5,408 research outputs found

    Challenges and solutions for autism in academic geosciences

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    Researcher diversity promotes research excellence. But academia is widely perceived as inaccessible to those who work in non-stereotypical ways, and disabled researchers are consequently chronically under-represented within higher education. The barriers that academia presents to the inclusion and success of disabled individuals must therefore be understood and removed in order to enhance researcher diversity and improve the quality and quantity of research. Autism is a disability that is particularly under-represented within higher education, despite many autistic individuals having attributes that are conducive to research excellence. With a focus on geosciences, we use the experiences of an autistic PhD student to evaluate why academia can be inaccessible, and propose simple strategies that can reduce and remove barriers to academic success. We suggest that minor changes to communication, the academic environment and better disability awareness can make significant differences to the inclusion of disabled researchers, particularly those with autism. These changes would also benefit the wider scientific community and promote research and teaching excellence

    External morphology of eyes and Nebenaugen of caridean decapods–ecological and systematic considerations

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    Most caridean decapods have compound eyes of the reflecting superposition kind, and additionally some possess an accessory eye-like organ of unknown function, also referred to as the nebenauge.We examined 308 caridean genera to assess the general morphology of the eye, rostrum length, eye diameter and the presence or absence and, when present, the diameter of the nebenauge.We have attempted to relate these data to ecological and taxonomic considerations.We consider there to be 6 distinct eye types based on the margin between the eyestalk and cornea. The presence of nebenaugen appears to be generally linked to an active lifestyle, as evidenced by the fact that species that have nebenaugen tend to have larger eyes and are more likely to have a distinct rostrum.We suggest that the inconsistencies in its presence/absence under both systematic and ecological lenses may indicate that when present it has various roles relating to behavioural and physiological rhythms

    The Study And Comparision Of The Level Of Motivation, Attributional Style, Locus Of Control, And Career Indecision Between Black

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference between Black and White 9th grade suburban students in regard to career indecision and certainty, and to determine what relationship exists between career indecision/certainty, motivational level, locus of control, and attributional style. The sample size of this study was 95 ninth grade students from a Seminole County high school in the state of Florida. Some of the demographic variables taken into account for this study were student socioeconomic status, involvement in special programming at school (i.e. Exceptional Education, or Advanced Placement), parental education level, and parental occupation. The data in this study was collected through the use of the Career Decision Scale (CDS), Children\u27s Attributional Style Questionnaire-Revised (CASQ-R), Children\u27s Nowicki-Strickland Internal External Locus of Control Scale (CNISE), and the Five Item Polarized Motivation Scale. The results of this study came as a result of the use of an ANOVA and Mann Whitney test, as well as a series of simple linear regression analyses. The ANOVA and Mann Whitney test determined if there was a difference in career indecision/ certainty level based on race. The linear regression analysis compared the variables of career indecision/certainty, motivation level, attributional style, and locus of control to uncover any predictive relationships. Post hoc analyses were also conducted to determine if the variables of motivational level, locus of control, attributional style, and career indecision/certainty are predictors for race. The results of the data indicate that there is no statistical significance between race and career indecision between Black and White students. Also the results uncovered the only predictive relationships among the variables existed between career certainty and motivation, career indecision and attributional style, and locus of control and attributional style. The post hoc analyses uncovered that race cannot be predicted by any of the variables in this study. This study is exploratory in nature and should be replicated with the use of a larger sample size to further explore this phenomenon

    Linking eye design with host symbiont relationships in pontoniine shrimps (crustacea, decapoda, palaemonidae)

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    Symbiosis is prevalent in the marine environment with many studies examining the effects of such interactions between host and symbiont. Pontoniine shrimps are a group whose ecology is characterised by symbiotic interactions. This investigation examines the gross morphology of Pontoniinae compound eyes and superficial optical parameters with reference to their symbiotic relationship or lifestyle category; free-living, ectosymbiont, endosymbiont (bivalves) or endosymbiont (non-bivalves). The eye morphologies of free-living and ectosymbiotic species are very similar, yet differ from both forms of endosymbiotic species. Endosymbionts have significantly smaller and simpler eyes with larger facets and bigger interommatidial angles and eye parameters for increased sensitivity levels. However bivalve endosymbionts form an intermediary group between non-bivalve endosymbionts and ectosymbionts as a result of their more active lifestyle. The accessory eye or "nebenauge", although of uncertain function, commonly occurs in free-living Pontoniinae species but rarely in endosymbionts apart from in more primitive species. The variation in morphology reflects tensions between functional requirements and ecological pressures that have strongly influenced eye design in Pontoniinae. © 2014 Dobson et al

    Earhart County: The Making Of A World War Two Wondertale

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    Full version unavailable due to 3rd party copyright restrictions.The aim of Earhart County was to create a book which would bring the world of World War Two aviation to a mainstream audience, utilising the magic and durability of folklore to mythologize the incredible feats of Churchill’s finest generation. Whilst entertaining its audience, it aims at giving them a glimpse at the many lives and aircraft that flew during the war. Research was conducted mainly through the study of autobiographical and biographical accounts of both famous and unknown aircrew, as well as post-war and contemporary fiction, aircraft manuals and books detailing the various aeroplanes flown throughout the war. Research was also made into the Russian wondertale and Vladimir Propp’s morphology. The result was the novel Earhart County, a novel which was planned using the structures and devices of the wondertale whilst constantly referencing the world of aviation.

