15 research outputs found

    The role of drug use sequencing pattern in further problematic use of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and other drugs

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    Background: There has been considerable debate regarding what typically occurs after experimentation with drugs throughout the life of young people who used various drugs. Aims: To evaluate the clinical importance of the most common sequence for the first use of a drug by two models (the “gateway model” and the “alternative model”, which is the most popular sequence for Brazilian university students according to a previous study) regarding the problematic use of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and other illegal drugs, assessed by ASSIST. Method: People who had already experimented with three or more drugs across different stages of the two models were selected from a representative sample of university students from 27 Brazilian capitals (n = 12 711). Findings: There were no differences regarding the problematic use of the most consumed drugs in Brazil (alcohol, tobacco and cannabis) between the models. Multiple drug seekers and violators had more problematic use of illegal drugs other than cannabis than individuals in the model sequence. However, in the case of violators, this was only evident in the alternative model. Conclusions: Multiple drug seekers and violators deserve special attention due to their increased risk of problematic use of other illegal drugs

    The role of first use of inhalants within sequencing pattern of first use of drugs among Brazilian university students.

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    The present study investigated the role of first use of inhalants within a first drug sequencing pattern. In a representative sample of university students from 27 Brazilian capitals (n = 12,711), we analyzed the patterns of transition from/to first use of inhalants to/from the first use of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cocaine, hallucinogens, ecstasy, amphetamines, prescription opioids, and tranquilizers. Cox proportional hazards models were used to analyze data. Drugs that were not specified as the pair of drugs tested in each model were included as time-varying covariates in all models. In this sample, first use of inhalants was preceded only by the first use of alcohol and tobacco. However, first use of inhalants preceded first use of cannabis, amphetamines, cocaine, and tranquilizers. First use of inhalants preceded the first use of prescription opioids, and vice versa. This study highlights the need to intervene early with youths who are at risk of or just beginning to use inhalants, because this class of drugs seems to be the first illegal drug in Brazil to be experimented by respondents in our sample. There is also a call for attention to individuals who have already first used inhalants because of their higher chance to experiment with other drugs such as cannabis, cocaine, and prescription drugs. All these findings show an in-transition culture of drug use, which should be tracked through time, because some classical models (i.e., gateway model) might be outdated and might also not fit within different settings

    Brazilian guideline for the treatment of patients with opioids dependence syndrome

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    There is a relatively low prevalence of opioid use in Brazil, particularly involving the non-medical use of codeine and opiate-containing syrups. However, opioid dependence syndrome shows a significant total impact on mortality and morbidity. Over the past 20 years, scientific progress has changed our understanding of the nature of opioid addiction and its various possible treatments. Addiction is a chronic illness treatable if the treatment is well-delivered and tailored to the needs of the particular patient. There is indeed an array of treatments that can effectively reduce drug use, help manage drug cravings, prevent relapses and restore people to productive social functioning. The treatment of drug addiction will be part of long-term, medical, psychological, and social perspectives. This guideline aims at providing guidance to psychiatrists and other mental health professionals who care for patients with Opioid Dependence Syndrome. It comments on the somatic and psychosocial treatment that is used for such patients, and reviews scientific evidences and their strength. Also, the essential historical, epidemiological and neurobiological aspects of Opioid Dependence are reviewed.Existe uma prevalência relativamente baixa do uso de ópioides no Brasil, em particular envolvendo o uso não médico da codeína e de xaropes que contêm opióides. No entanto, a síndrome de dependência apresenta um significativo impacto total na mortalidade e morbidade. Nos últimos 20 anos, o avanço científico tem modificado nosso entendimento sobre a natureza da adição aos opióides e os variados tratamentos possíveis. A adição é uma doença crônica tratável se o tratamento for realizado e adaptado tendo em vista as necessidades do paciente específico. Há, de um fato, um conjunto de tratamentos que podem efetivamente reduzir o uso da droga, ajudar a gerenciar a fissura pela droga, prevenir recaídas e recuperar as pessoas para o funcionamento social produtivo. O tratamento da dependência de drogas será parte de perspectivas de longo prazo do ponto de vista médico, psicológico e social. Esta diretriz almeja fornecer um guia para os psiquiatras e outros profissionais de saúde que tratam de pacientes com Síndrome de Dependência de Opióides. Ela tece comentários sobre o tratamento somático e psicossocial que é utilizado nesses pacientes e revisa as evidências científicas e seu poder. Da mesma forma, os aspectos históricos, epidemiológicos e neurobiológicos da dependência de opióides são revisados.Universidade de São Paulo Hospital de Clínicas Instituto de PsiquiatriaFaculdade de Medicina do ABCJohns Hopkins University School of MedicineAssociação Brasileira de Psiquiatria Departamento de Dependência QuímicaHospital Albert EinsteinUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIADUNIFESPSciEL

