11 research outputs found


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    When Intervention Becomes Imperative: A Case Report of Spontaneous Vulvar Edema During Pregnancy

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    Spontaneous idiopathic vulvar edema during the second trimester is a rare condition. The approach to managing this condition involves relieving symptoms, identifying underlying causes, and implementing appropriate treatment. Managing such cases during pregnancy is challenging because of concerns for potential adverse fetal outcomes. Conservative management expects the condition to be relieved spontaneously postpartum, whereas invasive treatment offers a more rapid resolution. Treatment choices are controversial because each method has its pros and cons and influences the delivery process to a certain extent. Surgical drainage becomes a viable option when patients are not responsive to medications. We report a case of spontaneous massive vulvar edema in a 22-year-old primigravida in her 23rd week of pregnancy. After ruling out other notable causes of vulvar edema, we decided to intervene using an invasive procedure because she complained of progressive symptoms and discomfort. Subsequently, the edema subsided postprocedure, and the patient experienced successful labor with no complications. This report aims to alert clinicians that drainage attempts should be considered in pregnant patients with worsening symptoms

    Chapitre 27 - Développement des moyens de recherche institutionnelle pour des approches intégrées dans les pays en développement : un exemple tiré du Vietnam

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    Introduction L’architecture mondiale de la santé, les changements environnementaux, le développement économique rapide et d’autres changements planétaires sans précédent compliquent le développement présent et futur. C’est ce que démontre la Journée mondiale de l’eau des Nations unies (UNW, 2014), le thème « eau et énergie » et les politiques, programmes et outils de développement sont à la traîne de ces changements planétaires ..

    One health, une seule santé

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    One Health, « Une seule santé », est une stratégie mondiale visant à développer les collaborations interdisciplinaires pour la santé humaine, animale et environnementale. Elle promeut une approche intégrée, systémique et unifiée de la santé aux échelles locale, nationale et mondiale, afin de mieux affronter les maladies émergentes à risque pandémique, mais aussi s'adapter aux impacts environnementaux présents et futurs. Bien que ce mouvement s’étende, la littérature en français reste rare. Traduit de l’anglais, coordonné par d’éminents épidémiologistes et s'appuyant sur un large panel d' approches scientifiques rarement réunies autour de la santé, cet ouvrage retrace les origines du concept et présente un contenu pratique sur les outils méthodologiques, la collecte de données, les techniques de surveillance et les plans d’étude. Il combine recherche et pratique en un seul volume et constitue un ouvrage de référence unique pour la santé mondiale

    Bezkręgowce wodne i ich korelacja z parametrami środowiska na wybrzeżu prowincji Tien Giang, delta Mekongu w Wietnamie

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    The Tien Giang province is located in the tropical climate zone of the Mekong delta. The climate here is clearly divided into two main seasons, namely wet season and dry season and the average temperature is about 27°C. The coastline is 32 kilometers (20 mi) long with thousands of coastal warp, which is an advantage for aquatic breeding such as crab and sea-based economy development. Aquatic invertebrates are a diverse group of organisms that inhabit coastal area throughout the world, in regions spanning alpine, arid, Mediterranean, polar, temperate, and tropical climates. Estuarine coastal invertebrates include benthic, planktonic, and stygobitic taxa and range from widespread taxa to water quality assessment. Classified by size as either macroinvertebrates or smaller meiofauna, macroinvertebrates are more widely studied, although meiofauna can also be diverse and abundant in aquatic communities. The influence of environmental factors on the diversity of invertebrates was studied in the Tien Giang Coastal Area, Southern Vietnam. The study was done between March 2019 and September 2021, encompassing both dry and rainy seasons. Data from 10 sites were used as a representative example for the Tien Giang Coastal Area to conduct a qualitative study. To implement this evaluation, the analyses were based on MRC methods and classifications these improved by the scientific group. The biological and environmental variables were examined to test the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Pearson correlation among all the parameters using R statistical software. Significant or highly significant positive or negative correlations were assumed when the p-calculated value was < 0.05 or 0.01, respectively. The results of the assessment showed that 32 species of zooplankton and 18 species of benthic macroinvertebrates were found in the study area. The density of zooplankton at each site ranged from 6 to 85 individuals/sample, while the density of benthic macroinvertebrates at each site fluctuated from 4 to 15 individuals/sample. The calculated values for the diversity index (H’) of both zooplankton and benthic macroinvertebrates fluctuated at the average level (H’ ≈ 1.00 ÷ 1.72). The results also show that several environmental variables, including total suspended solid, chemical oxygen demand, and ammonium were correlated with species richness and density of aquatic invertebrates. The obtained results will be useful for the monitoring of pollution status at the study area in particular the sensitivity of aquatic invertebrates to changes of environmental characteristics.Prowincja Tien Giang położona jest w strefie klimatu zwrotnikowego delty Mekongu. Klimat jest tutaj wyraźnie podzielony na dwie główne pory roku, a mianowicie porę deszczową i porę suchą, a średnia temperatura wynosi około 27°C. Linia brzegowa ma 32 kilometry (20 mil) długości i bardzo urozmaiconą linię brzegową, co jest zaletą dla hodowli wodnych, takich jak kraby i rozwój gospodarki morskiej. Bezkręgowce wodne to zróżnicowana grupa organizmów zamieszkujących obszary przybrzeżne na całym świecie, w regionach obejmujących klimat alpejski, suchy, śródziemnomorski, polarny, umiarkowany i tropikalny. Bezkręgowce przybrzeżne ujść rzek obejmują taksony bentosowe, planktonowe i stygobitowe, od szeroko rozpowszechnionych taksonów do oceny jakości wody. Klasyfikowane według wielkości jako makrobezkręgowce lub mniejsza meiofauna, makrobezkręgowce są szerzej badane, chociaż meiofauna może być również różnorodna i obfita w społecznościach wodnych. Wpływ czynników środowiskowych na różnorodność bezkręgowców badano na obszarze przybrzeżnym Tien Giang w południowym Wietnamie. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone w okresie od marca 2019 do września 2021, obejmując zarówno porę suchą, jak i deszczową. Dane z 10 miejsc wykorzystano jako reprezentatywny przykład dla obszaru przybrzeżnego Tien Giang do przeprowadzenia badania jakościowego. Aby przeprowadzić tę ocenę, analizy oparto na metodach MRC i klasyfikacjach, które zostały udoskonalone przez grupę naukową realizującą badania. Badano zmienne biologiczne i środowiskowe w celu przetestowania analizy wariancji (ANOVA) i korelacji Pearsona R między wszystkimi parametrami przy użyciu oprogramowania statystycznego. Przyjęto znaczące lub bardzo istotne dodatnie lub ujemne korelacje, gdy obliczona wartość p wynosiła odpowiednio <0,05 lub 0,01. Wyniki oceny wykazały, że na badanym obszarze stwierdzono występowanie 32 gatunków zooplanktonu i 18 gatunków makrobezkręgowców bentosowych. Zagęszczenie zooplanktonu na każdym stanowisku wahało się od 6 do 85 osobników/próbę, podczas gdy zagęszczenie makrobezkręgowców bentosowych na każdym stanowisku wahało się od 4 do 15 osobników/próbę. Obliczone wartości wskaźnika różnorodności (H’) zarówno zooplanktonu, jak i makrobezkręgowców bentosowych oscylowały na średnim poziomie (H’ ≈ 1,00 ÷ 1,72). Wyniki pokazują również, że kilka zmiennych środowiskowych, w tym całkowita zawiesina, chemiczne zapotrzebowanie tlenu i amon, było skorelowanych z bogactwem gatunkowym i gęstością bezkręgowców wodnych. Uzyskane wyniki będą przydatne do monitorowania stanu zanieczyszczenia badanego obszaru, w szczególności wrażliwości bezkręgowców wodnych na zmiany cech środowiska

