377 research outputs found
Nonlinear Control of an Active Magnetic Bearing with Output Constraint
In this paper, an appropriate control strategy is proposed to handle the nonlinear dynamics ofan active magnetic bearing (AMB). The goal of the control design is to drive the AMB rotor to the origin with improved transient response. In order to achieve this task, back stepping control technique with a barrier Lyapunov function are employed to keep the tracking error trajectory inside a predefined zone to avoid possible mechanical contact between rotor and stator. Besides, a speed observer is also used since information about rotor speed is not always available. The stability of the closed-loop system is proven. The effectiveness of the proposed control strategy is verified by numerical simulations
Trends in, projections of, and inequalities in reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health service coverage in Vietnam 2000-2030 : a Bayesian analysis at national and sub-national levels
Background: To assess the reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) service coverage in Vietnam with trends in 2000−2014, projections and probability of achieving targets in 2030 at national and sub-national levels; and to analyze the socioeconomic, regional and urban-rural inequalities in RMNCH service indicators. Methods: We used national population-based datasets of 44,624 households in Vietnam from 2000 to 2014. We applied Bayesian regression models to estimate the trends in and projections of RMNCH indicators and the probabilities of achieving the 2030 targets. Using the relative index, slope index, and concentration index of inequality, we examined the patterns and trends in RMNCH coverage inequality. Findings: We projected that 9 out of 17 health service indicators (53%) would likely achieve the 2030 targets at the national level, including at least one and four ANC visits, BCG immunization, access to improved water and adequate sanitation, institutional delivery, skilled birth attendance, care-seeking for pneumonia, and ARI treatment. We observed very low coverages and zero chance of achieving the 2030 targets at national and sub-national levels in early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding, family planning needs satisfied, and oral rehydration therapy. The most deprived households living in rural areas and the Northwest, Northeast, North Central, Central Highlands, and Mekong River Delta regions would not reach the 80% immunization coverage of DPT3, Polio3, Measles and full immunization. We found socioeconomic, regional, and urban-rural inequalities in all RMNCH indicators in 2014 and no change in inequalities over 15 years in the lowest-coverage indicators. Interpretation: Vietnam has made substantial progress toward UHC. By improving the government's health system reform efforts, re-allocating resources focusing on people in the most impoverished rural regions, and restructuring and enhancing current health programs, Vietnam can achieve the UHC targets and other health-related SDGs. Funding: The authors did not receive any funds for conducting this study. © 2021 The Author(s
Adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy among people living with HIV and associated high-risk behaviours and clinical characteristics: A cross-sectional survey in Vietnam
Although Vietnam has promoted the utilisation of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) towards HIV elimination targets, adherence to treatment has remained under-investigated. We aimed to describe high-risk behaviours and clinical characteristics by adherence status and to identify the factors associated with non-adherence. We included 426 people living with HIV (PLWH) currently or previously involved in HAART. Most participants were men (75.4%), young (33.6 years), with low income and low education levels. Non-adherent PLWH (11.5%) were more likely to have a larger number of sex partners (p-value = 0.053), sex without condom use (p-value = 0.007) and not receive result at hospital or voluntary test centre (p-value = 0.001). Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that demographic (education levels), sexual risk behaviours (multiple sex partners and sex without using condom) and clinical characteristics (time and facility at first time received HIV-positive result) were associated with HAART non-adherence. There are differences in associated factors between women (education levels and place of HIV testing) and men (multiple sex partners). Gender-specific programs, changing risky behaviours and reducing harms among PLWH may benefit adherence. We highlight the need to improve the quantity and quality of HIV/AIDS services in Vietnam, especially in pre- and post-test counselling, to achieve better HAART adherence, working towards ending AIDS in 2030. © The Author(s) 2021. **Please note that there are multiple authors for this article therefore only the name of the first 5 including Federation University Australia affiliate “Huy Nguyen” is provided in this record*
Factors associated with high-risk behaviors of people newly diagnosed with HIV/AIDS : results from a cross-sectional study in Vietnam
