18 research outputs found
Materiales para la acción tutorial en Educación Secundaria
Se presenta un programa de Orientación pedagógica y acción tutorial dirigido al alumnado de Educación Secundaria del Instituto de FP Mata-Jove de Gijón. Se establecen los objetivos generales de la acción tutorial en relación con el alumnado, el profesorado y los padres/madres. Se procede a la presentación de las actividades para los diferentes cursos: tercero de ESO (primero de BUP y de FP); cuarto de ESO (segundo de BUP y FPI); primero de Bachillerato y primero y segundo de FP2; segundo de Bachillerato y tercero de FP2. Las actividades se dirigen, tanto al alumnado como a los padres y al equipo docente y se estructuran en los tres trimestres de duración del curso escolar. Se adjuntan un conjunto de materiales de apoyo para todos los cursos. Finalmente, se analiza el tratamiento que de la acción tutorial hace la LOGSE, el documento 'La Orientación educativa y la intervención psicopedagógica' y el documento 'Orientación y tutoría' de ESO .AsturiasBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín 5 -3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]
Vocabulario básico del español y sus aplicaciones a la enseñanza II
Finalizar el trabajo iniciado en 1975 y del que se publicó la primera parte en tres tomos con el mismo título. Elaborar el vocabulario básico final de los alumnos, conjunto de la encuesta libre y controlada, soporte de la investigación y extraer un vocabulario básico procedente de textos literarios de autores contemporáneos para enriquecer el vocabulario básico de los alumnos. Es la misma que para el trabajo anterior: 3150 alumnos asturianos (1890 de EGB y 1260 de BUP) de ellos 2520 de enseñanza oficial y el resto de enseñanza privada, divididos por edades y centros: Oviedo, Gijón, Avilés, Mieres, Pola de Siero, Llanes y Navia. La muestra de textos literarios se eligieron entre los de difusión entre los alumnos en un total de 19 textos divididos en: narrativa, teatro, ensayo, 3 diarios y 4 revistas. Tiene 2 partes diferenciadas y relacionadas: 1. Presenta un vocabulario básico de los alumnos Asturianos resultado de los dos vocabularios parciales (encuesta libre y controlada) ya publicados, compuesto por 2773 vocablos diferentes clasificados para comparar la procedencia del léxico según el procedimiento metodológico de recogida. 2. Se presenta un vocabulario básico extraído de una muestra de autores españoles contemporáneos al que se añadió un bloque de léxico utilizado en revista y prensa. Se elaboraron dos encuestas para la parte I: una encuesta libre en la que los niños escriben todos los términos que se les ocurren y una controlada en la que escriben 20 términos relacionados con un tema dado. Los vocabularios se presentan en orden de frecuencia decreciente y se comparan los vocablos de la primera con los de la segunda parte de la investigación. En la primera parte del trabajo, vocabulario básico de los alumnos, se exponen tres listas: la primera y la segunda son el resultado de las dos encuestas y está compuesto por 2773 vocablos expuestos alfabéticamente por una parte y en orden decreciente por otra. Existen 939 vocablos coincidentes en las 2 encuestas, publicados en otra lista, y caracterizados por la presencia casi absoluta de sustantivos. En la segunda parte, vocabulario procedente de textos literarios, se registran 6957 vocablos de los que sólo 2201 tienen una frecuencia igual o mayor que tres. Las listas están elaboradas de forma que se anota en cada género el número de frecuencias y de reparto por obras. Al relacionar la primera con la segunda parte se observan 630 vocablos comunes, por lo que el nuevo vocabulario incrementa en 1511 vocablos el que teníamos. Sumando estos 1571 con los 2773 del primer vocabulario obtenemos una lista de 4344 vocablos distintos que sería el resultado final del trabajo. Los autores ofrecen este trabajo como instrumento para el profesorado, ya que aporta unos indicadores del léxico de los alumnos desde los que es posible ver su riqueza o pobreza para cada edad y nivel de estudios. Define y delimita un campo del lenguaje que se debe estudiar en otros trabajos desde el punto de vista filosófico.AsturiasES
30 de enero : día escolar de la no-violencia y de la paz
En la edición colabora el Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales, la Dirección Provincial del MEC y el Centro de Profesores y Recursos de Avilés (Asturias)Como material de apoyo para la celebración del 30 de enero, día internacional de la paz, este documento ofrece información a la vez que una serie de propuestas de actividades para realizar con escolares. En primer lugar, presenta una breve historia y desarrollo del pacifismo, desde los griegos hasta la actualidad, pretendiendo transmitir los esencial del pacifismo, que es detectar las causas que puedan hacer que los conflictos degeneren en escaladas de confrontación, con objeto de neutralizarlos promoviendo una cultura de la paz que disipe el belicismo desde sus raíces más profundas hundidas en los comportamientos humanos primarios. Después se describen una serie de prácticas de animación sociocultural, con juegos de simulación y otra serie de actividades orientadas a Educación Secundaria que abarcan materias como Geografía e Historía. Finaliza con unas notas para un debate en el aula sobre los conflictos bélicos.AsturiasES
Earth Dam Monitoring in the Soil Take Care Project