    A Review of Bifunctional Catalysts for Zinc-Air Batteries

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    Zinc&ndash;air batteries are promising candidates as stationary power sources because of their high specific energy density, high volumetric energy density, environmental friendliness, and low cost. The oxygen-related reactions at the air electrode are kinetically slow; thus, the air electrode integrated with an oxygen electrocatalyst is the most critical component, and inevitably determines the performance of a Zn&ndash;air battery. The aim of this paper was to document progress in researching bifunctional catalysts for Zn&ndash;air batteries. The catalysts are divided into several categories: noble metal, metal nanoparticle (single and bimetallic), multicomponent nanoparticle, metal chalcogenide, metal oxide, layered double hydroxide, and non-metal materials. Finally, the battery performance is compared and discussed

    Table1_Analytical validation and clinical utilization of K-4CARE™: a comprehensive genomic profiling assay with personalized MRD detection.XLSX

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    Background: Biomarker testing has gradually become standard of care in precision oncology to help physicians select optimal treatment for patients. Compared to single-gene or small gene panel testing, comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) has emerged as a more time- and tissue-efficient method. This study demonstrated in-depth analytical validation of K-4CARE, a CGP assay that integrates circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) tracking for residual cancer surveillance.Methods: The assay utilized a panel of 473 cancer-relevant genes with a total length of 1.7 Mb. Reference standards were used to evaluate limit of detection (LOD), concordance, sensitivity, specificity and precision of the assay to detect single nucleotide variants (SNVs), small insertion/deletions (Indels), gene amplification and fusion, microsatellite instability (MSI) and tumor mutational burden (TMB). The assay was then benchmarked against orthogonal methods using 155 clinical samples from 10 cancer types. In selected cancers, top tumor-derived somatic mutations, as ranked by our proprietary algorithm, were used to detect ctDNA in the plasma.Results: For detection of somatic SNVs and Indels, gene fusion and amplification, the assay had sensitivity of >99%, 94% and >99% respectively, and specificity of >99%. Detection of germline variants also achieved sensitivity and specificity of >99%. For TMB measurement, the correlation coefficient between whole-exome sequencing and our targeted panel was 97%. MSI analysis when benchmarked against polymerase chain reaction method showed sensitivity of 94% and specificity of >99%. The concordance between our assay and the TruSight Oncology 500 assay for detection of somatic variants, TMB and MSI measurement was 100%, 89%, and 98% respectively. When CGP-informed mutations were used to personalize ctDNA tracking, the detection rate of ctDNA in liquid biopsy was 79%, and clinical utility in cancer surveillance was demonstrated in 2 case studies.Conclusion: K-4CARE™ assay provides comprehensive and reliable genomic information that fulfills all guideline-based biomarker testing for both targeted therapy and immunotherapy. Integration of ctDNA tracking helps clinicians to further monitor treatment response and ultimately provide well-rounded care to cancer patients.</p

    Institutional research capacity development for integrated approaches in developing countries: An example from Vietnam

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    This chapter presents the Vietnamese experience on developing institutional capacity for integrated research in developing countries. The emergence of a research group in environmental health, which was rooted from a North-South partnership research programme in Switzerland, is described, discussing in detail how it developed and became integrated as a national institution, as well as its work in addressing local needs and informed policy

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition)

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