180 research outputs found


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    E-Learning and Teaching is a modern method of teaching and learning based on information technology. In particular, during the industrial revolution 4.0, information technology and digitization develop strongly and rapidly in all countries, which make the traditional teaching method lose the leading position in modern education. Because E-Learning and Teaching allows the maximum exploitation of its features and utility in online teaching and learning, reduces training costs, time and brings convenience for learners anytime and anywhere. Recognizing the importance of online teaching and learning trends in the industrial revolution 4.0, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education (HCMUTE) has applied and implemented the E-Learning and Teaching system on the basis of teaching management systems such as LMS/FHQLMS and Google Classroom. This article contributes to describing the current situation and difficulties in the implementation of E-Learning and Teaching, aiming to build an E-Learning and Teaching application on a large scale in HCMUTE in particular and Vietnam in general. Article visualizations

    ICTs: Tools for Universal Design for Instruction

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    L'accessibilité universelle en pédagogie : des avantages pour toutes et pour tous!

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    Disponible en anglais dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "Universal Design of Instruction : A Win-Win Situation!"La notion d’accessibilité universelle nous vient de l’architecture. Elle suppose qu’il est possible de concevoir des produits et des environnements accessibles à tous. C’est ce concept qui a par exemple conduit à concevoir des dépressions dans les trottoirs aux intersections. Ces dépressions facilitent la circulation des personnes qui se déplacent à l’aide d’un fauteuil roulant, mais sont aussi utiles aux personnes qui promènent un enfant dans une poussette où à celles qui transportent une charge à l’aide d’un diable. Cet article présente les neuf principes de l’accessibilité universelle en pédagogie ainsi que des exemples de manières de les appliquer. En adoptant cette approche, on fait en sorte que tous les étudiants puissent développer leur plein potentiel, et ce, même s’ils sont en situation de handicap

    Natural frequency analysis of cracked beam

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    The model of cracked one-dimensional structure has been treated as two uniform beams connected by an equivalent rotation spring at the crack location. The frequency equation in bending vibration of the system is obtained in general form for arbitrary boundary conditions at both ends used for analysing the natural frequencies as function of crack position and magnitude. This investigation allows to carry out general procedure for identification of position as well as magnitude of the crack by natural frequencies measured experimentally

    Universal Design of Instruction : A Win-Win Situation!

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    Disponible en français dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "L'accessibilité universelle en pédagogie : des avantages pour toutes et pour tous !"The concept of universal accessibility, which originated in the field of architecture, assumes it is possible to design products and environments that are accessible to everyone. It was this concept, for example, that led to the design of flush landings for sidewalks at intersections - a feature that helps, not only individuals who use a wheelchair, but also anyone pushing a baby stroller or transporting items on a dolly. This article introduces the nine principles of universal accessibility in education, as well as examples of how they can be implemented. By adopting this approach, we ensure that all students develop to their full potential, even if they are disabled

    Approaching Classical Japanese Haiku Poetry through the Perspective of Ink Painting Art and Application to Teaching Foreign Literature for Literature Pedagogy Students at Dong Thap University

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    Exploring the culture and literature of countries around the world is increasingly important in the current trend of international exchange and integration. Therefore, foreign literature disciplines, including Japanese literature, occupies an increasingly essential position in the curriculum of Dong Thap University. However, the perception and teaching of Japanese Haiku poems have long been challenged due to language barriers as well as cultural differences. In order for enhancing the quality of teaching Haiku poetry to Literature Pedagogy majors at Dong Thap University, the article presents a new approach towards classical Haiku poetry through the perspective of ink painting art (aka painting art). With the aim of observing the beauty of Japanese literature and culture, the study analyzes the causes and some specific manifestations of the similarities between Japanese ink painting art and classical Haiku poetry in terms of artistic methods. The root cause lies in the influence of Zen, as a cultural characteristic of the Japanese spirit, and the specific manifestations include the technique of empty spaces in ink painting art, and the empty poetic strategy in classical Haiku poetry, the features of the conception scenery and the moment characteristic in both Oriental art genres

    La théorie du comportement planifié prédit-elle la réussite et l'abandon scolaires chez les étudiants en situation de handicap?

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    Affiche présentée dans le cadre du Colloque de l'ARC, «La relève scientifique et la recherche collégiale : pratiques inspirantes au regard des chercheuses et chercheurs, et enjeux spécifiques à la formation des étudiantes et étudiants», dans le cadre du 84e Congrès de l'Acfas, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, le 10 mai 2016.À quel point la théorie du comportement planifié (TCP) et ses trois échelles (perception de contrôle sur le comportement, normes subjectives, attitude) peuvent-elles prédire qui terminera ou abandonnera ses études? C’est la question que nous nous posons dans le cadre de notre étude longitudinale. Nous avons communiqué avec les étudiants collégiens et universitaires qui ont participé à l’une de nos études il y a quatre ans afin de leur poser des questions sur leur situation scolaire et leur situation d'emploi. L’échantillon final est de 252 Canadiens en situation de handicap (moyenne d’âge de 32 ans). Les résultats montrent que la TCP a visé juste pour 74 % de nos participants : 77 % ont été correctement identifiés comme des diplômés, mais seulement 63 % ont été correctement identifiés comme des personnes qui ont quitté leur programme d’études. En testant différents seuils statistiques, nous avons amélioré le taux de prédiction du deuxième groupe à 75 %, au détriment de celui des diplômés, dont le taux est tombé à 60 %. En conclusion, les résultats montrent la pertinence de la TCP et soulignent le fait que les diplômés ne forment pas l’exact contraire de ceux qui quittent leur programme d’études. Il faut donc analyser ces deux groupes séparément. Les implications de l’utilisation de différents seuils d’échelle selon l’objectif ciblé ainsi que des échelles de la TCP en recherche et en pratique seront discutées

