266 research outputs found

    A local homology theory for linearly compact modules

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    We introduce a local homology theory for linearly compact modules which is in some sense dual to the local cohomology theory of A. Grothendieck. Some basic properties such as the noetherianness, the vanishing and non-vanishing of local homology modules of linearly compact modules are proved. A duality theory between local homology and local cohomology modules of linearly compact modules is developed by using Matlis duality and Macdonald duality. As consequences of the duality theorem we obtain some generalizations of well-known results in the theory of local cohomology for semi-discrete linearly compact modules.Comment: 24 page

    Zadnji konfucijanci v Vietnamu iz sredine 20. stoletja: kulturna zgodovina Vietnamskega združenja tradicionalnih študij

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    The Vietnam Association of Traditional Studies (VATS) took the initiative in promoting Confucian cultural practices in South Vietnam from 1955–1975. The association strove towards collecting, researching, translating, interpreting and circulating classical Sinographic documents in order to preserve traditional East Asian culture in relation to up-to-date moral education and practical science. Unfortunately, there is a lack of research material related to the organization during the period after the two halves of Vietnam were reunited in 1975. Thus, the Association’s activities after 1975 cannot be discussed. To bridge the gap, this article is based on rare documents mostly collected by the author, describing the history and activities of this Confucian organization, including its establishment (1954), regulations, organizational structure, and membership. This article will also focus on the VATS’s Confucian cultural practices, such as (i) publishing as a way to promote Confucianism and traditional morality, (ii) Confucianism and Literary Sinitic education, (iii) public speeches, (iv) organizing the annual commemoration of Confucius’ birthday on September 28th, (v) and promoting international cooperation related to Confucianism. These activities demonstrate the organization’s attempt at popularizing Confucianism and making it compatible with ideas and practices introduced by modernization and Westernization in the middle of the twentieth century.Vietnamsko združenje tradicionalnih študij (VATS) je v obdobju 1955–1975 sprožilo pobudo za promocijo konfucijanskih kulturnih praks v Južnem Vietnamu. Združenje si je prizadevalo, da bi zbirali, raziskovali, prevajali, tolmačili in širili klasične sinografske dokumente z namenom ohranjanja tradicionalne vzhodnoazijske kulture, pomembne za posodobljeno moralno vzgojo in praktično znanost. Žal je raziskovalno gradivo o tej organizaciji za čas po ponovni združitvi obeh Vietnamov leta 1975 zelo pomanjkljivo. Tako o dejavnostih združenja po letu 1975 ni mogoče razpravljati. Da bi zapolnili vrzeli o tej temi, članek temelji na redkih dokumentih, ki jih je večinoma zbral avtor ter opisujejo zgodovino in dejavnosti konfucijske organizacije, vključno z njeno ustanovitvijo (1954), predpisi, organizacijsko strukturo in članstvom. Ta prispevek se osredotoča tudi na konfucijske kulturne prakse VATS, kot so (I) objave kot način spodbujanja konfucianizma in tradicionalne morale, (II) konfucianizem in literarno sinitsko izobraževanje, (III) javni govori, (IV) vsakoletno organiziranje spominjanja Konfucijevega rojstnega dne 28. septembra in (V) spodbujanje mednarodnega sodelovanja, povezanega s konfucianizmom. Te dejavnosti kažejo na poskus organiziranja popularizacije konfucianizma ter na njegovo združljivost z idejami in praksami, ki sta jih modernizacija in približevanje Zahodu uvedla sredi dvajsetega stoletja

    Text-independent writer identification using convolutional neural network

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    The text-independent approach to writer identification does not require the writer to write some predetermined text. Previous research on text-independent writer identification has been based on identifying writer-specific features designed by experts. However, in the last decade, deep learning methods have been successfully applied to learn features from data automatically. We propose here an end-to-end deep-learning method for text-independent writer identification that does not require prior identification of features. A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is trained initially to extract local features, which represent characteristics of individual handwriting in the whole character images and their sub-regions. Randomly sampled tuples of images from the training set are used to train the CNN and aggregate the extracted local features of images from the tuples to form global features. For every training epoch, the process of randomly sampling tuples is repeated, which is equivalent to a large number of training patterns being prepared for training the CNN for text-independent writer identification. We conducted experiments on the JEITA-HP database of offline handwritten Japanese character patterns. With 200 characters, our method achieved an accuracy of 99.97% to classify 100 writers. Even when using 50 characters for 100 writers or 100 characters for 400 writers, our method achieved accuracy levels of 92.80% or 93.82%, respectively. We conducted further experiments on the Firemaker and IAM databases of offline handwritten English text. Using only one page per writer to train, our method achieved over 91.81% accuracy to classify 900 writers. Overall, we achieved a better performance than the previously published best result based on handcrafted features and clustering algorithms, which demonstrates the effectiveness of our method for handwritten English text also

