1,569 research outputs found

    Heterogeneity across Immigrants in the Spanish Labour Market: Advantage and Disadvantage

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the diferences that immigrants have in the Spanish labour market. Immigrants in Spain come from a diversity of continents (Africa, South America, Eastern Europe, Asia, etc.), and there are substantial diferences in characteristics not only among continents but also among countries in each continent. Using a quantile regression method of decomposition we estimate these diferences that are reflected in the labour market and in particular are mirrored in the wage, so some immigrants are more discriminated or segregated that others because they have less advantage. For example Argentineans and Peruvians have the same origin and culture but we can find diferences in the wage that they receive in the Spanish labor market, or for example Moroccans have a advantage with respect to the Rest of Africans, due to the geographical proximity to Spain. So when we study the pay gap and the gender pay gap we need to take into consideration the origin of immigrants. We also want to study how the integration of immigrants evolved across years, whether the wage gap that we find in the first episode of work between immigrants and natives disappears or continues to be present in the Spain labour market.Gender gap, quantile regression, immigration, counterfactual decomposition

    Tricritical Ising Model near criticality

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    The most relevant thermal perturbation of the continuous d=2 minimal conformal theory with c=7/10 (Tricritical Ising Model) is treated here. This model describes the scaling region of the phi^6 universality class near the tricritical point. The problematic IR divergences of the naive perturbative expansion around conformal theories are dealt within the OPE approach developed at all orders by the authors. The main result is a description of the short distance behaviour of correlators that is compared with existing long distance expansion (form factors approach) related to the integrability of the model.Comment: LaTeX file, 15 pages +1 postscript figure included. Revised versio

    Conformal perturbation theory

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    Statistical systems near a classical critical point have been intensively studied both from theoretical and experimental points of view. In particular, correlation functions are of relevance in comparing theoretical models with the experimental data of real systems. In order to compute physical quantities near a critical point one needs to know the model at the critical (conformal) point. In this line, recent progresses in the knowledge of conformal field theories, through the conformal bootstrap, give the hope to get some interesting results also outside of the critical point. In this note we will review and clarify how, starting from the knowledge of the critical correlators, one can calculate in a safe way their behavior outside the critical point. The approach illustrated requires the model to be just scale invariant at the critical point. We will clarify the method by applying it to different kind of perturbations of the 2D2D Ising model.Comment: 21 pages, Version to appear on PR

    Child-Care and Participation in the Labor Market for Married Women in Mediterranean Countries

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    Parents in the labor force have balance their work and home life, including the choice of the type of care to provide for their children while they work. In this paper we study the connection between the married women's labor force participation, child care arrangements and the time that husbands and wives spent to take care of children in Mediterranean countries. As more women now are in the labor force the interest in the use child care and housework of husband have grown. We use the new database from the EU-SILC (European Survey on Income and Living Conditions) in 2006 and data from the ECHP (European Community Household Panel)in 2001, because these two data-set give us different information about child care and housework. The traditional role of mothers in child care activities is highly valued by many families, especially in Southern European countries. The results show that while Mediterranean countries have advanced in the incorporation of women into the labor market, most of them still have to assume total responsibility for housework and the care of the children. Child care arrangements is an important instrument for women to enter in paid employment.unpaid work, child care arrangements, labor supply

    Conformal perturbation of off-critical correlators in the 3D Ising universality class

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    Thanks to the impressive progress of conformal bootstrap methods we have now very precise estimates of both scaling dimensions and OPE coefficients for several 3D universality classes. We show how to use this information to obtain similarly precise estimates for off-critical correlators using conformal perturbation. We discuss in particular the , $< \epsilon (r) \epsilon (0) >$ and two point functions in the high and low temperature regimes of the 3D Ising model and evaluate the leading and next to leading terms in the s=trΔts = t r^{\Delta_{t}} expansion, where tt is the reduced temperature. Our results for <σ(r)σ(0)>< \sigma (r) \sigma (0) > agree both with Monte Carlo simulations and with a set of experimental estimates of the critical scattering function.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Expanded the discussion of Conformal Perturbation Theor

    The Contribution of Social Transfers to the Reduction of Poverty

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    We interpret social transfers broadly as a set of measures to reduce or relieve poverty, and study how well this purpose is served in the countries that participated in the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions in 2007. Motivated by the findings, we characterise a social transfer system in a country by its potential and effectiveness, and compare the countries for a range of definitions of the poverty threshold. The methods are also applied to two subpopulations of household types.effectiveness of social transfers, equivalized household income, EU-SILC database, potential of social transfers, poverty gap

    A sensitivity analysis of poverty definitions

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    We conduct a sensitivity analysis of several estimators related to household income, to explore how some details of the definitions of the variables concerned influence the values of the common estimates, such as the mean, median and (poverty) rates. The purpose of this study is to highlight that some of the operational definitions entail an element of arbitrariness which leaves an undesirable stamp on the inferences made. The analyses use both a cross-sectional and a longitudinal (panel) component of the EU-SILC database.EU-SILC database, poverty rate, sampling weights

    Chasing the cuprates with dilatonic dyons

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    Magnetic field and momentum dissipation are key ingredients in describing condensed matter systems. We include them in gauge/gravity and systematically explore the bottom-up panorama of holographic IR effective field theories based on bulk Einstein-Maxwell Lagrangians plus scalars. The class of solutions here examined appear insufficient to capture the phenomenology of charge transport in the cuprates. We analyze in particular the temperature scaling of the resistivity and of the Hall angle. Keeping an open attitude, we illustrate weak and strong points of the approach.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figures, Version to appear in JHE

    Transport of fractional Hall quasiparticles through an antidot

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    Current statistics of an antidot in the fractional quantum Hall regime is studied for Laughlin's series. The chiral Luttinger liquid picture of edge states with a renormalized interaction exponent gg is adopted. Several peculiar features are found in the sequential tunneling regime. On one side, current displays negative differential conductance and double-peak structures when g<1g<1. On the other side, universal sub-poissonian transport regimes are identified through an analysis of higher current moments. A comparison between Fano factor and skewness is proposed in order to clearly distinguish the charge of the carriers, regardless of possible non-universal interaction renormalizations. Super-poissonian statistics is obtained in the shot limit for g<1g<1, and plasmonic effects due to the finite-size antidot are tracked.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B, references adde