22 research outputs found

    Efeitos da exposição ao etanol e da desnutrição sobre o córtex visual durante o desenvolvimento perinatal

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    To evaluate the ethanol and malnutrition effects on body and brain weights development and the histologic alterations of visual cortex. Wistar male rats were generated and suckled by dams submitted to a commercial laboratory diet (“Labina®” 23% protein; group N) or to a low-protein diet (“Basic Regional Diet”, BRD - 8% protein; group D). Each group was subdivided in 2, according to the gavage treatment, with filtered water or ethanol (E), resulting 4 groups (N, D, E and ED). Regarding body weights, 3 periods were analysed: 3rd (P3), 25th (P25) and 40th (P40) postnatal days. For histochemical study, histological brain slices were stained with HE, Masson Trichrome, Periodic Acid-Schiff and Van Gienson. At P3 body weights of groups E, D and ED were lower than the group N. At P25 and P40, the body weight differences (p < 0,05) were found: group ED < N; ED < D; and ED < E. Concerning brain weights (P40), there were differences between groups ED and D and between D and N. There was not difference among the groups for vessels density. Collagen and/or elastic fibers storages were not seen in the neuropil. The group N presented higher number and regular distribution of PAS+ cells when compared with other groups. Both experimental conditions reduce body and brain weights during early postnatal periodand in the visual cortex, the animals do not show differences relationed with vessels density.Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar os efeitos do etanol e da desnutrição sobre o peso corporal e encefálico, bem como as alterações histológicas do córtex visual. Ratos machos Wistar foram gerados e amamentados por matrizes submetidas a duas dietas: (1) padrão do biotério (“Labina®”- 23% de proteína, grupo N); e (2) hipoprotéica (“Dieta Básica Regional” – DBR - 8% de proteína, grupo D). Cada grupo foi subdividido em dois, conforme o tratamento (gavagem) com água ou etanol (E), originando quatro grupos (N, D, E e ED). Evolução ponderal - períodos avaliados: 30 (P3), 250 (P25) e 400 (P40) dias pós-natais. Os cortes histológicos encefálicos foram corados com HE, Tricrômico de Masson, Ácido Periódico de Schiff e Van Gienson. Em P3, os grupos E, D e ED tinham pesos menores que N. Em P25 e P40, ED apresentou peso menor que N, D e E. O grupo D apresentou peso médio menor que o de N nos 3 períodos. Para o peso encefálico (P40) houve diferença entre ED e D e entre D e N. Para a densidade de vasos, não houve diferença significativa entre todos os grupos. Não havia depósitos de fibras colágenas e (ou) elásticas na neurópila. N apresentou maior número de células PAS+ que os outros grupos e com distribuição regular. Conclui-se que as condições experimentais promovem redução de peso corporal e encefálico no período pós-natal precoce e no córtex visual, mas não há diferença na densidade vascular

    Development of Animal Model for Studying Deep Second-Degree Thermal Burns

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    Thermal lesions were produced in 12 male Wistar rats, positioning a massive aluminum bar 10 mm in diameter (51 g), preheated to 99°C ± 2°C/10 min. on the back of each animal for 15 sec. After 7, 14, 21, and 28 days, animals were euthanized. The edema intensity was mild, with no bubble and formation of a thick and dry crust from the 3rd day. The percentage of tissue shrinkage at 28 days was 66.67 ± 1.66%. There was no sign of infection, bleeding, or secretion. Within 28 days reepithelialization was incomplete, with fibroblastic proliferation and moderate fibrosis and presence of modeled dense collagen fibers. It is concluded that the model established is applicable in obtaining deep second-degree thermal burns in order to evaluate the healing action of therapeutic agents of topical use

    Análise histomorfométrica do coração de ratos expostos indiretamente ao etanol e à desnutrição crônica durante o período perinatal