    Consequences of infertility in developing countries: results of a questionnaire and interview survey in the South of Vietnam

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    BACKGROUND: This study explores the psychological, socio-cultural and economic consequences of infertility on couples' life. The purpose of this research is to improve knowledge about the potentially serious implications of infertility in the South of Vietnam. METHODS: This study included 118 infertile couples who filled in questionnaires and 28 men and women who were interviewed. RESULTS: Data of the questionnaire show men and women do not differ in their responses and attitudes towards infertility. Almost one-third of the participants require psychological support. Interviewees experience secrecy, social pressure and economic hardship. CONCLUSION: Offspring are very important to Vietnamese couples. Their future depends on children. Family plays an important role in the experiences of the infertile couple. Economic consequences are a particular distressing factor. There is a need for psychological counselling in the treatment of infertile couples in the South of Vietnam. It should be realised that in developing countries, despite overpopulation, unwanted childlessness is an important social and economical burden that needs attention

    Kognitivne perspektive, inovativnost i konkurentska prednost stratega: empirijska studija u Vijetnamu

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    The main aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between strategists’ intuitive and analytical thinking, innovation, and corporate competitive advantage. This study not only proposes the new model to the academic world but also provides the empirical investigation on the direct and indirect effect of a strategist’s analytic reasoning perspective and strategist’s generative reasoning perspective on innovation and competitive advantage as well as the mediating role of innovation between the strategist’s cognitive perspective of reasoning and corporate competitive advantage. This study conducted questionnaires of 382 samples in state-owned companies, FDI, and private companies in Vietnam. Structure equation modelling was applied through smart PLS to analyse the valid data. The results provide substantial evidence of significant relationships between strategists’ cognitive perspectives of reasoning, innovation, and competitive advantage in the context of State own, FDI, and private companies in Vietnam. Besides, the findings also show that there are non-relationships in the direct effect between product innovation and competitive advantage and between marketing innovation and competitive advantage. Moreover, the research results imply various managerial implications regarding how organizations successfully increase their competitive advantage by increasing their leader’s cognition in management.Glavni cilj ove studije je istražiti odnos između intuitivnog i analitičkog razmišljanja stratega, inovativnosti i konkurentske prednosti poduzeća. Ova studija ne samo da predlaže novi model akademskom svijetu, već također pruža empirijsko istraživanje izravnog i neizravnog učinka analitičke perspektive razmišljanja stratega i perspektive generativnog razmišljanja stratega o inovacijama i konkurentskoj prednosti, kao i o posredničkoj ulozi inovacije između kognitivne perspektive razmišljanja stratega i konkurentske prednosti poduzeća. Ovim istraživanjem provedena je anketa s 382 uzoraka u državnim tvrtkama, izravnim stranim ulaganjima i privatnim tvrtkama u Vijetnamu. Modeliranje strukturnih jednadžbi primijenjeno je putem pametnog PLS-a za analizu valjanih podataka. Rezultati pružaju bitne dokaze o značajnim odnosima između kognitivnih perspektiva razmišljanja, inovativnosti i konkurentske prednosti stratega u kontekstu državnih poduzeća, izravnih stranih ulaganja i privatnih tvrtki u Vijetnamu. Osim toga, nalazi također upućuju na ne postojanje veze s izravnom učinkom ni između inovacije proizvoda i konkurentske prednosti niti između marketinške inovacije i konkurentske prednosti. Štoviše, rezultati istraživanja upućuju na različite menadžerske implikacije o tome kako organizacije uspješno povećavaju svoju konkurentsku prednost povećanjem kognitivnih sposobnosti svog lidera u upravljanju

    Synthesis and application of Fe3O4/GO/PVP composite material for methylene blue adsorption

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    In this study, Fe3O4/GO/PVP (FGP) was successfully synthesized and efficiently applied for absorbing methylene blue. First, GO was synthesized by Hummer’s method from waste home-batteries. The chemical co-precipitation method was used to fabricate Fe3O4/GO from a mixture solution of GO, Fe3+, Fe2+. Polyvinylpyrrolidone PVP was selected to functionalize Fe3O4/GO and form Fe3O4/GO/PVP for improving dispersibility purpose in aqueous solution. The obtained Fe3O4/GO/PVP was characterized by XRD, FT-IR, BET, FE-SEM, UV-Vis techniques. Moreover, the effecting factors as pH, time adsorption, initial concentration of methylene blue were conducted. Adsorption isotherm models were also identified. The results showed that specific surface area of FGP-3 was 70.0 m2.g-1, the Freundlich isotherm model was suitable and the Dubinin - Radushkevich isotherm model showed that the process was physical adsorption. The maximum capacity (qmax) was 30.4 mg.g-1. These findings prove Fe3O4/GO/PVP as an inexpensive and efficient adsorbent for removal of cationic dyes
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