The Cartagena-La Unión mountain range was the focus of an intense mining activity between early XIX and late XX centuries. Most of Spanish national production of lead and zinc was extracted from its mines. During the ore concentration process, contaminated wastes containing heavy metal minerals, cyanides and sulfates were produced and deposited in earth dams. The Spanish National Institute of Geology and Mining had catalogued 75 earth dams in the councils of Cartagena and La Unión. These deposits pose a potential risk for the environment and nearby populations. Without suitable and precautionary measures, contaminated particles can be transported far away due to the wind action and runoff water, and may be incorporated to the food chain. This risk is increase due to the fact that it is a seismically active area, and breakage of these dams can lead to the dumping of thousands of tons of contaminated wastes. The SOIL TAKE CARE Project is an international project co financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg Sudoe Cooperation Programme. It aims to improve the management and rehabilitation of contaminated soils in South-Western Europe that includes Spain, Portugal and south of France. The University of Oviedo takes part of that Project by the instrumentation and monitoring of two of those earth dams. Among the work realized so far highlights the perforation of two boreholes and the installation of several sensors. It aims a double objective: to analyze the erosion and infiltration capacity of rainfall into the dams and to detect possible symptoms of slope instability. Although the investigation is still in course, preliminary results shows fast rainfall infiltration into the superficial soil layers, being discharge curves much more extended. This water retention capacity, coupled with the existence of impermeable layers into the dams, could lead to a complete saturation of superficial soil layers and trigger slope instability processes
New failure criterion for rocks by using compression tests
European Rock Mechanics Symposium (2018, St. Petersburg, Russia
Innovative Techniques in Underground Mining for the Prevention of Gas Dynamic Phenomena
In the last decades, rigorous research has been carried out with the end of understanding the gas dynamic phenomenon and although different preventive techniques have been employed, even today there are numerous accidents even with the loss of life. This work analyses an alternative and innovative method of fracturing and degassing coal, by generating CO2 with a pyrotechnic device called PYROC (Pyrotechnic Break Cartridges). Medium-scale tests of generation of CO2 into coal samples are carried out and their effect is analysed comparing the initial and final permeabilities of the coal samples once the generation of CO2 has finished. These permeabilities are calculated by injecting methane. Besides, the influence of different parameters as the length of the boreholes, the pressure of the gas or the initial permeability of the coal have been analysed with a numerical simulation of one face of one of the sublevels of a mine. The results show that the method increases the safety in mining operations because it fractures and degasses the coal, increases the permeability of the coal in the borehole of injection from 9.5 mD to 31 mD, decreases the methane gas pressure below pre-detonation levels for 1 min, achieves decompressed lengths between 8 and 10 m ahead of the face with pressures of injection of 50 MPa, relaxes the total length of the borehole for initial coal permeability values equal to or greater than 0.002 mD, and allows to work with low permeable coals with high induced stresses and high methane concentrations
Materiales para una educación antirracista
Los autores están integrados en el Seminario de educación antirracista, dentro de la Plataforma Asturiana de Educación CríticaEste trabajo pretende generar recursos que permita crear en las aulas situaciones problematizadoras que posibiliten el tratamiento de la diversidad y la educación de actitudes de aceptación y respeto para las culturas y étnias minoritarias; así mismo se aporta una reflexión para entender el papel de la lectura en la comprensión del mundo en un capítulo denominado 'Textos y contextos', así como una visión de la construcción de la identidad. Se ofrecen 50 títulos de libros comentados, útiles para abordar el tratamiento de la diversidad en el aula; en otro capítulo se presentan una serie de materiales que proponen modelos diversos para la detección y el análisis en publicaciones escolares, tanto curriculares como literarias de elementos racistas, xenófobos, sexistas, etnocéntricos y en general discriminatorios para cualquier grupo humano.AsturiasES
Optimum Mix Design for 3D Concrete Printing Using Mining Tailings: A Case Study in Spain
A mix design, using a mixture of sand and mine tailings as aggregates, was selected to produce a cement-based 3D printing material suitable for building purposes. Different dosage rates of mine tailings, water, superplasticizers, and accelerators were added to the mixture with the end of looking for the optimum strength, workability and buildability. The term buildability includes aspects such as pumpability and printability. Different tests were carried out in order to compare homogeneous material strength with printed material strength, to evaluate the bonding strength between filaments, and to establish the relationship between fresh behaviour and buildability for printing applications. Finally, a mixture with 20% of recycled materials demonstrated its ability to be used as concrete printing material in the construction industry in the frame of circular economy concept
Forensic analysis of buildings affected by mining subsidence based on Differential Interferometry (Part III)
This work presents a forensic analysis of buildings affected by mining subsidence, which is based on deformation data obtained by Differential Interferometry (DInSAR). The proposed test site is La Union village (Murcia, SE Spain) where subsidence was triggered in an industrial area due to the collapse of abandoned underground mining labours occurred in 1998. In the first part of this work the study area was introduced, describing the spatial and temporal evolution of ground subsidence, through the elaboration of a cracks map on the buildings located within the affected area. In the second part, the evolution of the most significant cracks found in the most damaged buildings was monitored using biaxial extensometric units and inclinometers. This article describes the work performed in the third part, where DInSAR processing of satellite radar data, available between 1998 and 2008, has permitted to determine the spatial and temporal evolution of the deformation of all the buildings of the study area in a period when no continuous in situ instrumental data is available. Additionally, the comparison of these results with the forensic data gathered in the 2005–2008 period, reveal that there is a coincidence between damaged buildings, buildings where extensometers register significant movements of cracks, and buildings deformation estimated from radar data. As a result, it has been demonstrated that the integration of DInSAR data into forensic analysis methodologies contributes to improve significantly the assessment of the damages of buildings affected by mining subsidence.This work has been partially financed by the Spanish Geological and Mining Institute (IGME) within project 2004051, by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and EU FEDER within project TEC2008-06764; by the Generalitat Valenciana under project ACOMP/2010/082 and BEST-2011/225 by the University of Alicante (Projects VIGROB-114, VIGROB-157 and VIGROB-184); and by the Industry and Environment Regional Ministry of Murcia (CIMA)