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    Alcoholic mothers, in human and laboratory animals, have been responsable for systemic disturbances in their offspring. The present study evaluated, using the histochemistry and digital analysis of image, the histologic profile of the heart of male newborn rats (Wistar rats) from mothers submitted to two nutritional treatments: 1) commercial laboratory diet (Labina®, with 23% of protein) and 2) low-protein diet (Basic Regional Diet-BRD, with 8% of protein) and chronic ingestion of ethanol (3g/kg/day) or filtered water. It was used four experimental groups Control Group (CG), Ethanol Group(EG), Malnourished Group (MG) and Ethanol-Malnourished Group (EMG). The body weights was evaluated at 3 (P3), 25 (P25) and 40 (P40) days. Morphometric analysis of the perivascular and interstitial collagen, number and average diameter of the cardiac vessels and PAS-positive inclusions in the cardiomyocites were also studied. The results showed that in P3 only the EG animals had significant lower weight when compared to other groups while. In P25 and P40 the EMG presented significant wheight reduction when compared with CG and MG. Significant difference of weight was observed among the different groups with same treatment and diets (EG x EMG) in P25 and P40, having the EMG the lower weight. The image analysis of the perivascular and interstitial collagen demonstrated a significant increase in EG. The MG showed a reduction in the average number of endo-myocardium vessels when compared with other groups. The relationship between ethanol ingestion and malnutrition (EMG) favored a significant increase in the average vessels diameter of the endo-myocardium, as well as PAS-positive inclusions with diffuse distribution in the cardiomyocites and vascular endotelium. It could be concluded that pre and postnatal exposure to etanol inducs important morphologic changes in the cardiac tissue of the offspring, and many of these changes are intensified by the proteic malnutrition.Mães alcoolistas, em humanos e animais de laboratório, vêm sendo responsáveis por distúrbios sistêmicos em seus descendentes. O presente estudo avaliou, através da histoquímica e da análise digital de imagem, o perfil histológico do coração de ratos (ratos Wistar) submetidos indiretamente ao etanol e à desnutrição crônica, durante o período perinatal, gerados por matrizes submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: dieta padrão do biotério, dieta experimental hipoprotéica, ingestão de água e ingestão crônica de etanol (3g/kg do peso corporal). Foram originados quatro grupos experimentais (Grupo Controle – GC, Etanol– GE, Desnutrido – GD, Etanol – Desnutrido – GED), avaliando-se a evolução do peso corporal em três períodos: 3o (P3), 25o (P25) e 40o (P40) dia de vida. Na análise morfométrica, avaliaram-se as áreas de depósito de colágeno, o número e o diâmetro médio dos vasos cardíacos e as inclusões PAS-positivas e lipofucsina. Os resultados demonstraram que, em P3, apenas o grupo etanol (GE) tinha peso significativamente menor, quando comparado com os demais grupos. Houve diferença significativa de peso entre os grupos com o mesmo tratamento e dietas diferentes (GE x GED) em P25 e P40, tendo o GED o menor peso. A análise de imagens dos depósitos de colágeno revelou um aumento significativo no GE. O GD exibiu uma redução no número médio de vasos, quando comparado a outros grupos. O GED apresentou um aumento significativo no diâmetro médio dos vasos do endo-miocárdio, bem como inclusões PAS-positivas, com distribuição difusa dos cardiomiócitos e do endotélio vascular. Pode-se, então, concluir que a exposição pré e pós-natal ao etanol induz alterações morfológicas importantes no tecido cardíaco dos descendentes, e muitas dessas alterações são intensificadas pelo estado de desnutrição protéica

    Importance of anatomopathological analysis and histopathological examination for the diagnosis of suspected cases of syphilitic aneurysm

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    Introduction: syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by mycobacterium Treponema pallidum in which in its tertiary stage can lead to an aortic syphilitic aneurysm. Currently, such cases are rare because of the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy. Objective: we aimed to carry out an anatomopathological analysis and histopathological examination of three cases potentially suspicious of aortic syphilitic aneurysm on human corpses. Methods: It was a descriptive study which 03 anatomic specimens of aortas from cadavers with ages ranging from 50 to 91 years obtained in Service checklist of deaths during the period from 2014 to 2015. We performed an anatomopathological and histopathological analysis with the use of special dyes. Results: through the macroscopic evaluation it was observed in all cases a dilation corresponding to arch of aorta where the intima obtained an aspect of longitudinal striation, classic of syphilitic process. As for histopathological study on the tissues treatment with the staining batteries, it was demonstrated the presence of the dissecting hematoma in all cases, besides necrosis and absence characteristic of the inflammatory process. Conclusion: the anatomopathological and histopathological study are diagnostic tools which have specific characteristics and are directed to assist in preliminary diagnosis of suspected cases of aortic syphilitic aneurysm in necropsies

    Topical Application Effect of the Isolectin Hydrogel (Cramoll 1,4) on Second-Degree Burns: Experimental Model

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    This study aimed at evaluating the use of hydrogel isolectin in the treatment of second-degree burns. Twenty male rats were randomly divided into two groups (G1 = treatment with hydrogel containing 100 μg/mL Cramoll 1,4 and G2 = Control, hydrogel). After 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35 days, animals were euthanized. On the 7th day, G1 showed intense exudates, necrosis and edema. On the 14th day, G1 showed tissue reepithelialization and moderate autolysis. On the 21st day, G1 showed intense fibroblastic proliferation, presence of dense collagen, and moderate fibrosis. On the 28th day, G1 showed complete tissue epithelialization. On the 35th day, G1 showed modeled dense collagen. The significant wound contraction was initiated from day, 14 in the G1. There were no significant differences in biochemical and hematological parameters analyzed. These results extend the potential of therapeutic applications for Cramoll 1,4 in the treatment of thermal burns

    Efeitos da exposição pré-natal e pós-natal ao etanol no córtex cerebral de ratos: um estudo do neurópilo Effects of prenatal and postnatal ethanol exposure in the cerebral cortex of rats: a study of neuropil

