592 research outputs found

    The Impact of Noninterest Income on the Performance of Vietnamese Commercial Banks

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    This paper uses the generalized method of moments (GMM) to analyze the impact of noninterest income on the performance of 28 Vietnamese commercial banks in the period from 2010 to 2018. GMM modeling uses techniques to deal with endogeneity, variance, and autocorrelation in the research model. This study provides evidence of nonlinear links between noninterest income and the profitability of bank. The regression shows an inverse relationship between noninterest income and the performance of Vietnamese commercial banks. Many studies have found that the development of noncredit services by U.S. banks and the banks of some developing countries increase bank income and significantly improve performance. This difference between banks in Vietnam and banks elsewhere stems from differences in the income structure of the Vietnamese banking system and those of developed countries in which noninterest income accounts for a high proportion of income, even surpassing net interest income. Banks can maximize the benefit of traditional noninterest income when they increase the proportion of noninterest income, especially when net interest income is lower than gross income. Noninterest income can significantly improve profitability. The larger the size of a bank’s assets, the more likely it is to increase revenue and profit, expand its assets, and use capital more efficiently than small banks. At the same time, the faster the growth of a bank’s assets, the more stable is its profit growth. The more liquid banks are, the more profitable credit institutions are, even as credit risk increases. Credit risk is adjusted to reduce the profit of a bank. The ratio of  equity to total assets increases, reducing dependence on funding flows and enabling banks to become more profitable. This trend in modern banking seems to be suitable only for banking operations in developed economies . In developing countries that still face many challenges, anxieties require banks to strengthen their urgent solutions promptly in order to increase their competitiveness in the marketplace

    Management current land use of perennial industrial crops by NDVI index: A case study in Chu Se District, Gia Lai Province, Vietnam: Research article

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    Remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) - an effective tool for managing naturalresources, is quite common application in establishing thematic maps. However, the application of this modern technology in natural resource management has not yet been popular in Vietnam, particularly mapping the land use/cover. Currently, land use/cover map is constructed as traditional methods and gets limitations of management counting due to time-consuming for mapping andsynthesis the status of land use/cover. Hence, information on the map is often outdated and inaccurate.The main objective of this study is to upgrade the accuracies in mapping current perennialcrops in Chu Se District, Gia Lai Province in Vietnam by interpreted NDVI index (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) from Landsat 8-OLI (Operational Land Imager). The results of studyis satisfied the urgent of practical requirement and scientific research. There are 3 types of perennial industrial plants in the study area including rubber, coffee, and pepper, in which most coffee isgrown, with an area of over 10,000 hectares. The results also show that integration of remote sensing and GIS technology enables to map current management and distribution of perennial industrialplants timely and accurately. This application is fully consistent with the trend of the world, and in accordance with regulations of established land use/cover map, and the process could be appliedat other districts /towns or in higher administrative units.Viễn thám và hệ thông tin địa lý (GIS) là công cụ hữu hiệu để quản lý tài nguyên thiên nhiên, được ứng dụng khá phổ biến để thành lập các loại bản đồ. Tuy nhiên, việc áp dụng công nghệ hiện đại này trong lĩnh vực quản lý tài nguyên thiên nhiên ở Việt Nam chưa phổ biến, nhất là công tác xây dựng bản đồ hiện trạng sử dụng/độ phủ đất. Việc xây dựng bản đồ hiện trạng hiện nay vẫn theo phương pháp truyền thống, thường gặp nhiều hạn chế do thời gian tổng hợp và xây dựng bản đồ hiện trạng kéo dài, dẫn đến thông tin trên bản đồ bị lạc hậu và không chính xác. Mục tiêu chính của nghiên cứu này là nâng cao độ chính xác kết quả giải đoán ảnh viễn thám Landsat 8 bằng chỉ số NDVI (chỉ số khác biệt thực vật) để thành lập bản đồ hiện trạng sử dụng đất cây công nghiệp lâu năm ở huyện Chư Sê, tỉnh Gia Lai, Việt Nam. Từ đó quản lý hiện trạng sử dụng loại đất này phù hợp yêu cầu cấp bách thực tiễn sản xuất và nghiên cứu khoa học. Kết quả của nghiên cứu cho thấy có 3 loại hình cây công nghiệp trên địa bàn nghiên cứu gồm cây cao su, cà phê và hồ tiêu, trong đó cây cà phê được trồng nhiều nhất, với diện tích hơn 10.000 ha. Nghiên cứu cũng cho thấy, tích hợp công nghệ viễn thám và GIS cho phép quản lý hiện trạng và phân bố cây công nghiệp trong không gian một cách hiệu quả và nhanh chóng. Ứng dụng này hoàn toàn phù hợp với xu hướng của thế giới, đồng thời theo đúng quy định thành lập bản đồ hiện trạng sử dụng đất, và quy trình này có thể thực hiện được ở cấp huyện/thị xã hoặc đơn vị hành chính cấp cao hơn


