30,251 research outputs found

    Strong disorder renormalization group on fractal lattices: Heisenberg models and magnetoresistive effects in tight binding models

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    We use a numerical implementation of the strong disorder renormalization group (RG) method to study the low-energy fixed points of random Heisenberg and tight-binding models on different types of fractal lattices. For the Heisenberg model new types of infinite disorder and strong disorder fixed points are found. For the tight-binding model we add an orbital magnetic field and use both diagonal and off-diagonal disorder. For this model besides the gap spectra we study also the fraction of frozen sites, the correlation function, the persistent current and the two-terminal current. The lattices with an even number of sites around each elementary plaquette show a dominant ϕ0=h/e\phi_0=h/e periodicity. The lattices with an odd number of sites around each elementary plaquette show a dominant ϕ0/2\phi_0/2 periodicity at vanishing diagonal disorder, with a positive weak localization-like magnetoconductance at infinite disorder fixed points. The magnetoconductance with both diagonal and off-diagonal disorder depends on the symmetry of the distribution of on-site energies.Comment: 19 pages, 20 figure

    Interfering directed paths and the sign phase transition

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    We revisit the question of the "sign phase transition" for interfering directed paths with real amplitudes in a random medium. The sign of the total amplitude of the paths to a given point may be viewed as an Ising order parameter, so we suggest that a coarse-grained theory for system is a dynamic Ising model coupled to a Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) model. It appears that when the KPZ model is in its strong-coupling ("pinned") phase, the Ising model does not have a stable ferromagnetic phase, so there is no sign phase transition. We investigate this numerically for the case of {\ss}1+1 dimensions, demonstrating the instability of the Ising ordered phase there.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Automated Real-Time Testing (ARTT) for Embedded Control Systems (ECS)

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    Developing real-time automated test systems for embedded control systems has been a real problem. Some engineers and scientists have used customized software and hardware as a solution, which can be very expensive and time consuming to develop. We have discovered how to integrate a suite of commercially available off-the-shelf software tools and hardware to develop a scalable test platform that is capable of performing complete black-box testing for a dual-channel real-time Embedded-PLC-based control system (www.aps.anl.gov). We will discuss how the Vali/Test Pro testing methodology was implemented to structure testing for a personnel safety system with large quantities of requirements and test cases. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. W-31-109-Eng-38.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, ICALEPCS 2001, Poster Sessio

    Origin of conductivity cross over in entangled multi-walled carbon nanotube network filled by iron

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    A realistic transport model showing the interplay of the hopping transport between the outer shells of iron filled entangled multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) and the diffusive transport through the inner part of the tubes, as a function of the filling percentage, is developed. This model is based on low-temperature electrical resistivity and magneto-resistance (MR) measurements. The conductivity at low temperatures showed a crossover from Efros-Shklovski (E-S) variable range hopping (VRH) to Mott VRH in 3 dimensions (3D) between the neighboring tubes as the iron weight percentage is increased from 11% to 19% in the MWNTs. The MR in the hopping regime is strongly dependent on temperature as well as magnetic field and shows both positive and negative signs, which are discussed in terms of wave function shrinkage and quantum interference effects, respectively. A further increase of the iron percentage from 19% to 31% gives a conductivity crossover from Mott VRH to 3D weak localization (WL). This change is ascribed to the formation of long iron nanowires at the core of the nanotubes, which yields a long dephasing length (e.g. 30 nm) at the lowest measured temperature. Although the overall transport in this network is described by a 3D WL model, the weak temperature dependence of inelastic scattering length expressed as L_phi ~T^-0.3 suggests the possibility for the presence of one-dimensional channels in the network due to the formation of long Fe nanowires inside the tubes, which might introduce an alignment in the random structure.Comment: 29 pages,10 figures, 2 tables, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Model for Anisotropic Directed Percolation

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    We propose a simulation model to study the properties of directed percolation in two-dimensional (2D) anisotropic random media. The degree of anisotropy in the model is given by the ratio μ\mu between the axes of a semi-ellipse enclosing the bonds that promote percolation in one direction. At percolation, this simple model shows that the average number of bonds per site in 2D is an invariant equal to 2.8 independently of μ\mu. This result suggests that Sinai's theorem proposed originally for isotropic percolation is also valid for anisotropic directed percolation problems. The new invariant also yields a constant fractal dimension Df1.71D_{f} \sim 1.71 for all μ\mu, which is the same value found in isotropic directed percolation (i.e., μ=1\mu = 1).Comment: RevTeX, 9 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Phys.Rev.

    Anomalous Aharonov-Bohm conductance oscillations from topological insulator surface states

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    We study transport properties of a topological insulator nanowire when a magnetic field is applied along its length. We predict that with strong surface disorder, a characteristic signature of the band topology is revealed in Aharonov Bohm (AB) oscillations of the conductance. These oscillations have a component with anomalous period Φ0=hc/e\Phi_0=hc/e, and with conductance maxima at odd multiples of 12Φ0\frac12\Phi_0, i.e. when the AB phase for surface electrons is π\pi. This is intimately connected to the band topology and a surface curvature induced Berry phase, special to topological insulator surfaces. We discuss similarities and differences from recent experiments on Bi2_2Se3_3 nanoribbons, and optimal conditions for observing this effect.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Negative Magnetoresistance in the Nearest-neighbor Hopping Conduction

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    We propose a size effect which leads to the negative magnetoresistance in granular metal-insulator materials in which the hopping between two nearest neighbor clusters is the main transport mechanism. We show that the hopping probability increases with magnetic field. This is originated from the level crossing in a few-electron cluster. Thus, the overlap of electronic states of two neighboring clusters increases, and the negative magnetoresistance is resulted.Comment: Latex file, no figur

    Magnetoresistance in semiconductor structures with hopping conductivity: effects of random potential and generalization for the case of acceptor states

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    We reconsider the theory of magnetoresistance in hopping semiconductors. First, we have shown that the random potential of the background impurities affects significantly preexponential factor of the tunneling amplitude which becomes to be a short-range one in contrast to the long-range one for purely Coulomb hopping centers. This factor to some extent suppresses the negative interference magnetoresistance and can lead to its decrease with temperature decrease which is in agreement with earlier experimental observations. We have also extended the theoretical models of positive spin magnetoresistance, in particular, related to a presence of doubly occupied states (corresponding to the upper Hubbard band) to the case of acceptor states in 2D structures. We have shown that this mechanism can dominate over classical wave-shrinkage magnetoresistance at low temperatures. Our results are in semi-quantitative agreement with experimental data.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Out of equilibrium electronic transport properties of a misfit cobaltite thin film

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    We report on transport measurements in a thin film of the 2D misfit Cobaltite Ca3Co4O9Ca_{3}Co_{4}O_{9}. Dc magnetoresistance measurements obey the modified variable range hopping law expected for a soft Coulomb gap. When the sample is cooled down, we observe large telegraphic-like fluctuations. At low temperature, these slow fluctuations have non Gaussian statistics, and are stable under a large magnetic field. These results suggest that the low temperature state is a glassy electronic state. Resistance relaxation and memory effects of pure magnetic origin are also observed, but without aging phenomena. This indicates that these magnetic effects are not glassy-like and are not directly coupled to the electronic part.Comment: accepted in Phys Rev B, Brief report