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Exposição pré-natal ao etanol é freqüentemente associada a microcefalia e atraso na migração celular. O mecanismo pelo qual o etanol induz seus efeitos no desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso não é muito bem entendido. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o efeito da exposição crônica ao etanol sobre o córtex visual de ratos durante seu desenvolvimento. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Ratos Wistar provenientes do acasalamento de 30 fêmeas, divididos nos grupos etanol (n = 10) - 3 g/kg/dia - e controle (n = 10), foram utilizados nesse experimento. Os ratos foram perfundidos e o encéfalo, dividido em três partes: anterior, médio e posterior. Os cortes obtidos do fragmento posterior foram expostos à rotina histológica e submetidos a diferentes técnicas de coloração. Na análise estatística foi utilizado o teste t para comparar os pesos encefálicos e corporais. Considerou-se como nível de rejeição de hipótese nula um valor de p < 0,05. RESULTADO: Houve redução de peso cerebral em diferentes períodos analisados, além de ectopia e heterotopia neuronal. Não se observou deposição de fibras. DISCUSSÃO/CONCLUSÃO: O etanol atua de maneira negativa no desenvolvimento dos ratos, incluindo alterações na migração neuronal e microcefalia. Essas alterações podem ajudar a explicar as disfunções relatadas na síndrome do alcoolismo fetal (SAF).<br>BACKGROUND: Prenatal exposure to ethanol is frequently associated with microencephaly and delayed cell migration. The mechanism by which ethanol affects the development of the nervous system is still not fully understood. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of chronic exposure to ethanol on the visual cortex of rats during their development. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Wistar rats, born from the mating of 30 females, were divided into two groups: those exposed to ethanol (n = 10) - 3 g/kg/day - and a control group (n = 10). The rats were perfused and brain was divided into three parts: anterior, middle and posterior. Slices taken from the posterior fragment were subjected to histological analysis routine and different staining techniques. A statistical analysis was carried out using t test to compare brain and body weight. A value < 0,05 was considered a rejection of null hypothesis. RESULTS: There was a reduction of brain weight in different analyzed periods. There were no fiber deposits. Ectopia and neuronal heterotopia were observed. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: Ethanol has a negative effect on the development of rats, including alterations in neuronal migration and microencephaly. These alterations may help to explain some of the dysfunctions reported in patients with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

    Histological and histomorphometric evaluation of the retina of mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni in its hepatosplenic form Avaliação histológica e histomorfométrica da retina de camundongos infectados pelo Schistosoma mansoni na forma hepatoesplênica

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate retinal manifestations of Schistosomiasis mansoni in its hepatosplenic form in mice. METHODS: It was performed a study with two groups of mice; one of them was infected with 40 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni. After 120 days of the infection, the eyes underwent a retinal microscopy study. The histology findings were reported. Histomorphometric analysis was also performed, including: thickness measurement of the retinal layer and the number of the ganglion layer cells. RESULTS: In one case a retinal granuloma was found. The analysis of the other histological sections demonstrated normal architecture of the retina. The mean thickness of the retinal layer between the two groups were similar (41.81±6.09µm versus 38.48±8.58µm - p=0.279); as well as the mean number of the ganglion layer cells (20.93±4.88 versus 20.64±4.10 - p=0.864). Disorganization of the retinal layers was not identified and the histomorphometric analysis revealed no significant difference between the two groups. CONCLUSION: The absence of findings in this study does not exclude that hemodynamic and autoregulation changes associated with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis could be correlated to retinal manifestations. It is necessary that other methods with a high parasite infection should be performed.<br>OBJETIVO: Avaliar as repercussões da esquistossomose mansônica na forma hepatoesplênica na retina de camundongos. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo com dois grupos de camundongos, sendo um infectado com 40 cercárias do Schistosoma mansoni. Decorridos 120 dias da infecção, os olhos foram submetidos à análise microscópica da retina com descrição dos achados histológicos e realizada análise histomorfométrica com mensuração da espessura de segmento retiniano e do número de células da camada ganglionar. RESULTADOS: Em um caso foi encontrado um granuloma retiniano. Já a análise dos demais cortes histológicos demonstrou uma arquitetura normal da retina. A média da espessura dos segmentos retinianos entre os grupos de camundongos, controle e infectado, foi similar (41,81±6,09µm versus 38,48±8,58µm - p=0,279) assim como a média do número de células da camada ganglionar (20,93±4,88 versus 20,64±4,10 - p=0,864). : A estrutura da retina encontrava-se íntegra e a análise histomorfométrica não revelava diferença significante entre os dois grupos. CONCLUSÃO: A ausência de alterações, neste estudo, não afasta a possibilidade de que desequilíbrios hemodinâmicos e no mecanismo de autoregulação, em portadores da forma hepatoesplênica da esquistossomose, possam acarretar dano retiniano. Demanda, entretanto, que outras metodologias com indução da infecção com uma maior carga parasitária sejam realizadas