCs. In this review, we summarize the effects of GCs and sex hormones on the regulation of HSC, as well as of adaptive and innate immune cells. Moreover, we discuss the short and long-term implications on hematopoiesis of sex steroid ablation and synthetic GC administration upon HSCT

    Alu-element insertion in an OPA1 intron sequence associated with autosomal dominant optic atrophy

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    Abstract PURPOSE: Autosomal dominant optic atrophy (ADOA) is the most common form of hereditary optic neuropathy caused by mutations in the optic atrophy 1 (OPA1) gene. It is characterized by insidious onset with a selective degeneration of retinal ganglion cells, variable loss of visual acuity, temporal optic nerve pallor, tritanopia, and development of central, paracentral, or cecocentral scotomas. Here we describe the clinical and molecular findings in a large Italian family with ADOA. METHODS: Routine ophthalmologic examination and direct sequencing of all coding regions of the OPA1 gene were performed. Further characterization of a new OPA1 gene insertion was performed by reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) of RNA from patients and control subjects. RESULTS: We identified an Alu-element insertion located in intron 7 of OPA1 causing an in-frame deletion of exon 8 in 18 family members. CONCLUSIONS: The predicted consequence of this mutation is the loss of the guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) activity of OPA1. Alu insertions have been reported in the literature as causing human genetic disease. However, this is the first report of a pathogenic OPA1 gene mutation resulting from an Alu insertion

    Human natural killer cells and other innate lymphoid cells in cancer: Friends or foes?

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    Innate lymphoid cells (ILC) including NK cells (cytotoxic) and the recently identified "helper" ILC1, ILC2 and ILC3, play an important role in innate defenses against pathogens. Notably, they mirror analogous T cell subsets, regarding the pattern of cytokine produced, while the timing of their intervention is few hours vs days required for T cell-mediated adaptive responses. On the other hand, the effectiveness of ILC in anti-tumor defenses is controversial. The relevance of NK cells in the control of tumor growth and metastasis has been well documented and they have been exploited in the therapy of high risk leukemia in the haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation setting. In contrast, the actual involvement of helper ILCs remains contradictory. Thus, while certain functional capabilities of ILC1 and ILC3 may favor anti-tumor responses, other functions could rather favor tumor growth, neo-angiogenesis, epithelial-mesenchymal transition and metastasis. In addition, ILC2, by secreting type-2 cytokines, are thought to induce a prevalent pro-tumorigenic effect. Finally, the function of both NK cells and helper ILCs may be inhibited by the tumor microenvironment, thus adding further complexity to the interplay between ILC and tumors

    NK cells and ILCs in tumor immunotherapy

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    Abstract Cells of the innate immunity play an important role in tumor immunotherapy. Thus, NK cells can control tumor growth and metastatic spread. Thanks to their strong cytolytic activity against tumors, different approaches have been developed for exploiting/harnessing their function in patients with leukemia or solid tumors. Pioneering trials were based on the adoptive transfer of autologous NK cell-enriched cell populations that were expanded in vitro and co-infused with IL-2. Although relevant results were obtained in patients with advanced melanoma, the effect was mostly limited to certain metastatic localizations, particularly to the lung. In addition, the severe IL-2-related toxicity and the preferential IL-2-induced expansion of Treg limited this type of approach. This limitation may be overcome by the use of IL-15, particularly of modified IL-15 molecules to improve its half-life and optimize the biological effects. Other approaches to harness NK cell function include stimulation via TLR, the use of bi- and tri-specific NK cell engagers (BiKE and TriKE) linking activating NK receptors (e.g. CD16) to tumor-associated antigens and even incorporating an IL-15 moiety (TriKE). As recently shown, in tumor patients, NK cells may also express inhibitory checkpoints, primarily PD-1. Accordingly, the therapeutic use of checkpoint inhibitors may unleash NK cells against PD-L1+ tumors. This effect may be predominant and crucial in tumors that have lost HLA cl-I expression, thus resulting "invisible" to T lymphocytes. Additional approaches in which NK cells may represent an important tool for cancer therapy, are to exploit the unique properties of the "adaptive" NK cells. These CD57+ NKG2C+ cells, despite their mature stage and a potent cytolytic activity, maintain a strong proliferating capacity. This property revealed to be crucial in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), particularly in the haplo-HSCT setting, to cure high-risk leukemias. T depleted haplo-HSCT (e.g. from one of the parents) allowed to save the life of thousands of patients lacking a HLA-compatible donor. In this setting, NK cells have been shown to play an essential role against leukemia cells and infections. Another major advance is represented by chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-engineered NK cells. CAR-NK, different from CAR-T cells, may be obtained from allogeneic donors since they do not cause GvHD. Accordingly, they may represent "off-the-shelf" products to promptly treat tumor patients, with affordable costs. Different from NK cells, helper ILC (ILC1, ILC2 and ILC3), the innate counterpart of T helper cell subsets, remain rather ambiguous with respect to their anti-tumor activity. A possible exception is represented by a subset of ILC3: their frequency in peri-tumoral tissues in patients with NSCLC directly correlates with a better prognosis, possibly reflecting their ability to contribute to the organization of tertiary lymphoid structures, an important site of T cell-mediated anti-tumor responses. It is conceivable that innate immunity may significantly contribute to the major advances that immunotherapy has ensured and will continue to ensure to the cure of cancer

