273 research outputs found

    A new Tasmanian terrestrial orchid.

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    A slender, moderately hairy species, with the habit of Cal. Patersonii, R. Br.; leaf hairy, linear-lanceolate, channelled; flowers 1.2; yellowish with crimson veinings and darker filamentous-glandular caudre to the segments; caudre about 4.5 cm. long; ovary covered with dense glandular hairs; lateral sepals and petals narrow-lanceolate, spreading, pendant; with three narrow longitudinal, central lines; sepals and petals about equal in length, petals narrower than the sepals; dorsal sepal erect, incurved; labellum erect, on a small movable claw, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, yellowish with pale, diffused crimson veinings; tip wholly dark crimson, lower part of lamina erect, with entire margins, then deeply fringed; anterior margins serrulated; apex produced into a long, tapering filamentous-glandular process, fully twice as long as the broad portion of •lamina (total length of labellum, 3.5-4 cm.) ; calli fleshy, slender, clavate, golfstick type, in 6 rows, forward calli short and stout, not extending beyond the bend; five conspicuous longitudinal ridges continuing from between the rows of calli towards the tip; column erect, incurved about 1-3 cm. long, widely Winged above; 2 yellow sessile glands at the base; anther With a short point

    Characterization of influenza A viruses with polymorphism in PB2 residues 701 and 702

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    The 701 and 702 positions of influenza PB2 polymerase subunit are previously shown to have roles on host range. Limited polymorphisms at these two residues are identified in natural isolates, thereby limiting the study of their role in the polymerase. In this study, we generated 31 viable viruses by random mutagenesis at this region, indicating that these positions can tolerate a wide range of amino acids. These mutants demonstrated varying polymerase activities and viral replication rates in mammalian and avian cells. Notably, some mutants displayed enhanced polymerase activity, yet their replication kinetics were comparable to the wild-type virus. Surface electrostatic charge predication on the PB2 structural model revealed that the viral polymerase activity in mammalian cells generally increases as this region becomes more positively charged. One of the mutants (701A/702E) showed much reduced pathogenicity in mice while others had a pathogenicity similar to the wild-type level. Distinct tissue tropisms of the PB2-701/702 mutants were observed in infected chicken embryos. Overall, this study demonstrates that the PB2-701/702 region has a high degree of sequence plasticity and sequence changes in this region can alter virus phenotypes in vitro and in vivo.published_or_final_versio

    Polarity of influenza H5N1 virus infection in respiratory epithelial cells and the impact of basolateral release of cytokines in disease pathogenesis

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    Poster Presentations: Virus Host Interaction/PathogenesisINTRODUCTION: Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (H5N1) is the first avian influenza virus that documented to cause respiratory disease and death in human. The biological basis for the severe human disease and high fatality rate remains unclear. We have previously demonstrated that when compared to human H1N1 and H3N2 influenza viruses, infection of influenza H5N1 virus led to the hyper-induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines in human primary macrophages and ...postprin

    Influenza H5N1 virus infection of polarized human alveolar epithelial cells and lung microvascular endothelial cells

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    Background: Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus is entrenched in poultry in Asia and Africa and continues to infect humans zoonotically causing acute respiratory disease syndrome and death. There is evidence that the virus may sometimes spread beyond respiratory tract to cause disseminated infection. The primary target cell for HPAI H5N1 virus in human lung is the alveolar epithelial cell. Alveolar epithelium and its adjacent lung microvascular endothelium form host barriers to the initiation of infection and dissemination of influenza H5N1 infection in humans. These are polarized cells and the polarity of influenza virus entry and egress as well as the secretion of cytokines and chemokines from the virus infected cells are likely to be central to the pathogenesis of human H5N1 disease.Aim: To study influenza A (H5N1) virus replication and host innate immune responses in polarized primary human alveolar epithelial cells and lung microvascular endothelial cells and its relevance to the pathogenesis of human H5N1 disease.Methods: We use an in vitro model of polarized primary human alveolar epithelial cells and lung microvascular endothelial cells grown in transwell culture inserts to compare infection with influenza A subtype H1N1 and H5N1 viruses via the apical or basolateral surfaces.Results: We demonstrate that both influenza H1N1 and H5N1 viruses efficiently infect alveolar epithelial cells from both apical and basolateral surface of the epithelium but release of newly formed virus is mainly from the apical side of the epithelium. In contrast, influenza H5N1 virus, but not H1N1 virus, efficiently infected polarized microvascular endothelial cells from both apical and basolateral aspects. This provides a mechanistic explanation for how H5N1 virus may infect the lung from systemic circulation. Epidemiological evidence has implicated ingestion of virus-contaminated foods as the source of infection in some instances and our data suggests that viremia, secondary to, for example, gastro-intestinal infection, can potentially lead to infection of the lung. HPAI H5N1 virus was a more potent inducer of cytokines (e.g. IP-10, RANTES, IL-6) in comparison to H1N1 virus in alveolar epithelial cells, and these virus-induced chemokines were secreted onto both the apical and basolateral aspects of the polarized alveolar epithelium.Conclusion: The predilection of viruses for different routes of entry and egress from the infected cell is important in understanding the pathogenesis of influenza H5N1 infection and may help unravel the pathogenesis of human H5N1 disease. © 2009 Chan et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.published_or_final_versio

    An EMG-based eating behaviour monitoring system with haptic feedback to promote mindful eating