    Guidelines of the Brazilian Association of Studies on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ABEAD) for diagnoses and treatment of psychiatric comorbidity with alcohol and other drugs dependence

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    Recently, several studies have focused on comorbity psychiatric disorders with alcohol and other substance dependence. The Brazilian Association of Studies on Alcohol and Other Drugs proposed the Brazilian Guidelines project. This study review diagnostic and therapeutic criteria to the most prevalent psychiatric comorbidities. Randomized clinical trials, epidemiological, animal studies and other forms of research are reviewed. The main psychiatric comorbidities are studied based on guidelines adopted by other countries and the literature data resumed. Epidemiological aspects, diagnoses, integrated treatment and service organization, as well as specific psychotherapic and pharmacological treatment are discussed. The Brazilian Association of Studies on Alcohol and Other Drugs Guidelines reassures the importance of adequate diagnoses and treatment regarding alcoholic and drug dependent patients suffering of comorbid psychiatric disorders.O diagnóstico e tratamento de comorbidade psiquiátrica e dependência de álcool e outras substâncias tem sido objeto de inúmeros estudos nos últimos anos. A Associação Brasileira de Estudos do Álcool e Outras Drogas desenvolveu o projeto Diretrizes. Este trabalho visa o desenvolvimento de critérios diagnósticos e terapêuticos atualizados para as comorbidades psiquiátricas mais prevalentes. Ensaios clínicos randomizados, estudos epidemiológicos, com animais e outros estudos são revisados. As principais comorbidades psiquiátricas são estudadas e os dados de literatura resumidos, tendo como referência diretrizes adotadas em outros países. São abordados aspectos epidemiológicos, critérios diagnósticos, tratamento integrado e organização de serviço especializado, assim como especificidades do tratamento psicoterápico e farmacológico. As Diretrizes da Associação Brasileira de Estudos do Álcool e Outras Drogas reforçam a importância da abordagem adequada do dependente químico portador de comorbidade psiquiátrica.Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Núcleo de PsiquiatriaInstituto de Psiquiatria de Santa CatarinaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Unidade de Pesquisa em Álcool e DrogasSanta Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo Unidade de Álcool e DrogasUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Hospital das ClinicasCentro de Atendimento Médico e SocialHospital de Clínicas de Porto AlegreHospital Israelita Albert EinsteinSanta Casa do Rio de Janeiro Setor de Dependência QuímicaUniversidade Gama FilhoUNIFESP, Unidade de Pesquisa em Álcool e DrogasSciEL

    Comparative study of drug use among undergraduate students at the University of São Paulo: São Paulo campus in 1996 and 2001 Estudo comparativo entre 1996 e 2001 do uso de drogas por alunos da graduação da Universidade de São Paulo: Campus São Paulo