    PD-1 in human NK cells: evidence of cytoplasmic mRNA and protein expression

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    Under physiological conditions, PD-1/PD-L1 interactions regulate unwanted over-reactions of immune cells and contribute to maintain peripheral tolerance. However, in tumor microenvironment, this interaction may greatly compromise the immune-mediated anti-tumor activity. PD-1 + NK cells have been detected in high percentage in peripheral blood and ascitic fluid of ovarian carcinoma patients. To acquire information on PD-1 expression and physiology in human NK cells, we analyzed whether PD-1 mRNA and protein are present in resting, surface PD-1 12 , NK cells from healthy donors. Both different splicing isoforms of PD-1 mRNA and a cytoplasmic pool of PD-1 protein were detected. Similar results were obtained also from both in vitro-activated and tumor-associated NK cells. PD-1 mRNA and protein were higher in CD56 dim than in CD56 bright NK cells. Confocal microscopy analyses revealed that PD-1 protein is present in virtually all NK cells analyzed. The present findings are compatible with a rapid surface expression of PD-1 in NK cells in response to appropriate, still undefined, stimuli

    Socioeconomic deprivation worsens the outcomes of Italian women with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer and decreases the possibility of receiving standard care.

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    BACKGROUND: Socioeconomic factors influence access to cancer care and survival. This study investigated the role of socioeconomic status on the risk of breast cancer recurrence and on the delivery of appropriate cancer care (sentinel lymph node biopsy and breast-conserving surgery plus radiotherapy), by patients' age and hormone receptor status. METHODS: 3,462 breast cancer cases diagnosed in 2003-2005 were selected from 7 Italian cancer registries and assigned to a socioeconomic tertile on the basis of the deprivation index of their census tract. Multivariable models were applied to assess the delivery of sentinel lymph node biopsy and of breast-conserving surgery plus radiotherapy within socioeconomic tertiles. RESULTS: In the 1,893 women younger than 65 years, the 5-year risk of recurrence was higher in the most deprived group than in the least deprived, but this difference was not significant (16.4% vs. 12.9%, log-rank p=0.08); no difference was seen in women ≥65 years. Among the 2,024 women with hormone receptor-positive cancer, the 5-year risk was significantly higher in the most deprived group than in the least deprived one (13.0% vs. 8.9%, p=0.04); no difference was seen in cases of hormone receptor-negative cancer. The most deprived women were less likely than the least deprived women to receive sentinel lymph node biopsy (adjusted odds ratio (ORa), 0.69; 95% CI, 0.56-0.86) and to undergo breast-conserving surgery plus radiotherapy (ORa=0.66; 95% CI, 0.51-0.86). Conclusions: Socioeconomic inequalities affect the risk of recurrence, among patients with hormone receptor-positive cancer, and the opportunity to receive standard care

    Manipulating the tumor immune microenvironment to improve cancer immunotherapy: IGF1R, a promising target

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    Cancer immunotherapy has made impressive advances in improving the outcome of patients affected by malignant diseases. Nonetheless, some limitations still need to be tackled to more efficiently and safely treat patients, in particular for those affected by solid tumors. One of the limitations is related to the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment (TME), which impairs anti-tumor immunity. Efforts to identify targets able to turn the TME into a milieu more auspicious to current immuno-oncotherapy is a real challenge due to the high redundancy of the mechanisms involved. However, the insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R), an attractive drug target for cancer therapy, is emerging as an important immunomodulator and regulator of key immune cell functions. Here, after briefly summarizing the IGF1R signaling pathway in cancer, we review its role in regulating immune cells function and activity, and discuss IGF1R as a promising target to improve anti-cancer immunotherapy
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