28,439 research outputs found

    An isogeometric analysis for elliptic homogenization problems

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    A novel and efficient approach which is based on the framework of isogeometric analysis for elliptic homogenization problems is proposed. These problems possess highly oscillating coefficients leading to extremely high computational expenses while using traditional finite element methods. The isogeometric analysis heterogeneous multiscale method (IGA-HMM) investigated in this paper is regarded as an alternative approach to the standard Finite Element Heterogeneous Multiscale Method (FE-HMM) which is currently an effective framework to solve these problems. The method utilizes non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) in both macro and micro levels instead of standard Lagrange basis. Beside the ability to describe exactly the geometry, it tremendously facilitates high-order macroscopic/microscopic discretizations thanks to the flexibility of refinement and degree elevation with an arbitrary continuity level provided by NURBS basis functions. A priori error estimates of the discretization error coming from macro and micro meshes and optimal micro refinement strategies for macro/micro NURBS basis functions of arbitrary orders are derived. Numerical results show the excellent performance of the proposed method

    The Vietnamese shrimp trade: livelihoods analysis of stakeholders and market chain analysis

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    Aquaculture and capture fisheries in Vietnam have been increasing fast in the last decade, especially aquaculture growth rate is 12% for the 1999 – 2003 period, contributing a significant part into the hunger eradication and poverty reduction1. Vietnam is to be ranked into one of the countries potential to produce the aquatic economic in the world, and the fact is that, after 40 years of establishing, the fisheries sector has made remarkable contributions to the country. By the list, at the moment the aquatic products make up about 4 - 5% of GDP and create job opportunities for over 3 three million employees (VASEP, 2004), in which the largest contribution is from shrimp farming. [PDF contains 124 pages.

    APMEC: An Automated Provisioning Framework for Multi-access Edge Computing

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    Novel use cases and verticals such as connected cars and human-robot cooperation in the areas of 5G and Tactile Internet can significantly benefit from the flexibility and reduced latency provided by Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC). Existing frameworks managing and orchestrating MEC and NFV are either tightly coupled or completely separated. The former design is inflexible and increases the complexity of one framework. Whereas, the latter leads to inefficient use of computation resources because information are not shared. We introduce APMEC, a dedicated framework for MEC while enabling the collaboration with the management and orchestration (MANO) frameworks for NFV. The new design allows to reuse allocated network services, thus maximizing resource utilization. Measurement results have shown that APMEC can allocate up to 60% more number of network services. Being developed on top of OpenStack, APMEC is an open source project, available for collaboration and facilitating further research activities

    Construction of type I-Log blowup for the Keller-Segel system in dimensions 33 and 44

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    We construct finite time blowup solutions to the parabolic-elliptic Keller-Segel system βˆ‚tu=Ξ”uβˆ’βˆ‡β‹…(uβˆ‡Ku),βˆ’Ξ”Ku=uinβ€…β€Šβ€…β€ŠRd,β€…β€Šd=3,4,\partial_t u = \Delta u - \nabla \cdot (u \nabla \mathcal{K}_u), \quad -\Delta \mathcal{K}_u = u \quad \textup{in}\;\; \mathbb{R}^d,\; d = 3,4, and derive the final blowup profile u(r,T)∼cd∣log⁑r∣dβˆ’2dr2asβ€…β€Šβ€…β€Šrβ†’0,β€…β€Šβ€…β€Šcd>0. u(r,T) \sim c_d \frac{|\log r|^\frac{d-2}{d}}{r^2} \quad \textup{as}\;\; r \to 0, \;\; c_d > 0. To our knowledge this provides a new blowup solution for the Keller-Segel system, rigorously answering a question by Brenner, Constantin, Kadanoff, Schenkel, and Venkataramani (Nonlinearity, 1999)
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