    A unified method for augmented incremental recognition of online handwritten Japanese and English text

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    We present a unifed method to augmented incremental recognition for online handwritten Japanese and English text, which is used for busy or on-the-fly recognition while writing, and lazy or delayed recognition after writing, without incurring long waiting times. It extends the local context for segmentation and recognition to a range of recent strokes called "segmentation scope" and "recognition scop", respectively. The recognition scope is inside of the segmentation scope. The augmented incremental recognition triggers recognition at every several recent strokes, updates the segmentation and recognition candidate lattice, and searches over the lattice for the best result incrementally. It also incorporates three techniques. The frst is to reuse the segmentation and recognition candidate lattice in the previous recognition scope for the current recognition scope. The second is to fx undecided segmentation points if they are stable between character/word patterns. The third is to skip recognition of partial candidate character/word patterns. The augmented incremental method includes the case of triggering recognition at every new stroke with the above-mentioned techniques. Experiments conducted on TUAT-Kondate and IAM online database show its superiority to batch recognition (recognizing text at one time) and pure incremental recognition (recognizing text at every input stroke) in processing time, waiting time, and recognition accuracy

    Evaluating the indistinguishability of the XTS mode in the proposed security model

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    In this paper, we consider the indistinguishability of XTS in some security models for both full final block and partial final block cases. Firstly, some evaluations of the indistinguishability up-to-block are presented. Then, we present a new security model in which the adversary can not control sector number, based on an ϵ\epsilon-collision resistant function. In this model, we give a bound of the distinguishing advantage that the adversary can get when attacks on XTS. The received results is an extension of \cite{6}

    Calculation of nonlinear vibrations of piecewise-linear systems using the shooting method

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    In this paper, an explicit formulation of the shooting scheme for computation of multiple periodic attractors of a harmonically excited oscillator which is asymmetric with both stiffness and viscous damping piecewise linearities is derived. The numerical simulation by the shooting method is compared with that by the incremental harmonic balance method (IHB method), which shows that the shooting method is in many respects distinctively advantageous over the incremental harmonic balance method

    Assessment of Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Released from Ninh Thuan 1 Nuclear Power Plant under Scenario of INES-level 7 Nuclear Accident

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    Based on guidance RG 1.109, RG 1.111 published by United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) our research concentrates on assessing radiation doses caused by radioactive substances released from the Ninh Thuan 1 nuclear power plant (NPP) to the environment under scenario of an INES-level 7 nuclear accident caused by two incidents: Station Black Out (SBO) and Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) using software RASCAL4.3 provided by the Emergency Operations Center of USNRC. The NPP Ninh Thuan 1 is assumed to use the VVER-1200 technology with a total power of 2400 MWe from two units. The input data for the model calculations is built based on the accident scenario, the technical parameters of VVER-1200 technology and the meteorology. In this work the meteorological data on dry and rainy seasons which are typical for the Ninh Thuan region was considered. The maximum dose distributions were calculated within 40 km from the NPP site. The distributions are strongly affected by meteorological conditions. In the rainy season the dose values near the plant are higher than those in the dry season due to deposition effect of the radioactive substances. The calculation results show that consequences of the accident are very serious. A total radioactivity of radiological equivalence 225,000 TBq to 131I released to the atmosphere. Within 20km the Total Effective Dose Equivalence (TEDE) values are very high, about several tens of times greater than the dose limit. It is requested to establish National Steering Board for Accident Response to direct the relevant authorities in response for the accident consequences and ensure for security in the area of NPP. The public communication, emergency preparedness plan, people evacuation must be implemented under the guidance of Circular 25/2014/TT-BKHC

    Poverty among ethnic minorities: transition process, inequality and economic growth

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    This paper investigates the process of reducing poverty in ethnic minority households. Using two recent Vietnam household surveys, we find that ethnic minority households are more likely to be persistently poor and less likely to be persistently non-poor than ethnic majority households. The within-group component generated by the variation in income within each ethnicity group explains more than 90 percent of the change in total inequality. Income redistribution plays an important role in decreasing the poverty gap and decreasing poverty severity. Different ethnic groups have different poverty patterns, which should be noted when designing policies to alleviate poverty and inequality