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    The noteworthy proliferation of English language applications, exemplified by advancements such as the Elsa Speak Application, specifically designed for the pedagogical aspects of English instruction, underscores this trend. This study seeks to scrutinize the benefits and difficulties that non-specialized students in the High-quality program at Can Tho University (CTU) have when they learn English pronunciation through the Elsa Speak Application. To conduct this examination, semi-structured interviews were undertaken with 10 participants. The findings reveal that these participants encountered specific advantages and challenges in effectively navigating and utilizing the application. In response to these identified challenges, a set of recommendations has been proffered to enhance the effectiveness of the Elsa Speak Application, with the overarching goal of optimizing English language learning outcomes for students enrolled in the High-quality program at CTU. This research contributes valuable insights into the nuanced experiences and challenges associated with the integration of AI-driven language learning tools within the educational landscape of Industry 4.0.  Article visualizations

    Understanding Interaction Capacity of CO2 with Organic Compounds at Molecular Level: A Theoretical Approach

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    In this chapter, interactions of CO2 with a number of organic compounds at molecular level are discussed in detail. The naked and substituted hydrocarbons along with compounds functionalized by hydroxyl, carbonyl, thiocarbonyl, carboxyl, sulfonyl, and amide groups have attracted much attention as CO2-philic agents. In general, interaction capacity between the functionalized organic compounds with CO2 is stronger than the hydrocarbon and its derivatives. An addition of more CO2 molecules into the interaction system formed by the functionalized organic compounds and CO2 leads to an increase in the stability of the complexes. The obtained results indicate that π…π linkages between CO2 and aromatic rings can significantly contribute to the interactions between CO2 and MOF/ZIF materials. Formic acid (HCOOH) is likely to be the most soluble compound as compared to the remaining host molecules (CH3OH, CH3NH2, HCHO, HCOOCH3, and CH3COCH3) when dissolved in CO2. The carbonyl (>C═O, >C═S) and sulfonyl (>S═O, >S═S) compounds have presented a higher stability, as compared to other functionalized groups, when they interact with CO2. Therefore, they can be valuable candidates in the design of CO2-philic materials and in the search of materials to adsorb CO2

    The Organizational Culture Strategy SMEs During Economic Crises

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    The importance of organizational culture in the operation and performance of businesses has been widely acknowledged, but there is inconsistency in findings about the impact of culture on organizational performance across studies. This study aimed to achieve two objectives: first, to establish the relationship between the quality of accounting information systems (AIS), organizational culture, and the financial performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam; and second, to survey the organizational culture strategy of Vietnamese SMEs in the context of economic crises. The study survey was conducted in May 2023 and involved 242 SMEs in Vietnam. The research model was tested using Smart PLS. The results suggest that AIS has a positive relationship with both organizational culture and the financial performance of SMEs. However, organizational culture only affects financial performance related to organizational adaptability during a crisis. Moreover, a flexible, external adaptation, and balanced cultural approach strategy has a significant impact on the financial performance of SMEs. During a crisis, managers expect employees to adapt in order to achieve strategic goals and plans while simultaneously balancing stability, engagement, and employee satisfaction to achieve organizational effectiveness. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-06-015 Full Text: PD