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    Chinese and Balinese are two different ethnicities.they also have marriage preferences,because they belog to different social grouping. Althought they have their own social groups, srossed-marriages, i.e. Chinese and balinesa have taken place in Bali. There are many Chinese people become the members of desa pakraman which is as sign ( or features of identity ) on the Balinese people. It can be assumed that integrated relation of both ethnic groups are based on ethnic stereotypes, i.e. subjective overview about ethnicity. This article will discuss the stereotypes of both ethnic groups with regard to the context of crossed-marriage and the togethernees of both of the two different ethics in the desa pakraman IN Bali. The results of the analyses indicate that ethnic stereotypes to crossed-marriage and togetherness of Balinese and Chinese Desa Pakraman include subjective overview indicating same signs ( features ) that each ethnic group has. Those features are physic ( beautiful, hand some ), economic aspect, attitude, and social behavior. In choosing a future husband or wife, either physical orientations are not the same, values of other aspects ( economy, religion, and attitude ) are used as other consideration so that crossed-marriage of two different ethnics were taken place. It is have certain reasons to note that especially in the togetherness as part of traditions that were inherited from their ancestors. They thought that although they belong to different ethnicities, they still feel that they belong to a ‘family’. Apart from that, the Balinese, on one hand, exploit the desa pakraman Key words: Cross-ethnic marriage, desa pakraman, and living together

    Respon Kekebalan Humoral Mencit Balb/c yang Divaksinasi dengan Vaksin Limpa dan Vaksin Kultur Penyakit Jembrana terhadap Protein Virus Jembrana

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    Sapi Bali adalah salah satu aset nasional Indonesia yang harus dilestarikan karena mempunyai keuntungan ekonomi. Tetapi sapi Bali mempunyai beberapa kelemahan penyakit khususnya penyakit Jembrana yang disebabkan oleh virus penyakit Jembrana (JDV). Pencegahan terhadap penyakit Jembrana telah dilakukan dengan vaksinasi. Vaksin yang terbukti dapat menurunkan tingkat kematian sapi Bali terserang JDV adalah vaksin limpa. Jenis vaksin ini hanya mampu menginduksi kekebalan dengan perlindungan 70%. Proteksi ini dapat ditingkatkan jika jumlah virus yang digunakan dalam vaksin meningkat. Tekhnik kultur in vitro adalah salah satu metode meningkatkan jumlah virus penyakit Jembrana, dan selanjutnya dibuat vaksin kultur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sel limfosit sapi Bali terinfeksi JDV adalah 9,5% pada limpa dan 57,43% pada sel kultur. Uji westernimmunoblotting sel limfosit sapi Bali dari darah tepi dan limpa terinfeksi JDV menggunakan antibodi monoklonal (AbMo) anti Ca, terdeteksi protein dengan berat molekul 26 kDa, 42 kDa dan 51 kDa. Pada medium kultur PBMC dan endapan plasma sapi Bali terinfeksi JDV, teridentifikasi protein dengan berat molekul 16 kDa an 26 kDa menggunakan AbMo, dan teridentifikasi protein dengan berat molekul 16 kDa; 21,5 kDa. 26 kDa; 29,7 kDa; 40 kDa dan 50 kDa menggunakan AbPo. Uji Elisa didapatkan nilai absorban antibodi mencit balb/c yang divaksinasi dengan vaksin kultur penyakit Jembrana lebih tinggi yaitu sebesar 0,3089 dibandingkan vaksin limpa yaitu sebesar 0,177 dengan p<0,05. Nilai absorban antibodi mencit balb/c terhadap antigen Ca, SU dan tat, memperlihatkan nilai absorban terhadap antigen SU berbeda sangat signifikan dibandingkan dengan antigen Ca dan antigen tat (p<0,01). Antigen Ca berbeda signifikan terhadap antigen tat (p<0,05)

    Leadership and Organizational Culture Analysis on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at PT. Hatten Bali