Impacts on Animal Biodiversity
Spain, possibly the EU s richest country with regard to animal species, has the highest number of endemisms. The number of new species described every year indicates that a high percentage of the fauna remains unknown. Greater effort is required in our country with regard to taxonomic research. There exists much evidence of climatic effects on the biology, abundance and distribution of vertebrates and of certain groups of insects of our fauna, and there are very little data on most of the invertebrates. There are two future scenarios of the effects of climate change on the biodiversity of vertebrates: 1) Ecosystems will be displaced jointly in accordance with climate, and 2) oEcosystems will adapt and change. The first scenario is unrealistic, due to the tremendous and growing fragmentation of habitats in Europe and the complexity of the responses by the different species and of the interactions between them. A possibility of displacement of the biocenoses only appears to exist in rivers. The second point does not allow for accurate predictions in most cases in view of the current level of knowledge. There is evidence of the direct effects of climate change to date, in spite of the scarcity of good temporal series. Thus, large phenological changes have been detected in populations of vertebrates and invertebrates, with advances (and in certain cases delays) in processes of initiation of activity, the arrival of migratory species or reproduction. The maladjustment between predators and their prey resulting from differential responses to climate is another detected consequence of recent changes. The distribution of certain species is being displaced towards the North or towards higher altitudes, which for certain mountain species is involving a clear reduction of their areas of distribution. Likewise, in rivers the displacement has been observed of thermophilous species upstream (particularly of molluscs), whereas the proportion of cold water species is diminishing (especially of insects). In lagoons and lakes it has been seen that altitude, latitude and depth have similar effects upon communities, which appears to be related to temperature. There is some evidence of greater virulence of parasites or of an increase in populations of invasive species, in general more adaptable to environmental change that may be dependent on climate change. The deterioration of fragile habitats such as small bodies of water, springs, small streams and isolated forests due to desiccation or fire or the disappearance of food plants of limited distribution could seriously affect animal populations and even lead to species disappearance, above all of invertebrates. Neither the displacement of distribution areas (hypothesis I) nor the rapid adaptation to new ecological conditions (hypothesis II) appear to be viable solutions for most of the species studied. Among the areas most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, we could include coastal areas, wetlands, permanent water courses that would become seasonal, seasonal ones that would have a more irregular flow or would even disappear, high mountain areas and humid pasturelands. The main adaptational solutions should include the design of reserves and nature parks to allow for the possibility of migration and changes in distribution by means of interconnecting biological corridors. The network of protected areas should incorporate latitudinal and altitudinal gradients to enable the protection of populations with geographic distributions undergoing processes of geographic displacement resulting from climate change. It would be interesting to promote the classification or creation of zones or areas especially sensitive to climatic change , for those areas with unique, original ecosystems or threatened or endemic species that cannot opt to change their habitat and that may become extinct. Examples of these zones are high-mountain areas or springs, streams or other water- courses containing endangered or vulnerable species. The conservation of biodiversity ought to pay attention not only to the protected areas, but also very particularly to the generalised promotion of land uses that are compatible with conservation and capable of counteracting the effects of climatic change. The increase in the demand for water for human use, due to temperature increase and in a possible context of prolonged droughts, might possibly determine an increase in technological solutions that do not take into consideration the impacts on the biodiversity of animals that depend on the maintenance of aquifers and of permanent water courses. Reforestation could have positive or adverse effects on faunistic diversity depending on how it is implemented. In any case, it will affect the taxonomic composition of the edaphic fauna. It is necessary to promote research into taxonomy and in relation to long temporal series, both at specific and community level, and to prevent the deterioration or progressive disappearance of sources of information such as the phenological database of plants and animals (birds and insects) initiated in 1940 by the Agricultural Meteorology Service, belonging to the National Meteorology Institute (INM).Peer reviewe