49 research outputs found

    A specific multi-nutrient enriched diet enhances hippocampal cholinergic transmission in aged rats

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    Fortasyn Connect (FC) is a specific nutrient combination designed to target synaptic dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease by providing neuronal membrane precursors and other supportive nutrients. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of FC on hippocampal cholinergic neurotransmission in association with its effects on synaptic membrane formation in aged rats. Eighteen-month-old male Wistar rats were randomized to receive a control diet for 4 weeks or an FC-enriched diet for 4 or 6 weeks. At the end of the dietary treatments, acetylcholine (ACh) release was investigated by in vivo microdialysis in the right hippocampi. On completion of microdialysis studies, the rats were sacrificed, and the left hippocampi were obtained to determine the levels of choline, ACh, membrane phospholipids, synaptic proteins, and choline acetyltransferase. Our results revealed that supplementation with FC diet for 4 or 6 weeks, significantly enhanced basal and stimulated hippocampal ACh release and ACh tissue levels, along with levels of phospholipids. Feeding rats the FC diet for 6 weeks significantly increased the levels of choline acetyltransferase, the presynaptic marker Synapsin-1, and the postsynaptic marker PSD-95, but decreased levels of Nogo-A, a neurite outgrowth inhibitor. These data show that the FC diet enhances hippocampal cholinergic neurotransmission in aged rats and suggest that this effect is mediated by enhanced synaptic membrane formation. These data provide further insight into cellular and molecular mechanisms by which FC may support memory processes in Alzheimer's disease.Danone Nutrici

    Dietary Crude Lecithin Increases Systemic Availability of Dietary Docosahexaenoic Acid with Combined Intake in Rats

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    Crude lecithin, a mixture of mainly phospholipids, potentially helps to increase the systemic availability of dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA), such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Nevertheless, no clear data exist on the effects of prolonged combined dietary supplementation of DHA and lecithin on RBC and plasma PUFA levels. In the current experiments, levels of DHA and choline, two dietary ingredients that enhance neuronal membrane formation and function, were determined in plasma and red blood cells (RBC) from rats after dietary supplementation of DHA-containing oils with and without concomitant dietary supplementation of crude lecithin for 2–3 weeks. The aim was to provide experimental evidence for the hypothesized additive effects of dietary lecithin (not containing any DHA) on top of dietary DHA on PUFA levels in plasma and RBC. Dietary supplementation of DHA-containing oils, either as vegetable algae oil or as fish oil, increased DHA, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and total n-3 PUFA, and decreased total omega-6 PUFA levels in plasma and RBC, while dietary lecithin supplementation alone did not affect these levels. However, combined dietary supplementation of DHA and lecithin increased the changes induced by DHA supplementation alone. Animals receiving a lecithin-containing diet also had a higher plasma free choline concentration as compared to controls. In conclusion, dietary DHA-containing oils and crude lecithin have synergistic effects on increasing plasma and RBC n-3 PUFA levels, including DHA and EPA. By increasing the systemic availability of dietary DHA, dietary lecithin may increase the efficacy of DHA supplementation when their intake is combined.Nutricia Researc

    Cortical beta oscillations are associated with motor performance following visuomotor learning

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    © 2019 The Authors People vary in their capacity to learn and retain new motor skills. Although the relationship between neuronal oscillations in the beta frequency range (15–30 Hz) and motor behaviour is well established, the electrophysiological mechanisms underlying individual differences in motor learning are incompletely understood. Here, we investigated the degree to which measures of resting and movement-related beta power from sensorimotor cortex account for inter-individual differences in motor learning behaviour in the young and elderly. Twenty young (18–30 years) and twenty elderly (62–77 years) healthy adults were trained on a novel wrist flexion/extension tracking task and subsequently retested at two different time points (45–60 min and 24 h after initial training). Scalp EEG was recorded during a separate simple motor task before each training and retest session. Although short-term motor learning was comparable between young and elderly individuals, there was considerable variability within groups with subsequent analysis aiming to find the predictors of this variability. As expected, performance during the training phase was the best predictor of performance at later time points. However, regression analysis revealed that movement-related beta activity significantly explained additional variance in individual performance levels 45–60 min, but not 24 h after initial training. In the context of disease, these findings suggest that measurements of beta-band activity may offer novel targets for therapeutic interventions designed to promote rehabilitative outcomes

    Optimising integrated stroke care in regional networks:A nationwide self-assessment study in 2012, 2015 and 2019

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    Background: To help enhance the quality of integrated stroke care delivery, regional stroke services networks in the Netherlands participated in a self-assessment study in 2012, 2015 and 2019. Methods: Coordinators of the regional stroke services networks filled out an online self-assessment questionnaire in 2012, 2015 and 2019. The questionnaire, which was based on the Development Model for Integrated Care, consisted of 97 questions in nine clusters (themes). Cluster scores were calculated as proportions of the activities implemented. Associations between clusters and features of stroke services were assessed by regression analysis. Results: The response rate varied from 93.1% (2012) to 85.5% (2019). Over the years, the regional stroke services networks increased in ‘size’: the median number of organisations involved and the volume of patients per network increased (7 and 499 in 2019, compared to 5 and 364 in 2012). At the same time, fewer coordinators were appointed for more than 1 day a week in 2019 (35.1%) compared to 2012 (45.9%). Between 2012 and 2019, there were statistically significantly more elements implemented in four out of nine clusters: ‘Transparent entrepreneurship’ (MD = 18.0% F(1) = 10.693, p = 0.001), ‘Roles and tasks’ (MD = 14.0% F(1) = 9.255, p = 0.003), ‘Patient-centeredness’ (MD = 12.9% F(1) = 9.255, p = 0.003), and ‘Commitment’ (MD = 11.2%, F(1) = 4.982, p = 0.028). A statistically significant positive correlation was found for all clusters between implementation of activities and age of the network. In addition, the number of involved organisations is associated with better execution of implemented activities for ‘Transparent entrepreneurship’, ‘Result-focused learning’ and ‘Quality of care’. Conversely, there are small but negative associations between the volume of patients and implementation rates for ‘Interprofessional teamwork’ and ‘Patient-centredness’. Conclusion: This long-term analyses of stroke service development in the Netherlands, showed that between 2012 and 2019, integrated care activities within the regional stroke networks increased. Experience in collaboration between organisations within a network benefits the uptake of integrated care activities

