15 research outputs found

    Pseudomonas boanensis sp. nov., a bacterium isolated from river water used for household purposes in Boane District, Mozambique

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    A Gram-negative rod with a single polar flagellum was isolated from a freshwater reservoir used for household purposes in Boane District, near Maputo, Mozambique, and designated as strain DB1T. Growth was observed at 30-42 °C (optimum, 30-37 °C) and with 0.5-1.5 % NaCl. Whole-genome-, rpoD- and 16S rRNA-based phylogenies revealed this isolate to be distant from other Pseudomonas species with Pseudomonas resinovorans, Pseudomonas furukawaii and Pseudomonas lalkuanensis being the closest relatives. Phenotypic analyses of strain DB1T showed marked differences with respect to type strains P. resinovorans CCUG 2473T, P. lalkuanensis CCUG 73691T, P. furukawaii CCUG 75672T and Pseudomonas otiditis CCUG 55592T. Taken together, our results indicate that strain DB1T is a representative of a novel species within the genus Pseudomonas for which the name Pseudomonas boanensis is proposed. The type strain is DB1T (=CCUG 62977T=CECT 30359T).SIDA 2012 and FORMAS-Sida 2010.https://www.microbiologyresearch.org/content/journal/ijsemVeterinary Tropical Disease

    Har ungdomar som valt NV respektive SP till gymnasiet olika natursyn? : En enkÀtstudie av förstaÄrselever pÄ Naturvetenskaps- och SamhÀllsvettenskapsprogrammet

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    Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka gymnasieelevers intresse för naturen och miljön. En enkÀtundersökning genomfördes bland elever som gÄr första Äret pÄ Naturvetenskapsprogrammet (NV) respektive SamhÀllsvetenskapsprogrammet (SP). EnkÀten formulerades för att utifrÄn svaren kunna jÀmföra olika grupper avseende orsakerna till varför de valt som de gjort till gymnasiet, vad de anser vara natur, samt om natursynen skiljer sig Ät mellan grupperna. En huvudfrÄga formulerades utifrÄn dessa faktorer: Har ungdomar som valt NV respektive SP till gymnasiet olika natursyn? Samtliga faktorer skilde sig, mer eller mindre, Ät mellan alla de grupper som jÀmfördes - mellan NV- och SP-elever, mellan tjejer och killar, mellan elever uppvuxna pÄ landsbygd och elever uppvuxna i stad samt mellan elever som huvudsakligen bott i villa och elever som huvudsakligen bott i lÀgenhet. Vid gymnasievalet uppger fler killar Àn tjejer att de pÄverkats av andra, och kompisar har pÄverkat mest. De största faktorerna till varför eleverna valt NV eller SP Àr dock dels att de gillar NO- respektive SO-Àmnena, dels vad de vill göra i framtiden. I arbetet beskrivs begreppen natur och natursyn och mÀnniskors förhÄllande till naturen genom historien. Den svenska natursynen, som vi ofta anser vara unik, definieras som en romantisk syn pÄ naturen som vÀxte fram som en reaktion pÄ urbaniseringen pÄ flera hÄll i Europa under 1800-talet, men med ett mer ensamhetssökande inslag Àn vad man finner pÄ andra hÄll. Svaren frÄn enkÀterna anvÀndes för att utforma ett kriterie för att fÄ ett mÄtt pÄ vilken natursyn en grupp har. Störst skillnad i natursynen fanns mellan NV- och SP-elever Àn mellan andra jÀmförda grupper, och skillnaden, dÀr NV-elever hade en mer reflekterande och vÀrderande syn pÄ naturen, var sÄ stor att jag inte kan svara pÄ arbetets huvudfrÄga med nÄgot annat Àn: Ja, ungdomar som valt NV respektive SP till gymnasiet har olika natursyn

    A set-up for respiratory tract deposition efficiency measurements (15–5000 nm) and first results for a group of children and adults

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    Exposure to airborne particulate matter is associated with a number of negative health effects ranging from respiratory diseases to systemic effects and cancer. One important factor for understanding the health effects is the individual variation in the respiratory tract deposition of inhaled particles. In this study, we describe an experimental set-up for size-resolved measurements of the lung deposited fraction of airborne particles, covering the diameter range from 15 to 5000 nm. The set-up includes a system for generating a stable aerosol with a sufficiently broad size distribution. We used a scanning mobility particle sizer and an aerodynamic particle sizer to determine particle number and size. The set-up was used to investigate individual differences in the deposition fraction (DF) of particles in the respiratory tract for a group of 67 subjects of both sexes aged 7–70 years. The measured DF was applied to two model aerosols, one representing an urban environment and one a rural environment, and the particle deposition rates were derived (i.e., the deposited amount of particles per unit time). Furthermore, the deposition rates were normalized to lung surface area and body mass – two dose measures that are considered relevant for the health effects of airborne particles. In addition to validation of the set-up, we show that there is a large individual variation in DF, with some subjects having a DF that is more than twice as high as that of others. Although we observe differences in the DF between different subgroups, most individual variation was explained neither by age nor by gender. When normalizing the deposition rates to lung surface area or body mass, the deposition rates of children become significantly higher than those of adults. Furthermore, the individual variability is larger for the lung surface area or body mass normalized deposition rates than for DF

    Deposition efficiency of inhaled particles (15-5000 nm) related to breathing pattern and lung function: an experimental study in healthy children and adults

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    Abstract Background Exposure to airborne particles has a major impact on global health. The probability of these particles to deposit in the respiratory tract during breathing is essential for their toxic effects. Observations have shown that there is a substantial variability in deposition between subjects, not only due to respiratory diseases, but also among individuals with healthy lungs. The factors determining this variability are, however, not fully understood. Method In this study we experimentally investigate factors that determine individual differences in the respiratory tract depositions of inhaled particles for healthy subjects at relaxed breathing. The study covers particles of diameters 15–5000 nm and includes 67 subjects aged 7–70 years. A comprehensive examination of lung function was performed for all subjects. Principal component analyses and multiple regression analyses were used to explore the relationships between subject characteristics and particle deposition. Results A large individual variability in respiratory tract deposition efficiency was found. Individuals with high deposition of a certain particle size generally had high deposition for all particles <3500 nm. The individual variability was explained by two factors: breathing pattern, and lung structural and functional properties. The most important predictors were found to be breathing frequency and anatomical airway dead space. We also present a linear regression model describing the deposition based on four variables: tidal volume, breathing frequency, anatomical dead space and resistance of the respiratory system (the latter measured with impulse oscillometry). Conclusions To understand why some individuals are more susceptible to airborne particles we must understand, and take into account, the individual variability in the probability of particles to deposit in the respiratory tract by considering not only breathing patterns but also adequate measures of relevant structural and functional properties