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    This study aimed to analyze the influence of leadership and organizational culture on Organizational Citizenship Behavior employees. The study is a quantitative research. The data used in this study was collected through questionnaires and implemented to 106 of permanent employees in PT. Hatten Bali. The results of this study indicates that: 1) leadership have positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior which indicated by coefficient regression value 0,297 and significant value 0,003, 2) organizational culture have positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior which indicated by coefficient regression value 0,144 and significant value 0,039, and 3) leadership and organizational culture have simultaneously effect on organizational citizenship behavior which indicated by f-count value 6,846 > f-table and significant value 0,002. Regression analyze result adjusted R2 value 0,117. This indicates that organizational citizenship behavior can explained by leadership and organizational culture variable of 11,7 % while the remaining 88,3% explained by the others variable outside of this study. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi terhadap perilaku organizational citizenship behavior. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner dan didistribusikan kepada 106 pegawai tetap PT. Hatten Bali. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) kepemimpinan memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku kewargaan organisasional ditunjukkan oleh nilai koefisien regresi 0,297 dan nilai signifikan 0,003, 2) budaya organisasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku kewarganegaraan organisasional ditunjukkan oleh nilai koefisien regresi 0,144 dan signifikansi 0,039, dan 3) kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap perilaku kewargaan organisasional yang ditunjukkan oleh nilai f hitung 6,846>f-tabel dan nilai signifikan 0,002. Hasil analisis regresi disesuaikan dengan nilai R2 0,117. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa perilaku kewargaan organisasional dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi sebesar 11,7% sedangkan sisanya 88,3% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain di luar penelitian ini

    Determinasi Supervisi Bimbingan Konseling, Iklim Kerja Sekolah, Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Guru Pembimbing Pada SMA Negeri Di Kabupaten Badung

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    This study aimed at knowing the determination of counseling guidance supervision, school work climate and work motivation toward the performance of government Senior High School counseling teachers in Badung regency both separately and simultaneously. The population of the study was all Senior High School counseling teacher in Badung regency in which the total number was 39 teachers. Purposive sampling technique was applied to obtain the sample and total sample was 33 teachers. This study used ex-post facto approach. The data were collected by questionnaires and observation sheets as well. Data were analyzed by using regression, correlation and analysis of determination. The results of the research showed that : (1) there was a significant determination of counseling guidance supervision toward the performance of counseling teacher in which the determination was 62,9%, (2) there was a significant determination of school work climate toward the performance of counseling teacher in which the determination was 49,0%, (3) there was a significant determination of work motivation toward the performance of counseling teacher in which the determination was 39,7%. And (4) there was a significant determination of counseling guidance supervision, school work climate, work motivation simultaneously toward the performance of counseling teacher in which the determination was 75,9%. Based of the above findings, it can be concluded that there was a significant determination of counseling guidance supervision, school work climate and work motivation toward the performance of Senior High School counseling teachers in Badung regency both separately and simultaneously

    Pembelajaran Bahasa Daerah Bali pada Siswa Dwibahasa Kelas VII Sltp di Sekolah High Scope Indonesia-Bali

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    The type of this research is a descriptive qualitative field research. The objects of this research were Balinese language teachers, twelve students grade VIIA, and fourteen students grade VIIB. Descriptive qualitative research method was used in this research. All data were in the form of qualitative and reported through descriptive qualitative and quantitative method was only used for describing the percentage of data in the form of table or graphs. In this research the techniques of data collection were observation, interview, recording, and questionnaires. In collecting the data, there were supporting instruments used they were anecdotal note, interview guidelines and observation guidelines. The data of this research were analyzed by using relevant theories which have close relation with this research such as theory from Asrori, (2007: 125). For the second discussion about the obstacles on learning language a theory from Ovanda & Callier (1985) via (Sudiarta, 2005: 27). was also used. While for the discussion of learning approach HighScope (plan, do and review) by Morrison (2008: 156) was also became an important concern. The result of this research that there were factors such as willingness; motivation and the ability in Balinese language were found while for the external factors covering social school environment, and family. There was also important thing found such as the instrument of learning language as nonsocial factor. For the obstacles of learning Balinese language, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics were found as serious problems. Furthermore, the obstacles also came from non language factors such as the origin, mother tongue, gender, and the age of students. The method of Balinese language learning used was the HighScope approach (plan, do and review) which was used to help bilingual students in learning Balinese language

    Penanganan Pengaduan Masyarakat dalam Pelayanan Publik Mengenai Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB) di Badan Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu Kabupaten Badung

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    Service giving for the public is a major obligation of the government. However, the public still feel the performance and management of public service was being still un-optimal especially in the Integrated Licensing Service of Badung regency, so that public services generally become target of criticism and unsatisfaction of the public who was recieved the services which until certain limits put themselves as consumers of the public service. Viewed from the complaints submitted by public, this study aims to find out the form of the complaint management that submitted by the public in making of building permit (IMB) by the Integrated Licensing Service of Badung regency. This study is qualitative descriptive method. This study is qualitative descriptive method. To obtain the data, researcher was conducted observations the phenomenon at site directly and conduct in-depth interviews with sources associated with public complaints in the Integrated Licensing Service of Badung regency
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