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    Mindless eating, or the lack of awareness of the food we are consuming, has been linked to health problems attributed to unhealthy eating behaviour, including obesity. Traditional approaches used to moderate eating behaviour often rely on inaccurate self-logging, manual observations or bulky equipment. Overall, there is a need for an intelligent and lightweight system which can automatically monitor eating behaviour and provide feedback. In this paper, we investigate: i) the development of an automated system for detecting eating behaviour using wearable Electromyography (EMG) sensors, and ii) the application of such a system in combination with real time wristband haptic feedback to facilitate mindful eating. Data collected from 16 participants were used to develop an algorithm for detecting chewing and swallowing. We extracted 18 features from EMG and presented those features to different classifiers. We demonstrated that eating behaviour can be automatically assessed accurately using the EMG-extracted features and a Support Vector Machine (SVM): F1-Score=0.94 for chewing classification, and F1-Score=0.86 for swallowing classification. Based on this algorithm, we developed a system to enable participants to self-moderate their chewing behaviour using haptic feedback. An experiment study was carried out with 20 additional participants showing that participants exhibited a lower rate of chewing when haptic feedback delivered in forms of wristband vibration was used compared to a baseline and non-haptic condition (F (2,38)=58.243, p<0.001). These findings may have major implications for research in eating behaviour, providing key new insights into the impacts of automatic chewing detection and haptic feedback systems on moderating eating behaviour with the aim to improve health outcomes

    Development and validation of a severity scale for leprosy Type 1 Reactions

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    Objectives: To develop a valid and reliable quantitative measure of leprosy Type 1 reactions.Methods: A scale was developed from previous scales which had not been validated. The face and content validity were assessed following consultation with recognised experts in the field. The construct validity was determined by applying the scale to patients in Bangladesh and Brazil who had been diagnosed with leprosy Type 1 reaction. An expert categorized each patient's reaction as mild or moderate or severe. Another worker applied the scale. This was done independently. In a subsequent stage of the study the agreement between two observers was assessed.Results: The scale had good internal consistency demonstrated by a Cronbach's alpha &gt;0.8. Removal of three items from the original scale resulted in better discrimination between disease severity categories. Cut off points for Type 1 reaction severities were determined using Receiver Operating Characteristic curves. A mild Type 1 reaction is characterized using the final scale by a score of 4 or less. A moderate reaction is a score of between 4.5 and 8.5. A severe reaction is a score of 9 or more.Conclusions: We have developed a valid and reliable tool for quantifying leprosy Type 1 reaction severity and believe this will be a useful tool in research of this condition, in observational and intervention studies, and in the comparison of clinical and laboratory parameters.<br/

    Comparing the Clinical and Histological Diagnosis of Leprosy and Leprosy Reactions in the INFIR Cohort of Indian Patients with Multibacillary Leprosy

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    Leprosy affects skin and peripheral nerves. Although we have antibiotics to treat the mycobacterial infection, the accompanying inflammation is a major part of the disease process. This can worsen after starting antibacterial treatment with episodes of immune mediated inflammation, so called reactions. These are associated with worsening of nerve damage. However, diagnosing these reactions is not straightforward. They can be diagnosed clinically by examination or by microscopic examination of the skin biopsies. We studied a cohort of 303 newly diagnosed leprosy patients in India and compared the diagnosis rates by clinical examination and microscopy and found that the microscopic diagnosis has higher rates of diagnosis for both types of reaction. This suggests that clinicians and pathologists have different thresholds for diagnosing reactions. More work is needed to optimise both clinical and pathological diagnosis. In this cohort 43% of patients had Borderline Tuberculoid leprosy, an immunologically active type, and 20% of the biopsies showed only minimal inflammation, perhaps these patients had very early disease or self-healing. The public health implication of this work is that leprosy centres need to be supported by pathologists to help with the clinical management of difficult cases

    Melasma and its association with different types of nevi in women: A case-control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Very little is known about possible association of nevi and melasma. The study objective was to determine if there is an association between melasma and existence of different kinds of nevi.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a case-control study, 120 female melasma patients referred to dermatology clinic of Ardabil and 120 patients referred to other specialty clinics who lacked melasma were enrolled after matching for age. Number of different types of nevi including lentigines and melanocytic nevi were compared between case and control group patients. Data were entered into the computer and analyzed by SPSS 13 statistical software.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mean number of lentigines was 25.5 in melasma group compared to 8 in control group(P < 0.01). Mean number of melanocytic nevi was 13.2 in cases compared to 2.8 in control group(P < 0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that existence of freckles, lentigines and more than three melanocytic nevi were positively related to developing melasma. The chance of melasma increased up to 23 times for patients having more than three melanocytic nevi. Congenital nevi were observed among 10% both in case and control groups. Campbell de morgan angiomas were seen among 26 patients(21.8%) in case group compared to 6 patients(5%) in control group.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Existence of lentigines and melanocytic nevi increases chance of having melasma</p

    Analysis of Antibody and Cytokine Markers for Leprosy Nerve Damage and Reactions in the INFIR Cohort in India

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    Leprosy is one of the oldest known diseases. In spite of the established fact that it is least infectious and a completely curable disease, the social stigma associated with it still lingers in many countries and remains a major obstacle to self reporting and early treatment. The nerve damage that occurs in leprosy is the most serious aspect of this disease as nerve damage leads to progressive impairment and disability. It is important to identify markers of nerve damage so that preventive measures can be taken. This prospective cohort study was designed to look at the potential association of some serological markers with reactions and nerve function impairment. Three hundred and three newly diagnosed patients from north India were recruited for this study. The study attempts to reflect a model of nerve damage initiated by mycobacterial antigens and maintained by ongoing inflammation through cytokines such as Tumour Necrosis Factor alpha and perhaps extended by antibodies against nerve components
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