    The first use of Fulton's K for assessing and comparing the conditions of inter-tidal fish populations

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    Fulton's K condition factor was applied, for the first time, to inter-tidal specimens of the shanny (Lipophrys pholis) and long-spined scorpion fish (Taurulus bubalis) from two English rocky shore and two Welsh rocky shore sites during summer 2010 and winter 2011. As both species contribute to the diet of commercial species such as cod (Gadus morhua) and near-threatened species such as the European otter (Lutra lutra), their condition may affect that of these predators. Fulton's K found that inter-tidal Welsh fish maintained a ‘good’ condition between seasons, whereas the inter-tidal English fish were in a poorer condition during winter. Although condition also changed amongst the sites on each coast, further studies are needed into fish morphologies, environmental parameters, prey availabilities and abundances, and fish specimen sex and maturities

    Dysfunctional devices in the classroom meet the habitus of the new

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    New media has enabled users to informally learn, consume, create and produce in many different ways and forms at (almost) any time. In 2013, Papacharissi and Easton further theorised Bourdieu’s notion of habitus to embrace new media in the 21st century, coining ‘habitus of the new’ focusing on the novelty and practices surrounding new media. This article explores the digital practices inside of school, and the ways young people use new media on their digital devices (including their smartphones). The article points to some dysfunctional practices that practically occur when endeavouring to incorporate these individual devices for learning purposes. Drawing upon a large study utilising ethnographic studies of three public secondary schools located in the state of Victoria, Australia, I provide four vignettes highlighting how and when students used their digital devices for learning, leisure, and social interaction, performing the habitus of the new, and working around teacher directives

    Digital labour and temporal priorities within a secondary school

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    Digital devices and ubiquitous online access contribute to the nature and amount of digital labour conducted by school staff. Drawing on more than 40 interviews with staff at one Australian secondary school, the general nature of this digital labour is presented, then Clancy’s notion of temporal autonomous spaces is introduced and applied to theorise why some teachers used digital technologies constantly in their teaching. The article highlights how some teachers invested their time in learning about and using digital technologies because it enhanced their sense of autonomy and increased their sense of freed time. It theorises how teachers who invest their time into developing their knowledge and effective use of digital technologies in their teaching practice do so because of the perceived benefits that temporal autonomous space brings. Therefore, their practice is sustained as a high temporal priority

    When citizen politics becomes uncivil: Between popular protest, civil society and governance in Jamaica

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    This thesis focuses on the problem of incivility within the domains of citizen politics and civil society by exploring the proclivity for popular protest in Jamaica and the intersections between popular citizen protest, civil society and governance in this context. It scrutinizes the tenor of contemporary civilian politics and assesses the consequent impact on the quality of civil society more broadly. The thesis challenges the assumption within accepted definitions of civil society that civic participation is always positive. It does so by examining the manner in which citizens engage collectively to defend their interests and make claims upon the state, as well as the extent to which this model of political participation serves the agenda and promise of civil society. Through an in-depth, country-specific, empirical case study, the thesis examines micro social processes of power at community level to raise questions about who should be represented in civil society and how the voices of the marginalized are to be heard. In this regard, it explores the role of social inequality, feelings of social injustice and political exclusion as contributory factors in the existing tenor of citizen politics in Jamaica. It also examines the challenges facing the contemporary state and the impact of violent protests on state engagement, public action and political performance. The study analyses the lived experiences, observations and perspectives of a wide cross section of Jamaican citizens, gleaned from face-to-face interviews, focus group discussions, as well as a range of secondary material, including audio-visual data, to illuminate this process of struggle and underscore the factors which drive violent protests in this political context. The thesis concludes that maximum disruption, including violence, has not only become the basis of civil protest in Jamaica, but that the varied and contradictory responses of the state bureaucracy and political actors (Members of Parliament, activists, other political iii officials), as well as the mass media, have directly contributed to the style and tenor of protest politics in Jamaica. This state of affairs reduces popular citizen participation over genuine concerns to mob-style incivility and undermines civil society as a source of positive and responsible citizenship. The growing political importance of grassroots-based citizen participation and community building within the context of a global imperative to forge 'democracy from below' lends theoretical and normative credence to emerging concerns about the current character of popular citizen mobilizations and protest. This study thus establishes the basis for a presumption in favour of civility, civil discourse and civil action as fundamental to the construction of civil society. In doing so, it extends current scholarly understandings of civil society to Third World contexts, with a specific emphasis on Jamaica

    Temporal digital control: Theorizing the use of digital technologies to provide a temporal autonomous space

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    © The Author(s) 2019. Screen time once referred to television. Nowadays, it includes various screen sizes that are internet-enabled devices, and the pervasive smartphone. Regardless of what kind of screen is used, screen time comprises much of life itself. Being online and offline is now fairly blurred because of the ubiquitousness of technologies, Wi-Fi and screens. This paper puts forth the notion of ‘temporal digital control’ to explain the choice of when and why smartphones and other portable digital devices are used in today’s cultural milieu, and it theorizes the ‘why’ of contemporary smartphone use is so prominent suggesting it enables temporal digital control in an autonomous space. Coupled with the engrossment of such use, the article elaborates how gazing at a digital device comprises a temporal connection, alongside a disconnection from real life, and a possible inauthenticity that could affect well-being. Recently published literature on ‘waiting’ is included to help theorize why actors choose to use digital technologies while waiting. Being preoccupied, or busy, or doing something with one’s smartphone while waiting creates a sense of alleged status, importance or connection in the form of digital temporal control. An array of vignettes is provided to demonstrate agentic disengagement with the present in a preference for moving into a temporal autonomous space of ‘perceived’ digital control. When gazing at and using a digital device, users are arguably disengaging with the temporal present, disconnecting with others who may be beside them, in preference to the creation of temporal (and digital) autonomous spaces. Regardless of what the user is doing on their smartphone or device, the use of technologies can provide a temporal autonomous space of digital control