Towards the elimination of this global epidemic, understanding the high-risk behaviors of people newly diagnosed with HIV/AIDS (PNDWH) is essential. This study aimed to describe the general characteristics and high-risk behaviors of PNDWH and identify associated factors for adopting high-risk behaviors. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in Vietnam to explore the high-risk behaviors of 506 PNDWH. Associated factors were identified using multivariable logistic regressions. 83.2% of participants had sex without using a condom, and 27.9% had more than two sex partners. Among injected drug users, 44% had shared needles with an average number of 2.1 shared partners. Male, Kinh ethnicity (Vietnamese), high income, and high educational level were risk factors for high-risk behaviors. Our findings revealed the first time a comprehensive picture of PNDWH and emphasized the high prevalence of STIs, including untreated STIs and the long delay since the early HIV diagnosis. Also, our model found much higher risk behaviors among participants who were non-adherent to ART and those currently enrolled in ART. By better managing newly-diagnosed cases, better integrating STI management services and prevention consultants, as well as improving ART adherence programs, Vietnam can make better progress towards the complete control of HIV for its most vulnerable populations. © 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
The validation of organisational culture assessment instrument in healthcare setting : results from a cross-sectional study in Vietnam
Background: Organisational culture (OC) has increasingly become a crucial factor in defining healthcare practice and management. However, there has been little research validating and adapting OCAI (organisational culture assessment instrument) to assess OC in healthcare settings in developing countries, including Vietnam. The purpose of this study is to validate the OCAI in a hospital setting using key psychometric tests and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. Self-administered structured questionnaire was completed by 566 health professionals from a Vietnamese national general hospital, the General Hospital of Quang Nam province. The psychometric tests and CFA were utilized to detect internal reliability and construct validity of the instrument. Results: The Cronbach's alpha coefficients (α-reliability statistic) ranged from 0.6 to 0.8. In current culture, the coefficient was 0.80 for clan and 0.60 for adhocracy, hierarchy and market dimension, while in expected culture, the coefficient for clan, adhocracy, hierarchy, and market dimension was 0.70, 0.70, 0.70 and 0.60, respectively. The CFA indicated that most factor loading coefficients were of moderate values ranging from 0.30 to 0.60 in both current and expected culture model. These models are of marginal good fit. Conclusions: The study findings suggest that the OCAI be of fairly good reliability and construct validity in measuring four types of organisational culture in healthcare setting in resource-constrained countries such as Vietnam. This result is a first step towards developing a valid Vietnamese version of the OCAI which can also provide a strong case for future research in the field of measuring and managing organisational culture. © 2020 The Author(s). **Please note that there are multiple authors for this article therefore only the name of the first 5 including Federation University Australia affiliate “Nguyen Huy” is provided in this record*
Efektivní algoritmy pro problémy se sociálním vlivem u velkých sítí
In recent years, the dizzying explosion of data and information results from social networks with millions to billions of users, such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Users can use online social networks (OSNs) to quickly trade information, communicate with other users, and keep their information up-to-date. The challenge of spreading information on social networks that arises in practice requires effective information management solutions, such as disseminating useful information, maximizing the influence of information transmission, and preventing disinformation, rumors, and viruses from being disseminated. Motivated by the above issues, we investigate the problem of information diffusion on OSNs. We study this problem based on two models, Independent Cascade (IC) and Linear Threshold (LT), and classical Influence Maximization (IM) in online social networks. In addition, we investigate various aspects of IM problems, such as budget variations, topics of interest, multiple competitors, and others. Moreover, we also investigate and apply the theory of combinatorial optimization problems to solve one of the current concerns in social networks, maximizing the influence on the groups and topics in social networks.
In general, the main goals of the Ph.D thesis proposal are as follows.
1. We investigate the Multi-Threshold problem for IM, which is a variant of the IM problem with threshold constraints. We propose an efficient algorithm that IM for multiple thresholds in the social network. In particular, we develop a novel algorithmic framework that can use the solution to a smaller threshold to find that of larger ones.