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the rate of drug use prevalence and to investigate opinions regarding such use among undergraduate students at the University of São Paulo - São Paulo campus in 1996 and again in 2001. METHODS: Both studies followed the same procedures of sampling and data collection. A random sample of undergraduate students, divided into the areas Humanities, Exact Sciences and Biologic Sciences, responded to an anonymous and self-report survey regarding the use of licit and illicit drugs within the last 30 days, within the last 12 months and over the lifetime of the subject. The two surveys were compared through the construction of (95%) confidence intervals for the prevalence differences for each substance by area and by total number of students. The Wald test for homogeneity was applied in order to compare the prevalences. RESULTS: High approval of regularly trying and using cocaine, crack, amphetamines and inhalants was observed. The drugs that showed statistic significant increasing were:lifetime use: alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, inhalants, hallucinogens, amphetamines, anticholines, barbiturics and any illicit drug;last-12-month use: marijuana, inhalants, amphetamines, hallucinogens and any illicit drug;last-30-day use: marijuana, inhalants, amphetamines and any illicit drug. DISCUSSON: The observed difference in the use of some drugs between the two surveys appears to be a consequence of the higher rates of favorable opinions regarding trying and regularly using some psychoactive substances, a finding that mirrors global trends in drug use.<br>OBJETIVO: Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo comparar as prevalências de uso de diversas drogas e as opiniões sobre esses usos entre estudantes de graduação da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) nos anos de 1996 e 2001. MÉTODOS: Os dois estudos seguiram as mesmas metodologias de amostragem e coleta de dados. Os alunos foram randomicamente selecionados de acordo com suas áreas de estudo (Biológicas, Exatas e Humanas) e responderam a um questionário anônimo e de autopreenchimento, desenhado de modo a levantar o uso na vida, nos últimos 12 meses e nos últimos 30 dias de substâncias psicoativas lícitas e ilícitas. Para a comparação entre as duas pesquisas foram aplicados testes de Wald da igualdade das prevalências e construídos intervalos de confiança (95%) para a diferença entre as prevalências para cada substância investigada pelo total de alunos. RESULTADOS: Observou-se aumento na aprovação do uso experimental e regular de cocaína, crack, anfetaminas e inalantes. As drogas que apresentaram aumento de uso estatisticamente significativo foram: na vida: álcool, tabaco, maconha, inalantes, alucinógenos, anfetaminas, anticolinérgicos, barbitúricos e ilícitas em geral; nos últimos 12 meses: maconha, inalantes, anfetaminas, alucinógenos e ilícitas em geral; nos últimos 30 dias: maconha, inalantes, anfetaminas e ilícitas em geral. DISCUSSÃO: Os aumentos de uso observados entre as duas pesquisas parecem refletir as atitudes e opiniões favoráveis acerca do uso experimental e regular de algumas substâncias psicoativas e seguir uma tendência mundial de aumento do uso de drogas

    Outcome predictors of smoking cessation treatment provided by an addiction care unit between 2007 and 2010

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    Objective: To analyze the predictors of smoking cessation treatment outcomes in a sample with a high rate of medical and psychiatric disorders and addictions. Methods: Analysis of predictors of success of a 6-week treatment provided by an addiction care unit (CAPS-AD) to 367 smokers in Brazil from 2007 to 2010. Forty variables were collected at baseline. Success was defined as abstinence from smoking for a period of at least 14 consecutive days, including the last day of treatment. Twenty variables were selected for the logistic regression model. Results: The only condition correlated with successful treatment after logistic regression was smoking one's first cigarette 5 minutes or more after waking (beta = 1.85, 95% confidence interval [95%CI] = 1.11-3.10, p = 0.018). Subjects with hypertension and alcohol use disorders and those who were undergoing psychiatric treatment showed success rates comparable to or greater than the average success rate of the sample (34.2-44.4%). Conclusions: These findings support the importance of the variable time to first cigarette in treatment outcomes for a sample with a high rate of clinical and psychiatric disorders. Good success rates were observed for pharmacological treatment, which was combined with group therapy based on cognitive-behavioral concepts and integrated into ongoing treatment of other addictions and psychiatric disorders