    Movement-related beta oscillations show high intra-individual reliability

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    Oscillatory activity in the beta frequency range (15–30 Hz) recorded from human sensorimotor cortex is of increasing interest as a putative biomarker of motor system function and dysfunction. Despite its increasing use in basic and clinical research, surprisingly little is known about the test-retest reliability of spectral power and peak frequency measures of beta oscillatory signals from sensorimotor cortex. Establishing that these beta measures are stable over time in healthy populations is a necessary precursor to their use in the clinic. Here, we used scalp electroencephalography (EEG) to evaluate intra-individual reliability of beta-band oscillations over six sessions, focusing on changes in beta activity during movement (Movement-Related Beta Desynchronization, MRBD) and after movement termination (Post-Movement Beta Rebound, PMBR). Subjects performed visually-cued unimanual wrist flexion and extension. We assessed Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) and between-session correlations for spectral power and peak frequency measures of movement-related and resting beta activity. Movement-related and resting beta power from both sensorimotor cortices was highly reliable across sessions. Resting beta power yielded highest reliability (average ICC=0.903), followed by MRBD (average ICC=0.886) and PMBR (average ICC=0.663). Notably, peak frequency measures yielded lower ICC values compared to the assessment of spectral power, particularly for movement-related beta activity (ICC=0.386–0.402). Our data highlight that power measures of movement-related beta oscillations are highly reliable, while corresponding peak frequency measures show greater intra-individual variability across sessions. Importantly, our finding that beta power estimates show high intra-individual reliability over time serves to validate the notion that these measures reflect meaningful individual differences that can be utilised in basic research and clinical studies

    MetNH3: Metrology for Ammonia in Ambient Air

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    Measuring ammonia in ambient air is a sensitive and priority issue due to its harmful effects on human health and ecosystems. Ammonia is increasingly being globally acknowledged as a key precursor to atmospheric particulate matter. The European Directive 2001/81/EC on “National Emission Ceilings for Certain Atmospheric Pollutants (NEC)” regulates ammonia emissions in the member states. However, due to the chemical characteristics of ambient ammonia traceable on-line measurements still have significant challenges in analytical technology, uncertainty, quality assurance and quality control (QC/QA). Currently the UK National Ammonia Monitoring Network uses an accredited off-line low temporal resolution and on-line denuder–IC methods at the UK Supersites. There is a need for traceable ammonia measurements which will be vitally important for identifying changes in environment policies, climate and agricultural practice. This in turn should lead to improvements emission inventory uncertainties and for providing independent verification of atmospheric model predictions. MetNH3 (EMRP Joint Research Project) has worked with SMEs in testing improved reference gas mixtures by static and dynamic gravimetric generation methods, develop and refine existing laser based optical spectrometric standards and establishing the transfer from high-accuracy standards to field applicable methods. The first results from the metrological characterisation of a commercially available cavity ring-down spectrometer (CRDS) are presented and the results from a new design “Controlled Atmosphere Test Facility (CATFAC)”, which is currently characterising the performance of diffusive samplers. The range and characteristics of instruments are discussed. The plans for a major ammonia field intercomparison in 2016 will be outlined

    Dietary Crude Lecithin Increases Systemic Availability of Dietary Docosahexaenoic Acid with Combined Intake in Rats

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    Crude lecithin, a mixture of mainly phospholipids, potentially helps to increase the systemic availability of dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA), such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Nevertheless, no clear data exist on the effects of prolonged combined dietary supplementation of DHA and lecithin on RBC and plasma PUFA levels. In the current experiments, levels of DHA and choline, two dietary ingredients that enhance neuronal membrane formation and function, were determined in plasma and red blood cells (RBC) from rats after dietary supplementation of DHA-containing oils with and without concomitant dietary supplementation of crude lecithin for 2–3 weeks. The aim was to provide experimental evidence for the hypothesized additive effects of dietary lecithin (not containing any DHA) on top of dietary DHA on PUFA levels in plasma and RBC. Dietary supplementation of DHA-containing oils, either as vegetable algae oil or as fish oil, increased DHA, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and total n-3 PUFA, and decreased total omega-6 PUFA levels in plasma and RBC, while dietary lecithin supplementation alone did not affect these levels. However, combined dietary supplementation of DHA and lecithin increased the changes induced by DHA supplementation alone. Animals receiving a lecithin-containing diet also had a higher plasma free choline concentration as compared to controls. In conclusion, dietary DHA-containing oils and crude lecithin have synergistic effects on increasing plasma and RBC n-3 PUFA levels, including DHA and EPA. By increasing the systemic availability of dietary DHA, dietary lecithin may increase the efficacy of DHA supplementation when their intake is combined.Nutricia Researc