2. We study the Group Influence Maximization problem and introduce an efficient group influence maximization algorithm with more advantages than each node’s influence in networks, using a novel sampling technique to estimate the epsilon group function. We also devised an approximation algorithm to estimate multiple candidate solutions with theoretical guarantee.
3. We investigate an approach for Influence Maximization problem with k-topic under constraints in social network. More specifically, we also study a streaming algorithm that combines an optimization algorithm to improve the approximation algorithm and theoretical guarantee in terms of solution quality and running time.V posledních letech je závratná exploze dat a informací výsledkem sociálních sítí s miliony až miliardami uživatelů, jako jsou Facebook, YouTube, Twitter a LinkedIn. Uživatelé mohou využívat online sociální sítě (OSNs) k rychlému obchodování s informacemi, komunikaci s ostatními uživateli a udržování jejich informací v aktuálním stavu. Výzva šíření informací na sociálních sítích, která se v praxi objevuje, vyžaduje efektivní řešení správy informací, jako je šíření užitečných informací, maximalizace vlivu přenosu informací a zabránění šíření dezinformací, fám a virů. Motivováni výše uvedenými problémy zkoumáme problém šíření informací na OSN. Tento problém studujeme na základě dvou modelů, Independent Cascade (IC) a Linear Threshold (LT) a klasické Influence Maximization (IM) v online sociálních sítích. Kromě toho zkoumáme různé aspekty problémů s rychlým zasíláním zpráv, jako jsou změny rozpočtu, témata zájmu, více konkurentů a další. Kromě toho také zkoumáme a aplikujeme teorii kombinatorických optimalizačních problémů k vyřešení jednoho ze současných problémů v sociálních sítích, maximalizujeme vliv na skupiny a témata v sociálních sítích.
Obecně lze říci, že hlavní cíle Ph.D. návrh diplomové práce je následující.
1. Zkoumáme problém Multi-Threshold pro IM, což je varianta problému IM s prahovými omezeními. Navrhujeme účinný algoritmus, který IM pro více prahů v sociální síti. Zejména vyvíjíme nový algoritmický rámec, který může použít řešení pro menší práh k nalezení prahu většího.
2. Studujeme problém maximalizace vlivu skupiny a zavádíme účinný algoritmus maxima- lizace vlivu skupiny s více výhodami, než je vliv každého uzlu v sítích, pomocí nové vzorkovací techniky k odhadu funkce skupiny epsilon. Navrhujeme také aproximační algoritmus pro odhad více kandidátních řešení s teoretickou zárukou.
3. Zkoumáme přístup pro maximalizaci vlivu s k-téma pod omezeními v rozsáhlé síti. Konkrétněji budeme studovat novou metriku, která kombinuje optimalizační algoritmus pro zlepšení aproximačního algoritmu z hlediska kvality řešení a doby běhu na základě kliky a komunity v komplexních sítích.460 - Katedra informatikyvyhově
Translation, validation and psychometric properties of Effort-Reward Imbalance questionnaire among nurses in Vietnam
We translated the Effort-Reward imbalance questionnaire, an instrument for measuring work stress, into the Vietnamese language and investigated its psychometric properties among nurses in Vietnam. In a hospital-based cross-sectional study design, we sampled and interviewed 207 nurses working full-time (response rate 83%). We evaluated the internal consistency using standardized Cronbach's alpha coefficients and structural validity using confirmatory factor analysis. Discriminative validity was assessed by comparing the measured scores between age groups, gender, education levels, income groups, and job positions. In addition, we confirmed the criterion validity by investigating its association with self-reported health using simple and multiple logistic regression models. Most of the participants were female (73.3%), young (average 28.5 years old), and had education levels of college or higher (53.5%). We observed sufficient internal consistency in effort, reward, and over-commitment scales (Cronbach's alpha 0.80, 0.76, and 0.68, respectively). Confirmatory factor analysis of the three-factor hierarchical model showed an acceptable fit and fair construct validity with most moderate or stronger (>0.3) factor loading coefficients. Poor self-rated health was more likely in respondents in both Effort-Reward ratio's middle tertile (adjusted Odd-Ratio = 2.80, p-value = 0.031) and highest tertile (adjusted Odd-Ratio = 2.64, p-value = 0.05), adjusting for age, gender, and education levels. The Effort-reward imbalance scale has adequate reliability and validity for assessing work stress among nurses in Vietnam. Its significant association with poor self-rated health warrants further investigation. The validated instrument can help measure the effort-reward imbalance to manage better work-related emotional strains and mental health issues among nurses and ensure human resources' stability in healthcare in Vietnam. © 202
