2,594 research outputs found

    The Las Campanas Distant Cluster Survey -- The Correlation Function

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    We present the first non-local (z>0.2) measurement of the cluster-cluster spatial correlation length, using data from the Las Campanas Distant Cluster Survey (LCDCS). We measure the angular correlation function for velocity-dispersion limited subsamples of the catalog at estimated redshifts of 0.35<z_{est}<0.575, and derive spatial correlation lengths for these clusters via the cosmological Limber equation. The correlation lengths that we measure for clusters in the LCDCS are consistent both with local results for the APM cluster catalog and with theoretical expectations based upon the Virgo Consortium Hubble Volume simulations and the analytic predictions. Despite samples containing over 100 clusters, our ability to discriminate between cosmological models is limited because of statistical uncertainty.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted to ApJ (v571, May 20, 2002

    The Mean and Scatter of the Velocity Dispersion-Optical Richness Relation for maxBCG Galaxy Clusters

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    The distribution of galaxies in position and velocity around the centers of galaxy clusters encodes important information about cluster mass and structure. Using the maxBCG galaxy cluster catalog identified from imaging data obtained in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we study the BCG-galaxy velocity correlation function. By modeling its non-Gaussianity, we measure the mean and scatter in velocity dispersion at fixed richness. The mean velocity dispersion increases from 202+/-10 km/s for small groups to more than 854+/-102 km/s for large clusters. We show the scatter to be at most 40.5+/-3.5%, declining to 14.9+/-9.4% in the richest bins. We test our methods in the C4 cluster catalog, a spectroscopic cluster catalog produced from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR2 spectroscopic sample, and in mock galaxy catalogs constructed from N-body simulations. Our methods are robust, measuring the scatter to well within one-sigma of the true value, and the mean to within 10%, in the mock catalogs. By convolving the scatter in velocity dispersion at fixed richness with the observed richness space density function, we measure the velocity dispersion function of the maxBCG galaxy clusters. Although velocity dispersion and richness do not form a true mass-observable relation, the relationship between velocity dispersion and mass is theoretically well characterized and has low scatter. Thus our results provide a key link between theory and observations up to the velocity bias between dark matter and galaxies.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables, published in Ap

    The Bright SHARC Survey: The Cluster Catalog

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    We present the Bright SHARC (Serendipitous High-Redshift Archival ROSAT Cluster) Survey, which is an objective search for serendipitously detected extended X-ray sources in 460 deep ROSAT PSPC pointings. The Bright SHARC Survey covers an area of 178.6 sq.deg and has yielded 374 extended sources. We discuss the X-ray data reduction, the candidate selection and present results from our on-going optical follow-up campaign. The optical follow-up concentrates on the brightest 94 of the 374 extended sources and is now 97% complete. We have identified thirty-seven clusters of galaxies, for which we present redshifts and luminosities. The clusters span a redshift range of 0.0696<z<0.83 and a luminosity range of 0.065<Lx<8.3e44 erg/s [0.5-2.0 keV] (assuming Ho = 50 km/s/Mpc and qo=0.5). Twelve of the clusters have redshifts greater than z=0.3, eight of which are at luminosities brighter than Lx=3e44 erg/s. Seventeen of the 37 optically confirmed Bright SHARC clusters have not been listed in any previously published catalog. We also report the discovery of three candidate ``fossil groups'' of the kind proposed by Ponman et al. (1994).Comment: Minor revisions: References updated and typos corrected. Shortened by use of emulateapj.st

    SDSS-RASS: Next Generation of Cluster-Finding Algorithms

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    We outline here the next generation of cluster-finding algorithms. We show how advances in Computer Science and Statistics have helped develop robust, fast algorithms for finding clusters of galaxies in large multi-dimensional astronomical databases like the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Specifically, this paper presents four new advances: (1) A new semi-parametric algorithm - nicknamed ``C4'' - for jointly finding clusters of galaxies in the SDSS and ROSAT All-Sky Survey databases; (2) The introduction of the False Discovery Rate into Astronomy; (3) The role of kernel shape in optimizing cluster detection; (4) A new determination of the X-ray Cluster Luminosity Function which has bearing on the existence of a ``deficit'' of high redshift, high luminosity clusters. This research is part of our ``Computational AstroStatistics'' collaboration (see Nichol et al. 2000) and the algorithms and techniques discussed herein will form part of the ``Virtual Observatory'' analysis toolkit.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of MPA/MPE/ESO Conference "Mining the Sky", July 31 - August 4, 2000, Garching, German

    The XMM-Newton Ω\Omega Project

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    The abundance of high-redshift galaxy clusters depends sensitively on the matter density \OmM and, to a lesser extent, on the cosmological constant Λ\Lambda. Measurements of this abundance therefore constrain these fundamental cosmological parameters, and in a manner independent and complementary to other methods, such as observations of the cosmic microwave background and distance measurements. Cluster abundance is best measured by the X-ray temperature function, as opposed to luminosity, because temperature and mass are tightly correlated, as demonstrated by numerical simulations. Taking advantage of the sensitivity of XMM-Newton, our Guaranteed Time program aims at measuring the temperature of the highest redshift (z>0.4) SHARC clusters, with the ultimate goal of constraining both \OmM and Λ\Lambda.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the XXI Moriond Conference: Galaxy Clusters and the High Redshift Universe Observed in X-rays, edited by D. Neumann, F. Durret, & J. Tran Thanh Va

    Lensing-Induced Structure of Submillimeter Sources: Implications for the Microwave Background

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    We consider the effect of lensing by galaxy clusters on the angular distribution of submillimeter wavelength objects. While lensing does not change the total flux and number counts of submillimeter sources, it can affect the number counts and fluxes of flux-limited samples. Therefore imposing a flux cut on point sources not only reduces the overall Poisson noise, but imprints the correlations between lensing clusters on the unresolved flux distribution. Using a simple model, we quantify the lensing anisotropy induced in flux-limited samples and compare this to Poisson noise. We find that while the level of induced anisotropies on the scale of the cluster angular correlation length is comparable to Poisson noise for a slowly evolving cluster model, it is negligible for more realistic models of cluster evolution. Thus the removal of point sources is not expected to induce measurable structure in the microwave or far-infrared backgrounds.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, accepted to Astrophysical Journa

    Shape-Selective Supramolecular Capsules for Actinide Precipitation and Separation

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    Improving actinide separations is key to reducing barriers to medical and industrial actinide isotope production and to addressing the challenges associated with the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. Here, we report the first example of a supramolecular anion recognition process that can achieve this goal. We have designed a preorganized triamidoarene receptor that induces quantitative precipitation of the early actinides Th(IV), Np(IV), and Pu(IV) from industrially relevant conditions through the formation of self-assembled hydrogen-bonded capsules. Selectivity over the later An(III) elements is shown through modulation of the nitric acid concentration, and no precipitation of actinyl or transition-metal ions occurs. The Np, Pu, and Am precipitates were characterized structurally by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and reveal shape specificity of the internal hydrogen-bonding array for the encapsulated hexanitratometalates. This work complements ion-exchange resins for 5f-element separations and illustrates the significant potential of supramolecular separation methods that target anionic actinide species