Trends in, projections of, and inequalities in non-communicable disease management indicators in Vietnam 2010–2030 and progress toward universal health coverage : a Bayesian analysis at national and sub-national levels
Background: Movement towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC) can improve health services, risk factor management, and inequality in non-communicable diseases (NCD); conversely, prioritizing and monitoring NCD management can support pathways to UHC in resource-limited settings. We aimed to estimate trends in NCD management indicators in Vietnam from 2010, and projections to 2030 at national and sub-national levels; compute the probability of reaching UHC targets; and measure inequalities in NCD management indicators at demographic, geographic, and socio-economic levels. Methods: We included data of 37,595 households from four nationally representative surveys from 2010. We selected and estimated the coverage of NCD health service and risk management indicators nationally and by six sub-national groups. Using Bayesian models, we provided trends and projections and calculated the probability of reaching UHC targets of 80% coverage by 2030. We estimated multiple inequality indices including the relative index of inequality, slope index of inequality, and concentration index of inequality, and provided an assessment of improvement in inequalities over the study period. Findings: Nationally, all indicators showed a low probability of achieving 2030 targets except sufficient use of fruit and vegetables (SUFV) and non-use of tobacco (NUT). We observed declining trends in national coverage of non-harmful use of alcohol (NHUA), sufficient physical activity (SPA), non-overweight (NOW), and treatment of diabetes (TOD). Except for SPA, no indicator showed the likelihood of achieving 2030 targets at any regional level. Our model suggested a non-achievement of 2030 targets for all indicators in any wealth quintile and educational level, except for SUFV and NUT. There were diversities in tendency and magnitude of inequalities with widening gaps between genders (SPA, TOD), ethnic groups (SUFV), urban-rural areas (TOH), wealth quintiles, and educational levels (TOD, NUT, NHUA). Interpretation: Our study suggested slow progress in NCD management at the national level and among key sub-populations in Vietnam, together with existing and increasing inequalities between genders, ethnicities, geographic areas, and socioeconomic groups. We emphasised the necessity of continuously improving the healthcare system and facilities, distributing resources between geographic areas, and simultaneously integrating economic, education, and gender intervention and programs. Funding: None. © 2022 The Author(s
A systematic review of effort-reward imbalance among health workers
The purpose of this article is to systematically collate effort-reward imbalance (ERI) rates among health workers internationally and to assess gender differences. The effort-reward (ER) ratio ranges quite widely from 0.47 up to 1.32 and the ERI rate from 3.5% to 80.7%. Many studies suggested that health workers contribute more than they are rewarded, especially in Japan, Vietnam, Greece, and Germany—with ERI rates of 57.1%, 32.3%, 80.7%, and 22.8% to 27.6%, respectively. Institutions can utilize systems such as the new appraisal and reward system, which is based on performance rather than the traditional system, seniority, which creates a more competitive working climate and generates insecurity. Additionally, an increased workload and short stay patients are realities for workers in a health care environment, while the structure of human resources for health care remains inadequate. Gender differences within the ER ratio can be explained by the continued impact of traditional gender roles on attitudes and motivations that place more pressure to succeed for men rather than for women. This systematic review provides some valued evidence for public health strategies to improve the ER balance among health workers in general as well as between genders in particular. An innovative approach for managing human resources for health care is necessary to motivate and value contributions made by health workers. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
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